[freeside-commits] freeside/rt/share/html/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay Results.tsv, NONE, 1.1 index.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sat Dec 4 16:06:30 PST 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/share/html/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv26159/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay

Added Files:
	Results.tsv index.html 
Log Message:
RTx-Statistics in 2.1 / 3.8

--- NEW FILE: Results.tsv ---
%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2005 Best Practical Solutions, LLC 
%#                                          <jesse at bestpractical.com>
%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
%# from www.gnu.org.
%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%# General Public License for more details.
%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
%# Best Practical Solutions,  LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
$Queue => undef
$weekends => $Statistics::PerDayWeekends;

use RTx::Statistics;
use Time::Local;
my @dates;
my $n = 0;
my %Totals;
my $now = new RT::Date($session{CurrentUser});
my $sEpoch;
my $eEpoch;

if (!defined $Queue) {
  $Queue = $Statistics::PerDayQueue;

if ($sDay > $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$sMonth}) {
  $sDay = $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$sMonth};

if ($eDay > $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$eMonth}) {
  $eDay = $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$eMonth};

if ($sYear){
	$sEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear-1900);
if ($eYear){
Statistics::DebugLog("eMonth = " . $eMonth . "\n");
	$eEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $eDay, $eMonth, $eYear-1900);
} else {
        # This case happens when the page is first loaded
	my @local = localtime(time);
	($eDay, $eMonth, $eYear) = ($local[3], $local[4], $local[5]);
	$eYear += 1900; 
	$eEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $local[3], $local[4], $local[5], $local[6], $local[7], $local[8]);
Statistics::DebugLog("Setting eEpoch=$eEpoch from current time.\n");

if (($eEpoch < $sEpoch) || ($sEpoch == 0)) {
    # We have an end, but not a start, or, overlapping.
    # if $currentMonth is set, just set the day to 1
    if($currentMonth) {
      # set start vars from end, but with day set to 1
      (undef, undef, undef, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear) = localtime($eEpoch);
      $sEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear);
    } else {
      # If the user has specified how many days back to go, use that,
      # If not, set start to configured default period before end
      if(defined $days) {
        $sEpoch = $eEpoch - ($days * $Statistics::secsPerDay);
      } else {
        $sEpoch = $eEpoch - ($Statistics::PerDayPeriod * $Statistics::secsPerDay);
      (undef, undef, undef, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear) = localtime($sEpoch);
    $sYear += 1900;

# set content type

# Put out some data about the generation of this file
$m->out("Tickets per day for Queue:\t" . $Queue . "\tGenerated at:\t" . Statistics::FormatDate("%x %X", $now). "\n\n");

# Compute days to chart.
# The +1 is because we need to generate one more date. If the user
# selected a 10 day range, we need to generate 11 days.
my $diff = int(($eEpoch - $sEpoch + $Statistics::secsPerDay - 1) / $Statistics::secsPerDay)+1;

# Build array of dates
my $endRange = $eEpoch + $Statistics::secsPerDay;
my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
until ($#dates == $diff) {
    my $date = new RT::Date($session{CurrentUser});
    $date->Set(Value=>$endRange - $n, Format => 'unix');
    # Note: we used to adjust the time to local midnight, but
    # none of the other date entry fields in RT seem to adjust, so we've stopped.
    #Statistics::DebugLog("Before adjust to midnight date " . Statistics::FormatDate("%c", $date) . "\n");
    $n+= $Statistics::secsPerDay;
    # If we aren't showing weekends and this is one, decrement the number
    # of days to show and skip to the next date.
    if(!$weekends and Statistics::RTDateIsWeekend($date)) {$diff--; next;}
    unshift @dates, $date;

# Output header row

LINE: for my $d (0..$#dates) {
  if ($d == $#dates){
    next LINE;
  my $x = 1;
  # Output the date for this row
  $m->out(Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[$d]));
  # output the 3 columns for this row
  for my $status (qw(created resolved deleted)) {
    my $tix = new RT::Tickets($session{'CurrentUser'});
    if ($status eq "created") {
      $tix->LimitCreated(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
      if ($dates[$d+1]) {
        $tix->LimitCreated(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
    } elsif ($status eq "resolved") {
      $tix->LimitStatus(VALUE => $status);
      $tix->LimitResolved(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
      if ($dates[$d+1]) {
         $tix->LimitResolved(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
    } elsif ($status eq "deleted") {
      $tix->LimitStatus(VALUE => $status);
      $tix->LimitLastUpdated(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
      if ($dates[$d+1]) {
        $tix->LimitLastUpdated(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
    $tix->LimitQueue (VALUE => $Queue);
    $m->out( "\t" . $tix->Count ); 
    $Totals{$status} += $tix->Count;

# Output the totals


--- NEW FILE: index.html ---
<& /Elements/Header, Title => loc("Tickets per day in Queue:" . $QueueObj->Name()) &>
<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/Tabs,  Title => loc("Tickets by status per day in Queue:" . $QueueObj->Name()) &>

