[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/edit/svc_domain communigate-acct_defaults.html, NONE, communigate-basics.html, NONE,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Fri Aug 6 14:28:05 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/svc_domain
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv23744/httemplate/edit/svc_domain

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_9_BRANCH
	communigate-acct_defaults.html communigate-basics.html 
Log Message:
communigate phase 3: archive messages, RT#7515

--- NEW FILE: communigate-basics.html ---
% if ( $communigate ) {
    <TD ALIGN="right">Administrator domain</TD>
      <% include('/elements/select-domain.html',
                   'element_name' => 'parent_svcnum',
                   'curr_value'   => $svc_domain->parent_svcnum,
                   'empty_label'  => '(none)',
% } else {
  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="parent_svcnum" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->parent_svcnum %>">
% }

% if ( $communigate
%      && $part_svc->part_svc_column('cgp_aliases')->columnflag !~ /^[FA]$/ ) {

      <TD ALIGN="right">Aliases</TD>
      <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cgp_aliases" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->cgp_aliases %>"></TD>

% } else {
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="cgp_aliases" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->cgp_aliases %>">
% }

% if ( $part_svc->part_svc_column('max_accounts')->columnflag =~ /^[FA]$/ ) {
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="max_accounts" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->max_accounts %>">
% } else {
      <TD ALIGN="right">Maximum number of accounts</TD>
        <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="max_accounts" SIZE=5 MAXLENGTH=6 VALUE="<% $svc_domain->max_accounts %>">
% }

% if ( $communigate
%      && $part_svc->part_svc_column('cgp_accessmodes')->columnflag ne 'F' )
% {

    <TD ALIGN="right">Enabled services</TD>
      <% include( '/elements/communigate_pro-accessmodes.html',
                    'curr_value' => $svc_domain->cgp_accessmodes,

% } else {
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="cgp_accessmodes" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->cgp_accessmodes() |h %>">
% }

% if ( $communigate
%      && $part_svc->part_svc_column('trailer')->columnflag ne 'F' )
% {

    <TD ALIGN="right">Mail trailer</TD>
      <TEXTAREA NAME="trailer" ROWS=5 COLS=60><% $svc_domain->trailer() |h %></TEXTAREA>

% } else {
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="trailer" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->trailer() |h %>">
% }


my %opt = @_;

my $svc_domain = $opt{'svc_domain'};
my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};

my $communigate = $opt{'communigate'};


--- NEW FILE: communigate-acct_defaults.html ---
% if ( $communigate ) {

Account defaults
<% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>

  <% include('/elements/tr-checkbox.html',
               'label'      => 'Password modification',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_password_selfchange',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_password_selfchange,
               'value'      => 'Y',

  <% include('/elements/tr-checkbox.html',
               'label'      => 'Password recovery',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_password_recover',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_password_recover,
               'value'      => 'Y',

    <TD ALIGN="right">Enabled services
    <TD><% include('/elements/communigate_pro-accessmodes.html',
                     'element_name_prefix' => 'acct_def_cgp_accessmodes_',
                     'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_accessmodes,

  <% include('/elements/tr-input-text.html',
               'label'      => 'Mail storage limit',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_quota',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_quota,
  <% include('/elements/tr-input-text.html',
               'label'      => 'File storage limit',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_file_quota',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_file_quota,
  <% include('/elements/tr-input-text.html',
               'label'      => 'Files limit',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_file_maxnum',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_file_maxnum,
  <% include('/elements/tr-input-text.html',
               'label'      => 'File size limit',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_file_maxsize',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_file_maxsize,

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Allowed mail rules',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_rulesallowed',
               'options'    => [ '', 'No', 'Filter Only', 'All But Exec', 'Any' ],
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (No)', #No always the default?
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_rulesallowed,

  <% include('/elements/tr-checkbox.html',
               'label'      => 'RPOP modifications',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_rpopallowed',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_rpopallowed,
               'value'      => 'Y',

  <% include('/elements/tr-checkbox.html',
               'label'      => 'Accepts mail to "all"',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_mailtoall',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_mailtoall,
               'value'      => 'Y',

  <% include('/elements/tr-checkbox.html',
               'label'      => 'Add trailer to sent mail',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_addmailtrailer',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_addmailtrailer,
               'value'      => 'Y',

%# more false laziness w/svc_acct acct_def
  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Archive messages after',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_archiveafter',
               'options'    => [ '', 0, 86400, 172800, 259200, 432000, 604800,
                                 1209600, 2592000, 7776000, 15552000, 31536000,
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (730 days)',#730 always default?
                                  0 => 'Never',
                                  86400 => '24 hours',
                                  172800 => '2 days',
                                  259200 => '3 days',
                                  432000 => '5 days',
                                  604800 => '7 days',
                                  1209600 => '2 weeks',
                                  2592000 => '30 days',
                                  7776000 => '90 days',
                                  15552000 => '180 days',
                                  31536000 => '365 days',
                                  63072000 => '730 days',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_archiveafter,

%# false laziness w/svc_acct acct_def
    <TD ALIGN="right">Message delete method</TD>
      <SELECT NAME="acct_def_cgp_deletemode">
%       for ( 'Move To Trash', 'Immediately', 'Mark' ) {
          <OPTION VALUE="<% $_ %>"
                  <% $_ eq $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_deletemode ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>
          ><% $_ %>
%       }

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'On logout remove trash',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_emptytrash',
               'options'    => $svc_domain->cgp_emptytrash_values,
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (92 days)', #right?
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_emptytrash,

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Language',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_language',
               'options'    => [ '', qw( English Arabic Chinese Dutch French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian Slovak Spanish Thai ) ],
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (English)',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_language,

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Time zone',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_timezone',
               'options'    => $svc_domain->cgp_timezone_values,
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (HostOS)',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_timezone,

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Layout',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_skinname',
               'options'    => [ '', '***', 'GoldFleece', 'Skin2' ],
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (***)',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_skinname,

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Pronto style',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_prontoskinname',
               'options'    =>  [ '', 'Pronto', 'Pronto-darkflame', 'Pronto-steel', 'Pronto-twilight', ],
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_prontoskinname,

  <% include('/elements/tr-select.html',
               'label'      => 'Send read receipts',
               'field'      => 'acct_def_cgp_sendmdnmode',
               'options'    => [ '', 'Never', 'Manually', 'Automatically' ],
               'labels'     => {
                                 '' => 'default (Automatically)',
               'curr_value' => $svc_domain->acct_def_cgp_language,


% } else {

%   foreach my $f (qw( password_selfchange password_recover cgp_accessmodes
%                      quota file_quota file_maxnum file_maxsize
%                      cgp_rulesallowed cgp_rpopallowed cgp_mailtoall
%                      cgp_addmailtrailer
%                      cgp_deletemode cgp_emptytrash cgp_language
%                      cgp_timezone cgp_skinname cgp_sendmdnmode
%                 )) {
      <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="acct_def_<%$f%>" VALUE="<% $svc_domain->get("acct_def_$f") %>">
%   }

% }


my %opt = @_;

my $svc_domain = $opt{'svc_domain'};
my $part_svc = $opt{'part_svc'};

my $communigate = $opt{'communigate'};


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