[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/misc/process cust_edi_data-onp.cgi, NONE, cust_main-import-oldonp.cgi, NONE, qualified_liteup_customers.cgi, NONE, transaction810-import.cgi, NONE,

Jeff Finucane,420,, jeff at wavetail.420.am
Mon Aug 2 12:49:27 PDT 2010

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc/process
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv14262/httemplate/misc/process

Added Files:
      Tag: svc_elec_features
	cust_edi_data-onp.cgi cust_main-import-oldonp.cgi 
	qualified_liteup_customers.cgi transaction810-import.cgi 
Log Message:
add svc_elec_features merged from reference code RT#7643

--- NEW FILE: cust_edi_data-onp.cgi ---
%  my $fh = $cgi->upload('csvfile');
%  #warn $cgi;
%  #warn $fh;
%  my $error = defined($fh)
%    ? FS::cust_main::batch_edidata_onp( {
%        filehandle => $fh,
%        agentnum   => scalar($cgi->param('agentnum')),
%        refnum     => scalar($cgi->param('refnum')),
%        pkgpart    => scalar($cgi->param('pkgpart')),
%        #'fields'    => [qw( cust_pkg.setup dayphone first last address1 address2
%        #                   city state zip comments                          )],
%        'format'   => scalar($cgi->param('format')),
%      } )
%    : 'No file';
%  if ( $error =~ /ERROR/) {

    <!-- mason kludge -->
%    eidiot($error);
%#    $cgi->param('error', $error);
%#    print $cgi->redirect( "${p}cust_main-import.cgi
%  } else {
%# OK let define the heading
%# general customer info
%my @field_descriptions1 = ( '810/867 usage match','F. Name', 'L. Name', 'Cust. Num',
%                            'SVC Num', 'Balance', 'Last Billed','Last Read #', '');
%# info collected from 810 & 867 to be entered into usage_elec
%my @field_descriptions2 = ( 'Start Date',
%                            'End Date', 'Prev Read', 'Curr Read', 'TDSP',
%                            'Meter Mulx', '867 Usage', 'Measure Demand', 'Billed Demand',
%                            '','','','');
%# info from 810
%my @field_descriptions3 = ( 'Invc #', '', 'Trans #/867 ref#', 'ESIID', '', '',
%                            'TDSP','', 'Due Date', '', 'Received Date', '810 usage', '',
%                            'Start Date', 'End Date', 
%                            '', '', '', '', '??', 'Billed Demand', 'Measured Demand',
%                            '','','','','','');
%# info from 867
%my @field_descriptions4 = ( 'Prev_Read', 'Curr Read', 'Multiplier', 
%                            'Total Usage','');
%# info from excel formula
%my @field_descriptions5 = ( 'Total Usage Different 810&867' );
%my @p_fields = ( 'p_prev_date', 'p_curr_date', 'p_prev_reading', 
%                 'p_curr_reading', 'p_tdsp', 'p_meter_mult', 'p_total_usage', 
%                 'p_measured_demand', 'p_billed_demand', 'p_svcnum',
%                 'p_first', 'p_last', 'p_balance', 'p_last_billed');
%#                 'p_entry_date', 'p_meter_number');
%my @p_fields_associates_index = ( 9, 10, 11,
%                                  12, 28, 14, 15,
%                                  16, 17, 4,
%                                  1, 2, 5, 6); 
%#my $description = join(',', at field_descriptions);
%my @field_name = qw / prev_date curr_date prev_read curr_read tdsp
%                      meter_multiplier total_usage measured_demand
%                      billed_demand svcnum _date meter_number /;
%my $date_exception = '(prev_date|curr_date|_date)';
%my $p1 = popurl(0);

%  my @usage_data = split /\n/,$error;

