[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search/elements search-csv.html, NONE, 1.1 search.html, 1.43, 1.44 search-html.html, NONE, 1.1 search-xls.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sun May 3 15:45:43 PDT 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv31147

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	search-csv.html search-html.html search-xls.html 
Log Message:
break down search.html into components, RT#5108

Index: search.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/elements/search.html,v
retrieving revision 1.43
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -u -d -r1.43 -r1.44
--- search.html	19 Feb 2009 07:57:51 -0000	1.43
+++ search.html	3 May 2009 22:45:40 -0000	1.44
@@ -159,559 +159,27 @@
 % if ( $type eq 'csv' ) {
-%   #http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' ); #IE chokes
-%   http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/plain' );
-%   my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS { 'always_quote' => 1,
-%                                'eol'          => "\n", #"\015\012", #"\012"
-%                              };
-%   $csv->combine(@$header); #or die $csv->status;
-<% $csv->string %>
-%   foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
-%     if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
-%       my @line = ();
-%       foreach my $field ( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) {
-%         if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
-%           push @line, map {
-%                             ref($_) eq 'ARRAY'
-%                               ? '(N/A)' #unimplemented
-%                               : $_;
-%                           }
-%                           &{$field}($row);
-%         } else {
-%           push @line, $row->$field();
-%         }
-%       }
-%       $csv->combine(@line); #or die $csv->status;
-%     } else {
-%       $csv->combine(@$row); #or die $csv->status;
-%     }
-<% $csv->string %>
-%   }
+<% include('search-csv.html',  header=>$header, rows=>$rows, opt=>\%opt ) %>
 % #} elsif ( $type eq 'excel' ) {
 % } elsif ( $type =~ /\.xls$/ ) {
-%   #http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/excel' ); #eww
-%   #http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/msexcel' ); #alas
-%   #http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-msexcel' ); #?
-%   #http://support.microsoft.com/kb/199841
-%   http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel' );
-%   #http://support.microsoft.com/kb/812935
-%   #http://support.microsoft.com/kb/323308
-%   $HTML::Mason::Commands::r->headers_out->{'Cache-control'} = 'max-age=0';
-%   my $data = '';
-%   my $XLS = new IO::Scalar \$data;
-%   my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($XLS)
-%     or die "Error opening .xls file: $!";
-%   my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(substr($opt{'title'},0,31));
-%   my($r,$c) = (0,0);
-%   $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_) foreach @$header;
-%   foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
-%     $r++;
-%     $c = 0;
-%     if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
-%       #my $links = $opt{'links'} ? [ @{$opt{'links'}} ] : '';
-%       #my $aligns = $opt{'align'} ? [ @{$opt{'align'}} ] : '';
-%       foreach my $field ( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) {
-%         #my $align = $aligns ? shift @$aligns : '';
-%         #$align = " ALIGN=$align" if $align;
-%         #my $a = '';
-%         #if ( $links ) {
-%         #  my $link = shift @$links;
-%         #  $link = &{$link}($row) if ref($link) eq 'CODE';
-%         #  if ( $link ) {
-%         #    my( $url, $method ) = @{$link};
-%         #    if ( ref($method) eq 'CODE' ) {
-%         #      $a = $url. &{$method}($row);
-%         #    } else {
-%         #      $a = $url. $row->$method();
-%         #    }
-%         #    $a = qq(<A HREF="$a">);
-%         #  }
-%         #}
-%         if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
-%           foreach my $value ( &{$field}($row) ) {
-%             if ( ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ) { 
-%               $worksheet->write($r, $c++, '(N/A)' ); #unimplemented
-%             } else {
-%               $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $value );
-%             }
-%           }
-%         } else {
-%           $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $row->$field() );
-%         }
-%       }
-%     } else {
-%       $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_) foreach @$row;
-%     }
-%   }
-%   $workbook->close();# or die "Error creating .xls file: $!";
-%   http_header('Content-Length' => length($data) );
-<% $data %>
+<% include('search-xls.html',  header=>$header, rows=>$rows, opt=>\%opt ) %>
 % } else { # regular HTML
-%   if ( exists($opt{'redirect'}) && scalar(@$rows) == 1 && $total == 1
-%        && $type ne 'html-print'
-%      ) {
-%     my $redirect = $opt{'redirect'};
-%     $redirect = &{$redirect}($rows->[0], $cgi) if ref($redirect) eq 'CODE';
-%     my( $url, $method ) = @$redirect;
-%     redirect( $url. $rows->[0]->$method() );
-%   } elsif ( exists($opt{'redirect_empty'}) && ! scalar(@$rows) && $total == 0
-%             && $type ne 'html-print'
-%             && $opt{'redirect_empty'}
