[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS pay_batch.pm, 1.13, 1.14 Conf.pm, 1.314, 1.315
Mark Wells
mark at wavetail.420.am
Thu Sep 24 19:30:22 PDT 2009
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch - New directory, NONE, NONE
- Next message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch ach_spiritone.pm, NONE, 1.1 BoM.pm, NONE, 1.1 chase_canada.pm, NONE, 1.1 PAP.pm, NONE, 1.1 paymentech.pm, NONE, 1.1 td_canada_trust.pm, NONE, 1.1
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Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv27311/FS/FS
Modified Files:
pay_batch.pm Conf.pm
Log Message:
Batch payment refactoring
Index: Conf.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/Conf.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.314
retrieving revision 1.315
diff -u -d -r1.314 -r1.315
--- Conf.pm 24 Sep 2009 19:59:58 -0000 1.314
+++ Conf.pm 25 Sep 2009 02:30:20 -0000 1.315
@@ -2386,6 +2386,13 @@
+ 'key' => 'batchconfig-paymentech',
+ 'section' => 'billing',
+ 'description' => 'Configuration for Chase Paymentech batching, four lines: 1. BIN, 2. Terminal ID, 3. Merchant ID, 4. Username',
+ 'type' => 'textarea',
+ },
+ {
'key' => 'payment_history-years',
'section' => 'UI',
'description' => 'Number of years of payment history to show by default. Currently defaults to 2.',
Index: pay_batch.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -d -r1.13 -r1.14
--- pay_batch.pm 4 Oct 2007 00:51:34 -0000 1.13
+++ pay_batch.pm 25 Sep 2009 02:30:19 -0000 1.14
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
package FS::pay_batch;
use strict;
-use vars qw( @ISA );
+use vars qw( @ISA $DEBUG %import_info %export_info $conf );
use Time::Local;
use Text::CSV_XS;
+use XML::Simple qw(XMLin XMLout);
use FS::Record qw( dbh qsearch qsearchs );
use FS::cust_pay;
+use FS::Conf;
@ISA = qw(FS::Record);
@@ -137,6 +139,42 @@
+# further false laziness
+%import_info = %export_info = ();
+foreach my $INC (@INC) {
+ warn "globbing $INC/FS/pay_batch/*.pm\n" if $DEBUG;
+ foreach my $file ( glob("$INC/FS/pay_batch/*.pm")) {
+ warn "attempting to load batch format from $file\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $file =~ /\/(\w+)\.pm$/;
+ next if !$1;
+ my $mod = $1;
+ my ($import, $export, $name) =
+ eval "use FS::pay_batch::$mod;
+ ( \\%FS::pay_batch::$mod\::import_info,
+ \\%FS::pay_batch::$mod\::export_info,
+ \$FS::pay_batch::$mod\::name)";
+ $name ||= $mod; # in case it's not defined
+ if( $@) {
+ # in FS::cdr this is a die, not a warn. That's probably a bug.
+ warn "error using FS::pay_batch::$mod (skipping): $@\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if(!keys(%$import)) {
+ warn "no \%import_info found in FS::pay_batch::$mod (skipping)\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $import_info{$name} = $import;
+ }
+ if(!keys(%$export)) {
+ warn "no \%export_info found in FS::pay_batch::$mod (skipping)\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $export_info{$name} = $export;
+ }
+ }
=item import_results OPTION => VALUE, ...
Import batch results.
@@ -155,222 +193,19 @@
my $param = ref($_[0]) ? shift : { @_ };
my $fh = $param->{'filehandle'};
my $format = $param->{'format'};
+ my $info = $import_info{$format}
+ or die "unknown format $format";
- my $filetype; # CSV, Fixed80, Fixed264
- my @fields;
- my $formatre; # for Fixed.+
- my @values;
- my $begin_condition;
- my $end_condition;
- my $end_hook;
- my $hook;
- my $approved_condition;
- my $declined_condition;
- if ( $format eq 'csv-td_canada_trust-merchant_pc_batch' ) {
- $filetype = "CSV";
- @fields = (
- 'paybatchnum', # Reference#: Invoice number of the transaction
- 'paid', # Amount: Amount of the transaction. Dollars and cents
- # with no decimal entered.
