[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/Misc Geo.pm,NONE,1.1
Mark Wells
mark at wavetail.420.am
Fri Dec 30 14:11:00 PST 2011
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Mason.pm, 1.87, 1.88 Schema.pm, 1.347, 1.348 cust_main.pm, 1.598, 1.599 h_cust_main.pm, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/bin freeside-censustract-update, NONE, 1.1
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Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/Misc
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv13889/FS/FS/Misc
Added Files:
Log Message:
track/update census codes by year, #15381
--- NEW FILE: Geo.pm ---
package FS::Misc::Geo;
use strict;
use base qw( Exporter );
use vars qw( $DEBUG @EXPORT_OK );
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw( GET POST );
use HTML::TokeParser;
use Data::Dumper;
$DEBUG = 1;
@EXPORT_OK = qw( get_censustract );
=head1 NAME
FS::Misc::Geo - routines to fetch geographic information
=over 4
=item censustract LOCATION YEAR
Given a location hash (see L<FS::location_Mixin>) and a census map year,
returns a census tract code (consisting of state, county, and tract
codes) or an error message.
sub get_censustract {
my $location = shift;
my $year = shift;
warn Dumper($location, $year) if $DEBUG;
my $url='http://www.ffiec.gov/Geocode/default.aspx';
my $return = {};
my $error = '';
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $res = $ua->request( GET( $url ) );
warn $res->as_string
if $DEBUG > 1;
unless ($res->code eq '200') {
$error = $res->message;
} else {
my $content = $res->content;
my $p = new HTML::TokeParser \$content;
my $viewstate;
my $eventvalidation;
while (my $token = $p->get_tag('input') ) {
if ($token->[1]->{name} eq '__VIEWSTATE') {
$viewstate = $token->[1]->{value};
if ($token->[1]->{name} eq '__EVENTVALIDATION') {
$eventvalidation = $token->[1]->{value};
last if $viewstate && $eventvalidation;
unless ($viewstate && $eventvalidation ) {
$error = "either no __VIEWSTATE or __EVENTVALIDATION found";
} else {
my($zip5, $zip4) = split('-',$location->{zip});
$year ||= '2011';
#ugh workaround a mess at ffiec
$year = " $year" if $year ne '2011';
my @ffiec_args = (
__VIEWSTATE => $viewstate,
__EVENTVALIDATION => $eventvalidation,
ddlbYear => $year,
ddlbYear => '2011', #' 2009',
txtAddress => $location->{address1},
txtCity => $location->{city},
ddlbState => $location->{state},
txtZipCode => $zip5,
btnSearch => 'Search',
warn join("\n", @ffiec_args )
if $DEBUG;
push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
$res = $ua->request( POST( $url, \@ffiec_args ) );
warn $res->as_string
if $DEBUG > 1;
unless ($res->code eq '200') {
$error = $res->message;
} else {
my @id = qw( MSACode StateCode CountyCode TractCode );
$content = $res->content;
warn $res->content if $DEBUG > 1;
$p = new HTML::TokeParser \$content;
my $prefix = 'UcGeoResult11_lb';
my $compare =
sub { my $t=shift; scalar( grep { lc($t) eq lc("$prefix$_")} @id ) };
while (my $token = $p->get_tag('span') ) {
next unless ( $token->[1]->{id} && &$compare( $token->[1]->{id} ) );
$token->[1]->{id} =~ /^$prefix(\w+)$/;
$return->{lc($1)} = $p->get_trimmed_text("/span");
$error = "No census tract found" unless $return->{tractcode};
$return->{tractcode} .= ' '
unless $error || $JSON::VERSION >= 2; #broken JSON 1 workaround
} #unless ($res->code eq '200')
} #unless ($viewstate)
} #unless ($res->code eq '200')
return "FFIEC Geocoding error: $error" if $error;
$return->{'statecode'} . $return->{'countycode'} . $return->{'tractcode'};
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Mason.pm, 1.87, 1.88 Schema.pm, 1.347, 1.348 cust_main.pm, 1.598, 1.599 h_cust_main.pm, NONE, 1.1
- Next message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/bin freeside-censustract-update, NONE, 1.1
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