[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements tr-pickcolor.html, NONE, pickcolor.html, NONE,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sat Jul 17 14:41:51 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv7401/httemplate/elements

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_9_BRANCH
	tr-pickcolor.html pickcolor.html 
Log Message:
customer tags, RT#9192

--- NEW FILE: tr-pickcolor.html ---
<% include('tr-td-label.html', @_ ) %>
  <TD <% $colspan %> <% $cell_style %> ID="<% $opt{input_id} || $opt{id}.'_input0' %>"><% include('pickcolor.html', @_ ) %></TD>

my %opt = @_;

my $cell_style = $opt{'cell_style'} ? 'STYLE="'. $opt{'cell_style'}. '"' : '';

my $colspan = $opt{'colspan'} ? 'COLSPAN="'.$opt{'colspan'}.'"' : '';


--- NEW FILE: pickcolor.html ---
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<% $opt{'field'} %>" ID="<%$id%>" VALUE="<%$value%>">
<TABLE BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" ID="showcolor<%$unum%>">
  <TD STYLE="border:1px solid blue;background-color:#<%$value%>" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 ID="currcolor<%$unum%>"></TD>
  <TD> <A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="change_clicked<%$unum%>()">change</A></TD>
<TABLE BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" ID="pickcolor<%$unum%>" STYLE="display:none">
% for (1..$rows) {
%   for (1..$cols) {
%     last unless @colors;
%     my $color = shift(@colors);
      <TD STYLE="border:1px solid blue;cursor:pointer;cursor:hand" BGCOLOR="#<% $color %>" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 onClick="color_clicked<%$unum%>('<%$color%>')"></TD>
%   }
% }
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

  function change_clicked<%$unum%>() {
    document.getElementById('showcolor<%$unum%>').style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById('pickcolor<%$unum%>').style.display = '';

  function color_clicked<%$unum%>(color) {
    document.getElementById('<%$id%>').value = color; //update hidden
    if ( color == '' ) { color = 'ffffff'; }
    document.getElementById('currcolor<%$unum%>').style.backgroundColor = '#' + color;
    document.getElementById('showcolor<%$unum%>').style.display = '';
    document.getElementById('pickcolor<%$unum%>').style.display = 'none';


my %opt = @_;

my $value = length($opt{curr_value}) ? $opt{curr_value} : $opt{value};

my $unum = int(rand(100000));

my $id = $opt{'id'} || $opt{'field'}.$unum;

my @colors = (
  '', #none/white
  'FF6666', #red
  'FF9966', #orange
  'FFFF66', #yellow
  '66FF66', #green
  '66FFFF', #cyan?
  '6666FF', #blue
  'CC66FF', #purple?  FF66FF looks more like pink.

my $rows = 2;

my $cols = int(.5+scalar(@colors)/$rows);


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