[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements tr-tower_sector.html, NONE, tower_sector.html, NONE, tr-select-tower_sector.html, NONE, select-tower_sector.html, NONE,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Fri Dec 9 16:37:06 PST 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv5092/httemplate/elements

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_2_3_BRANCH
	tr-tower_sector.html tower_sector.html 
	tr-select-tower_sector.html select-tower_sector.html 
Log Message:
tower tracking, RT#15538

--- NEW FILE: tr-tower_sector.html ---
%   unless ( $opt{'js_only'} ) {

      <% include('tr-td-label.html', %opt) %>
        <TD <% $cell_style %>>

%   }
            <% include( '/elements/sector.html', %opt ) %>
%   unless ( $opt{'js_only'} ) {


%   }

my( %opt ) = @_;

my $cell_style = $opt{'cell_style'} ? 'STYLE="'. $opt{'cell_style'}. '"' : '';

$opt{'label'} ||= 'Sector';


--- NEW FILE: tower_sector.html ---
% unless ( $opt{'js_only'} ) {

  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<%$name%>" ID="<%$id%>" VALUE="<% $curr_value %>">

%     foreach my $field ( @fields ) {

          <INPUT TYPE  = "text"
                 NAME  = "<%$name%>_<%$field%>"
                 ID    = "<%$id%>_<%$field%>"
                 SIZE  = "<% $size{$field} || 15 %>"
                 VALUE = "<% scalar($cgi->param($name."_$field"))
                             || $tower_sector->get($field) |h %>"
                 <% $onchange %>
          <FONT SIZE="-1"><% $label{$field} %></FONT>
%     }

% }

my( %opt ) = @_;

my $name = $opt{'element_name'} || $opt{'field'} || 'sectornum';
my $id = $opt{'id'} || 'sectornum';

my $curr_value = $opt{'curr_value'} || $opt{'value'};

my $onchange = '';
if ( $opt{'onchange'} ) {
  $onchange = $opt{'onchange'};
  $onchange .= '(this)' unless $onchange =~ /\(\w*\);?$/;
  $onchange =~ s/\(what\);/\(this\);/g; #ugh, terrible hack.  all onchange
                                        #callbacks should act the same
  $onchange = 'onChange="'. $onchange. '"';

my $tower_sector;
if ( $curr_value ) {
  $tower_sector = qsearchs('tower_sector', { 'sectornum' => $curr_value } );
} else {
  $tower_sector = new FS::tower_sector {};

my %size = ( 'title' => 12 );

tie my %label, 'Tie::IxHash',
  'sectorname' => 'Name',
  'ip_addr'    => 'IP Address',

my @fields = keys %label;


--- NEW FILE: tr-select-tower_sector.html ---
<% include('tr-td-label.html', label => emt('Tower sector'), %opt ) %>
  <TD <% $style %>>
  <% include( '/elements/select-tower_sector.html', %opt ) %>

my( %opt ) = @_;
my $style = $opt{'cell_style'} ? 'STYLE="'. $opt{'cell_style'}. '"' : '';


--- NEW FILE: select-tower_sector.html ---
<& /elements/select-table.html,
    table       => 'tower_sector',
    name_col    => 'description',
    order_by    => 'ORDER BY towernum,sectorname',
    empty_label => ' ',

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