[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/cust_main Search.pm, NONE, 1.1 Billing_Realtime.pm, 1.1, 1.2

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Fri Sep 17 16:32:35 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_main
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv30868/FS/FS/cust_main

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
refactor giant cust_main.pm a little in preparation of adding API methods for maestro, RT#9967

Index: Billing_Realtime.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_main/Billing_Realtime.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -w -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Billing_Realtime.pm	17 Sep 2010 20:19:41 -0000	1.1
+++ Billing_Realtime.pm	17 Sep 2010 23:32:33 -0000	1.2
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 use vars qw( $conf $DEBUG $me );
 use FS::UID qw( dbh );
 use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs );
+use FS::Misc qw( send_email );
 use FS::payby;
 use FS::cust_pay;
 use FS::cust_pay_pending;

--- NEW FILE: Search.pm ---
package FS::cust_main::Search;

use strict;
use base qw( Exporter );
use vars qw( @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG $me $conf @fuzzyfields );
use String::Approx qw(amatch);
use FS::UID qw( dbh );
use FS::Record qw( qsearch );
use FS::cust_main;
use FS::cust_main_invoice;
use FS::svc_acct;

@EXPORT_OK = qw( smart_search );

# 1 is mostly method/subroutine entry and options
# 2 traces progress of some operations
# 3 is even more information including possibly sensitive data
$DEBUG = 0;
$me = '[FS::cust_main::Search]';

@fuzzyfields = @FS::cust_main::fuzzyfields;

install_callback FS::UID sub { 
  $conf = new FS::Conf;
  #yes, need it for stuff below (prolly should be cached)

=head1 NAME

FS::cust_main::Search - Customer searching


  use FS::cust_main::Search;



  FS::cust_main::Search->search( \%options );
  FS::cust_main::Search->fuzzy_search( \%fuzzy_hashref );


=over 4

=item smart_search OPTION => VALUE ...

Accepts the following options: I<search>, the string to search for.  The string
will be searched for as a customer number, phone number, name or company name,
as an exact, or, in some cases, a substring or fuzzy match (see the source code
for the exact heuristics used); I<no_fuzzy_on_exact>, causes smart_search to
skip fuzzy matching when an exact match is found.

Any additional options are treated as an additional qualifier on the search
(i.e. I<agentnum>).

Returns a (possibly empty) array of FS::cust_main objects.


sub smart_search {
  my %options = @_;

  #here is the agent virtualization
  my $agentnums_sql = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;

  my @cust_main = ();

  my $skip_fuzzy = delete $options{'no_fuzzy_on_exact'};
  my $search = delete $options{'search'};
  ( my $alphanum_search = $search ) =~ s/\W//g;
  if ( $alphanum_search =~ /^1?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d*)$/ ) { #phone# search

    #false laziness w/Record::ut_phone
    my $phonen = "$1-$2-$3";
    $phonen .= " x$4" if $4;

    push @cust_main, qsearch( {
      'table'   => 'cust_main',
      'hashref' => { %options },
      'extra_sql' => ( scalar(keys %options) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
                     ' ( '.
                         join(' OR ', map "$_ = '$phonen'",
                                          qw( daytime night fax
                                              ship_daytime ship_night ship_fax )
                     ' ) '.
                     " AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualization
    } );

    unless ( @cust_main || $phonen =~ /x\d+$/ ) { #no exact match
      #try looking for matches with extensions unless one was specified

      push @cust_main, qsearch( {
        'table'   => 'cust_main',
        'hashref' => { %options },
        'extra_sql' => ( scalar(keys %options) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
                       ' ( '.
                           join(' OR ', map "$_ LIKE '$phonen\%'",
                                            qw( daytime night
                                                ship_daytime ship_night )
                       ' ) '.
                       " AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualization
      } );