-%             && ( ref($opt{'redirect_empty'}) ne 'CODE'
-%                  || &{$opt{'redirect_empty'}}($cgi)    )
-%      ) {
-%     my $redirect = $opt{'redirect_empty'};
-%     $redirect = &{$redirect}($cgi) if ref($redirect) eq 'CODE';
-%     redirect( $redirect );
-%   } else {
-%     if ( $opt{'name_singular'} ) {
-%       $opt{'name'} = PL($opt{'name_singular'});
-%     }
-%     ( my $xlsname = $opt{'name'} ) =~ s/\W//g;
-%     if ( $total == 1 ) {
-%       if ( $opt{'name_singular'} ) {
-%         $opt{'name'} = $opt{'name_singular'}
-%       } else {
-%         #$opt{'name'} =~ s/s$// if $total == 1;
-%         $opt{'name'} =~ s/((s)e)?s$/$2/ if $total == 1;
-%       }
-%     }
-%     if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {
-        <% include( '/elements/header-popup.html', $opt{'title'} ) %>
-%     } elsif ( $type eq 'select' ) {
-        <% include( '/elements/header-popup.html', $opt{'title'} ) %>
-        <% defined($opt{'html_init'}) 
-              ? ( ref($opt{'html_init'})
-                    ? &{$opt{'html_init'}}()
-                    : $opt{'html_init'}
-                )
-              : ''
-        %>
-%     } else {
-%       my @menubar = ();
-%       if ( $opt{'menubar'} ) {
-%         @menubar = @{ $opt{'menubar'} };
-%       #} else {
-%       #  @menubar = ( 'Main menu' => $p );
-%       }
-        <% include( '/elements/header.html', $opt{'title'},
-                      include( '/elements/menubar.html', @menubar )
-                  )
-        %>
-        <% defined($opt{'html_init'}) 
-              ? ( ref($opt{'html_init'})
-                    ? &{$opt{'html_init'}}()
-                    : $opt{'html_init'}
-                )
-              : ''
-        %>
-%     }
-%     unless ( $total ) { 
-%       unless ( $opt{'disable_nonefound'} ) { 
-          No matching <% $opt{'name'} %> found.<BR>
-%       } 
-%     }
-%     if ( $total || $opt{'disableable'} ) { #hmm... and there *are* ones to show??
-        <TABLE>
-          <TR>
-            <TD VALIGN="bottom">
-              <FORM>
-%               if (! $opt{'disable_total'}) {
-                  <% $total %> total <% $opt{'name'} %>
-%               }
-%               if ( $confmax && $total > $confmax
-%                    && ! $opt{'disable_maxselect'}
-%                    && $type ne 'html-print' )
-%               {
-%                 $cgi->delete('maxrecords');
-%                 $cgi->param('_dummy', 1);
-                  ( show <SELECT NAME="maxrecords" onChange="window.location = '<% $cgi->self_url %>;maxrecords=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
-%                   foreach my $max ( map { $_ * $confmax } qw( 1 5 10 25 ) ) {
-                  <OPTION VALUE="<% $max %>" <% ( $maxrecords == $max ) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $max %></OPTION>
-%                   }
-	          </SELECT> per page )
-%                 $cgi->param('maxrecords', $maxrecords);
-%               }
-%               if ( defined($opt{'html_posttotal'}) && $type ne 'html-print' ) {
-                    <% ref($opt{'html_posttotal'})
-                         ? &{$opt{'html_posttotal'}}()
-                         : $opt{'html_posttotal'}
-                    %>
-%               }
-                <BR>
-%               if ( $opt{'count_addl'} ) { 
-%                 my $n=0;
-%                 foreach my $count ( @{$opt{'count_addl'}} ) { 
-%                   my $data = $count_arrayref->[++$n];
-%                   if ( ref($count) ) {
-                      <% &{ $count }( $data ) %>
-%                   } else {
-                      <% sprintf( $count, $data ) %><BR>
-%                   }
-%                 } 
-%               } 
-              </FORM>
-            </TD>
-%           unless ( $opt{'disable_download'} || $type eq 'html-print' ) { 
-              <TD ALIGN="right">
-                Download full results<BR>
-%               $cgi->param('_type', "$xlsname.xls" ); 
-                as <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>">Excel spreadsheet</A><BR>
-%               $cgi->param('_type', 'csv'); 
-                as <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>">CSV file</A><BR>
-%               $cgi->param('_type', 'html-print'); 
-                as <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>">printable copy</A>
-              <% $opt{'extra_choices_callback'}
-                 ? &{$opt{'extra_choices_callback'}}($cgi->query_string)
-                 : ''
-              %>
-              </TD>
-%             $cgi->param('_type', "html" ); 
-%           } 
-          </TR>
-          <TR>
-            <TD COLSPAN=2>
-%             my $pager = '';
-%             unless ( $type eq 'html_print' ) {
-                <% $pager = include( '/elements/pager.html',
-                                       'offset'     => $offset,
-                                       'num_rows'   => scalar(@$rows),
-                                       'total'      => $total,
-                                       'maxrecords' => $maxrecords,
-                                   )
-                %>
-                <% defined($opt{'html_form'}) 
-                     ? ( ref($opt{'html_form'})
-                           ? &{$opt{'html_form'}}()
-                           : $opt{'html_form'}
