[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg bulk_simple.pm, NONE, bulk_Common.pm, NONE, bulk.pm, 1.13,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Thu Aug 11 14:37:55 PDT 2011

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv9068

Modified Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_2_3_BRANCH
Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_2_3_BRANCH
	bulk_simple.pm bulk_Common.pm 
Log Message:
add a bulk_simple price plan that behaves more intuitively for intial invoices, RT#14015

Index: bulk.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg/bulk.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision
diff -u -w -d -r1.13 -r1.13.2.1
--- bulk.pm	12 Feb 2011 04:56:56 -0000	1.13
+++ bulk.pm	11 Aug 2011 21:37:53 -0000
@@ -1,146 +1,64 @@
 package FS::part_pkg::bulk;
+use base qw( FS::part_pkg::bulk_Common );
 use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $DEBUG $me %info);
+use vars qw($DEBUG $me %info);
 use Date::Format;
-use FS::part_pkg::flat;
+use List::Util qw( max );
 use FS::Conf;
- at ISA = qw(FS::part_pkg::flat);
 $DEBUG = 0;
 $me = '[FS::part_pkg::bulk]';
 %info = (
-  'name' => 'Bulk billing based on number of active services',
-  'inherit_fields' => [ 'global_Mixin' ],
+  'name' => 'Bulk billing based on number of active services (during billing period)',
+  'inherit_fields' => [ 'bulk_Common', 'global_Mixin' ],
   'fields' => {
-    'svc_setup_fee' => { 'name'    => 'Setup fee for each new service',
-                         'default' => 0,
-                       },
-    'svc_recur_fee' => { 'name'    => 'Recurring fee for each service',
-                         'default' => 0,
-                       },
-    'summarize_svcs'=> { 'name' => 'Show a count of services on the invoice, '.
-                                   'instead of a detailed list',
-                         'type' => 'checkbox',
-                       },
     'no_prorate'    => { 'name' => 'Don\'t prorate recurring fees on services '.
                                    'active for a partial month',
                          'type' => 'checkbox',
-  'fieldorder' => [ 'svc_setup_fee', 'svc_recur_fee',
-                    'summarize_svcs', 'no_prorate' ],
-  'weight' => 50,
+  'fieldorder' => [ 'no_prorate' ],
+  'weight' => 51,
-sub price_info {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $str = $self->SUPER::price_info;
-    my $svc_setup_fee = $self->option('svc_setup_fee');
-    my $svc_recur_fee = $self->option('svc_recur_fee');
-    my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-    my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-    $str .= " , bulk" if $str;
-    $str .= ": $money_char" . $svc_setup_fee . " one-time per service" 
-	if $svc_setup_fee;
-    $str .= ", " if ($svc_setup_fee && $svc_recur_fee);
-    $str .= $money_char . $svc_recur_fee . " recurring per service"
-	if $svc_recur_fee;
-    $str;
-#some false laziness-ish w/agent.pm...  not a lot
-sub calc_recur {
-  my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details ) = @_;
-  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-  my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-  my $svc_setup_fee = $self->option('svc_setup_fee');
-  my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill;
-  return sprintf("%.2f", $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate) )
-    unless $$sdate > $last_bill;
-  my $total_svc_charge = 0;
-  my %n_setup = ();
-  my %n_recur = ();
-  my %part_svc_label = ();
-  my $summarize = $self->option('summarize_svcs',1);
-  warn "$me billing for bulk services from ". time2str('%x', $last_bill).
-                                      " to ". time2str('%x', $$sdate). "\n"
-    if $DEBUG;
+sub _bulk_cust_svc {
+  my( $self, $cust_pkg, $sdate ) = @_;
                                            #   END      START
-  foreach my $h_cust_svc ( $cust_pkg->h_cust_svc( $$sdate, $last_bill ) ) {
+  $cust_pkg->h_cust_svc( $$sdate, $cust_pkg->last_bill );
-    my @label = $h_cust_svc->label_long( $$sdate, $last_bill );
-    die "fatal: no historical label found, wtf?" unless scalar(@label); #?
-    my $svc_details = $label[0]. ': '. $label[1]. ': ';
-    $part_svc_label{$h_cust_svc->svcpart} ||= $label[0];
+sub _bulk_setup {
+  my( $self, $cust_pkg, $h_cust_svc ) = @_;
+  ($h_cust_svc->date_inserted < $cust_pkg->last_bill)
+    ? $self->option('svc_setup_fee')
+    : 0;
-    my $svc_charge = 0;
+sub _bulk_recur {
+  my( $self, $cust_pkg, $h_cust_svc, $sdate ) = @_;
-    my $svc_start = $h_cust_svc->date_inserted;
-    if ( $svc_start < $last_bill ) {
-      $svc_start = $last_bill;
-    } elsif ( $svc_setup_fee ) {
-      $svc_charge += $svc_setup_fee;
-      $svc_details .= $money_char. sprintf('%.2f setup, ', $svc_setup_fee);
-      $n_setup{$h_cust_svc->svcpart}++;
-    }
+  return ($self->option('svc_recur_fee'), '')
+    if $self->option('no_prorate',1);
+  my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill;
+  my $svc_start = max( $h_cust_svc->date_inserted, $last_bill);
     my $svc_end = $h_cust_svc->date_deleted;
     $svc_end = ( !$svc_end || $svc_end > $$sdate ) ? $$sdate : $svc_end;
-    my $recur_charge;
-    if ( $self->option('no_prorate',1) ) {
-      $recur_charge = $self->option('svc_recur_fee');
-    }
-    else {
-      $recur_charge = $self->option('svc_recur_fee') 
+  my $recur_charge = $self->option('svc_recur_fee') 
                                      * ( $svc_end - $svc_start )
                                      / ( $$sdate  - $last_bill );
-    }
-    $svc_details .= $money_char. sprintf('%.2f', $recur_charge ).
-                    ' ('.  time2str('%x', $svc_start).
-                    ' - '. time2str('%x', $svc_end  ). ')'
-      if $recur_charge;
-    $svc_charge += $recur_charge;
-    $n_recur{$h_cust_svc->svcpart}++;
-    push @$details, $svc_details if !$summarize;
-    $total_svc_charge += $svc_charge;
-  }
-  if ( $summarize ) {
-    foreach my $svcpart (keys %part_svc_label) {
-      push @$details, sprintf('Setup fee: %d @ '.$money_char.'%.2f',
-        $n_setup{$svcpart}, $svc_setup_fee )
-        if $svc_setup_fee and $n_setup{$svcpart};
-      push @$details, sprintf('%d services @ '.$money_char.'%.2f',
-        $n_recur{$svcpart}, $self->option('svc_recur_fee') )
-        if $n_recur{$svcpart};
-    }
-  }
-  sprintf('%.2f', $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate) + $total_svc_charge );
+  return (0, '') unless $recur_charge;
-sub can_discount { 0; }
+  my $svc_details .= ' ('.  time2str('%x', $svc_start).
+                  ' - '. time2str('%x', $svc_end  ). ')';
-sub hide_svc_detail {
-  1;
+  ( $recur_charge, $svc_details );
-sub is_free_options {
-  qw( setup_fee recur_fee svc_setup_fee svc_recur_fee );