  # custnum search (also try agent_custid), with some tweaking options if your
  # legacy cust "numbers" have letters

  if ( $search =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/
         || ( $conf->config('cust_main-agent_custid-format') eq 'ww?d+'
              && $search =~ /^\s*(\w\w?\d+)\s*$/
         || ( $conf->exists('address1-search' )
              && $search =~ /^\s*(\d+\-?\w*)\s*$/ #i.e. 1234A or 9432-D

    my $num = $1;

    if ( $num =~ /^(\d+)$/ && $num <= 2147483647 ) { #need a bigint custnum? wow
      push @cust_main, qsearch( {
        'table'     => 'cust_main',
        'hashref'   => { 'custnum' => $num, %options },
        'extra_sql' => " AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualization
      } );

    push @cust_main, qsearch( {
      'table'     => 'cust_main',
      'hashref'   => { 'agent_custid' => $num, %options },
      'extra_sql' => " AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualization
    } );

    if ( $conf->exists('address1-search') ) {
      my $len = length($num);
      $num = lc($num);
      foreach my $prefix ( '', 'ship_' ) {
        push @cust_main, qsearch( {
          'table'     => 'cust_main',
          'hashref'   => { %options, },
          'extra_sql' => 
            ( keys(%options) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
            " LOWER(SUBSTRING(${prefix}address1 FROM 1 FOR $len)) = '$num' ".
            " AND $agentnums_sql",
        } );

  } elsif ( $search =~ /^\s*(\S.*\S)\s+\((.+), ([^,]+)\)\s*$/ ) {

    my($company, $last, $first) = ( $1, $2, $3 );

    # "Company (Last, First)"
    #this is probably something a browser remembered,
    #so just do an exact search (but case-insensitive, so USPS standardization
    #doesn't throw a wrench in the works)

    foreach my $prefix ( '', 'ship_' ) {
      push @cust_main, qsearch( {
        'table'     => 'cust_main',
        'hashref'   => { %options },
        'extra_sql' => 
          ( keys(%options) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ).
          join(' AND ',
            " LOWER(${prefix}first)   = ". dbh->quote(lc($first)),
            " LOWER(${prefix}last)    = ". dbh->quote(lc($last)),
            " LOWER(${prefix}company) = ". dbh->quote(lc($company)),
      } );

  } elsif ( $search =~ /^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/ ) { # value search
                                              # try (ship_){last,company}

    my $value = lc($1);

    # # remove "(Last, First)" in "Company (Last, First)", otherwise the
    # # full strings the browser remembers won't work
    # $value =~ s/\([\w \,\.\-\']*\)$//; #false laziness w/Record::ut_name

    use Lingua::EN::NameParse;
    my $NameParse = new Lingua::EN::NameParse(
             auto_clean     => 1,
             allow_reversed => 1,

    my($last, $first) = ( '', '' );
    #maybe disable this too and just rely on NameParse?
    if ( $value =~ /^(.+),\s*([^,]+)$/ ) { # Last, First
      ($last, $first) = ( $1, $2 );
    #} elsif  ( $value =~ /^(.+)\s+(.+)$/ ) {
    } elsif ( ! $NameParse->parse($value) ) {

      my %name = $NameParse->components;
      $first = $name{'given_name_1'};
      $last  = $name{'surname_1'};


    if ( $first && $last ) {

      my($q_last, $q_first) = ( dbh->quote($last), dbh->quote($first) );

      my $sql = scalar(keys %options) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ';
      $sql .= "
        (     ( LOWER(last) = $q_last AND LOWER(first) = $q_first )
           OR ( LOWER(ship_last) = $q_last AND LOWER(ship_first) = $q_first )

      push @cust_main, qsearch( {
        'table'     => 'cust_main',
        'hashref'   => \%options,
        'extra_sql' => "$sql AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualization
      } );

      # or it just be something that was typed in... (try that in a sec)


    my $q_value = dbh->quote($value);

    my $sql = scalar(keys %options) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ';
    $sql .= " (    LOWER(last)          = $q_value
                OR LOWER(company)       = $q_value
                OR LOWER(ship_last)     = $q_value
                OR LOWER(ship_company)  = $q_value
    $sql .= "   OR LOWER(address1)      = $q_value
                OR LOWER(ship_address1) = $q_value
      if $conf->exists('address1-search');
    $sql .= " )";

    push @cust_main, qsearch( {
      'table'     => 'cust_main',
      'hashref'   => \%options,
      'extra_sql' => "$sql AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualization
    } );

    #no exact match, trying substring/fuzzy
    #always do substring & fuzzy (unless they're explicity config'ed off)
    #getting complaints searches are not returning enough
    unless ( @cust_main  && $skip_fuzzy || $conf->exists('disable-fuzzy') ) {

