[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS cust_main.pm,1.551,1.552

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon Sep 20 13:29:33 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv28236/FS/FS

Modified Files:
Log Message:
last of the refatoring giant cust_main.pm for now, RT#9967

Index: cust_main.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_main.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.551
retrieving revision 1.552
diff -u -w -d -r1.551 -r1.552
--- cust_main.pm	19 Sep 2010 00:37:32 -0000	1.551
+++ cust_main.pm	20 Sep 2010 20:29:30 -0000	1.552
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 require 5.006;
 use strict;
-use base qw( FS::cust_main::Billing FS::cust_main::Billing_Realtime
+             #FS::cust_main:_Marketgear when they're ready to move to 2.1
+use base qw( FS::cust_main::Packages
+             FS::cust_main::Billing FS::cust_main::Billing_Realtime
              FS::otaker_Mixin FS::payinfo_Mixin FS::cust_main_Mixin
@@ -15,7 +17,6 @@
 use Carp;
 use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
-use List::Util qw( min );
 use Time::Local qw(timelocal);
 use Storable qw(thaw);
 use MIME::Base64;
@@ -504,18 +505,12 @@
-  if (    $conf->config('cust_main-skeleton_tables')
-       && $conf->config('cust_main-skeleton_custnum') ) {
-    warn "  inserting skeleton records\n"
-      if $DEBUG > 1;
+  if ( $self->can('start_copy_skel') ) {
     my $error = $self->start_copy_skel;
     if ( $error ) {
       $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
       return $error;
   warn "  ordering packages\n"
@@ -638,332 +633,10 @@
-sub start_copy_skel {
-  my $self = shift;
-  #'mg_user_preference' => {},
-  #'mg_user_indicator_profile.user_indicator_profile_id' => { 'mg_profile_indicator.profile_indicator_id' => { 'mg_profile_details.profile_detail_id' }, },
-  #'mg_watchlist_header.watchlist_header_id' => { 'mg_watchlist_details.watchlist_details_id' },
-  #'mg_user_grid_header.grid_header_id' => { 'mg_user_grid_details.user_grid_details_id' },
-  #'mg_portfolio_header.portfolio_header_id' => { 'mg_portfolio_trades.portfolio_trades_id' => { 'mg_portfolio_trades_positions.portfolio_trades_positions_id' } },
-  my @tables = eval(join('\n',$conf->config('cust_main-skeleton_tables')));
-  die $@ if $@;
-  _copy_skel( 'cust_main',                                 #tablename
-              $conf->config('cust_main-skeleton_custnum'), #sourceid
-              $self->custnum,                              #destid
-              @tables,                                     #child tables
-            );
-#recursive subroutine, not a method
-sub _copy_skel {
-  my( $table, $sourceid, $destid, %child_tables ) = @_;
-  my $primary_key;
-  if ( $table =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/ ) {
-    ( $table, $primary_key ) = ( $1, $2 );
-  } else {
-    my $dbdef_table = dbdef->table($table);
-    $primary_key = $dbdef_table->primary_key
-      or return "$table has no primary key".
-                " (or do you need to run dbdef-create?)";
-  }
-  warn "  _copy_skel: $table.$primary_key $sourceid to $destid for ".
-       join (', ', keys %child_tables). "\n"
-    if $DEBUG > 2;
-  foreach my $child_table_def ( keys %child_tables ) {
-    my $child_table;
-    my $child_pkey = '';
-    if ( $child_table_def =~ /^(\w+)\.(\w+)$/ ) {
-      ( $child_table, $child_pkey ) = ( $1, $2 );
-    } else {
-      $child_table = $child_table_def;
-      $child_pkey = dbdef->table($child_table)->primary_key;
-      #  or return "$table has no primary key".
-      #            " (or do you need to run dbdef-create?)\n";
-    }
-    my $sequence = '';
-    if ( keys %{ $child_tables{$child_table_def} } ) {
-      return "$child_table has no primary key".
-             " (run dbdef-create or try specifying it?)\n"
-        unless $child_pkey;
-      #false laziness w/Record::insert and only works on Pg
-      #refactor the proper last-inserted-id stuff out of Record::insert if this
-      # ever gets use for anything besides a quick kludge for one customer
-      my $default = dbdef->table($child_table)->column($child_pkey)->default;
-      $default =~ /^nextval\(\(?'"?([\w\.]+)"?'/i
-        or return "can't parse $child_table.$child_pkey default value ".