--- NEW FILE: bulk_Common.pm ---
package FS::part_pkg::bulk;
use base qw( FS::part_pkg::flat );

use strict;
use vars qw($DEBUG $me %info);
use Date::Format;
use FS::Conf;

$DEBUG = 0;
$me = '[FS::part_pkg::bulk_Common]';

%info = (
  'disabled' => 1,
  'inherit_fields' => [ 'global_Mixin' ],
  'fields' => {
    'svc_setup_fee' => { 'name'    => 'Setup fee for each new service',
                         'default' => 0,
    'svc_recur_fee' => { 'name'    => 'Recurring fee for each service',
                         'default' => 0,
    'summarize_svcs'=> { 'name' => 'Show a count of services on the invoice, '.
                                   'instead of a detailed list',
                         'type' => 'checkbox',
    'no_prorate'    => { 'name' => 'Don\'t prorate recurring fees on services '.
                                   'active for a partial month',
                         'type' => 'checkbox',
  'fieldorder' => [ 'svc_setup_fee', 'svc_recur_fee',
                    'summarize_svcs', 'no_prorate' ],
  'weight' => 51,

sub price_info {
    my $self = shift;
    my $str = $self->SUPER::price_info;
    my $svc_setup_fee = $self->option('svc_setup_fee');
    my $svc_recur_fee = $self->option('svc_recur_fee');
    my $conf = new FS::Conf;
    my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
    $str .= " , bulk" if $str;
    $str .= ": $money_char" . $svc_setup_fee . " one-time per service" 
	if $svc_setup_fee;
    $str .= ", " if ($svc_setup_fee && $svc_recur_fee);
    $str .= $money_char . $svc_recur_fee . " recurring per service"
	if $svc_recur_fee;

#some false laziness-ish w/agent.pm...  not a lot
sub calc_recur {
  my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details ) = @_;

  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
  my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
  my $svc_setup_fee = $self->option('svc_setup_fee');

  my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill;

  return sprintf("%.2f", $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate) )
    unless $$sdate > $last_bill;

  my $total_svc_charge = 0;
  my %n_setup = ();
  my %n_recur = ();
  my %part_svc_label = ();

  my $summarize = $self->option('summarize_svcs',1);

  warn "$me billing for bulk services from ". time2str('%x', $last_bill).
                                      " to ". time2str('%x', $$sdate). "\n"
    if $DEBUG;

