[freeside-commits] freeside/bin cdr-vitelity.import,NONE,

Mark Wells mark at wavetail.420.am
Mon Mar 21 20:33:01 PDT 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/bin
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv9331/bin

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_2_1_BRANCH
Log Message:
Vitelity API CDR import, #11037

--- NEW FILE: cdr-vitelity.import ---


cdr-vitelity.import [ -v ] [ -k ] [ -r ]
                    [ -s date ] [ -e date ]
                    [ exportnum ]

Download CDRs using the Vitelity API.

-v: Be verbose.

-k: Keep the .csv file for debugging purposes, instead of deleting it.

-r: Reset the CDR counter before fetching.  This will download previously 
imported CDRs.

-s date: Import only records on or after 'date'.  If not specified, the 
script will import the entire history (if -r is specified) or everything 
since the last import (if not).  Note that the API request doesn't have any 
limits, so the entire data file will be downloaded regardless, but parsing 
and importing the records is considerably slower than downloading them.

-e date: Import only records before 'date'.  See above.

username: a Freeside user

exportnum: Run only for that export.  If not specified, this will run for 
all Vitelity exports.


use strict;
use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup dbh);
use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch);
use FS::cdr;
use FS::part_export;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Temp;
use Date::Format 'time2str';
use Date::Parse 'str2time';

my %opt;
getopts('vrkas:e:', \%opt);

my $user = shift or die &usage;
my $exportnum = shift;
my $dbh = adminsuidsetup $user;
local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;

my @part_exports;
if ( $exportnum ) {
  @part_exports = ( qsearchs('part_export', { 'exportnum' => $exportnum }) )
    or die "exportnum $exportnum not found\n";
else {
  @part_exports = qsearch('part_export', { 'exporttype' => 'vitelity' })
    or die "no Vitelity exports found\n";

foreach my $export (@part_exports) {
  my $exportnum = $export->exportnum;
  print "Processing exportnum $exportnum.\n" if $opt{'v'};
    or die "exportnum $exportnum is not a Vitelity export\n";

  if ( $opt{'r'} ) {
    my $result = $export->vitelity_command('resetcdrlist');
    if ( $result ne 'ok' ) {
      die "Failed to reset CDR list: $result\n";

  my $dir = $FS::UID::cache_dir . "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
  my $temp = new File::Temp ( TEMPLATE => 'download.XXXXXXXX',
                              SUFFIX   => '.csv',
                              DIR      => $dir,
                              UNLINK   => !$opt{'k'} )
    or die "can't open temporary file to store download: $!\n";
  print "Downloading to ".$temp->filename."\n" if $opt{'v'};

  print "Sending API request..." if $opt{'v'};
  my @records = eval { $export->vitelity_command('cdrlist') };
  if ( $@ ) {
    print "download error: $@\n";
  print "received ".scalar(@records)." records\n" if $opt{'v'};
  if ( !@records ) {
    print "No records to process.\n" if $opt{'v'};

  print $temp "Date,Source,Destination,Seconds,CallerID,Disposition,Cost\n";

  my $regex = qr/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/;
  my $start = $opt{'s'} ? str2time($opt{'s'}) : '';
  my $s = time2str('%Y-%m-%d', $start) if $start;
  my $end = $opt{'e'} ? str2time($opt{'e'}) : '';
  my $e = time2str('%Y-%m-%d', $end) if $end;
  my $count = 0;
  while (my $rec = shift @records) {
    my $date = substr($rec, 0, 10);
    next if ($start and $s gt $date);
    next if ($end and $e le $date);
    print $temp $rec, "\n";
  close $temp;
  print "Selected $count records in date range." if $opt{'v'} and ($s or $e);

  my $format = 'vitelity';
  my $batchname = "vitelity-$exportnum-".time2str('%Y/%m/%d-%T',time);

  print "Importing batch..." if $opt{'v'};
  my $error = FS::cdr::batch_import( {
    'file'            => $temp->filename,
    'format'          => $format,
    'batch_namevalue' => $batchname,
  } );

  if ( $error ) {
    print "error: $error";
print "done.\n";

sub usage {
cdr-vitelity.import [ -v ] [ -k ] [ -r ]
                    [ -s date ] [ -e date ]
                    [ exportnum ]

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