[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_export ikano.pm,1.9,1.10
Erik Levinson
levinse at wavetail.420.am
Tue Nov 30 21:56:12 PST 2010
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Schema.pm, 1.249, 1.250 dsl_note.pm, 1.1, 1.2 geocode_Mixin.pm, 1.2, 1.3 qual.pm, 1.3, 1.4 svc_Common.pm, 1.59, 1.60 svc_dsl.pm, 1.6, 1.7
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Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_export
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv14495/FS/FS/part_export
Modified Files:
Log Message:
-ikano, svc_dsl, dsl_note, and qual on-going implementation, RT7111
-add predelete_hook_first and predelete_hook into svc_Common (don't use yet, might change or be removed
-add new cust_location fields into geocode_Mixin location_hash
Index: ikano.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_export/ikano.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -w -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- ikano.pm 30 Nov 2010 00:42:56 -0000 1.9
+++ ikano.pm 1 Dec 2010 05:56:10 -0000 1.10
@@ -49,11 +49,19 @@
# current assumptions of what won't change (from their side):
# vendor_order_id, vendor_qual_id, vendor_order_type, pushed, monitored,
# last_pull, address (from qual), contact info, ProductCustomId
- my($self, $svc_dsl) = (shift, shift);
+ my($self, $svc_dsl, $threshold) = (shift, shift, shift);
my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'pull');
return $result unless $result eq '';
+ my $now = time;
+ if($now - $svc_dsl->last_pull < $threshold) {
+ warn "$me skipping pull since threshold not reached (svcnum="
+ . $svc_dsl->svcnum . ",now=$now,threshold=$threshold,last_pull="
+ . $svc_dsl->last_pull .")" if $self->option('debug');
+ return '';
+ }
$result = $self->ikano_command('ORDERSTATUS',
{ OrderId => $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id } );
return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error
@@ -242,14 +250,68 @@
new FS::dsl_note( {
'svcnum' => $svcnum,
- 'by' => $by,
+ 'user' => $by,
'priority' => $n->{'HighPriority'} eq 'false' ? 'N' : 'H',
- 'date' => int(str2time($n->{'Date'})),
+ '_date' => int(str2time($n->{'Date'})),
'note' => $n->{'Text'},
} );
sub qual {
+ my($self,$qual) = (shift,shift);
+# address always required for Ikano qual, TN optional (assume dry if not given)
+ my %location_hash = $qual->location;
+ return 'No address provided' unless %location_hash;
+ my $svctn = $qual->phonenum;
+ my $result = $self->ikano_command('PREQUAL',
+ { AddressLine1 => $location_hash{address1},
+ AddressUnitType => $location_hash{location_type},
+ AddressUnitValue => $location_hash{location_number},
+ AddressCity => $location_hash{city},
+ AddressState => $location_hash{state},
+ ZipCode => $location_hash{zip},
+ Country => $location_hash{country},
+ LocationType => $location_hash{location_kind},
+ PhoneNumber => length($svctn) > 1 ? $svctn : "STANDALONE",
+ RequestClientIP => '',
+ CheckNetworks => $self->option('check_networks'),
+ } );
+ return 'Invalid prequal response' unless defined $result->{'PrequalId'};
+ my $qoptions = {};
+ # lame data structure traversal...
+ # don't spend much time here, just get TermsId and ProductCustomId
+ my $networks = $result->{'Network'};
+ my @networks = defined $networks ? @$networks : ();
+ my $netcount = 0;
+ foreach my $network ( @networks ) {
+ my $productgroups = $network->{'ProductGroup'};
+ my @productgroups = defined $productgroups ? @$productgroups : ();
+ my $pgcount = 0;
+ foreach my $productgroup ( @productgroups ) {
+ my $prefix = "ikano_Network_$netcount"."_ProductGroup_$pgcount"."_";
+ $qoptions->{$prefix."TermsId"} = $productgroup->{'TermsId'};
+ my $products = $network->{'Product'};
+ my @products = defined $products ? @$products : ();
+ my $prodcount = 0;
+ foreach my $product ( @products ) {
+ $qoptions->{$prefix."Product_$prodcount"."_ProductCustomId"} = $product->{'ProductCustomId'};
+ $prodcount++;
+ }
+ $pgcount++;
+ }
+ $netcount++;
+ }
+ { 'vendor_qual_id' => $result->{'PrequalId'},
+ 'status' => scalar(@networks) ? 'Q' : 'D',
+ 'options' => $qoptions,
+ };
+sub qual_html {
@@ -469,8 +531,14 @@
my $result = $self->ikano_command('CANCEL',
{ OrderId => $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id, } );
return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error
+ return 'Unable to cancel order' unless $result->{'Order'};
+ $result = $result->{'Order'};
+ return 'Invalid cancellation response'
+ unless $result->{'Status'} eq 'CANCELLED'
+ && $result->{'OrderId'} eq $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id;
- return $self->dsl_pull($svc_dsl);
+ # we're supposed to do a pull, but it will break everything, so don't
+ # this is very wrong...
else {
return "Cannot cancel a NEW order unless it's in NEW or PENDING status";
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Schema.pm, 1.249, 1.250 dsl_note.pm, 1.1, 1.2 geocode_Mixin.pm, 1.2, 1.3 qual.pm, 1.3, 1.4 svc_Common.pm, 1.59, 1.60 svc_dsl.pm, 1.6, 1.7
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