-                       )
-                     : ''
-                %>
-%             }
-              <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>
-                <TR>
-%                 my $h2 = 0;
-%                 foreach my $header ( @{ $opt{header} } ) { 
-%                   my $label = ref($header) ? $header->{label} : $header;
-%                   my $rowspan = 1;
-%                   my $style = '';
-%                   if ( $opt{header2} ) {
-%                     if ( !length($opt{header2}->[$h2]) ) {
-%                       $rowspan = 2;
-%                       splice @{ $opt{header2} }, $h2, 1;
-%                     } else {
-%                       $h2++;
-%                       $style = 'STYLE="border-bottom: none"'
-%                     }
-%                   }
-                    <TH CLASS   = "grid"
-                        BGCOLOR = "#cccccc"
-                        ROWSPAN = "<% $rowspan %>"
-                        <% $style %>
-                    >
-                      <% $label %>
-                    </TH>
-%                 } 
-                </TR>
-%               if ( $opt{header2} ) {
-                  <TR>
-%                   foreach my $header ( @{ $opt{header2} } ) { 
-%                     my $label = ref($header) ? $header->{label} : $header;
-                      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
-                        <FONT SIZE="-1"><% $label %></FONT>
-                      </TH>
-%                   } 
-                  </TR>
-%               }
-%               my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
-%               my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
-%               my $bgcolor;
-%               foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
-%                 if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
-%                   $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
-%                 } else {
-%                   $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
-%                 }
-                  <TR>
-%                   if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
-%                     my $links    = $opt{'links'} ? [ @{$opt{'links'}} ] : '';
-%                     my $onclicks = $opt{'link_onclicks'} ? [ @{$opt{'link_onclicks'}} ] : [];
-%                     my $aligns   = $opt{'align'} ? [ @{$opt{'align'}} ] : '';
-%                     my $colors   = $opt{'color'} ? [ @{$opt{'color'}} ] : [];
-%                     my $sizes    = $opt{'size'}  ? [ @{$opt{'size'}}  ] : [];
-%                     my $styles   = $opt{'style'} ? [ @{$opt{'style'}} ] : [];
-%                     my $cstyles  = $opt{'cell_style'} ? [ @{$opt{'cell_style'}} ] : [];
-%                     foreach my $field (
-%                       map {
-%                             if ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
-%                               my $tableref = $_;
-%                               '<TABLE CLASS="inv" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="100%">'.
-%                               join('', map {
-%                                 my $rowref = $_;
-%                                 '<tr>'.
-%                                 join('', map {
-%                                   my $e = $_;
-%                                   '<TD '.
-%                                     join(' ', map {
-%                                       uc($_).'="'. $e->{$_}. '"';
-%                                     }
-%                                     grep exists($e->{$_}),
-%                                          qw( align bgcolor colspan rowspan
-%                                              style valign width )
-%                                     ).
-%                                   '>'.
-%                                   ( $e->{'link'}
-%                                       ? '<A HREF="'. $e->{'link'}. '">'
-%                                       : ''
-%                                   ).
-%                                   ( $e->{'size'}
-%                                      ? '<FONT SIZE="'.uc($e->{'size'}).'">'
-%                                      : ''
-%                                   ).
-%                                   ( $e->{'data_style'}
-%                                       ? '<'. uc($e->{'data_style'}). '>'
-%                                       : ''
-%                                   ).
-%                                   $e->{'data'}.
-%                                   ( $e->{'data_style'}
-%                                       ? '</'. uc($e->{'data_style'}). '>'
-%                                       : ''
-%                                   ).
-%                                   ( $e->{'size'} ? '</FONT>' : '' ).
-%                                   ( $e->{'link'} ? '</A>'    : '' ).
-%                                   '</td>';
-%                                 } @$rowref ).
-%                                 '</tr>';
-%                               } @$tableref ).
-%                               '</table>';
-%                             } else {
-%                               $_;
-%                             }
-%                           }
-%                       map {
-%                             if ( ref($_) eq 'CODE' ) {