      #still some false laziness w/search (was search/cust_main.cgi)


      my @hashrefs = (
        { 'company'      => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$value%" }, },
        { 'ship_company' => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$value%" }, },

      if ( $first && $last ) {

        push @hashrefs,
          { 'first'        => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$first%" },
            'last'         => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$last%" },
          { 'ship_first'   => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$first%" },
            'ship_last'    => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$last%" },

      } else {

        push @hashrefs,
          { 'last'         => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$value%" }, },
          { 'ship_last'    => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$value%" }, },

      if ( $conf->exists('address1-search') ) {
        push @hashrefs,
          { 'address1'      => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$value%" }, },
          { 'ship_address1' => { op=>'ILIKE', value=>"%$value%" }, },

      foreach my $hashref ( @hashrefs ) {

        push @cust_main, qsearch( {
          'table'     => 'cust_main',
          'hashref'   => { %$hashref,
          'extra_sql' => " AND $agentnums_sql", #agent virtualizaiton
        } );


      my @fuzopts = (
        \%options,                #hashref
        '',                       #select
        " AND $agentnums_sql",    #extra_sql  #agent virtualization

      if ( $first && $last ) {
        push @cust_main, FS::cust_main::Search->fuzzy_search(
          { 'last'   => $last,    #fuzzy hashref
            'first'  => $first }, #
      foreach my $field ( 'last', 'company' ) {
        push @cust_main,
          FS::cust_main::Search->fuzzy_search( { $field => $value }, @fuzopts );
      if ( $conf->exists('address1-search') ) {
        push @cust_main,
          FS::cust_main::Search->fuzzy_search( { 'address1' => $value }, @fuzopts );



  #eliminate duplicates
  my %saw = ();
  @cust_main = grep { !$saw{$_->custnum}++ } @cust_main;



=item email_search

Accepts the following options: I<email>, the email address to search for.  The
email address will be searched for as an email invoice destination and as an
svc_acct account.

#Any additional options are treated as an additional qualifier on the search
#(i.e. I<agentnum>).

Returns a (possibly empty) array of FS::cust_main objects (but usually just
none or one).


sub email_search {
  my %options = @_;

  local($DEBUG) = 1;

  my $email = delete $options{'email'};

  #we're only being used by RT at the moment... no agent virtualization yet
  #my $agentnums_sql = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;

  my @cust_main = ();

  if ( $email =~ /([^@]+)\@([^@]+)/ ) {

    my ( $user, $domain ) = ( $1, $2 );

    warn "$me smart_search: searching for $user in domain $domain"
      if $DEBUG;

    push @cust_main,
      map $_->cust_main,
          qsearch( {
                     'table'     => 'cust_main_invoice',
                     'hashref'   => { 'dest' => $email },

    push @cust_main,
      map  $_->cust_main,
      grep $_,
      map  $_->cust_svc->cust_pkg,
          qsearch( {
                     'table'     => 'svc_acct',
                     'hashref'   => { 'username' => $user, },
                     'extra_sql' =>
                       'AND ( SELECT domain FROM svc_domain
                                WHERE svc_acct.domsvc = svc_domain.svcnum
                            ) = '. dbh->quote($domain),

  my %saw = ();
  @cust_main = grep { !$saw{$_->custnum}++ } @cust_main;

  warn "$me smart_search: found ". scalar(@cust_main). " unique customers"
    if $DEBUG;





=over 4

=item search HASHREF

(Class method)

Returns a qsearch hash expression to search for parameters specified in
HASHREF.  Valid parameters are

=over 4

=item agentnum

=item status

=item cancelled_pkgs


=item signupdate

listref of start date, end date

=item payby


=item paydate_year

=item paydate_month

=item current_balance

listref (list returned by FS::UI::Web::parse_lt_gt($cgi, 'current_balance'))

=item cust_fields

=item flattened_pkgs




sub search {
  my ($class, $params) = @_;

  my $dbh = dbh;

  my @where = ();
  my $orderby;

  # parse agent

  if ( $params->{'agentnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $1 ) {
    push @where,
      "cust_main.agentnum = $1";

  # do the same for user

  if ( $params->{'usernum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $1 ) {
    push @where,
      "cust_main.usernum = $1";

