[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/misc qual.html,NONE,1.1
Erik Levinson
levinse at wavetail.420.am
Sun Dec 5 22:36:04 PST 2010
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv15417/httemplate/misc
Added Files:
Log Message:
-tr-select-cust_location.html and elements/location.html: optionally support alternate address format and
optional address
-nearly finished qualifications, RT7111
--- NEW FILE: qual.html ---
<% include('/elements/header-popup.html', 'Service Qualification' ) %>
<% include('/elements/error.html') %>
<FORM NAME="QualForm" ACTION="<% $p %>edit/process/qual.cgi" METHOD="POST">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="custnum" VALUE="<% $cust_main->custnum %>">
<% ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>
<% include('/elements/tr-td-label.html',
'cgi' => $cgi,
'label' => 'Qualify using',
'cell_style' => 'font-weight: bold',
'id' => 'exportnum',
<% include('/elements/select.html',
'cgi' => $cgi,
'field' => 'exportnum',
'options' => \@export_options,
'labels' => $export_labels,
'curr_value' => $cgi->param('exportnum'),
<% include('/elements/tr-input-text.html',
'cgi' => $cgi,
'label' => 'Service Telephone Number',
'field' => 'phonenum',
'size' => '12',
'value' => $cgi->param('phonenum'),
<% include('/elements/tr-select-cust_location.html',
'cgi' => $cgi,
'cust_main' => $cust_main,
'alt_format' => 1, # XXX: use a config option
'is_optional' => 1,
'no_bold' => 1,
<INPUT type="submit" VALUE="Qualify" onClick = "this.disabled=true;">
my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
die "access denied"
unless $curuser->access_right('Order customer package'); # XXX: fix this
my $conf = new FS::Conf;
my $date_format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y';
$cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "no custnum";
my $custnum = $1;
my $cust_main = qsearchs({
'table' => 'cust_main',
'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $custnum },
'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql,
my @exports = grep { $_->can('qual') } qsearch( 'part_export', {} );
my @export_options = ( 0 );
my $export_labels = { '0' => '(manual)' };
foreach my $export ( @exports ) {
push @export_options, $export->exportnum;
$export_labels->{$export->exportnum} = $export->exportname;
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