[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/bin freeside-cdrrated,NONE,1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Fri Dec 30 02:16:42 PST 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/bin
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv16160/FS/bin

Added Files:
Log Message:
Rate CDRs immediately, RT#15839

--- NEW FILE: freeside-cdrrated ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use FS::Daemon ':all'; #daemonize1 drop_root daemonize2 myexit logfile sig*
use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup );
use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
use FS::cdr;
use FS::svc_phone;
use FS::part_pkg;

my $user = shift or die &usage;




logfile( "%%%FREESIDE_LOG%%%/cdrrated-log.". $FS::UID::datasrc );


our $conf = new FS::Conf;

die "not running; cdr-prerate conf option is off\n"
  unless _shouldrun();


my $extra_sql = '';
my @cdrtypenums = $conf->config('cdr-prerate-cdrtypenums');
if ( @cdrtypenums ) {
  $extra_sql .= ' AND cdrtypenum IN ('. join(',', @cdrtypenums ). ')';

our %svcnum = ();
our %pkgpart = ();
our %part_pkg = ();

#some false laziness w/freeside-cdrrewrited

while (1) {

  my $found = 0;
  foreach my $cdr (
    qsearch( {
      'table'     => 'cdr',
      'hashref'   => { 'freesidestatus' => '' },
      'extra_sql' => $extra_sql.
                     ' LIMIT 1024'. #arbitrary, but don't eat too much memory
                     ' FOR UPDATE',
    } )

  ) {

    $found = 1;

    #find the matching service - some weird false laziness w/svc_phone::get_cdrs

    #in charged_party or src
    #hmm... edge case; get_cdrs rating will match a src if a charged_party is
    # present #but doesn't match a service...
    my $number = $cdr->charged_party || $cdr->src;

    #technically default_prefix. phonenum or phonenum (or default_prefix without the + . phonenum)
    #but for now we're just assuming default_prefix is +1
    my $prefix = '+1'; #$options{'default_prefix'};

    $number = substr($number, length($prefix))
      if $prefix eq substr($number, 0, length($prefix));
    if ( $prefix && $prefix =~ /^\+(\d+)$/ ) {
      $prefix = $1;
      $number = substr($number, length($prefix))
        if $prefix eq substr($number, 0, length($prefix));

    unless ( $svcnum{$number} ) {
      #only phone number matching supported right now
      my $svc_phone = qsearchs('svc_phone', { 'phonenum' => $number } );
      unless ( $svc_phone ) {
        #XXX set freesideratestatus or something so we don't keep retrying?

      $svcnum{$number} = $svc_phone->svcnum;

      my $cust_pkg = $svc_phone->cust_svc->cust_pkg;
      unless ( $cust_pkg ) {
        #XXX unlinked svc_phone?
        # warn and also set freesideratestatus or somesuch?

      #get the package, search through the part_pkg and linked for a voip_cdr def w/matching cdrtypenum (or no use_cdrtypenum)
      my @part_pkg =
        grep { $_->plan eq 'voip_cdr'
                 && ( ! length($_->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum'))
                      || $_->option_cacheable('use_cdrtypenum')
                           eq $cdr->cdrtypenum #eq otherwise 0 matches ''
                 && ( ! length($_->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum'))
                      || $_->option_cacheable('ignore_cdrtypenum')
                           ne $cdr->cdrtypenum #ne otherwise 0 matches ''


      if ( ! @part_pkg ) {
        #XXX no package for this CDR
        # warn and also set freesideratestatus or somesuch?
        #  or at least warn
      } elsif ( scalar(@part_pkg) > 1 ) {
        warn "multiple package could rate CDR ". $cdr->acctid. "\n";
        # and also set freesideratestatus or somesuch?

      $pkgpart{$number} = $part_pkg[0]->pkgpart;
      $part_pkg{ $part_pkg[0]->pkgpart } ||= $part_pkg[0];


    #unless ( $part_pkg{$pkgpart{$number}} ) {

    #XXX if $part_pkg->option('min_included') then we can't prerate this CDR
    my $error = $cdr->rate(
      'part_pkg' => $part_pkg{ $pkgpart{$number} },
      'svcnum'   => $svcnum{ $number },
    if ( $error ) {
      #XXX ???
      warn $error;
      sleep 30;

    last if sigterm() || sigint();


  myexit() if sigterm() || sigint();
  sleep 5 unless $found;



sub _shouldrun {

sub usage { 
  die "Usage:\n\n  freeside-cdrrewrited user\n";

=head1 NAME

freeside-cdrrated - Real-time daemon for CDR rating




Runs continuously, searches for CDRs and which can be pre-rated, and rates them.

=head1 SEE ALSO

cdr-prerate configuration setting



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