%  #my @items = split /\n/,$error;
%  my (@usage_cvs, @table_item);
%  foreach my $cust_usage (@usage_data) {
%    my @usage_ele = split ',',$cust_usage;
%    my $svc_num = $usage_ele[4];
%    my $cust_last_name = $usage_ele[2];
%    my $cust_num = $usage_ele[3];
%    # first thing first, let add the last reading from usage elec into table
%    # get the previous 1 usage_elec items
%    my @usage_obj = FS::usage_elec::query_usage($svc_num, 1);
%    my $usage = pop @usage_obj;
%    $usage_ele[7] = $usage->curr_read if $usage; #only if usage exist
%    my $pass_str = '';
%    my $i=0;
%    foreach my $p_field (@p_fields) {
%      my $ele_index = $p_fields_associates_index[$i];
%      $i++;
%      if ($pass_str) {
%        $pass_str .= "\&${p_field}=" . $usage_ele[$ele_index];
%      }
%      else {
%        $pass_str = "${p_field}=" . $usage_ele[$ele_index];
%      }
%    }
%    $usage_ele[2]="<A HREF=\"../../view/cust_main.cgi?${cust_num}\" target=\"_blank\">${cust_last_name}</A>";
%    $usage_ele[3]="<A HREF=\"../../edit/usage_elec_prefilled_input.cgi?${pass_str}\" target=\"_blank\">$cust_num</A>";

%    # insert TD tag
%    my $str = join("\n", map("<TD>" . $_ . "</TD>", @usage_ele));
%    # let figure out if this particular usage data has already been entered 
%    # into the usage_elec table
%    # if it has, highlight it so the user can identify it
%    # To check for this, we perform some quick check (prev_date, curr_date, 
%    # prev_reading, curr_reading, and total_usage)
%    my @exist_in_usage_elec; #identify usage exist in usage_elec table
%    my @usages_history = qsearch ( {
%                           'table'   => 'usage_elec',
%                           'hashref' => { 'op'  => '=',
%                                          'svcnum' => $svc_num
%                                        },
%                            # sort in DESCending order so it easier to splice
%                            # the array in the next step
%                           'extra_sql' => 'ORDER BY _date DESC'
%                          } );
%    #my $usage_history_no = scalar(@usages_history);
%    my (%h_prev_date, %h_curr_date, %h_prev_read, %h_curr_read, 
%        %h_total_usage);
%    foreach my $usage (@usages_history) {
%      $h_prev_date{$usage->prev_date} = 1;
%      $h_curr_date{$usage->curr_date} = 1;
%      $h_prev_read{$usage->prev_read} = 1;
%      $h_curr_read{$usage->curr_read} = 1;
%      $h_total_usage{$usage->total_usage} = 1;
%    }
%    if ( exists $h_prev_date{str2time($usage_ele[9])} &&
%         exists $h_curr_date{str2time($usage_ele[10])} &&
%         exists $h_prev_read{$usage_ele[11]} &&
%         exists $h_curr_read{$usage_ele[12]} &&
%         exists $h_total_usage{$usage_ele[15]} ) {
%      # when data already entered into usage_elec
%      $str =  "<tr bgcolor=\"#9999ff\">$str</tr>";
%    }
%    else {
%      $str = "<tr>$str</tr>";
%    }
%    push(@table_item,$str);
%    push(@usage_cvs,join(',', at usage_ele)); #for exporting csv purposes
%  }
%  my $str_cvs = join "<BR>", at usage_cvs; #for exporting csv purposes
%  #print $str_cvs;
    <!-- mason kludge -->
    <% include("/elements/header.html","Import successful") %> 
<table border="2" frame="border" rules="all">
% # print the heading
% print "<tr class='maintitle'>"
%  . join("\n", map("<th bgcolor=\"#88b2ce\">" . $_ . "</th>", @field_descriptions1))
%  . join("\n", map("<th bgcolor=\"#ffff99\">" . $_ . "</th>", @field_descriptions2))
%  . join("\n", map("<th bgcolor=\"#ff9999\">" . $_ . "</th>", @field_descriptions3))
%  . join("\n", map("<th bgcolor=\"#66cc00\">" . $_ . "</th>", @field_descriptions4))
%  . join("\n", map("<th bgcolor=\"#ff99cc\">" . $_ . "</th>", @field_descriptions5))
%  . "</tr>\n";
% # print the table
% foreach my $e (@table_item) {
%   #print "<TR>$e</TR>";
%   print $e;
% }
% # dumping CSV data out 
% #foreach my $cvs_item (@usage_cvs) {
% #  print "$cvs_item<BR>";
% #}
%  }