- '', # Card Type: 0 - MCrd, 1 - Visa, 2 - AMEX, 3 - Discover,
- # 4 - Insignia, 5 - Diners/EnRoute, 6 - JCB
- '_date', # Transaction Date: Date the Transaction was processed
- 'time', # Transaction Time: Time the transaction was processed
- 'payinfo', # Card Number: Card number for the transaction
- '', # Expiry Date: Expiry date of the card
- '', # Auth#: Authorization number entered for force post
- # transaction
- 'type', # Transaction Type: 0 - purchase, 40 - refund,
- # 20 - force post
- 'result', # Processing Result: 3 - Approval,
- # 4 - Declined/Amount over limit,
- # 5 - Invalid/Expired/stolen card,
- # 6 - Comm Error
- '', # Terminal ID: Terminal ID used to process the transaction
- );
- $end_condition = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'type'} eq '0BC';
- };
- $end_hook = sub {
- my( $hash, $total) = @_;
- $total = sprintf("%.2f", $total);
- my $batch_total = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{'paybatchnum'} / 100 );
- return "Our total $total does not match bank total $batch_total!"
- if $total != $batch_total;
- '';
- };
- $hook = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'paid'} = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{'paid'} / 100 );
- $hash->{'_date'} = timelocal( substr($hash->{'time'}, 4, 2),
- substr($hash->{'time'}, 2, 2),
- substr($hash->{'time'}, 0, 2),
- substr($hash->{'_date'}, 6, 2),
- substr($hash->{'_date'}, 4, 2)-1,
- substr($hash->{'_date'}, 0, 4)-1900, );
- };
- $approved_condition = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'type'} eq '0' && $hash->{'result'} == 3;
- };
- $declined_condition = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'type'} eq '0' && ( $hash->{'result'} == 4
- || $hash->{'result'} == 5 );
- };
- }elsif ( $format eq 'csv-chase_canada-E-xactBatch' ) {
- $filetype = "CSV";
- @fields = (
- '', # Internal(bank) id of the transaction
- '', # Transaction Type: 00 - purchase, 01 - preauth,
- # 02 - completion, 03 - forcepost,
- # 04 - refund, 05 - auth,
- # 06 - purchase corr, 07 - refund corr,
- # 08 - void 09 - void return
- '', # gateway used to process this transaction
- 'paid', # Amount: Amount of the transaction. Dollars and cents
- # with decimal entered.
- 'auth', # Auth#: Authorization number (if approved)
- 'payinfo', # Card Number: Card number for the transaction
- '', # Expiry Date: Expiry date of the card
- '', # Cardholder Name
- 'bankcode', # Bank response code (3 alphanumeric)
- 'bankmess', # Bank response message
- 'etgcode', # ETG response code (2 alphanumeric)
- 'etgmess', # ETG response message
- '', # Returned customer number for the transaction
- 'paybatchnum', # Reference#: paybatch number of the transaction
- '', # Reference#: Invoice number of the transaction
- 'result', # Processing Result: Approved of Declined
- );
- $end_condition = sub {
- '';
- };
- $hook = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- my $cpb = shift;
- $hash->{'paid'} = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{'paid'}); #hmmmm
- $hash->{'_date'} = time; # got a better one?
- $hash->{'payinfo'} = $cpb->{'payinfo'}
- if( substr($hash->{'payinfo'}, -4) eq substr($cpb->{'payinfo'}, -4) );
- };
- $approved_condition = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'etgcode'} eq '00' && $hash->{'result'} eq "Approved";
- };
- $declined_condition = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'etgcode'} ne '00' # internal processing error
- || ( $hash->{'result'} eq "Declined" );
- };
- }elsif ( $format eq 'PAP' ) {
- $filetype = "Fixed264";
- @fields = (
- 'recordtype', # We are interested in the 'D' or debit records
- 'batchnum', # Record#: batch number we used when sending the file
- 'datacenter', # Where in the bowels of the bank the data was processed
- 'paid', # Amount: Amount of the transaction. Dollars and cents
- # with no decimal entered.