<p>This page displays details about tickets in the selected queue over the date range chosen. It shows how many tickets were created on
each day in the chosen range, and how many of those were either Resolved or Deleted.</p>
<p>To always show the current month to date, bookmark this <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay/index.html?currentMonth=1">link</a>, or 
for a spreadsheet, use this <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay/Results.tsv?currentMonth=1">link</a>.</p>

<form method="POST" action="index.html">

% Statistics::DebugLog("queue name=" . $QueueObj->Name() . "\n");

%my $title = "Ticket counts in " . $QueueObj->Name() . " by status per day from " . 
%	  Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[0]) . " through " .
%	  Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[$#dates-1]);
	title => $title,
	title_href => "/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay/index.html?$QueryString" &>
<TABLE BORDER=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 WIDTH=100%>
% if ($ShowHeader) {
<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Header, 
    Format => \@Format, 
    FormatString => $Format,
    AllowSorting => $AllowSorting, 
    Order => $Order, 
    Query => undef,
    Rows => $Rows,
    Page => $Page,
    OrderBy => $OrderBy , 
    BaseURL => $BaseURL,
    maxitems => $maxitems &> 
% }
% my $line = 1;
% LINE: for my $d (0..$#dates) {
% if ($d == $#dates){
%	 next LINE;
% }
%     my $x = 1;
%     $values{Statistics_Date} = Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayDateFormat, $dates[$d]);
%# NOTE need to handle all status values here....
%     for my $status (qw(created resolved deleted)) {
%         my $tix = new RT::Tickets($session{'CurrentUser'});
%         $tix->LimitQueue (VALUE => $Queue);
%         if ($status eq "created") {
%             $tix->LimitCreated(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
%             if ($dates[$d+1]) {
%                 $tix->LimitCreated(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
%            }
%            $values{Statistics_Created_Count} = $tix->Count;
%            $Totals{Statistics_Created_Count} += $tix->Count;
%         }
%         elsif ($status eq "resolved") {
%             $tix->LimitStatus(VALUE => $status);
%             $tix->LimitResolved(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
%             if ($dates[$d+1]) {
%                 $tix->LimitResolved(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
%             }
%            $values{Statistics_Resolved_Count} = $tix->Count;
%            $Totals{Statistics_Resolved_Count} += $tix->Count;
%         } 
%         elsif ($status eq "deleted") {
%             $tix->LimitStatus(VALUE => $status);
%             $tix->LimitLastUpdated(VALUE => $dates[$d]->ISO, OPERATOR => ">=");
%             if ($dates[$d+1]) {
%                 $tix->LimitLastUpdated(VALUE => $dates[$d+1]->ISO, OPERATOR => "<=");
%             }
%            $values{Statistics_Deleted_Count} = $tix->Count;
%            $Totals{Statistics_Deleted_Count} += $tix->Count;
%         }
%         $data[$x++][$d] = $tix->Count;
%     }
<&   /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@Format, i => $line, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>
%    $line++;
% }
% $values {Statistics_Date} = "Totals";
% $values {Statistics_Created_Count} = $Totals{Statistics_Created_Count};
% $values {Statistics_Resolved_Count} = $Totals{Statistics_Resolved_Count};
% $values {Statistics_Deleted_Count} = $Totals{Statistics_Deleted_Count};
<&   /RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/Row, Format => \@BoldFormat, i => $line, record => $record, maxitems => $maxitems &>


<BR />
<BR />

# Create the graph URL
my $url= 'Elements/Chart?x_labels=';
for (1..$diff) {
    $url .= $data[0][$_] . ",";
chop $url;
$url .= "&";
shift @data;
for (0..$#data) {
    $url .= "data".(1+$_)."=".(join ",", @{$data[$_]})."&";
chop $url;
$url .= "&set_legend=Created,Resolved,Deleted";

<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/GraphBox, GraphURL => $url &>

<& /RTx/Statistics/Elements/ControlsAsTable/ControlBox, 
         Title => "Change Queue or Dates", 
         ShowDates => 1, sMonth => \$sMonth, sDay => \$sDay, sYear => \$sYear,
                         eMonth => \$eMonth, eDay => \$eDay, eYear => \$eYear,
                         weekends => $weekends,
         ShowSingleQueue => 1, Queue => $Queue


<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay/index.html?<% $QueryString %>"><&|/l&>Bookmarkable link</&></a> |
<a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/RTx/Statistics/CallsQueueDay/Results.tsv?<%$QueryString%>"><&|/l&>spreadsheet</&></a>

% Statistics::DebugLog("ref of eMonth is " . ref($eMonth) . "\n");
% Statistics::DebugInit( $m );

$Queue => undef
$weekends => $Statistics::PerDayWeekends;