-                  " for sequence name: $default";
-      $sequence = $1;
-    }
-    my @sel_columns = grep { $_ ne $primary_key }
-                           dbdef->table($child_table)->columns;
-    my $sel_columns = join(', ', @sel_columns );
-    my @ins_columns = grep { $_ ne $child_pkey } @sel_columns;
-    my $ins_columns = ' ( '. join(', ', $primary_key, @ins_columns ). ' ) ';
-    my $placeholders = ' ( ?, '. join(', ', map '?', @ins_columns ). ' ) ';
-    my $sel_st = "SELECT $sel_columns FROM $child_table".
-                 " WHERE $primary_key = $sourceid";
-    warn "    $sel_st\n"
-      if $DEBUG > 2;
-    my $sel_sth = dbh->prepare( $sel_st )
-      or return dbh->errstr;
-    $sel_sth->execute or return $sel_sth->errstr;
-    while ( my $row = $sel_sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
-      warn "    selected row: ".
-           join(', ', map { "$_=".$row->{$_} } keys %$row ). "\n"
-        if $DEBUG > 2;
-      my $statement =
-        "INSERT INTO $child_table $ins_columns VALUES $placeholders";
-      my $ins_sth =dbh->prepare($statement)
-          or return dbh->errstr;
-      my @param = ( $destid, map $row->{$_}, @ins_columns );
-      warn "    $statement: [ ". join(', ', @param). " ]\n"
-        if $DEBUG > 2;
-      $ins_sth->execute( @param )
-        or return $ins_sth->errstr;
-      #next unless keys %{ $child_tables{$child_table} };
-      next unless $sequence;
-      #another section of that laziness
-      my $seq_sql = "SELECT currval('$sequence')";
-      my $seq_sth = dbh->prepare($seq_sql) or return dbh->errstr;
-      $seq_sth->execute or return $seq_sth->errstr;
-      my $insertid = $seq_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
-      # don't drink soap!  recurse!  recurse!  okay!
-      my $error =
-        _copy_skel( $child_table_def,
-                    $row->{$child_pkey}, #sourceid
-                    $insertid, #destid
-                    %{ $child_tables{$child_table_def} },
-                  );
-      return $error if $error;
-    }
-  }
-  return '';
-=item order_pkg HASHREF | OPTION => VALUE ... 
-Orders a single package.
-Options may be passed as a list of key/value pairs or as a hash reference.
-Options are:
-=over 4
-=item cust_pkg
-FS::cust_pkg object
-=item cust_location
-Optional FS::cust_location object
-=item svcs
-Optional arryaref of FS::svc_* service objects.
-=item depend_jobnum
-If this option is set to a job queue jobnum (see L<FS::queue>), all provisioning
-jobs will have a dependancy on the supplied job (they will not run until the
-specific job completes).  This can be used to defer provisioning until some
-action completes (such as running the customer's credit card successfully).
-=item ticket_subject
-Optional subject for a ticket created and attached to this customer
-=item ticket_subject
-Optional queue name for ticket additions
-sub order_pkg {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $opt = ref($_[0]) ? shift : { @_ };
-  warn "$me order_pkg called with options ".
-       join(', ', map { "$_: $opt->{$_}" } keys %$opt ). "\n"
-    if $DEBUG;
-  my $cust_pkg = $opt->{'cust_pkg'};
-  my $svcs     = $opt->{'svcs'} || [];
-  my %svc_options = ();
-  $svc_options{'depend_jobnum'} = $opt->{'depend_jobnum'}
-    if exists($opt->{'depend_jobnum'}) && $opt->{'depend_jobnum'};
-  my %insert_params = map { $opt->{$_} ? ( $_ => $opt->{$_} ) : () }
-                          qw( ticket_subject ticket_queue );
-  local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
-  my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
-  local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
-  my $dbh = dbh;
-  if ( $opt->{'cust_location'} &&
-       ( ! $cust_pkg->locationnum || $cust_pkg->locationnum == -1 ) ) {
-    my $error = $opt->{'cust_location'}->insert;
-    if ( $error ) {
-      $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
-      return "inserting cust_location (transaction rolled back): $error";
-    }
-    $cust_pkg->locationnum($opt->{'cust_location'}->locationnum);
-  }
-  $cust_pkg->custnum( $self->custnum );
-  my $error = $cust_pkg->insert( %insert_params );
-  if ( $error ) {
-    $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
-    return "inserting cust_pkg (transaction rolled back): $error";
-  }
-  foreach my $svc_something ( @{ $opt->{'svcs'} } ) {
-    if ( $svc_something->svcnum ) {
-      my $old_cust_svc = $svc_something->cust_svc;
-      my $new_cust_svc = new FS::cust_svc { $old_cust_svc->hash };
-      $new_cust_svc->pkgnum( $cust_pkg->pkgnum);
-      $error = $new_cust_svc->replace($old_cust_svc);
-    } else {
-      $svc_something->pkgnum( $cust_pkg->pkgnum );
-      if ( $svc_something->isa('FS::svc_acct') ) {
-        foreach ( grep { $opt->{$_.'_ref'} && ${ $opt->{$_.'_ref'} } }
-                       qw( seconds upbytes downbytes totalbytes )      ) {
-          $svc_something->$_( $svc_something->$_() + ${ $opt->{$_.'_ref'} } );
-          ${ $opt->{$_.'_ref'} } = 0;
-        }
-      }
-      $error = $svc_something->insert(%svc_options);
-    }
-    if ( $error ) {
-      $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
-      return "inserting svc_ (transaction rolled back): $error";
-    }
-  }
-  $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
-  ''; #no error
-#deprecated #=item order_pkgs HASHREF [ , SECONDSREF ] [ , OPTION => VALUE ... ]
-=item order_pkgs HASHREF [ , OPTION => VALUE ... ]
-Like the insert method on an existing record, this method orders multiple
-packages and included services atomicaly.  Pass a Tie::RefHash data structure
-to this method containing FS::cust_pkg and FS::svc_I<tablename> objects.
