[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch td_eft1464.pm, NONE,

Mark Wells mark at wavetail.420.am
Fri Nov 12 15:34:14 PST 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv13766/FS/FS/pay_batch

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_2_1_BRANCH
Log Message:
TD EFT batch format, RT#10545

--- NEW FILE: td_eft1464.pm ---
package FS::pay_batch::td_eft1464;

use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA %import_info %export_info $name);
use Date::Format 'time2str';
use FS::Conf;
use FS::Record qw(qsearch);

=head1 NAME

td_eft1464 - TD Commercial Banking EFT1464 format


The Freeside option 'batchconfig-td_eft1464' must be set 
with the following values on separate lines:

=over 4

=item Originator ID

=item TD Datacenter Location

00400 - Vancouver
00410 - Montreal
00420 - Toronto
00430 - Halifax
00470 - Winnipeg
00490 - Calgary

=item Short Name

=item Long Name

=item Returned Payment Branch (5 digits)

=item Returned Payment Account

=item Transaction Type Code - defaults to "437" (Internet access)



my $conf;
my %opt;
my $i;

$name = 'td_eft1464';
# TD Bank EFT 1464 Byte format

%import_info = (
  'filetype'    => 'variable',
  'parse'       => \&parse,
  'fields' => [ qw(
    ) ],
  'hook' => sub {
      my $hash = shift;
      $hash->{'_date'} = time;
      $hash->{'paid'} = sprintf('%.2f', $hash->{'paid'});
  'approved'    => sub { 
      my $hash = shift;
      $hash->{'status'} eq 'A'
  'declined'    => sub {
      my $hash = shift;
      $hash->{'status'} eq 'D';
  'begin_condition' => sub {
      my $hash = shift;
      $hash->{'status'} eq 'A' or $hash->{'status'} eq 'D';
  'end_condition' => sub {
      my $hash = shift;
      $hash->{'status'} eq 'END'
  'close_condition' => sub {
      my $batch = shift;
      my @cust_pay_batch = qsearch('cust_pay_batch', 
        { batchnum => $batch->batchnum }
      return ( (grep {! length($_->status) } @cust_pay_batch) == 0 );

sub parse {
  my ($batch, $line) = @_;
  $batch->setfield('import_state','') if !$batch->import_state;
  return 'END' if $batch->import_state eq 'END';
  if( $batch->import_state eq '212' ) {
    # APX212 fields:
    # trace number, trans type, amount, due date, routing number, 
    # account number, xref number, return routing number and account
    # The only ones we take are amount and xref number.
    if( $line =~ /CREDITS\s+DEBITS/ ) {
      $batch->setfield('import_state', 'END');
      return 'END';
    $line =~ /^\d{22} D\d{3} (.{14})    \d{5}  \d{4}-\d{5}  .{12}    (.{19}).*$/
      or die "can't parse: $line";
    # strip leading zeroes/spaces from paybatchnum at this point
    return ('A', $1, sprintf('%u',$2));
  elsif( $batch->import_state eq '234' ) {
    # APX234 fields:
    # payor name, xref number, due date, routing number, account number,
    # amount, reason for return
    if( $line =~ /TOTAL NUMBER -/ ) {
      $batch->setfield('import_state', 'END');
      return 'END';
    $line =~ /^.{22} (.{19})   \d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d  \d{9}  .{12} (.{14}).*$/
      or die "can't parse: $line";
    return ('D', $2, sprintf('%u',$1));
  else {
    if ( $line =~ /ITEM TRACE NUMBER/ ) {
    elsif ( $line =~ /REASON FOR RETURN/ ) {
    } # else leave it undefined
    return 'HEADER';

%export_info = (
  init => sub {
    $conf = shift;
    } = $conf->config("batchconfig-td_eft1464");
    $opt{'origid'} = sprintf('%-10s', $opt{'origid'});
    $opt{'shortname'} = sprintf('%-15s', $opt{'shortname'});
    $opt{'longname'} = sprintf('%-30s', $opt{'longname'});
    $opt{'retbranch'} = '0004'.sprintf('%5s',$opt{'retbranch'});
    $opt{'retacct'} = sprintf('%-11s', $opt{'retacct'}). ' ';
    $i = 1;
  header => sub { 
    my $pay_batch = shift;
    my @cust_pay_batch = @{(shift)};
    my $time = $pay_batch->download || time;
    my $now = sprintf("%03u%03u", 
      (localtime(time))[5],#year since 1900
      (localtime(time))[7]+1);#day of year

    # Request settlement the next day
    my $duedate = time+86400;
    $opt{'due'} = sprintf("%03u%03u",

    $opt{'fcn'} = 
      sprintf('%04u', ($pay_batch->batchnum % 9999)+1), # file creation number
      'A', #record type
      sprintf('%09u', 1), #record number
      ' ' x 1429 #filler
  row => sub {
    my ($cust_pay_batch, $pay_batch) = @_;
    my ($account, $aba) = split('@', $cust_pay_batch->payinfo);
    # The 1464 byte format supports up to 5 payments per line,
    # but we're only going to send 1.
    my $control = join('',
      'D',                  # for 'debit'
      sprintf("%09u", $i),  #record number
    my $payment = join('',
      $opt{'cpacode'} || 437, # CPA code, defaults to "Internet access"
      sprintf('%010.0f', $cust_pay_batch->amount*100),
      $opt{'due'}, #due date...? XXX
      sprintf('%09u', $aba),
      sprintf('%-12s', $account),
      ' ' x 22,
      ' ' x 3,
        join(' ',
          $cust_pay_batch->first, $cust_pay_batch->last)
      sprintf('%-19s', $cust_pay_batch->paybatchnum), # originator reference num
      ' ' x 22,
      ' ' x 2,
      '0' x 11,
    return $control . $payment . (' ' x 720);
  footer => sub {
    my ($pay_batch, $batchcount, $batchtotal) = @_;
      sprintf('%09u', $batchcount + 2),
      sprintf('%014.0f', $batchtotal*100), # total of debit txns
      sprintf('%08u', $batchcount), # number of debit txns
      '0' x 14, # total of credit txns
      '0' x 8, # total of credit txns
      ' ' x 1396,


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