  # parse status

  #prospect ordered active inactive suspended cancelled
  if ( grep { $params->{'status'} eq $_ } FS::cust_main->statuses() ) {
    my $method = $params->{'status'}. '_sql';
    #push @where, $class->$method();
    push @where, FS::cust_main->$method();
  # parse cancelled package checkbox

  my $pkgwhere = "";

  $pkgwhere .= "AND (cancel = 0 or cancel is null)"
    unless $params->{'cancelled_pkgs'};

  # parse without census tract checkbox

  push @where, "(censustract = '' or censustract is null)"
    if $params->{'no_censustract'};

  # dates

  foreach my $field (qw( signupdate )) {

    next unless exists($params->{$field});

    my($beginning, $ending, $hour) = @{$params->{$field}};

    push @where,
      "cust_main.$field IS NOT NULL",
      "cust_main.$field >= $beginning",
      "cust_main.$field <= $ending";

    # XXX: do this for mysql and/or pull it out of here
    if(defined $hour) {
      if ($dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'Pg') {
        push @where, "extract(hour from to_timestamp(cust_main.$field)) = $hour";
      else {
        warn "search by time of day not supported on ".$dbh->{Driver}->{Name}." databases";

    $orderby ||= "ORDER BY cust_main.$field";


  # classnum

  if ( $params->{'classnum'} ) {

    my @classnum = ref( $params->{'classnum'} )
                     ? @{ $params->{'classnum'} }
                     :  ( $params->{'classnum'} );

    @classnum = grep /^(\d*)$/, @classnum;

    if ( @classnum ) {
      push @where, '( '. join(' OR ', map {
                                            $_ ? "cust_main.classnum = $_"
                                               : "cust_main.classnum IS NULL"
                   ' )';


  # payby

  if ( $params->{'payby'} ) {

    my @payby = ref( $params->{'payby'} )
                  ? @{ $params->{'payby'} }
                  :  ( $params->{'payby'} );

    @payby = grep /^([A-Z]{4})$/, @payby;

    push @where, '( '. join(' OR ', map "cust_main.payby = '$_'", @payby). ' )'
      if @payby;


  # paydate_year / paydate_month

  if ( $params->{'paydate_year'} =~ /^(\d{4})$/ ) {
    my $year = $1;
    $params->{'paydate_month'} =~ /^(\d\d?)$/
      or die "paydate_year without paydate_month?";
    my $month = $1;

    push @where,
      'paydate IS NOT NULL',
      "paydate != ''",
      "CAST(paydate AS timestamp) < CAST('$year-$month-01' AS timestamp )"

  # invoice terms

  if ( $params->{'invoice_terms'} =~ /^([\w ]+)$/ ) {
    my $terms = $1;
    if ( $1 eq 'NULL' ) {
      push @where,
        "( cust_main.invoice_terms IS NULL OR cust_main.invoice_terms = '' )";
    } else {
      push @where,
        "cust_main.invoice_terms IS NOT NULL",
        "cust_main.invoice_terms = '$1'";

  # amounts

  if ( $params->{'current_balance'} ) {

    #my $balance_sql = $class->balance_sql();
    my $balance_sql = FS::cust_main->balance_sql();

    my @current_balance =
      ref( $params->{'current_balance'} )
      ? @{ $params->{'current_balance'} }
      :  ( $params->{'current_balance'} );

    push @where, map { s/current_balance/$balance_sql/; $_ }


  # custbatch

  if ( $params->{'custbatch'} =~ /^([\w\/\-\:\.]+)$/ and $1 ) {
    push @where,
      "cust_main.custbatch = '$1'";

  # setup queries, subs, etc. for the search

  $orderby ||= 'ORDER BY custnum';

  # here is the agent virtualization
  push @where, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;

  my $extra_sql = scalar(@where) ? ' WHERE '. join(' AND ', @where) : '';

  my $addl_from = 'LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( custnum  ) ';

  my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main $extra_sql";

  my $select = join(', ', 

  my(@extra_headers) = ();
  my(@extra_fields)  = ();

  if ($params->{'flattened_pkgs'}) {

    if ($dbh->{Driver}->{Name} eq 'Pg') {

      $select .= ", array_to_string(array(select pkg from cust_pkg left join part_pkg using ( pkgpart ) where cust_main.custnum = cust_pkg.custnum $pkgwhere),'|') as magic";

