[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Conf.pm, 1.323, 1.324 cust_bill.pm, 1.259, 1.260

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Wed Oct 7 18:15:08 PDT 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv31989/FS/FS

Modified Files:
	Conf.pm cust_bill.pm 
Log Message:
conf switches to turn on smaller notes and footer sections with stock templates, RT#5218

Index: Conf.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/Conf.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.323
retrieving revision 1.324
diff -u -d -r1.323 -r1.324
--- Conf.pm	5 Oct 2009 02:35:49 -0000	1.323
+++ Conf.pm	8 Oct 2009 01:15:06 -0000	1.324
@@ -2326,14 +2326,28 @@
     'key'         => 'invoice-ship_address',
     'section'     => 'billing',
-    'description' => 'Enable this switch to include the ship address on the invoice.',
+    'description' => 'Include the shipping address on invoices.',
     'type'        => 'checkbox',
     'key'         => 'invoice-unitprice',
     'section'     => 'billing',
-    'description' => 'This switch enables unit pricing on the invoice.',
+    'description' => 'Enable unit pricing on invoices.',
+    'type'        => 'checkbox',
+  },
+  {
+    'key'         => 'invoice-smallernotes',
+    'section'     => 'billing',
+    'description' => 'Display the notes section in a smaller font on invoices.',
+    'type'        => 'checkbox',
+  },
+  {
+    'key'         => 'invoice-smallerfooter',
+    'section'     => 'billing',
+    'description' => 'Display footers in a smaller font on invoices.',
     'type'        => 'checkbox',

Index: cust_bill.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cust_bill.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.259
retrieving revision 1.260
diff -u -d -r1.259 -r1.260
--- cust_bill.pm	7 Oct 2009 23:44:25 -0000	1.259
+++ cust_bill.pm	8 Oct 2009 01:15:06 -0000	1.260
@@ -2252,36 +2252,43 @@
   my %invoice_data = (
+    #invoice from info
     'company_name'    => scalar( $conf->config('company_name', $self->cust_main->agentnum) ),
     'company_address' => join("\n", $conf->config('company_address', $self->cust_main->agentnum) ). "\n",
-    'custnum'         => $cust_main->display_custnum,
+    'returnaddress'   => $returnaddress,
+    'agent'           => &$escape_function($cust_main->agent->agent),
+    #invoice info
     'invnum'          => $self->invnum,
     'date'            => time2str($date_format, $self->_date),
     'today'           => time2str('%b %o, %Y', $today),
-    'agent'           => &$escape_function($cust_main->agent->agent),
-    'agent_custid'    => &$escape_function($cust_main->agent_custid),
-    'payname'         => &$escape_function($cust_main->payname),
-    'company'         => &$escape_function($cust_main->company),
-    'address1'        => &$escape_function($cust_main->address1),
-    'address2'        => &$escape_function($cust_main->address2),
-    'city'            => &$escape_function($cust_main->city),
-    'state'           => &$escape_function($cust_main->state),
-    'zip'             => &$escape_function($cust_main->zip),
-    'fax'             => &$escape_function($cust_main->fax),
-    'returnaddress'   => $returnaddress,
-    #'quantity'        => 1,
     'terms'           => $self->terms,
     'template'        => $template, #params{'template'},
-    #'notes'           => join("\n", $conf->config('invoice_latexnotes') ),
-    # better hang on to conf_dir for a while
-    'conf_dir'        => "$FS::UID::conf_dir/conf.$FS::UID::datasrc",
-    'page'            => 1,
-    'total_pages'     => 1,
+    'notice_name'     => ($params{'notice_name'} || 'Invoice'),#escape_function?
     'current_charges' => sprintf("%.2f", $self->charged),
     'duedate'         => $self->due_date2str('%m/%d/%Y'), #date_format?
+    #customer info
+    'custnum'         => $cust_main->display_custnum,
+    'agent_custid'    => &$escape_function($cust_main->agent_custid),
+    ( map { $_ => &$escape_function($cust_main->$_()) } qw(
+      payname company address1 address2 city state zip fax
+    )),
+    #global config
     'ship_enable'     => $conf->exists('invoice-ship_address'),
     'unitprices'      => $conf->exists('invoice-unitprice'),
-    'notice_name'     => ($params{'notice_name'} || 'Invoice'),#escape_function?
+    'smallernotes'    => $conf->exists('invoice-smallernotes'),
+    'smallerfooter'   => $conf->exists('invoice-smallerfooter'),
+    # better hang on to conf_dir for a while (for old templates)
+    'conf_dir'        => "$FS::UID::conf_dir/conf.$FS::UID::datasrc",
+    #these are only used when doing paged plaintext
+    'page'            => 1,
+    'total_pages'     => 1,
   $invoice_data{finance_section} = '';

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