[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/browse cust_main_county.cgi, 1.30,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sat Jan 29 22:33:43 PST 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv30555/browse

Modified Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_2_1_BRANCH
Log Message:
improve tax edit UI: add more counties & remove individual counties, RT#11144

Index: cust_main_county.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse/cust_main_county.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.30
retrieving revision
diff -u -w -d -r1.30 -r1.30.4.1
--- cust_main_county.cgi	5 Nov 2009 00:04:29 -0000	1.30
+++ cust_main_county.cgi	30 Jan 2011 06:33:41 -0000
@@ -52,12 +52,14 @@
   if ( $cs_oldrow ne $row ) {
     if ( $cs_oldrow ) {
       if ( $cs_oldrow->country ne $row->country ) {
-        $cell_style = 'border-top:1px solid #000000';
+        $cell_style = 'border-top:2px solid #000000';
       } elsif ( $cs_oldrow->state ne $row->state ) {
-        $cell_style = 'border-top:1px solid #cccccc'; #default?
+        #$cell_style = 'border-top:1px solid #cccccc'; #default?
+        $cell_style = 'border-top:1px solid #bbbbbb';
       } elsif ( $cs_oldrow->state eq $row->state ) {
         #$cell_style = 'border-top:dashed 1px dark gray';
-        $cell_style = 'border-top:1px dashed #cccccc';
+        #$cell_style = 'border-top:1px dashed #cccccc';
+        $cell_style = '';
     $cs_oldrow = $row;
@@ -105,13 +107,42 @@
+sub add_link {
+  my %param = @_;
+  #if ( $ex_oldrow eq $param{'row'} ) {
+  #  return '';
+  #} else {
+  #  $ex_oldrow = $param{'row'};
+  #}
+  my %below = ( 'county' => 'city',
+                'state'  => 'county',
+              );
+  my $what = $below{ $param{'col' } };
+  my $taxnum = $param{'row'}->taxnum;
+  my $url = "${p}edit/cust_main_county-add.cgi?taxnum=$taxnum;what=$what";
+  '<FONT SIZE="-1">'.
+    include( '/elements/popup_link.html',
+               'label'       => $param{'label'},
+               'action'      => $url,
+               'actionlabel' => $param{'desc'},
+               'height'      => 420,
+               #default# 'width'  => 540,
+               #default# 'color' => '#333399',
+           ).
+  '</FONT>';
 sub collapse_link {
   my %param = @_;
   my $row = $param{'row'};
   my $col = $param{'col'};
   return ''
-    if $col eq 'county' and $row->city
+    if $col eq 'state' and $row->city
                             || qsearch({
                                  'table'   => 'cust_main_county',
                                  'hashref' => {
@@ -122,20 +153,39 @@
                                  'order_by' => 'LIMIT 1',
-  my %above = ( 'city'   => 'county',
-                'county' => 'state',
+  my %below = ( 'county' => 'city',
+                'state'  => 'county',
   #XXX can still show the link when you have some counties broken down into
   #cities and others not :/
   my $taxnum = $param{'row'}->taxnum;
-  my $url = "${p}edit/process/cust_main_county-collapse.cgi?$taxnum";
-  $url = "javascript:collapse_areyousure('$url', '$col', '$above{$col}')";
+  my $url = "${p}edit/process/cust_main_county-collapse.cgi?taxnum=$taxnum;".
+              'country='. uri_escape($cgi->param('country')). ';'.
+              'state='.   uri_escape($cgi->param('state')).   ';'.
+              'county='.  uri_escape($cgi->param('county'));
+  $url = "javascript:collapse_areyousure('$url', '$below{$col}', '$col')";
   qq(<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="$url">$param{'label'}</A></FONT>);
+sub remove_link {
+  my %param = @_;
+  my $row = $param{'row'};
+  my $col = $param{'col'};
+  my $taxnum = $param{'row'}->taxnum;
+  my $url = "${p}edit/process/cust_main_county-remove.cgi?taxnum=$taxnum;".
+              'country='. uri_escape($cgi->param('country')). ';'.
+              'state='.   uri_escape($cgi->param('state')).   ';'.
+              'county='.  uri_escape($cgi->param('county'));
+  $url = "javascript:remove_areyousure('$url', '$col')";
+  qq(<FONT SIZE="-1"><A HREF="$url">$param{'label'}</A></FONT>);
 sub separate_taxclasses_link {
   my( $row ) = @_;
@@ -165,11 +215,11 @@
