[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/browse rate_time.html, NONE, 1.1 rate.cgi, 1.8, 1.9 rate_detail.html, 1.6, 1.7

Mark Wells mark at wavetail.420.am
Wed Jun 30 18:53:52 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv1454/httemplate/browse

Modified Files:
	rate.cgi rate_detail.html 
Added Files:
Log Message:
voip_cdr call rating by day and time, RT#4763

--- NEW FILE: rate_time.html ---
<% include( 'elements/browse.html',
     'title'          => 'Rating Time Periods',
     'name_singular'  => 'period',
     'menubar'        => [ 'Rate plans' => $p.'browse/rate.cgi' ],
     'html_init'      => $html_init,
     'query'          => {
                           'table'     => 'rate_time',
                           'order_by'  => 'ratetimenum', # lacking anything else
                           'hashref'   => {},
     'count_query'    => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rate_time',
     'header'         => \@header,
     'fields'         => \@fields,
     'links'          => \@links,
     'align'          => \@align,

die "access denied"
  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');

my $edit_url = $p.'edit/rate_time.cgi';

my $link = [ "$edit_url?", 'ratetimenum' ];

my $html_init =
  'Time periods for VoIP and call billing.<BR><BR>'.
  qq(<A HREF="$edit_url"><I>Add a new period</I></A><BR><BR>);

sub interval {
  my $i = shift;
  .join('', map { '<TR><TD>'.($_->description)[$i].'</TR></TD>' }
  ) . '</TABLE>';

# inefficient but readable
my $stime_sub = sub { interval(0,shift) };
my $etime_sub = sub { interval(1,shift) };

my @header     = ( '#',           'Period',       'Start', 'End' );
my @fields     = ( 'ratetimenum', 'ratetimename', $stime_sub, $etime_sub );
my @links      = ( ($link) x 2 );
my @align      = ( 'right', 'left', 'left' );


Index: rate.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse/rate.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -w -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- rate.cgi	7 Jan 2009 00:14:33 -0000	1.8
+++ rate.cgi	1 Jul 2010 01:53:50 -0000	1.9
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
               'title'       => 'Rate plans',
               'menubar'     => [ 'Regions and Prefixes' =>
+                                 'Time Periods' =>
+                                   $p.'browse/rate_time.html',
               'html_init'   => $html_init,
               'name'        => 'rate plans',

