[freeside-commits] freeside/rt/share/html/Search Calendar.html, NONE, 1.1
ivan at wavetail.420.am
Tue May 18 19:32:03 PDT 2010
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/share/html/Search
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv19312/rt/share/html/Search
Added Files:
Log Message:
add RTx::Calendar 0.07
--- NEW FILE: Calendar.html ---
$Month => (localtime)[4]
$Year => (localtime)[5] + 1900
$Query => undef
$Format => undef
$Order => undef
$OrderBy => undef
$RowsPerPage => undef
$NewQuery => 0
<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title &>
<& /Ticket/Elements/Tabs,
current_tab => "Search/Calendar.html?$QueryString",
Title => $title &>
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox,
title => loc('Calendar for ') . $rtdate->GetMonth($Month) . " $Year" ,
title_class=> 'inverse',
color => "#993333" &>
<table width="100%">
<td align="left">
% my ($PMonth, $PYear) = ($Month - 1, $Year);
% if ($PMonth < 0) {
% $PYear--;
% $PMonth = 11;
% }
<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Calendar.html?Month=<%$PMonth%>&Year=<%$PYear%>&<%$QueryString%>">«<%$rtdate->GetMonth($PMonth)%></a>
<td align="center">
<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Prefs/Calendar.html">Calendar Preferences and Help</a>
<td align="right">
% my ($NMonth, $NYear) = ($Month + 1, $Year);
% if ($NMonth > 11) {
% $NYear++;
% $NMonth = 0;
% }
<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Calendar.html?Month=<%$NMonth%>&Year=<%$NYear%>&<%$QueryString%>"><%$rtdate->GetMonth($NMonth)%>»</a>
<table class="rtxcalendar">
% for (1 .. 6, 0) {
<th width="14%"><%$rtdate->GetWeekday($_)%></th>
% }
% while ($date <= $end) {
% if ( $date->day_of_week == 1) {
<th><% $date->week_number %></th>
% }
<td class="<% $date->month != ($Month + 1) ? 'oddline' : '' %>"
style="width:14%;<% DateTime->compare($today, $date) == 0 ? 'background:#f6f7f8;' : '' %>"
<p class="date"><%$date->day%></p>
% for my $t ( @{ $Tickets{$date->strftime("%F")} } ) {
<& /Elements/CalendarEvent, Object => $t, Date => $date, DateTypes => \%DateTypes &>
% }
% $date = $set->next($date);
% if ( $date->day_of_week == 1) {
% }
% }
<table width="100%">
<td align="left">
<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Calendar.html?Month=<%$PMonth%>&Year=<%$PYear%>&<%$QueryString%>">«<%$rtdate->GetMonth($PMonth)%></a>
<td align="right">
<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Calendar.html?Month=<%$NMonth%>&Year=<%$NYear%>&<%$QueryString%>"><%$rtdate->GetMonth($NMonth)%>»</a>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="center" width="80%">
<form action="<%$RT::WebPath%>/Search/Calendar.html?<%$QueryString%>" method="post">
<select name="Month">
% for (0..11) {
<option value="<%$_%>" <% $_ == $Month ? 'selected' : ''%> ><%$rtdate->GetMonth($_)%></option>
% }
% my $year = (localtime)[5] + 1900;
<select name="Year">
% for ( ($year-5) .. ($year+5)) {
<option value="<%$_%>" <% $_ == $Year ? 'selected' : ''%>><%$_%></option>
% }
<& /Elements/Submit&>
<td valign="top" width="50%" align="right">
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/created.png" /> : <&|/l&>Created</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/due.png" /> : <&|/l&>Due</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/resolved.png" /> : <&|/l&>Resolved</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/updated.png" /> : <&|/l&>Last Updated</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/created_due.png" /> : <&|/l&>Created</&>, <&|/l&>Due</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/reminder.png" /> : <&|/l&>Reminders</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/starts.png" /> : <&|/l&>Starts</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/started.png" /> : <&|/l&>Started</&><br />
<img src="<%$RT::WebImagesURL%>/starts_due.png" /> : <&|/l&>Starts</&>, <&|/l&>Due</&><br />
use RTx::Calendar;
my $title = loc("Calendar");
my @DateTypes = qw/Created Starts Started Due LastUpdated Resolved/;
my $rtdate = RT::Date->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
my $today = DateTime->today;
my $date = RTx::Calendar::FirstMonday($Year, $Month + 1);
my $end = RTx::Calendar::LastSunday($Year, $Month + 1);
# use this to loop over days until $end
my $set = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(
next => sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'day' )->add( days => 1 ) }
my $QueryString =
Query => $Query,
Format => $Format,
Order => $Order,
OrderBy => $OrderBy,
Rows => $RowsPerPage
if ($Query);
$QueryString ||= 'NewQuery=1';
# Default Query and Format
my $TempFormat = "__Starts__ __Due__";
my $TempQuery = "( Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open' OR Status = 'stalled')
AND ( Owner = '" . $session{CurrentUser}->Id ."' OR Owner = 'Nobody' )
AND ( Type = 'reminder' OR 'Type' = 'ticket' )";
if ( my $Search = RTx::Calendar::SearchDefaultCalendar($session{CurrentUser}) ) {
$TempFormat = $Search->SubValue('Format');
$TempQuery = $Search->SubValue('Query');
# we overide them if needed
$TempQuery = $Query if $Query;
$TempFormat = $Format if $Format;
# we search all date types in Format string
my @Dates = grep { $TempFormat =~ m/__${_}(Relative)?__/ } @DateTypes;
# used to display or not a date in Element/CalendarEvent
my %DateTypes = map { $_ => 1 } @Dates;
$TempQuery .= RTx::Calendar::DatesClauses(\@Dates, $date->strftime("%F"), $end->strftime("%F"));
# print STDERR ("-" x 30), "\n", $TempQuery, "\n";
my %Tickets = RTx::Calendar::FindTickets($session{'CurrentUser'}, $TempQuery, \@Dates, $date->strftime("%F"), $end->strftime("%F"));
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