[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_export vitelity.pm,1.6,1.7

Erik Levinson levinse at wavetail.420.am
Tue Jan 11 07:49:14 PST 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_export
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv19028/FS/FS/part_export

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Vitelity DID selection improvements, RT4868

Index: vitelity.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_export/vitelity.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -w -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- vitelity.pm	11 Jan 2011 02:03:44 -0000	1.6
+++ vitelity.pm	11 Jan 2011 15:49:11 -0000	1.7
@@ -43,15 +43,29 @@
   my %opt = ref($_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
   if ( $opt{'tollfree'} ) {
-      # XXX: no caching for now
-      # XXX: limit option
     my $command = 'listtollfree';
     $command = 'listdids' if $self->option('fax');
     my @tollfree = $self->vitelity_command($command);
     my @ret = ();
-    if (scalar(@tollfree)) {
+    return [] if ( $tollfree[0] eq 'noneavailable' || $tollfree[0] eq 'none');
+    foreach my $did ( @tollfree ) {
+	$did =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/ or die "unparsable did $did\n";
+	push @ret, $did;
+    }
+    my @sorted_ret = sort @ret;
+    return \@sorted_ret;
+  } elsif ( $opt{'ratecenter'} && $opt{'state'} ) { 
+    my %flushopts = ( 'state' => $opt{'state'}, 
+		    'ratecenter' => $opt{'ratecenter'},
+		    'exportnum' => $self->exportnum
+		  );
+    FS::phone_avail::flush( \%flushopts );
 	local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
 	local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
 	local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
@@ -65,33 +79,39 @@
 	my $errmsg = 'WARNING: error populating phone availability cache: ';
-	foreach my $did ( @tollfree ) {
+    my $command = 'listlocal';
+    $command = 'listdids' if $self->option('fax');
+    my @dids = $self->vitelity_command( $command,
+                                        'state'      => $opt{'state'},
+                                        'ratecenter' => $opt{'ratecenter'},
+                                      );
+    # XXX: Options: type=unlimited OR type=pri
+    next if ( $dids[0] eq 'unavailable'  || $dids[0] eq 'noneavailable' );
+    die "missingdata error running Vitelity API" if $dids[0] eq 'missingdata';
+    foreach my $did ( @dids ) {
 	    $did =~ /^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/ or die "unparsable did $did\n";
 	    my($npa, $nxx, $station) = ($1, $2, $3);
-	    push @ret, $did;
 	    my $phone_avail = new FS::phone_avail {
 	      'exportnum'   => $self->exportnum,
 	      'countrycode' => '1', # vitelity is US/CA only now
+          'state'       => $opt{'state'},
 	      'npa'         => $npa,
 	      'nxx'         => $nxx,
 	      'station'     => $station,
+          'name'        => $opt{'ratecenter'},
-	    $error = $phone_avail->insert();
+      my $error = $phone_avail->insert();
 	    if ( $error ) {
 	      $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
 	      die $errmsg.$error;
-        }
-	$dbh->commit or warn $errmsg.$dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
-    my @sorted_ret = sort @ret;
-    return \@sorted_ret;
-  } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} && $opt{'exchange'} ) { #return numbers in format NPA-NXX-XXXX
+    $dbh->commit or warn $errmsg.$dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
     return [
       map { join('-', $_->npa, $_->nxx, $_->station ) }
@@ -99,35 +119,30 @@
             'table'    => 'phone_avail',
             'hashref'  => { 'exportnum'   => $self->exportnum,
                             'countrycode' => '1', # vitelity is US/CA only now
-                            'npa'         => $opt{'areacode'},
-                            'nxx'         => $opt{'exchange'},
+                            'name'         => $opt{'ratecenter'},
+			    'state'	  => $opt{'state'},
-            'order_by' => 'ORDER BY station',
+            'order_by' => 'ORDER BY npa, nxx, station',
-  } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} ) { #return exchanges in format NPA-NXX- literal 'XXXX'
+  } elsif ( $opt{'areacode'} ) { 
-    # you can't call $->name .... that returns "(unlinked)"
-    # and in any case this is still major abuse of encapsulation, it just happens to work for the other fields
-    @rc = map { $_->{'Hash'}->{name}.' ('. $_->npa. '-'. $_->nxx. '-XXXX)' } 
+    my @rc = map { $_->{'Hash'}->{name}.", ".$_->state } 
-            'select'   => 'DISTINCT npa,nxx,name',
+            'select'   => 'DISTINCT name, state',
             'table'    => 'phone_avail',
             'hashref'  => { 'exportnum'   => $self->exportnum,
                             'countrycode' => '1', # vitelity is US/CA only now
                             'npa'         => $opt{'areacode'},
-            'order_by' => 'ORDER BY nxx',
-    @sorted_rc = sort @rc;
+    my @sorted_rc = sort @rc;
     return [ @sorted_rc ];
   } elsif ( $opt{'state'} ) { #and not other things, then return areacode
-    #XXX need to flush the cache at some point :/
     my @avail = qsearch({
       'select'   => 'DISTINCT npa',
       'table'    => 'phone_avail',
@@ -200,7 +215,7 @@
           'name'        => $ratecenter,
-        $error = $phone_avail->insert();
+        my $error = $phone_avail->insert();
         if ( $error ) {
           $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
           die $errmsg.$error;
@@ -213,8 +228,6 @@
     $dbh->commit or warn $errmsg.$dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
     my @return = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %npa;
-    #@return = sort { (split(' ', $a))[0] <=> (split(' ', $b))[0] } @return;
     return \@return;
   } else {
@@ -246,14 +259,14 @@
   #we want to provision and catch errors now, not queue
-  %vparams = ( 'did' => $svc_phone->phonenum );
+  my %vparams = ( 'did' => $svc_phone->phonenum );
   $vparams{'routesip'} = $self->option('routesip') 
     if defined $self->option('routesip');
   $vparams{'type'} = $self->option('type') 
     if defined $self->option('type');
-  $command = 'getlocaldid';
-  $success = 'success';
+  my $command = 'getlocaldid';
+  my $success = 'success';
   # this is OK as Vitelity for now is US/CA only; it's not a hack
   $command = 'gettollfree' if $vparams{'did'} =~ /^800|^888|^877|^866|^855/;

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