-There should be a better explanation of this, but until then, here's an
-  use Tie::RefHash;
-  tie %hash, 'Tie::RefHash'; #this part is important
-  %hash = (
-    $cust_pkg => [ $svc_acct ],
-    ...
-  );
-  $cust_main->order_pkgs( \%hash, 'noexport'=>1 );
-Services can be new, in which case they are inserted, or existing unaudited
-services, in which case they are linked to the newly-created package.
-Currently available options are: I<depend_jobnum>, I<noexport>, I<seconds_ref>,
-I<upbytes_ref>, I<downbytes_ref>, and I<totalbytes_ref>.
-If I<depend_jobnum> is set, all provisioning jobs will have a dependancy
-on the supplied jobnum (they will not run until the specific job completes).
-This can be used to defer provisioning until some action completes (such
-as running the customer's credit card successfully).
-The I<noexport> option is deprecated.  If I<noexport> is set true, no
-provisioning jobs (exports) are scheduled.  (You can schedule them later with
-the B<reexport> method for each cust_pkg object.  Using the B<reexport> method
-on the cust_main object is not recommended, as existing services will also be
-If I<seconds_ref>, I<upbytes_ref>, I<downbytes_ref>, or I<totalbytes_ref> is
-provided, the scalars (provided by references) will be incremented by the
-values of the prepaid card.`
-sub order_pkgs {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $cust_pkgs = shift;
-  my $seconds_ref = ref($_[0]) ? shift : ''; #deprecated
-  my %options = @_;
-  $seconds_ref ||= $options{'seconds_ref'};
-  warn "$me order_pkgs called with options ".
-       join(', ', map { "$_: $options{$_}" } keys %options ). "\n"
-    if $DEBUG;
-  local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
-  local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
-  my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
-  local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
-  my $dbh = dbh;
-  local $FS::svc_Common::noexport_hack = 1 if $options{'noexport'};
-  foreach my $cust_pkg ( keys %$cust_pkgs ) {
-    my $error = $self->order_pkg(
-      'cust_pkg'     => $cust_pkg,
-      'svcs'         => $cust_pkgs->{$cust_pkg},
-      'seconds_ref'  => $seconds_ref,
-      map { $_ => $options{$_} } qw( upbytes_ref downbytes_ref totalbytes_ref
-                                     depend_jobnum
-                                   )
-    );
-    if ( $error ) {
-      $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
-      return $error;
-    }
-  }
-  $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
-  ''; #no error
+Documentation on customer package methods has been moved to
@@ -2121,38 +1794,6 @@
       #fields that cust_location has
-Returns all packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this customer.
-sub all_pkgs {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $extra_qsearch = ref($_[0]) ? shift : { @_ };
-  return $self->num_pkgs unless wantarray || keys %$extra_qsearch;
-  my @cust_pkg = ();
-  if ( $self->{'_pkgnum'} && ! keys %$extra_qsearch ) {
-    @cust_pkg = values %{ $self->{'_pkgnum'}->cache };
-  } else {
-    @cust_pkg = $self->_cust_pkg($extra_qsearch);
-  }
-  map { $_ } sort sort_packages @cust_pkg;
-=item cust_pkg
-Synonym for B<all_pkgs>.
-sub cust_pkg {
-  shift->all_pkgs(@_);
 =item cust_location
 Returns all locations (see L<FS::cust_location>) for this customer.
@@ -2219,166 +1860,6 @@
-=item ncancelled_pkgs [ EXTRA_QSEARCH_PARAMS_HASHREF ]
-Returns all non-cancelled packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this customer.
