[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg voip_cdr.pm, 1.131, 1.132 voip_tiered.pm, 1.2, 1.3

Mark Wells mark at wavetail.420.am
Mon Dec 19 14:51:26 PST 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv11305/FS/FS/part_pkg

Modified Files:
	voip_cdr.pm voip_tiered.pm 
Log Message:
CDR summary format for tiered packages, #15535

Index: voip_cdr.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg/voip_cdr.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.131
retrieving revision 1.132
diff -u -w -d -r1.131 -r1.132
--- voip_cdr.pm	16 Dec 2011 22:06:28 -0000	1.131
+++ voip_cdr.pm	19 Dec 2011 22:51:24 -0000	1.132
@@ -850,37 +850,8 @@
     else { #$self->sum_usage
-      my $count = scalar(@invoice_details_sort);
-      if ( $count > 0 ) {
-        my $sum_detail = {
-          amount    => 0,
-          format    => 'C',
-          classnum  => '', #XXX
-          duration  => 0,
-          phonenum  => $svc_x->phonenum,
-          accountcode => '', #XXX
-          startdate => '', #XXX
-          regionnam => '',
-        };
-        # combine the entire set of CDRs
-        foreach ( @invoice_details_sort ) {
-          $sum_detail->{amount} += $_->[0]{amount};
-          $sum_detail->{duration} += $_->[0]{duration};
+        push @$details, $self->sum_detail($svc_x, \@invoice_details_sort);
-        my $total_cdr = FS::cdr->new({
-            'billsec' => $sum_detail->{duration},
-            'src'     => $sum_detail->{phonenum},
-        });
-        $sum_detail->{detail} = $total_cdr->downstream_csv(
-          format    => $output_format,
-          seconds   => $sum_detail->{duration},
-          charge    => sprintf('%.2f',$sum_detail->{amount}),
-          phonenum  => $sum_detail->{phonenum},
-          count     => $count,
-        );
-        push @$details, $sum_detail;
-      } # if $count > 0
-    } #if $self->sum_usage
   } # $cust_svc
   unshift @$details, { format => 'C',
@@ -888,33 +859,6 @@
     if @$details && $rating_method ne 'upstream';
-#  if ( $spool_cdr && length($downstream_cdr) ) {
-#    use FS::UID qw(datasrc);
-#    my $dir = '/usr/local/etc/freeside/export.'. datasrc. '/cdr';
-#    mkdir $dir, 0700 unless -d $dir;
-#    $dir .= '/'. $cust_pkg->custnum.
-#    mkdir $dir, 0700 unless -d $dir;
-#    my $filename = time2str("$dir/CDR%Y%m%d-spool.CSV", time); #XXX invoice date instead?  would require changing the order things are generated in cust_main::bill insert cust_bill first - with transactions it could be done though
-#    push @{ $param->{'precommit_hooks'} },
-#         sub {
-#               #lock the downstream spool file and append the records 
-#               use Fcntl qw(:flock);
-#               use IO::File;
-#               my $spool = new IO::File ">>$filename"
-#                 or die "can't open $filename: $!\n";
-#               flock( $spool, LOCK_EX)
-#                 or die "can't lock $filename: $!\n";
-#               seek($spool, 0, 2)
-#                 or die "can't seek to end of $filename: $!\n";
-#               print $spool $downstream_cdr;
-#               flock( $spool, LOCK_UN );
-#               close $spool;
-#             };
-#  } #if ( $spool_cdr && length($downstream_cdr) )
@@ -1050,6 +994,41 @@
   $self->option('output_format') =~ /^sum_/;
+sub sum_detail {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $svc_x = shift;
+  my $invoice_details = shift || [];
+  my $count = scalar(@$invoice_details);
+  return () if !$count;
+  my $sum_detail = {
+    amount    => 0,
+    format    => 'C',
+    classnum  => '', #XXX
+    duration  => 0,
+    phonenum  => $svc_x->phonenum,
+    accountcode => '', #XXX
+    startdate => '', #XXX
+    regionnam => '',
+  };
+  # combine the entire set of CDRs
+  foreach ( @$invoice_details ) {
+    $sum_detail->{amount} += $_->[0]{amount};
+    $sum_detail->{duration} += $_->[0]{duration};
+  }
+  my $total_cdr = FS::cdr->new({
+      'billsec' => $sum_detail->{duration},
+      'src'     => $sum_detail->{phonenum},
+    });
+  $sum_detail->{detail} = $total_cdr->downstream_csv(
+    format    => $self->option('output_format'),
+    seconds   => $sum_detail->{duration},
+    charge    => sprintf('%.2f',$sum_detail->{amount}),
+    phonenum  => $sum_detail->{phonenum},
+    count     => $count,
+  );
+  return $sum_detail;
 # and whether cust_bill should show a detail line for the service label 
 # (separate from usage details)
 sub hide_svc_detail {

Index: voip_tiered.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg/voip_tiered.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -w -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- voip_tiered.pm	18 Nov 2011 00:09:50 -0000	1.2
+++ voip_tiered.pm	19 Dec 2011 22:51:24 -0000	1.3
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
         if ( $charge > 0 ) {
           $charges += $charge;
-          my $detail = 
+          my $detail = $self->sum_usage ? '' :
             $cdr->downstream_csv( 'format'  => $output_format,
                                   'charge'  => $charge,
                                   'seconds' => ($use_duration ? 
@@ -267,12 +267,23 @@
     } # $pass
+    if ( $self->sum_usage ) {
+      # then summarize all accumulated details within this svc_x
+      # and then flush them
+      push @$details, $self->sum_detail($svc_x, \@invoice_details_sort);
+      @invoice_details_sort = ();
+    }
   } # $cust_svc
-  my @sorted_invoice_details = sort { ${$a}[1] <=> ${$b}[1] } @invoice_details_sort;
+  if ( !$self->sum_usage ) {
+    #sort them
+    my @sorted_invoice_details = 
+      sort { ${$a}[1] <=> ${$b}[1] } @invoice_details_sort;
   foreach my $sorted_call_detail ( @sorted_invoice_details ) {
       push @$details, ${$sorted_call_detail}[0];
+  }
   unshift @$details, { format => 'C',
                        detail => FS::cdr::invoice_header($output_format),

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