$AllowSorting => undef
$Order => undef
$OrderBy => undef
$ShowNavigation => 1
$ShowHeader => 1
$Rows => 50
$Page => 1
$BaseURL => undef

use RTx::Statistics;
use Time::Local;
my $selected;
my $n = 0;
my @data = ([]);
my @dates;
my @msgs;
my $diff;
my $sEpoch=0;
my $eEpoch=0;
my %Totals;
my $QueryString;
my $maxitems = 4;
my %record;
my %values;
my $record = \%record;

$record{values} = \%values;

# If debugging, set things up and display all the args
Statistics::DebugLog("CallsQueueDay/index.html ARGS:\n");
for my $key (keys %ARGS) {
  Statistics::DebugLog("ARG{ $key }=" . $ARGS{$key} . "\n");

my $Format = qq{ Statistics_Date, 
		 '__Statistics_Deleted_Count__/STYLE:text-align:right;' };
my $BoldFormat = qq{ '<B>__Statistics_Date__</B>', 
		     '<B>__Statistics_Deleted_Count__</B>/STYLE:text-align:right;' };
my (@Format) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $Format);
my (@BoldFormat) = $m->comp('/RTx/Statistics/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $BoldFormat);
Statistics::DebugLog("CallsQueueDay/index.html Format array=" . join(',', @Format) . "\n");

if (!defined $Queue) {
  my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
  $Queue = $QueueObj->Id();

if ($sDay > $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$sMonth}) {
  $sDay = $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$sMonth};

if ($eDay > $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$eMonth}) {
  $eDay = $Statistics::monthsMaxDay{$eMonth};

if ($sYear){
	$sEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear-1900);
if ($eYear){
Statistics::DebugLog("eMonth = " . $eMonth . "\n");
	$eEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $eDay, $eMonth, $eYear-1900);
} else {
        # This case happens when the page is first loaded
	my @local = localtime(time);
	($eDay, $eMonth, $eYear) = ($local[3], $local[4], $local[5]);
	$eYear += 1900; 
	$eEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $local[3], $local[4], $local[5], $local[6], $local[7], $local[8]);
Statistics::DebugLog("Setting eEpoch=$eEpoch from current time.\n");

if (($eEpoch < $sEpoch) || ($sEpoch == 0)) {
    # We have an end, but not a start, or, overlapping.
    # if $currentMonth is set, just set the day to 1
    if($currentMonth) {
      # set start vars from end, but with day set to 1
      (undef, undef, undef, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear) = localtime($eEpoch);
      $sEpoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear);
    } else {
      # If the user has specified how many days back to go, use that,
      # If not, set start to configured default period before end
      if(defined $days) {
        $sEpoch = $eEpoch - ($days * $Statistics::secsPerDay);
      } else {
        $sEpoch = $eEpoch - ($Statistics::PerDayPeriod * $Statistics::secsPerDay);
      (undef, undef, undef, $sDay, $sMonth, $sYear) = localtime($sEpoch);
    $sYear += 1900;

# Compute days to chart.
# The +1 is because we need to generate one more date. If the user
# selected a 10 day range, we need to generate 11 days.
$diff = int(($eEpoch - $sEpoch + $Statistics::secsPerDay - 1) / $Statistics::secsPerDay)+1;
Statistics::DebugLog("Setting diff=$diff\n");

Statistics::DebugLog("sEpoch=$sEpoch, components=" . join(',', localtime($sEpoch)) . "\n");
Statistics::DebugLog("eEpoch=$eEpoch, components=" . join(',', localtime($eEpoch)) . "\n");

# Set up the string for the current query for bookmarkable link
$QueryString = "sDay=$sDay&sMonth=$sMonth&sYear=$sYear&eDay=$eDay&eMonth=$eMonth&eYear=$eYear&weekends=$weekends&Queue=$Queue";

# Set up the end date to be midnight(morning) of the date after the one the user wanted.
my $endRange = $eEpoch + $Statistics::secsPerDay;
my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
$n = 0;
until ($#dates == $diff) {
    my $date = new RT::Date($session{CurrentUser});
    $date->Set(Value=>$endRange - $n, Format => 'unix');
    # Note: we used to adjust the time to local midnight, but
    # none of the other date entry fields in RT seem to adjust, so we've stopped.
    #Statistics::DebugLog("Before adjust to midnight date " . Statistics::FormatDate("%c", $date) . "\n");
    $n+= $Statistics::secsPerDay;
    # If we aren't showing weekends and this is one, decrement the number
    # of days to show and skip to the next date.
    if(!$weekends and Statistics::RTDateIsWeekend($date)) {$diff--; next;}
    unshift @dates, $date;
Statistics::DebugLog("pushing date " . Statistics::FormatDate("%c", $date) . "\n");
    unshift @{ $data[0] }, Statistics::FormatDate($Statistics::PerDayLabelDateFormat, $date);

# We put an extra day into the lists to cover up till midnight of the next day,
# But we don't want that to appear in the labels, so pop it off.
pop( @{ $data[0] } );


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