-sub ncancelled_pkgs {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $extra_qsearch = ref($_[0]) ? shift : {};
-  return $self->num_ncancelled_pkgs unless wantarray;
-  my @cust_pkg = ();
-  if ( $self->{'_pkgnum'} ) {
-    warn "$me ncancelled_pkgs: returning cached objects"
-      if $DEBUG > 1;
-    @cust_pkg = grep { ! $_->getfield('cancel') }
-                values %{ $self->{'_pkgnum'}->cache };
-  } else {
-    warn "$me ncancelled_pkgs: searching for packages with custnum ".
-         $self->custnum. "\n"
-      if $DEBUG > 1;
-    $extra_qsearch->{'extra_sql'} .= ' AND ( cancel IS NULL OR cancel = 0 ) ';
-    @cust_pkg = $self->_cust_pkg($extra_qsearch);
-  }
-  sort sort_packages @cust_pkg;
-sub _cust_pkg {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $extra_qsearch = ref($_[0]) ? shift : {};
-  $extra_qsearch->{'select'} ||= '*';
-  $extra_qsearch->{'select'} .=
-   ',( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_svc WHERE cust_pkg.pkgnum = cust_svc.pkgnum )
-     AS _num_cust_svc';
-  map {
-        $_->{'_num_cust_svc'} = $_->get('_num_cust_svc');
-        $_;
-      }
-  qsearch({
-    %$extra_qsearch,
-    'table'   => 'cust_pkg',
-    'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $self->custnum },
-  });
-# This should be generalized to use config options to determine order.
-sub sort_packages {
-  my $locationsort = ( $a->locationnum || 0 ) <=> ( $b->locationnum || 0 );
-  return $locationsort if $locationsort;
-  if ( $a->get('cancel') xor $b->get('cancel') ) {
-    return -1 if $b->get('cancel');
-    return  1 if $a->get('cancel');
-    #shouldn't get here...
-    return 0;
-  } else {
-    my $a_num_cust_svc = $a->num_cust_svc;
-    my $b_num_cust_svc = $b->num_cust_svc;
-    return 0  if !$a_num_cust_svc && !$b_num_cust_svc;
-    return -1 if  $a_num_cust_svc && !$b_num_cust_svc;
-    return 1  if !$a_num_cust_svc &&  $b_num_cust_svc;
-    my @a_cust_svc = $a->cust_svc;
-    my @b_cust_svc = $b->cust_svc;
-    return 0  if !scalar(@a_cust_svc) && !scalar(@b_cust_svc);
-    return -1 if  scalar(@a_cust_svc) && !scalar(@b_cust_svc);
-    return 1  if !scalar(@a_cust_svc) &&  scalar(@b_cust_svc);
-    $a_cust_svc[0]->svc_x->label cmp $b_cust_svc[0]->svc_x->label;
-  }
-=item suspended_pkgs
-Returns all suspended packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this customer.
-sub suspended_pkgs {
-  my $self = shift;
-  grep { $_->susp } $self->ncancelled_pkgs;
-=item unflagged_suspended_pkgs
-Returns all unflagged suspended packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this
-customer (thouse packages without the `manual_flag' set).
-sub unflagged_suspended_pkgs {
-  my $self = shift;
-  return $self->suspended_pkgs
-    unless dbdef->table('cust_pkg')->column('manual_flag');
-  grep { ! $_->manual_flag } $self->suspended_pkgs;
-=item unsuspended_pkgs
-Returns all unsuspended (and uncancelled) packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for
-this customer.
-sub unsuspended_pkgs {
-  my $self = shift;
-  grep { ! $_->susp } $self->ncancelled_pkgs;
-=item next_bill_date
-Returns the next date this customer will be billed, as a UNIX timestamp, or
-undef if no active package has a next bill date.
-sub next_bill_date {
-  my $self = shift;
-  min( map $_->get('bill'), grep $_->get('bill'), $self->unsuspended_pkgs );
-=item num_cancelled_pkgs
-Returns the number of cancelled packages (see L<FS::cust_pkg>) for this
-sub num_cancelled_pkgs {
-  shift->num_pkgs("cust_pkg.cancel IS NOT NULL AND cust_pkg.cancel != 0");
-sub num_ncancelled_pkgs {
-  shift->num_pkgs("( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 )");
-sub num_pkgs {
-  my( $self ) = shift;
-  my $sql = scalar(@_) ? shift : '';
-  $sql = "AND $sql" if $sql && $sql !~ /^\s*$/ && $sql !~ /^\s*AND/i;
-  my $sth = dbh->prepare(
-    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg WHERE custnum = ? $sql"
-  ) or die dbh->errstr;
-  $sth->execute($self->custnum) or die $sth->errstr;
-  $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
 =item unsuspend
 Unsuspends all unflagged suspended packages (see L</unflagged_suspended_pkgs>

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