[freeside-commits] freeside/rt/lib/RTx Calendar.pm,NONE,1.1
ivan at wavetail.420.am
Tue May 18 19:32:02 PDT 2010
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/lib/RTx
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv19312/rt/lib/RTx
Added Files:
Log Message:
add RTx::Calendar 0.07
--- NEW FILE: Calendar.pm ---
package RTx::Calendar;
use strict;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Set;
our $VERSION = "0.07";
sub FirstMonday {
my ($year, $month) = (shift, shift);
my $set = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(
next => sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'day' )->subtract( days => 1 ) }
my $day = DateTime->new( year => $year, month => $month );
$day = $set->next($day) while $day->day_of_week != 1;
sub LastSunday {
my ($year, $month) = (shift, shift);
my $set = DateTime::Set->from_recurrence(
next => sub { $_[0]->truncate( to => 'day' )->add( days => 1 ) }
my $day = DateTime->last_day_of_month( year => $year, month => $month );
$day = $set->next($day) while $day->day_of_week != 7;
# we can't use RT::Date::Date because it uses gmtime
# and we need localtime
sub LocalDate {
my $ts = shift;
my ($d,$m,$y) = (localtime($ts))[3..5];
sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d", ($y + 1900), ++$m, $d;
sub DatesClauses {
my ($Dates, $begin, $end) = @_;
my $clauses = "";
my @DateClauses = map {
"($_ >= '" . $begin . "' AND $_ <= '" . $end . "')"
} @$Dates;
$clauses .= " AND " . " ( " . join(" OR ", @DateClauses) . " ) "
if @DateClauses;
return $clauses
sub FindTickets {
my ($CurrentUser, $Query, $Dates, $begin, $end) = @_;
$Query .= DatesClauses($Dates, $begin, $end)
if $begin and $end;
my $Tickets = RT::Tickets->new($CurrentUser);
my %Tickets;
my %AlreadySeen;
while ( my $Ticket = $Tickets->Next()) {
# How to find the LastContacted date ?
for my $Date (@$Dates) {
my $DateObj = $Date . "Obj";
push @{ $Tickets{ LocalDate($Ticket->$DateObj->Unix) } }, $Ticket
# if reminder, check it's refering to a ticket
unless ($Ticket->Type eq 'reminder' and not $Ticket->RefersTo->First)
or $AlreadySeen{ LocalDate($Ticket->$DateObj->Unix) }{ $Ticket }++;
return %Tickets;
# Take a user object and return the search with Description "calendar" if it exists
sub SearchDefaultCalendar {
my $CurrentUser = shift;
my $Description = "calendar";
# I'm quite sure the loop isn't usefull but...
my @Objects = $CurrentUser->UserObj;
for my $object (@Objects) {
next unless ref($object) eq 'RT::User' && $object->id == $CurrentUser->Id;
my @searches = $object->Attributes->Named('SavedSearch');
for my $search (@searches) {
next if ($search->SubValue('SearchType')
&& $search->SubValue('SearchType') ne 'Ticket');
return $search
if "calendar" eq $search->Description;
=head1 NAME
RTx::Calendar - Calendar for RT due tasks
=head1 VERSION
This document describes version 0.07 of RTx::Calendar
This RT extension provides a calendar view for your tickets and your
reminders so you see when is your next due ticket. You can find it in
the menu Search->Calendar.
There's a portlet to put on your home page (see Prefs/MyRT.html)
You can also enable ics (ICal) feeds for your default calendar and all
your private searches in Prefs/Calendar.html. Authentication is magic
number based so that you can give those feeds to other people.
You can find screenshots on
If you upgrade from 0.02, see next part before.
You need to install those three modules :
* Date::ICal
* Data::ICal
* DateTime::Set
Install it like a standard perl module
perl Makefile.PL
make install
If your RT is not in the default path (/opt/rt3) you must set RTHOME
before doing the Makefile.PL
=head2 Base configuration
In RT 3.8 and later, to enable calendar plugin, you must add something
like that in your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm :
To use MyCalendar portlet you must add MyCalendar to
$HomepageComponents in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm like that :
Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate Quicksearch MyCalendar
MyAdminQueues MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage)]);
To enable private searches ICal feeds, you need to give
CreateSavedSearch and LoadSavedSearch rights to your users.
=head2 Display configuration
You can show the owner in each day box by adding this line to your
etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm :
Set($CalendarDisplayOwner, 1);
You can change which fields show up in the popup display when you
mouse over a date in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm :
@CalendarPopupFields = ('Status', 'OwnerObj->Name', 'DueObj->ISO');
=head2 ICAL feed configuration
By default, tickets are todo and reminders event. You can change this
by setting $RT::ICalTicketType and $RT::ICalReminderType in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm :
Set($ICalTicketType, "Data::ICal::Entry::Event");
Set($ICalReminderType ,"Data::ICal::Entry::Todo");
=head1 USAGE
A small help section is available in /Prefs/Calendar.html
=head1 UPGRADE FROM 0.02
As I've change directory structure, if you upgrade from 0.02 you need
to delete old files manually. Go in RTHOME/share/html (by default
/opt/rt3/share/html) and delete those files :
rm -rf Callbacks/RTx-Calendar
rm Tools/Calendar.html
RTx-Calendar may work without this but it's not very clean.
=head1 BUGS
=item *
compatible only with RT 3.6 for the moment. If someone need
compatibility with 3.4 I can work on this. And I will work on 3.7
compatibility later.
=head1 AUTHORS
Nicolas Chuche E<lt>nchuche at barna.beE<gt>
Idea borrowed from redmine's calendar (Thanks Jean-Philippe).
Copyright 2007 by Nicolas Chuche E<lt>nchuche at barna.beE<gt>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
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