--- NEW FILE: cust_main-import-oldonp.cgi ---
%  my $fh = $cgi->upload('csvfile');
%  #warn $cgi;
%  #warn $fh;
%  my $error = defined($fh)
%    ? FS::cust_main::batch_import_onp( {
%        filehandle => $fh,
%        agentnum   => scalar($cgi->param('agentnum')),
%        refnum     => scalar($cgi->param('refnum')),
%        pkgpart    => scalar($cgi->param('pkgpart')),
%        #'fields'    => [qw( cust_pkg.setup dayphone first last address1 address2
%        #                   city state zip comments                          )],
%        'format'   => scalar($cgi->param('format')),
%      } )
%    : 'No file';
%  if ( $error ) {

    <!-- mason kludge -->
%    eidiot($error);
%#    $cgi->param('error', $error);
%#    print $cgi->redirect( "${p}cust_main-import.cgi
%  } else {

    <!-- mason kludge -->
    <% include("/elements/header.html",'Import successful') %> 
%  }

--- NEW FILE: qualified_liteup_customers.cgi ---
<% include("/elements/header.html",'LITEUP') %>
%  my $fh = $cgi->upload('textfile');
%  my $action = $cgi->param('action');
%  #print '<br><br>'.$action.'<br><br>';
%  # read the text file and test for accuracy
%  # we are expection each line of the file to contain
%  # whese x is multiple whitespace
%  #
%  my $line;
%  my @newlist;
%  my $i =0;
%  while ( defined($line=<$fh>) ) {
%    $newlist[$i] = [ split /\s{2,}/, $line ];
%    $i++;
%  }
%  if ($action eq 'Get Report') { #liteup audit
%    my ($beg,$end) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
%    $beg = str2time("1/1/2008") unless ($beg);
%    $end = str2time(`date`) unless ($end);
%    print '<h3>Audit from ' . time2str("%D",$beg) .' through '. 
%          ($end == 4294967295 ? 'NOW' : time2str("%D",$end)) .'</h3>';
%    my @cust_bills = qsearch ( {
%             'table' => 'cust_bill_pkg_detail',
%             'hashref' => { 'curr_date' => { 
%                                   'op' => '>=',
%                                  'value' => "$beg",
%                                            }
%                          },
%             'extra_sql'=> "AND curr_date <= $end
%                            AND discount1_rate > 0
%                            ORDER BY esiid ASC",
%                               });
%    my %liteup_cust;
%    foreach my $cust_bill_pkg (@cust_bills) {
%      if ($cust_bill_pkg->discount1_rate) {
%        $cust_bill_pkg->esiid =~ /^\s*(\d{4})\d+$/;
%        $liteup_cust{$1}{$cust_bill_pkg->esiid}{$cust_bill_pkg->curr_date}{discount} = 
%                                                 $cust_bill_pkg->discount1_total;
%        $liteup_cust{$1}{$cust_bill_pkg->esiid}{$cust_bill_pkg->curr_date}{usage} = 
%                                          int($cust_bill_pkg->energy_usage);
%        # let get the custnum
%        my $cust_bill = qsearchs( {
%                         'table' => 'cust_bill',
%                         'hashref' => { 'invnum' => { 'op' => '=',
%                                                      'value' => $cust_bill_pkg->invnum,
%                                                    }
%                                      }
%                               });
%        $liteup_cust{$1}{$cust_bill_pkg->esiid}{$cust_bill_pkg->curr_date}{custnum} = 
%                                       $cust_bill->custnum;
%      }
%    }

