[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/edit usage_elec_manual_input.cgi, NONE,
Jeff Finucane,420,,
jeff at wavetail.420.am
Mon Aug 2 12:49:24 PDT 2010
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv14262/httemplate/edit
Added Files:
Tag: svc_elec_features
Log Message:
add svc_elec_features merged from reference code RT#7643
--- NEW FILE: usage_elec_manual_input.cgi ---
%my $debug=0; # toggle debug
%my( $svcnum, $pkgnum, $svcpart, $part_svc, $svc_external );
%my @field_descriptions = ( 'prev date', 'curr date', 'prev reading',
% 'curr reading', 'tdsp', 'meter mult',
% 'total usage', 'measured demand', 'billed demand',
% 'svcnum', 'entry date', 'meter number' );
%my @field_name = qw / prev_date curr_date prev_read curr_read tdsp
% meter_multiplier total_usage measured_demand
% billed_demand svcnum _date meter_number /;
%my $date_exception = '(prev_date|curr_date|_date)';
%if ( $cgi->param('error') ) {
% ### handle error call
% $svcnum = $cgi->param('svcnum');
%else {
% my($query) = $cgi->keywords;
% $query =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "unparsable svcnum";
% $svcnum=$1;
%# this is sample data for print in case no previous record of usage_elec
%my @sample_data = ( '20070201', '20070228', '10000', '100100', '76.50',
% '5', '500', '179', '220', "$svcnum", 'NA', '030234972LM');
%### this is where i start
%### let gather all the info from usage_elec for the particular 'svcnum'
%my $p1 = popurl(1);
%print qq!<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="#ff0000">Error: !, $cgi->param('error'),
% "</FONT>"
% if $cgi->param('error');
%print qq!<FORM ACTION="${p1}process/usage_elec_manual_input.cgi" METHOD=POST>!;
%# print header
%print header("Manually Adding Record to usage_elec Table", '');
% # -ctran 04/10/08
% # change getting previous 10 record to 13 so we can see at least 1 year
% # worth of transaction
% # get the previous 13 usage_elec items
% my @usage_obj = FS::usage_elec::query_usage($svcnum, 13);
% # print the heading
% print "<TR bgcolor=#88b2ce class='maintitle'>"
% . join("\n", map("<TH>" . $_ . "</TH>", @field_descriptions))
% . "</TR>\n";
% if (@usage_obj) {
% foreach my $usage (@usage_obj) {
% # fill @usage_ele with data order by @field_name
% my @usage_ele = ();
% foreach my $field (@field_name) {
% if ( $field =~ /$date_exception/ ) {
% # exception handling of converting time to string
% push(@usage_ele,time2str("%Y%m%d",$usage->$field));
% }
% else {
%#debug: field= <% $field %> = <% $usage->$field %><BR>
% push(@usage_ele, $usage->$field);
% }
% }
% print "<TR bgcolor=#e8e8ea class='mainbody'>"
% . join("\n", map("<TD>" . $_ . "</TD>", @usage_ele))
% . "</TR>\n";
% }
% }
% ###
% ### gathering pre-filled information
% ###
% my ($h_prev_date, $h_prev_read, $h_tdsp, $h_meter_multiplier,
% $h_measured_demand, $h_billed_demand, $h_svcnum, $h_meter_number);
% if (@usage_obj) {
% # fill in all the history data
% my $lindex = $#usage_obj;
% $h_prev_date = time2str("%Y%m%d",$usage_obj[$lindex]->curr_date);
% $h_prev_read = $usage_obj[$lindex]->curr_read;
% $h_tdsp = $usage_obj[$lindex]->tdsp;
% $h_meter_multiplier = $usage_obj[$lindex]->meter_multiplier;
% $h_measured_demand = $usage_obj[$lindex]->measured_demand;
% $h_billed_demand = $usage_obj[$lindex]->billed_demand;
% $h_svcnum = $usage_obj[$lindex]->svcnum;
% $h_meter_number = $usage_obj[$lindex]->meter_number;
% }
% # this hash store info to configure the table with text box for input
% # size - [int] how big textbox
% # value - [alpha numeric] default value of the text box
% # extra - [alpha numeric] other option for text box. I.E. READONLY
% # mean the text box is a readonly
% my %field_info = (
% prev_date => {
% 'size' => '8',
% 'value' => $h_prev_date,
% },
% curr_date => { 'size' => '8' },
% prev_read => {
% 'size' => '8',
% 'value' => $h_prev_read,
% },
% curr_read => { 'size' => '8' },
% tdsp => {
% 'size' => '8',
% 'value' => $h_tdsp,
% },
% meter_multiplier => {
% 'size' => '4',
% 'value' => $h_meter_multiplier,
% },
% total_usage => { 'size' => '6' },
% measured_demand => {
% 'size' => '4',
% 'value' => $h_measured_demand,
% },
% billed_demand => {
% 'size' => '4',
% 'value' => $h_billed_demand,
% },
% svcnum => {
% 'size' => '6',
% 'value' => $svcnum,
% 'extra' => 'READONLY'
% },
% _date => {
% 'size' => '8',
% 'value' => 'N/A',
% 'extra' => 'READONLY'
% },
% meter_number => {
% 'size' => '14',
% 'value' => $h_meter_number,
% },
% );
% # input box for entry
% print qq !<TR bgcolor=#e8e8ea class='mainbody'>!;
% my $input_style = 'STYLE="color:#000000; background-color: #FFFFCC;"';
% foreach my $field (@field_name) {
% my $txt = '';
% $txt .= ' SIZE=' . $field_info{$field}->{'size'}
% if (exists($field_info{$field}->{'size'}));
% $txt .= ' VALUE="' . $field_info{$field}->{'value'} . '"'
% if (exists($field_info{$field}->{'value'}));
% $txt .= ' ' . $field_info{$field}->{'extra'}
% if (exists($field_info{$field}->{'extra'}));
% if ($field eq 'meter_multiplier') {
% print qq !
% <TD>
% <TD>
% <INPUT TYPE="text" $input_style NAME="$field" $txt>
% </TD>
% <TD>
% <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ignore_meter_multiplier">Ignore<P>
% </TD>
% </TABLE>
% </TD>
% !;
% }
% else {
% print qq !
% <TD>
% <INPUT TYPE="text" $input_style NAME="$field" $txt>
% </TD>
% !;
% }
% }
% print "</TR>\n";
%print "<BR>measured demand = ",$h_measured_demand,"\n<BR>" if ($debug);
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">
<INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE="Clear">
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON OnClick="$cgi->redirect(popurl(2)."view/svc_external.cgi?$svcnum")"
% print qq !
% <br><br>
% prev_date, curr_date -
% 8 digit in format of yyyymmdd (y-year m-month d-date)<br>
% prev_read, curr_read - positive interger. Also, curr_read > prev_read
% Unless meter multiplier ignore value is set. In
% this case, this condition will be ignore.<br>
% tdsp - an dollar amount w/wo cent<br>
% meter_multiplier - positive integer<br>
% total_usage -
% should equal (total_usage = (prev_read-curr_read) * meter_multiplier)
% unless meter multiplier ignore value is set<br>
% measured_demand - positive integer<br>
% billed_demand - positive integer<br>
% !;
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