- '_date', # Transaction Date: Date the Transaction was processed
- 'bank', # Routing information
- 'payinfo', # Account number for the transaction
- 'paybatchnum', # Reference#: Invoice number of the transaction
- );
- $formatre = '^(.).{19}(.{4})(.{3})(.{10})(.{6})(.{9})(.{12}).{110}(.{19}).{71}$';
- $end_condition = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'recordtype'} eq 'W';
- };
- $end_hook = sub {
- my( $hash, $total) = @_;
- $total = sprintf("%.2f", $total);
- my $batch_total = $hash->{'datacenter'}.$hash->{'paid'}.
- substr($hash->{'_date'},0,1); # YUCK!
- $batch_total = sprintf("%.2f", $batch_total / 100 );
- return "Our total $total does not match bank total $batch_total!"
- if $total != $batch_total;
- '';
- };
- $hook = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'paid'} = sprintf("%.2f", $hash->{'paid'} / 100 );
- my $tmpdate = timelocal( 0,0,1,1,0,substr($hash->{'_date'}, 0, 3)+2000);
- $tmpdate += 86400*(substr($hash->{'_date'}, 3, 3)-1) ;
- $hash->{'_date'} = $tmpdate;
- $hash->{'payinfo'} = $hash->{'payinfo'} . '@' . $hash->{'bank'};
- };
- $approved_condition = sub {
- 1;
- };
- $declined_condition = sub {
- 0;
- };
- }elsif ( $format eq 'ach-spiritone' ) {
- $filetype = "CSV";
- @fields = (
- '', # Name
- 'paybatchnum', # ID: Number of the transaction
- 'aba', # ABA Number for the transaction
- 'payinfo', # Bank Account Number for the transaction
- '', # Transaction Type: 27 - debit
- 'paid', # Amount: Amount of the transaction. Dollars and cents
- # with decimal entered.
- '', # Default Transaction Type
- '', # Default Amount: Dollars and cents with decimal entered.
- );
- $end_condition = sub {
- '';
- };
- $hook = sub {
- my $hash = shift;
- $hash->{'_date'} = time; # got a better one?
- $hash->{'payinfo'} = $hash->{'payinfo'} . '@' . $hash->{'aba'};
- };
- $approved_condition = sub {
- 1;
- };
- $declined_condition = sub {
- 0;
- };
- } else {
- return "Unknown format $format";
- }
+ my $filetype = $info->{'filetype'}; # CSV or fixed
+ my @fields = @{ $info->{'fields'} };
+ my $formatre = $info->{'formatre'}; # for fixed
+ my @all_values;
+ my $begin_condition = $info->{'begin_condition'};
+ my $end_condition = $info->{'end_condition'};
+ my $end_hook = $info->{'end_hook'};
+ my $hook = $info->{'hook'};
+ my $approved_condition = $info->{'approved'};
+ my $declined_condition = $info->{'declined'};
my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS;
@@ -390,36 +225,66 @@
unless ( $reself->status eq 'I' ) {
$dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
return "batchnum ". $self->batchnum. "no longer in transit";
- };
+ }
my $error = $self->set_status('R');
if ( $error ) {
$dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- return $error
+ return $error;
my $total = 0;
my $line;
- while ( defined($line=<$fh>) ) {
- next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; #skip blank lines
+ # Order of operations has been changed here.
+ # We now slurp everything into @all_values, then
+ # process one line at a time.
- if ($filetype eq "CSV") {
- $csv->parse($line) or do {
- $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- return "can't parse: ". $csv->error_input();
- };
- @values = $csv->fields();
- }elsif ($filetype eq "Fixed80" || $filetype eq "Fixed264"){
- @values = $line =~ /$formatre/;
- unless (@values) {
- $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- return "can't parse: ". $line;
- };
- }else{
+ if ($filetype eq 'XML') {
+ my @xmlkeys = @{ $info->{'xmlkeys'} }; # for XML
+ my $xmlrow = $info->{'xmlrow'}; # also for XML
+ # Do everything differently.