-%                               &{$_}($row);
-%                             } else {
-%                               $row->$_();
-%                             }
-%                           }
-%                       @{$opt{'fields'}}
-%                     ) {
-%                       my $class = ( $field =~ /^<TABLE/i ) ? 'inv' : 'grid';
-%                       my $align = $aligns ? shift @$aligns : '';
-%                       $align = " ALIGN=$align" if $align;
-%                       my $a = '';
-%                       if ( $links ) {
-%                         my $link = shift @$links;
-%                         my $onclick = shift @$onclicks;
-%                         if (    ! $opt{'agent_virt'}
-%                              || ( $null_link && ! $row->agentnum )
-%                              || grep { $row->agentnum == $_ }
-%                                      @link_agentnums
-%                            ) {
-%                           $link = &{$link}($row)
-%                             if ref($link) eq 'CODE';
-%                           $onclick = &{$onclick}($row)
-%                             if ref($onclick) eq 'CODE';
-%                           $onclick = qq( onClick="$onclick") if $onclick;
-%                           if ( $link ) {
-%                             my( $url, $method ) = @{$link};
-%                             if ( ref($method) eq 'CODE' ) {
-%                               $a = $url. &{$method}($row);
-%                             } else {
-%                               $a = $url. $row->$method();
-%                             }
-%                             $a = qq(<A HREF="$a"$onclick>);
-%                           }
-%                         }
-%                       }
-%                       my $font = '';
-%                       my $color = shift @$colors;
-%                       $color = &{$color}($row) if ref($color) eq 'CODE';
-%                       my $size = shift @$sizes;
-%                       $size = &{$size}($row) if ref($size) eq 'CODE';
-%                       if ( $color || $size ) {
-%                         $font = '<FONT '.
-%                                 ( $color ? "COLOR=#$color "   : '' ).
-%                                 ( $size  ? qq(SIZE="$size" )  : '' ).
-%                                 '>';
-%                       }
-%                       my($s, $es) = ( '', '' );
-%                       my $style = shift @$styles;
-%                       $style = &{$style}($row) if ref($style) eq 'CODE';
-%                       if ( $style ) {
-%                         $s = join( '', map "<$_>", split('', $style) );
-%                         $es = join( '', map "</$_>", split('', $style) );
-%                       }
-%                       my $cstyle = shift @$cstyles;
-%                       $cstyle = &{$cstyle}($row) if ref($cstyle) eq 'CODE';
-%                       $cstyle = qq(STYLE="$cstyle")
-%                         if $cstyle;
-                        <TD CLASS="<% $class %>" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" <% $align %> <% $cstyle %>><% $font %><% $a %><% $s %><% $field %><% $es %><% $a ? '</A>' : '' %><% $font ? '</FONT>' : '' %></TD>
-%                     } 
-%                   } else { 
-%                     foreach ( @$row ) { 
-                        <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $_ %></TD>
-%                     }
-%                   }
-                  </TR>
-%               } 
-%               if ( $opt{'footer'} ) { 
-                  <TR>
-%                   foreach my $footer ( @{ $opt{'footer'} } ) { 
-                      <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd" STYLE="border-top: dashed 1px black;"><i><% $footer %></i></TD>
-%                   } 
-                  </TR>
-%               } 
-              </TABLE>
-              <% $pager %>
-            </TD>
-          </TR>
-        </TABLE>
-%     }
-%     if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {
-        </BODY></HTML>
-%     } else {
-        <% defined($opt{'html_foot'}) 
-              ? ( ref($opt{'html_foot'})
-                    ? &{$opt{'html_foot'}}()
-                    : $opt{'html_foot'}
-                )
-              : ''
-        %>
-        <% include( '/elements/footer.html' ) %>
-%     }
-%   } 
+<% include('search-html.html',
+             type           => $type,
+             header         => $header,
+             rows           => $rows,
+             link_agentnums => \@link_agentnums,
+             null_link      => $null_link,
+             confmax        => $confmax,
+             maxrecords     => $maxrecords,
+             offset         => $offset,
+             opt            => \%opt
+          )
 % } 
@@ -833,7 +301,7 @@
            ? $1 : 'html';
 my $limit = '';
-my($confmax, $maxrecords, $total, $offset, $count_arrayref);
+my($confmax, $maxrecords, $offset );
 unless ( $type =~ /^(csv|\w*\.xls)$/ ) {
@@ -867,13 +335,6 @@
-  my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($opt{'count_query'})
-    or die "Error preparing $opt{'count_query'}: ". dbh->errstr;
-  $count_sth->execute
-    or die "Error executing $opt{'count_query'}: ". $count_sth->errstr;
-  $count_arrayref = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
-  $total = $count_arrayref->[0];
 # run the query

