[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/edit/process cgp_rule-redirect_all.html, NONE, cgp_rule-simplified.html, NONE, cgp_rule-vacation.html, NONE,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Thu Aug 5 17:45:31 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/process
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv6156/httemplate/edit/process

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_9_BRANCH
	cgp_rule-redirect_all.html cgp_rule-simplified.html 
Log Message:
communigate account rules: vacation & redirect all, RT#7514

--- NEW FILE: cgp_rule-simplified.html ---
% if ( $error ) { #redirect back to edit...
%   $cgi->param('error', $error);
<% $cgi->redirect(popurl(3).'edit/'.$opt{'redirect'}.'?'. $cgi->query_string) %>
% } else { #success XXX better msg talking about vacation vs. redirect all
  <% include('/elements/header-popup.html', 'Rule updated') %>
  <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">

% }

my %opt = @_;

my %hash = (
  'svcnum' => scalar($cgi->param('svcnum')),
  'name'   => $opt{'name'},

my $cgp_rule = qsearchs('cgp_rule', \%hash);

my $error = '';
if ( $cgp_rule ) { #updating
  $error = $cgp_rule->delete;

$cgp_rule = new FS::cgp_rule { %hash, 'priority' => $opt{'priority'} };
$error ||= $cgp_rule->insert;

foreach my $condition ( @{ $opt{'conditions'} } ) {
  my $cgp_rule_condition = new FS::cgp_rule_condition {
    'rulenum' => $cgp_rule->rulenum,
  $error ||= $cgp_rule_condition->insert;

foreach my $action ( @{ $opt{'actions'} } ) {
  my $cgp_rule_action = new FS::cgp_rule_action {
    'rulenum' => $cgp_rule->rulenum,
  $error ||= $cgp_rule_action->insert;

unless ( $error ) {
  my $export_error = $cgp_rule->svc_export;
  die $export_error if $export_error; #error handling sucks wrt this... shouldn't happen though


--- NEW FILE: cgp_rule-vacation.html ---
<% include('cgp_rule-simplified.html',
             'name'       => '#Vacation',
             'priority'   => 2,
             'redirect'   => 'cgp_rule-vacation.html',
             'conditions' => [
               { conditionname => 'Human Generated', },
               { conditionname => 'From',
                 op            => 'not in',
                 params        => '#RepliedAddresses',
               ( $cgi->param('VacationTill')
                   ? ( { conditionname => 'Current Date',
                         op            => 'less than', #is less?
                         params        => scalar($cgi->param('VacationTill')),
                   : ()
             'actions'    => [
               { action => 'Reply with',
                 params => scalar($cgi->param('VacationText')),
               { action => "Remember 'From' in",
                 params => 'RepliedAddresses',

--- NEW FILE: cgp_rule-redirect_all.html ---
<% include('cgp_rule-simplified.html',
             'name'       => '#Redirect',
             'priority'   => 1,
             'redirect'   => 'cgp_rule-redirect_all.html',
             'conditions' => [
               ( $cgi->param('RedirHuman')
                 ? { conditionname => 'Human Generated', }
                 : ()
             'actions'    => [
               { action => ( $cgi->param('KeepToAndCc')
                               ? 'Mirror To'
                               : 'Redirect To'
                 params => scalar($cgi->param('RedirectText')),
               ( $cgi->param('RedirKeep')
                 ? ()
                 : ( { 'action' => 'Discard' } )

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