+ my $data = XMLin($fh, KeepRoot => 1);
+ my $rows = $data;
+ # $xmlrow = [ RootKey, FirstLevelKey, SecondLevelKey... ]
+ $rows = $rows->{$_} foreach( @$xmlrow );
+ if(!defined($rows)) {
$dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
- return "Unknown file type $filetype";
+ return "can't find rows in XML file";
+ $rows = [ $rows ] if ref($rows) ne 'ARRAY';
+ foreach my $row (@$rows) {
+ push @all_values, [ @{$row}{@xmlkeys} ];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ while ( defined($line=<$fh>) ) {
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; #skip blank lines
+ if ($filetype eq "CSV") {
+ $csv->parse($line) or do {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "can't parse: ". $csv->error_input();
+ };
+ push @all_values, [ $csv->fields() ];
+ }elsif ($filetype eq 'fixed'){
+ my @values = $line =~ /$formatre/;
+ unless (@values) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "can't parse: ". $line;
+ };
+ push @all_values, \@values;
+ }else{
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "Unknown file type $filetype";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@all_values) {
+ my @values = @$_;
my %hash;
foreach my $field ( @fields ) {
@@ -428,8 +293,9 @@
$hash{$field} = $value;
- if ( &{$end_condition}(\%hash) ) {
- my $error = &{$end_hook}(\%hash, $total);
+ if ( defined($end_condition) and &{$end_condition}(\%hash) ) {
+ my $error;
+ $error = &{$end_hook}(\%hash, $total) if defined($end_hook);
if ( $error ) {
$dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
return $error;
@@ -514,7 +380,6 @@
$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
@@ -522,6 +387,94 @@
+sub export_batch {
+# Formerly httemplate/misc/download-batch.cgi
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+ my $format = shift || $conf->config('batch-default_format')
+ or die "No batch format configured\n";
+ my $info = $export_info{$format} or die "Format not found: '$format'\n";
+ &{$info->{'init'}}($conf) if exists($info->{'init'});
+ my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $error;
+ my $first_download;
+ if($self->status eq 'O') {
+ $first_download = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($self->status eq 'I' and
+ $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Reprocess batches')) {
+ $first_download = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "No pending batch.\n"
+ }
+ $error = $self->set_status('I');
+ die "error updating pay_batch status: $error\n" if $error;
+ my $batch = '';
+ my $batchtotal = 0;
+ my $batchcount = 0;
+ my @cust_pay_batch = sort { $a->paybatchnum <=> $b->paybatchnum }
+ qsearch('cust_pay_batch', { batchnum => $self->batchnum } );
+ my $h = $info->{'header'};
+ if(ref($h) eq 'CODE') {
+ $batch .= &$h($self, \@cust_pay_batch) . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $batch .= $h . "\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $cust_pay_batch (@cust_pay_batch) {
+ if($first_download) {
+ my $balance = $cust_pay_batch->cust_main->balance;
+ $error = '';
+ if($balance <= 0) { # then don't charge this customer
+ $error = $cust_pay_batch->delete;
+ undef $cust_pay_batch;
+ }
+ elsif($balance < $cust_pay_batch->amount) { # then reduce the charge to the remaining balance
+ $cust_pay_batch->amount($balance);
+ $error = $cust_pay_batch->replace;
+ }
+ # else $balance >= $cust_pay_batch->amount
+ if($error) {
+ $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
+ die $error;
+ }
+ }
+ if($cust_pay_batch) { # that is, it wasn't deleted
+ $batchcount++;
+ $batchtotal += $cust_pay_batch->amount;
+ $batch .= &{$info->{'row'}}($cust_pay_batch, $self) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $f = $info->{'footer'};
+ if(ref($f) eq 'CODE') {
+ $batch .= &$f($self, $batchcount, $batchtotal) . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $batch .= $f . "\n";
+ }
+ if ($info->{'autopost'}) {
+ $error = &{$info->{'autopost'}}($self, $batch);
+ if($error) {
+ $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
+ die $error;
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return $batch;
=head1 BUGS
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch - New directory, NONE, NONE
- Next message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/pay_batch ach_spiritone.pm, NONE, 1.1 BoM.pm, NONE, 1.1 chase_canada.pm, NONE, 1.1 PAP.pm, NONE, 1.1 paymentech.pm, NONE, 1.1 td_canada_trust.pm, NONE, 1.1
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