Index: rate_detail.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse/rate_detail.html,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -w -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- rate_detail.html	21 Mar 2010 23:13:24 -0000	1.6
+++ rate_detail.html	1 Jul 2010 01:53:50 -0000	1.7
@@ -1,39 +1,53 @@
-<% include( 'elements/browse.html',
-     'title'          => $title,
-     'name_singular'  => 'rate',
-     'html_init'      => $html_init,
-     'menubar'        => [ 'Rate plans' => $p.'browse/rate.cgi' ],
-     'query'          => {
-                           'table'     => 'rate_detail',
-                           'addl_from' => $join,
-                           'hashref'   => { 'ratenum' => $ratenum },
-                           'extra_sql' => $where,
-                         },
-     'count_query'    => "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rate_detail $join".
-                         " WHERE ratenum = $ratenum $where",
-     'header'         => [
-                           'Region',
-                           'Prefix(es)',
-                           'Included<BR>minutes',
-                           'Connection<BR>charge',
-                           'Charge per<BR>minute',
-                           'Granularity',
-                           'Usage class',
-                         ],
-     'fields'         => [
-                           'regionname',
-                           sub { shift->dest_region->prefixes_short },
-                           sub { shift->min_included. $edit_hint },
-                           $conn_charge_sub,
-                           sub { $money_char. shift->min_charge. $edit_hint },
-                           sub { $granularity{ shift->sec_granularity } },
-                           'classname',
-                         ],
-     'links'          => [ '', '', $edit_link,    $edit_link,    '', '' ],
-     'link_onclicks'  => [ '', '', $edit_onclick, $edit_onclick, '', '' ],
-     'align'          => 'llrrcc',
-   )
+<% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %>
+<% include('/elements/header.html',$title) %>
+<% include('/elements/menubar.html', at menubar) %>
+<% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
+% my $col = 0;
+% foreach (@header) {
+%   my $hlink = $hlinks[$col];
+  <TH CLASS   = "grid",
+      BGCOLOR = "#cccccc">
+  <% $hlink ? qq!<A HREF="$hlink">$_</A>! : $_ %>
+  </TH>
+%   $col++;
+% } #foreach @header
+% my $row = 0;
+% foreach my $region (@rate_region) {
+%   $col = 0;
+%   foreach ($region->regionname, $region->prefixes_short) {
+  <TD>
+    <A HREF="<% $p.'edit/rate_region.cgi?'.$region->regionnum %>"><% $_ %></A>
+  </TD>
+%   }
+%   foreach my $rate_time (@rate_time, '') {
+  <TD>
+%     my $detail = $details[$row][$col];
+%     if($detail) {
+      <TABLE CLASS="inv" STYLE="border:none">
+      <TR><TD><% edit_link($detail) %><% $money_char.$detail->min_charge %>
+              <% $detail->sec_granularity ? ' / minute':' / call' %>
+      <% $edit_hint %></A>
+      </TD></TR>
+      <% granularity_detail($detail) %>
+      <% min_included_detail($detail) %>
+      <% conn_charge_detail($detail) %>
+      <TR><TD><% $rate_time ? delete_link($detail) : '' %></TD></TR>
+    </TABLE>
+%     }
+%     else { #!$detail
+    <% add_link($ratenum, $region, $rate_time) %>
+%     }
+%     $col++;
+  </TD>
+%   } # foreach @rate_time
+%   $row++;
+% }# foreach @rate_region
+<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
 tie my %granularity, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::rate_detail::granularities();
@@ -42,31 +56,92 @@
 my $conf = new FS::Conf;
 my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$';
-my $join =
-  ' JOIN rate_region ON ( rate_detail.dest_regionnum = rate_region.regionnum )';
+my @menubar = ( 'Rate plans' => $p.'browse/rate.cgi',
+                'Regions and Prefixes' => $p.'browse/rate_region.html',
+                'Time Periods' => $p.'browse/rate_time.html',
+                );
-my $edit_link = [ 'javascript:void(0);', sub { ''; } ];
+sub small {
+  '<FONT SIZE="-1">'.shift.'</FONT>'
+my $edit_hint = small('(edit)');
-my $edit_onclick = sub {
+sub edit_link {
   my $rate_detail = shift;
   my $ratedetailnum = $rate_detail->ratedetailnum;
+  '<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="'.
   include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
              'action'      => "${p}edit/rate_detail.html?$ratedetailnum",
              'actionlabel' => 'Edit rate',
              'height'      => 420,
              #default# 'width'       => 540,
              #default# 'color'       => '#333399',
+         ) . '">'
+sub add_link {
+  my ($ratenum, $region, $rate_time) = @_;
+  '<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="'.
+  include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
+             'action'      => "${p}edit/rate_detail.html?ratenum=$ratenum".
+                               ';dest_regionnum='.$region->regionnum.
+                               ($rate_time ? 
+                                 ';ratetimenum='.$rate_time->ratetimenum :
+                                 ''),
+             'actionlabel' => 'Add rate',
+             'height'      => 420,
+             ).'">'.small('(add)').'</A>'
+sub delete_link {
+  my $rate_detail = shift;
+  my $ratedetailnum = $rate_detail->ratedetailnum;
+  my $onclick = include( '/elements/popup_link_onclick.html',
+             'action'      => "${p}misc/delete-rate_detail.html?$ratedetailnum",
+             'actionlabel' => 'Delete rate',
+             'width'       => 510,
+             'height'      => 315,
+             'frame'       => 'top',
-my $edit_hint = '&nbsp;<FONT SIZE="-1">(edit)</FONT>';
+  $onclick = "if(confirm('Delete this rate?')) { $onclick }";
+  qq!<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$onclick">!.small('(delete)').'</A>'
-my $conn_charge_sub = sub {
+sub granularity_detail {
+  my $rate_detail = shift;
+  if($rate_detail->sec_granularity != 60 && $rate_detail->sec_granularity > 0) {
+    '<TR><TD>'.
+    small('in '.$granularity{$rate_detail->sec_granularity}.' increments').
+    '</TD></TR>';
+  }
+  else { '' }
+sub min_included_detail {
+  my $rate_detail = shift;
+  if($rate_detail->min_included) {
+    '<TR><TD>'.
+    small( $rate_detail->min_included . 
+            ($rate_detail->sec_granularity ? 
+             ' minutes included' : 
+             ' calls included') ).
+    '</TD></TR>'
+  }
+  else { '' }
+sub conn_charge_detail {
    my $rate_detail = shift;
+  if($rate_detail->conn_charge > 0) {
    #return '' unless $rate_detail->conn_charge > 0 || $rate_detail->conn_sec;
-   $money_char. $rate_detail->conn_charge.
-     ($rate_detail->conn_sec ? ' for '.$conn_secs{$rate_detail->conn_sec} : '').
-     $edit_hint;
+    '<TR><TD>'.
+    small( $money_char. $rate_detail->conn_charge.
+      ' for '.$conn_secs{$rate_detail->conn_sec}
+    ).
+    '</TD></TR>'
+  }
+  else { '' }
@@ -74,8 +149,6 @@
 die "access denied"
   unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Configuration');
-my $html_init = include('/elements/init_overlib.html');
 $cgi->param('ratenum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "unparsable ratenum";
 my $ratenum = $1;
 my $rate = qsearchs('rate', { 'ratenum' => $ratenum } )
@@ -83,11 +156,10 @@
 my $ratename = $rate->ratename;
 my $title = "$ratename rates";
-my @where = ();
+my $where;
 if ( $cgi->param('countrycode') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { 
   my $countrycode = $1;
-  push @where, "0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rate_prefix
+  $where = "WHERE 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rate_prefix
                         WHERE rate_prefix.regionnum = rate_region.regionnum
                           AND countrycode = '$countrycode'
@@ -95,6 +167,25 @@
   $title .= " for +$countrycode";
-my $where = scalar(@where) ? ' AND '.join(' AND ', @where ) : '';
+my @rate_region = qsearch({ table     => 'rate_region',
+                            hashref   => {},
+                            extra_sql => $where,
+                          });
+my @rate_time = qsearch('rate_time', {});
+my @header = ('Region', 'Prefix(es)',
+  map( { $_->ratetimename } @rate_time ),
+  '(default)');
+my @hlinks = map {''} @header;
+my @rtns = ( map( { $_->ratetimenum } @rate_time ), '' );
+my @details;
+foreach my $region (@rate_region) {
+   push @details, [ map { qsearchs('rate_detail', 
+                                    { 'ratenum'        => $ratenum,
+                                      'dest_regionnum' => $region->regionnum,
+                                      'ratetimenum'    => $_ } ) or ''
+                        } @rtns ];

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