                                           #   END      START
  foreach my $h_cust_svc ( $cust_pkg->h_cust_svc( $$sdate, $last_bill ) ) {

    my @label = $h_cust_svc->label_long( $$sdate, $last_bill );
    die "fatal: no historical label found, wtf?" unless scalar(@label); #?
    my $svc_details = $label[0]. ': '. $label[1]. ': ';
    $part_svc_label{$h_cust_svc->svcpart} ||= $label[0];

    my $svc_charge = 0;

    my $svc_start = $h_cust_svc->date_inserted;
    if ( $svc_start < $last_bill ) {
      $svc_start = $last_bill;
    } elsif ( $svc_setup_fee ) {
      $svc_charge += $svc_setup_fee;
      $svc_details .= $money_char. sprintf('%.2f setup, ', $svc_setup_fee);

    my $svc_end = $h_cust_svc->date_deleted;
    $svc_end = ( !$svc_end || $svc_end > $$sdate ) ? $$sdate : $svc_end;

    my $recur_charge;
    if ( $self->option('no_prorate',1) ) {
      $recur_charge = $self->option('svc_recur_fee');
    else {
      $recur_charge = $self->option('svc_recur_fee') 
                                     * ( $svc_end - $svc_start )
                                     / ( $$sdate  - $last_bill );

    $svc_details .= $money_char. sprintf('%.2f', $recur_charge ).
                    ' ('.  time2str('%x', $svc_start).
                    ' - '. time2str('%x', $svc_end  ). ')'
      if $recur_charge;

    $svc_charge += $recur_charge;
    push @$details, $svc_details if !$summarize;
    $total_svc_charge += $svc_charge;

  if ( $summarize ) {
    foreach my $svcpart (keys %part_svc_label) {
      push @$details, sprintf('Setup fee: %d @ '.$money_char.'%.2f',
        $n_setup{$svcpart}, $svc_setup_fee )
        if $svc_setup_fee and $n_setup{$svcpart};
      push @$details, sprintf('%d services @ '.$money_char.'%.2f',
        $n_recur{$svcpart}, $self->option('svc_recur_fee') )
        if $n_recur{$svcpart};

  sprintf('%.2f', $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate) + $total_svc_charge );

sub can_discount { 0; }

sub hide_svc_detail {

sub is_free_options {
  qw( setup_fee recur_fee svc_setup_fee svc_recur_fee );


--- NEW FILE: bulk_simple.pm ---
package FS::part_pkg::bulk;
use base qw( FS::part_pkg::bulk_Common );

use strict;
use vars qw($DEBUG $me %info);
use Date::Format;
use FS::Conf;
use FS::cust_svc_option;

$DEBUG = 0;
$me = '[FS::part_pkg::bulk]';

%info = (
  'name' => 'Bulk billing based on number of active services (at invoice generation)',
  'inherit_fields' => [ 'bulk_Common', 'global_Mixin' ],
  'weight' => 50,

#some false laziness-ish w/agent.pm...  not a lot
# more w/bulk.pm's calc_recur
sub calc_recur {
  my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details ) = @_;

  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
  my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
  my $svc_setup_fee = $self->option('svc_setup_fee');

  my $total_svc_charge = 0;
  my %n_setup = ();
  my %n_recur = ();
  my %part_svc_label = ();

  my $summarize = $self->option('summarize_svcs',1);

  foreach my $cust_svc ( $cust_pkg->cust_svc ) {

    my @label = $cust_svc->label_long;
    #die "fatal: no historical label found, wtf?" unless scalar(@label); #?
    my $svc_details = $label[0]. ': '. $label[1]. ': ';
    $part_svc_label{$h_cust_svc->svcpart} ||= $label[0];

    my $svc_charge = 0;

    if ( $svc_setup_fee && ! $cust_svc->option('bulk_setup') ) {

      my $bulk_setup = new FS::cust_svc_option {
        'svcnum'      => $cust_svc->svcnum,
        'optionname'  => 'bulk_setup',
        'optionvalue' => time, #invoice date?
      my $error = $bulk_setup->insert;
      die $error if $error;

      $svc_charge += $svc_setup_fee;
      $svc_details .= $money_char. sprintf('%.2f setup, ', $svc_setup_fee);

    my $recur_charge = $self->option('svc_recur_fee');
    $svc_details .= $money_char. sprintf('%.2f', $recur_charge );

    $svc_charge += $recur_charge;
    push @$details, $svc_details if !$summarize;
    $total_svc_charge += $svc_charge;


  if ( $summarize ) {
    foreach my $svcpart (keys %part_svc_label) {
      push @$details, sprintf('Setup fee: %d @ '.$money_char.'%.2f',
        $n_setup{$svcpart}, $svc_setup_fee )
        if $svc_setup_fee and $n_setup{$svcpart};
      push @$details, sprintf('%d services @ '.$money_char.'%.2f',
        $n_recur{$svcpart}, $self->option('svc_recur_fee') )
        if $n_recur{$svcpart};

  sprintf('%.2f', $self->base_recur($cust_pkg, $sdate) + $total_svc_charge );

sub can_discount { 0; }

sub hide_svc_detail {

sub is_free_options {
  qw( setup_fee recur_fee svc_setup_fee svc_recur_fee );


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