[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_export ikano.pm,1.3,1.4

Erik Levinson levinse at wavetail.420.am
Fri Nov 26 21:17:54 PST 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_export
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv30585/FS/FS/part_export

Modified Files:
Log Message:
qual, svc_dsl, and ikano on-going implementation, RT7111

Index: ikano.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_export/ikano.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -w -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- ikano.pm	25 Nov 2010 20:02:54 -0000	1.3
+++ ikano.pm	27 Nov 2010 05:17:52 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 package FS::part_export::ikano;
-use vars qw(@ISA %info);
+use vars qw(@ISA %info %orderType %orderStatus %loopType $DEBUG $me);
 use Tie::IxHash;
 use Date::Format qw( time2str );
-use FS::Record qw(qsearch dbh);
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
 use FS::part_export;
 use FS::svc_dsl;
+use Data::Dumper;
 @ISA = qw(FS::part_export);
+$DEBUG = 1;
+$me= '[' .  __PACKAGE__ . ']';
 tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
   'keyid'         => { label=>'Ikano keyid' },
@@ -30,30 +33,42 @@
+%orderType = ( 'N' => 'New', 'X' => 'Cancel', 'C' => 'Change' );
+%orderStatus = ('N' => 'New',
+		'P' => 'Pending',
+		'X' => 'Cancelled',
+		'C' => 'Completed',
+		'E' => 'Error' );
+%loopType = ( '' => 'Line-share', '0' => 'Standalone' );
 sub rebless { shift; }
 sub dsl_pull {
+sub dsl_qual {
+    '';
+sub notes_html {
+    '';
+sub loop_type_long { # sub, not a method
+    my($svc_dsl) = (shift);
+    return $loopType{$svc_dsl->loop_type};
 sub status_line {
-    my($self,$svc_dsl) = (shift,shift,shift,shift);
-    my %orderTypes = ( 'N' => 'New', 'X' => 'Cancel', 'C' => 'Change' );
-    my %orderStatus = ( 'N' => 'New', 'P' => 'Pending', 'X' => 'Cancelled',
-			'C' => 'Completed', 'E' => 'Error' );
-    return "Ikano ".$orderTypes{$svc_dsl->vendor_order_type}." order #"
+    my($self,$svc_dsl) = (shift,shift);
+    return "Ikano ".$orderType{$svc_dsl->vendor_order_type}." order #"
 	. $svc_dsl->vendor_order_id . " (Status: " 
 	. $orderStatus{$svc_dsl->vendor_order_status} . ")";
-sub loop_type_long {
-    my($svc_dsl) = shift;
-    return "Standalone" if $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0';
-    return "Line-share";
 sub ikano_command {
-  my( $self, $command, @args ) = @_;
+  my( $self, $command, $args ) = @_;
   eval "use Net::Ikano;";
   die $@ if $@;
@@ -62,15 +77,132 @@
     'keyid' => $self->option('keyid'),
     'username'  => $self->option('username'),
     'password'  => $self->option('password'),
-    #'debug'    => 1,
+    'debug'    => 1,
+    #'reqpreviewonly' => 1,
-  $ikano->$command(@args);
+  $ikano->$command($args);
+sub valid_order {
+  my( $self, $svc_dsl, $action ) = (shift, shift, shift);
+  warn "$me valid_order action=$action svc_dsl: ". Dumper($svc_dsl) if $DEBUG;
+  # common to all order types/status/loop_type
+  my $error = !($svc_dsl->desired_dd 
+	    &&  defined $orderType{$svc_dsl->vendor_order_type}
+	    &&  $svc_dsl->first
+	    &&	$svc_dsl->last
+	    &&	defined $svc_dsl->loop_type
+	    &&  $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id
+	    );
+  return 'Missing or invalid order data' if $error;
+  return 'Package does not have an external id configured'
+    if $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg->options('externalid',1) eq '';
+  return 'No valid qualification for this order' 
+    unless qsearch( 'qual', { 'vendor_qual_id' => $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id });