%    foreach my $esiid_4 (sort keys %liteup_cust) {
%      print '<br><FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><b>'. $esiid_4 .'</FONT></b><br>';
%      my $total = 0;
%      my $total_usage = 0;
%      foreach my $esiid (sort keys %{$liteup_cust{$esiid_4}}) {
%        print '----'. $esiid .'<br>';
%        foreach my $date (sort keys %{$liteup_cust{$esiid_4}{$esiid}}) {
%          print '&nbsp;'x10
%               . $liteup_cust{$esiid_4}{$esiid}{$date}{custnum} 
%               . ':'. time2str("%D",$date) 
%               . ':'. $liteup_cust{$esiid_4}{$esiid}{$date}{usage} .'kWh' 
%               . ':$'. $liteup_cust{$esiid_4}{$esiid}{$date}{discount} 
%               . '<br>';
%          $total += $liteup_cust{$esiid_4}{$esiid}{$date}{discount};
%          $total_usage += $liteup_cust{$esiid_4}{$esiid}{$date}{usage};
%        }
%      }
%      #printf "==<FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><b>%dkWh'  . $total_usage .'kWh'.':$'. $total .'</FONT></b><br>';
%      printf "==<FONT COLOR='#FF0000'><b>%dkWh:\$%.2f</FONT></b><br>",$total_usage,$total;
%    }
%  }
%elsif ($action eq 'Process List') {
%#  my @cust_main = qsearch ( {
%#                         'table'     => 'cust_main',
%#                         'extra_sql' => 'ORDER BY custnum ASC'
%#                        } );
%#  my %liteup_cust;
%#  $i=1;
%#  foreach my $cust (@cust_main) {
%#    if ($i<2000) {
%#      #print $cust->custnum . "=>" . $cust->first . "," . $cust->last . "<br>";
%#      #print $cust->custnum . "<br>";
%#      my @packages = get_packages($cust);
%#      foreach my $cust_pkg (@packages) {
%#        my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg;
%##        print 'PKG: '. $part_pkg->pkg . "<br>";
%#        my @part_pkg_option = $part_pkg->part_pkg_option;
%#        my @cust_svc = $cust_pkg->cust_svc(3);
%#        foreach my $custsvc (@cust_svc) {
%#          my $liteup_discount;
%#          foreach my $pkg_option (@part_pkg_option) {
%##            print 'optionname:'.$pkg_option->optionname.'-----optionvalue:'
%##                 .$pkg_option->optionvalue .'<br>';
%#            if ($pkg_option->optionname eq 'rate1_discount' && 
%#                $pkg_option->optionvalue) {
%#              $liteup_discount = $pkg_option->optionvalue;
%#            }
%#          }
%#          my $svc_x = $custsvc->svc_x;
%##          print "svcnum = " . $custsvc->svcnum . "<br>" if $custsvc;
%##          print $svc_x->id . ':'. $svc_x->title .'<br>';

%#          if ($svc_x->title eq 'ESIID' && $svc_x->id && $liteup_discount) {
%#            print $cust->custnum . "=>" . $cust->first . "," . $cust->last . "<br>";
%#            print 'PKG: '. $part_pkg->pkg . "<br>";
%#            print $svc_x->id . ':'. $svc_x->title .'<br>';
%#            print 'disount:' . $liteup_discount . '<br>;
%#            $liteup_cust{$cust->custnum}{first} = $cust->first;
%#            $liteup_cust{$cust->custnum}{last} = $cust->last;
%#            $liteup_cust{$cust->custnum}{esiid} = $cust->esiid;
%#            $liteup_cust{$cust->custnum}{discount} = $liteup_discount;
%#          }
%#        }
%#      }
%#    }
%#    $i++;
%#  }
%} #end elsif
%#  sub get_packages {
%#    my $cust_main = shift or return undef;
%#    return $cust_main->ncancelled_pkgs();

%#  }
<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>

--- NEW FILE: transaction810-import.cgi ---
%  my $fh = $cgi->upload('csvfile');
%  #warn $cgi;
%  #warn $fh;
%  my $error = FS::transaction810::testing( {
%        filehandle => $fh,
%        'format'   => scalar($cgi->param('format')),
%      } );
%  if ( $error ) {

<b><% $error %></b> 
%  } else {
<b>Not Successful!</b>
%  }

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