    }elsif ($dbh->{Driver}->{Name} =~ /^mysql/i) {
      $select .= ", GROUP_CONCAT(pkg SEPARATOR '|') as magic";
      $addl_from .= " LEFT JOIN part_pkg using ( pkgpart )";
      warn "warning: unknown database type ". $dbh->{Driver}->{Name}. 
           "omitting packing information from report.";

    my $header_query = "SELECT COUNT(cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum) AS count FROM cust_main $addl_from $extra_sql $pkgwhere group by cust_main.custnum order by count desc limit 1";

    my $sth = dbh->prepare($header_query) or die dbh->errstr;
    $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr;
    my $headerrow = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
    my $headercount = $headerrow ? $headerrow->[0] : 0;
    while($headercount) {
      unshift @extra_headers, "Package ". $headercount;
      unshift @extra_fields, eval q!sub {my $c = shift;
                                         my @a = split '\|', $c->magic;
                                         my $p = $a[!.--$headercount. q!];


  my $sql_query = {
    'table'         => 'cust_main',
    'select'        => $select,
    'hashref'       => {},
    'extra_sql'     => $extra_sql,
    'order_by'      => $orderby,
    'count_query'   => $count_query,
    'extra_headers' => \@extra_headers,
    'extra_fields'  => \@extra_fields,



Performs a fuzzy (approximate) search and returns the matching FS::cust_main
records.  Currently, I<first>, I<last>, I<company> and/or I<address1> may be
specified (the appropriate ship_ field is also searched).

Additional options are the same as FS::Record::qsearch


sub fuzzy_search {
  my( $self, $fuzzy, $hash, @opt) = @_;
  $hash ||= {};
  my @cust_main = ();

  foreach my $field ( keys %$fuzzy ) {

    my $all = $self->all_X($field);
    next unless scalar(@$all);

    my %match = ();
    $match{$_}=1 foreach ( amatch( $fuzzy->{$field}, ['i'], @$all ) );

    my @fcust = ();
    foreach ( keys %match ) {
      push @fcust, qsearch('cust_main', { %$hash, $field=>$_}, @opt);
      push @fcust, qsearch('cust_main', { %$hash, "ship_$field"=>$_}, @opt);
    my %fsaw = ();
    push @cust_main, grep { ! $fsaw{$_->custnum}++ } @fcust;

  # we want the components of $fuzzy ANDed, not ORed, but still don't want dupes
  my %saw = ();
  @cust_main = grep { ++$saw{$_->custnum} == scalar(keys %$fuzzy) } @cust_main;





=over 4

=item check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles


sub check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles {
  my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
  rebuild_fuzzyfiles() if grep { ! -e "$dir/cust_main.$_" } @fuzzyfields

=item rebuild_fuzzyfiles


sub rebuild_fuzzyfiles {

  use Fcntl qw(:flock);

  my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
  mkdir $dir, 0700 unless -d $dir;

  foreach my $fuzzy ( @fuzzyfields ) {

      or die "can't open $dir/cust_main.$fuzzy: $!";
      or die "can't lock $dir/cust_main.$fuzzy: $!";

    open (CACHE,">$dir/cust_main.$fuzzy.tmp")
      or die "can't open $dir/cust_main.$fuzzy.tmp: $!";

    foreach my $field ( $fuzzy, "ship_$fuzzy" ) {
      my $sth = dbh->prepare("SELECT $field FROM cust_main".
                             " WHERE $field != '' AND $field IS NOT NULL");
      $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;

      while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
        print CACHE $row->[0]. "\n";


    close CACHE or die "can't close $dir/cust_main.$fuzzy.tmp: $!";
    rename "$dir/cust_main.$fuzzy.tmp", "$dir/cust_main.$fuzzy";
    close LOCK;


=item all_X


sub all_X {
  my( $self, $field ) = @_;
  my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
    or die "can't open $dir/cust_main.$field: $!";
  my @array = map { chomp; $_; } <CACHE>;
  close CACHE;

=head1 BUGS

Bed bugs

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<FS::cust_main>, L<FS::Record>



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