+  # now go by order type
+  # weird ifs & long lines for readability and ease of understanding - don't change
+  if($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'N') {
+    if($svc_dsl->pushed) {
+    }
+    else { # unpushed New order - cannot do anything other than push it
+	$error = !($action eq 'insert'
+	    && 	length($svc_dsl->vendor_order_id) < 1
+	    && 	length($svc_dsl->vendor_order_status) < 1
+	    && ( ($svc_dsl->svctn eq '' && $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0') # dry
+	      || ($svc_dsl->svctn ne '' && $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '') # line-share
+	       )
+	    );	
+	return 'Invalid order data' if $error;
+    }
+  }
+  elsif($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'X') {
+  }
+  elsif($svc_dsl->vendor_order_type eq 'C') {
+  }
+ '';
+sub qual2termsid {
+    my ($self,$vendor_qual_id) = (shift,shift);
+    my $qual = qsearchs( 'qual', { 'vendor_qual_id' => $vendor_qual_id });
+    return '' unless $qual;
+    my %qual_options = $qual->options;
+    foreach my $optionname ( keys %qual_options ) {
+	if ( $optionname =~ /^ikano_network_(\d+)_productgroup_(\d+)_termsid$/ ) {
+	    return $qual_options{$optionname};
+	}
+	# XXX finish this properly - the above is wrong
+    }
+    '';
 sub _export_insert {
   my( $self, $svc_dsl ) = (shift, shift);
-  '';
+  my $result = $self->valid_order($svc_dsl,'insert');
+  return $result unless $result eq '';
+  my $isp_chg = $svc_dsl->isp_chg eq 'Y' ? 'YES' : 'NO';
+  my $contactTN = $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->cust_main->daytime;
+  $contactTN =~ s/[^0-9]//g;
+  my $args = {
+	orderType => 'NEW',
+	ProductCustomId => 
+	    $svc_dsl->cust_svc->cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('externalid',1),
+	TermsId => $self->qual2termsid($svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id),
+	DSLPhoneNumber => $svc_dsl->loop_type eq '0' ? 'STANDALONE'
+						    : $svc_dsl->svctn,
+	Password => $svc_dsl->password,
+	PrequalId => $svc_dsl->vendor_qual_id,
+	CompanyName => $svc_dsl->company,
+	FirstName => $svc_dsl->first,
+	LastName => $svc_dsl->last,
+	MiddleName => '',
+	ContactMethod => 'PHONE',
+	ContactPhoneNumber => $contactTN,
+	ContactEmail => 'x at x.xx',
+	ContactFax => '',
+	DateToOrder => time2str("%Y-%m-%d",$svc_dsl->desired_dd),
+	RequestClientIP => '',
+	IspChange => $isp_chg,
+	IspPrevious => $isp_chg eq 'YES' ? $svc_dsl->isp_prev : '',
+	CurrentProvider => $isp_chg eq 'NO' ? $svc_dsl->isp_prev : '',
+  };
+  $result = $self->ikano_command('ORDER',$args); 
+  return $result unless ref($result); # scalar (string) is an error
+  # now we're getting an OrderResponse which should have one Order in it
+  warn Dumper($result) if $DEBUG;
+  my ($pushed,$vendor_order_id,$vendor_order_status,$last_pull);
+  $pushed = time;
+  $last_pull = time;
+  $last_pull++;
+  return 'Invalid order response' unless defined $result->{'Order'};
+  $result = $result->{'Order'};
+  return 'No order id or status returned' 
+    unless defined $result->{'Status'} && defined $result->{'OrderId'};
+  $vendor_order_id = $result->{'OrderId'};
+  $vendor_order_status = $result->{'Status'};
+# XXX we need to set all of these values (everything in the last my statement
+# above) in the svc without:
+# a. re-triggering exports
+# b. committing the svc into the db now (because other things in the caller
+#  and further up the stack may decide that the svc shouldn't be inserted)
+  return '';
 sub _export_replace {

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