      if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove all ' + col + ' tax rates for this ' + above + '?') == true)
        window.location.href = href;
+    function remove_areyousure(href,col) {
+     if (confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this ' + col + '?') == true)
+       window.location.href = href;
+    }
-  Click on <u>add states</u> to specify a country's tax rates by state or province.
-  <BR>Click on <u>add counties</u> to specify a state's tax rates by county, or <u>remove counties</u> to remove per-county tax rates.
-  <BR>Click on <u>add cities</u> to specify a county's tax rates by city, or <u>remove cities</u> to remove per-city tax rates.
 $html_init .= "<BR>Click on <u>separate taxclasses</u> to specify taxes per taxclass."
@@ -397,41 +447,68 @@
 my @link_onclicks = ( '', '', '', '', );
 my $align = 'llll';
+my %seen_country = ();
+my %seen_state = ();
 my @fields = (
   sub { my $country = shift->country;
-        code2country($country). " ($country)";
+        return '' if $seen_country{$country}++;
+        code2country($country). "&nbsp;($country)";
-  sub { state_label($_[0]->state, $_[0]->country).
+  sub { my $label = $seen_state{$_[0]->country}->{$_[0]->state}++
+                      ? '' : state_label($_[0]->state, $_[0]->country);
+        my $countylinks = ( $_[0]->county && $label )
+                             ? '&nbsp;'. add_link(
+                                 desc => 'Add more counties',
+                                 col  => 'state',
+                                 label=> 'add&nbsp;more&nbsp;counties',
+                                 row  => $_[0],
+                                 cgi  => $cgi,
+                               ).
+                               ' '. collapse_link(
+                                 col  => 'state',
+                                 label=> 'remove&nbsp;all&nbsp;counties',
+                                 row  => $_[0],
+                                 cgi  => $cgi,
+                               )
+                             : '';
+        my $addlink = 
         ( $_[0]->state
             ? ''
-            : '&nbsp'. expand_link( desc  => 'Add States',
+              : '&nbsp;'. expand_link( desc  => 'Add States',
                                     row   => $_[0],
                                     label => 'add&nbsp;states',
+                                       cgi  => $cgi,
-        )
+          );
+        $label.$countylinks.$addlink;
   sub { $_[0]->county
-          ? $_[0]->county. '&nbsp'.
-              collapse_link( col  => 'county',
-                             label=> 'remove&nbsp;counties',
+          ? $_[0]->county. '&nbsp;'.
+              remove_link(   col  => 'county',
+                             label=> 'remove&nbsp;county',
                              row  => $_[0],
+                             cgi  => $cgi,
-          : '(all)&nbsp'.
+          : '(all)&nbsp;'.
               expand_link(   desc  => 'Add Counties',
                              row   => $_[0],
                              label => 'add&nbsp;counties',
+                             cgi  => $cgi,
   sub { $_[0]->city
-          ? $_[0]->city. '&nbsp'.
-              collapse_link( col  => 'city',
+          ? $_[0]->city. '&nbsp;'.
+              collapse_link( col  => 'county',
                              label=> 'remove&nbsp;cities',
                              row  => $_[0],
+                             cgi  => $cgi,
-          : '(all)&nbsp'.
+          : '(all)&nbsp;'.
               expand_link(   desc  => 'Add Cities',
                              row   => $_[0],
                              label => 'add&nbsp;cities',
+                             cgi  => $cgi,
@@ -446,7 +523,7 @@
 if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses') ) {
   push @header, qq!Tax class (<A HREF="${p}edit/part_pkg_taxclass.html">add new</A>)!;
   push @header2, '(per-package classification)';
-  push @fields, sub { $_[0]->taxclass || '(all)&nbsp'.
+  push @fields, sub { $_[0]->taxclass || '(all)&nbsp;'.
                        separate_taxclasses_link($_[0], 'Separate Taxclasses').

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