--- NEW FILE: search-csv.html ---
% $csv->combine(@$header); #or die $csv->status;
<% $csv->string %>\
% foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
%   if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
%     my @line = ();
%     foreach my $field ( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) {
%       if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
%         push @line, map {
%                           ref($_) eq 'ARRAY'
%                             ? '(N/A)' #unimplemented
%                             : $_;
%                         }
%                         &{$field}($row);
%       } else {
%         push @line, $row->$field();
%       }
%     }
%     $csv->combine(@line); #or die $csv->status;
%   } else {
%     $csv->combine(@$row); #or die $csv->status;
%   }
<% $csv->string %>\
% }

my %args = @_;
my $header = $args{'header'};
my $rows   = $args{'rows'};
my %opt    = %{ $args{'opt'} };

#http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' ); #IE chokes
http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/plain' );

my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS { 'always_quote' => 1,
                             'eol'          => "\n", #"\015\012", #"\012"


--- NEW FILE: search-xls.html ---
<% $data %>

my %args = @_;
my $type   = $args{'type'};
my $header = $args{'header'};
my $rows   = $args{'rows'};
my %opt    = %{ $args{'opt'} };    

#http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/excel' ); #eww
#http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/msexcel' ); #alas
#http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/x-msexcel' ); #?

http_header('Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel' );

$HTML::Mason::Commands::r->headers_out->{'Cache-control'} = 'max-age=0';

my $data = '';
my $XLS = new IO::Scalar \$data;
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($XLS)
  or die "Error opening .xls file: $!";

my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(substr($opt{'title'},0,31));

my($r,$c) = (0,0);

$worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_) foreach @$header;

foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
  $c = 0;

  if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {

    #my $links = $opt{'links'} ? [ @{$opt{'links'}} ] : '';
    #my $aligns = $opt{'align'} ? [ @{$opt{'align'}} ] : '';

    foreach my $field ( @{$opt{'fields'}} ) {
      #my $align = $aligns ? shift @$aligns : '';
      #$align = " ALIGN=$align" if $align;
      #my $a = '';
      #if ( $links ) {
      #  my $link = shift @$links;
      #  $link = &{$link}($row) if ref($link) eq 'CODE';
      #  if ( $link ) {
      #    my( $url, $method ) = @{$link};
      #    if ( ref($method) eq 'CODE' ) {
      #      $a = $url. &{$method}($row);
      #    } else {
      #      $a = $url. $row->$method();
      #    }
      #    $a = qq(<A HREF="$a">);
      #  }
      if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
        foreach my $value ( &{$field}($row) ) {
          if ( ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ) { 
            $worksheet->write($r, $c++, '(N/A)' ); #unimplemented
          } else {
            $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $value );
      } else {
        $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $row->$field() );

  } else {
    $worksheet->write($r, $c++, $_) foreach @$row;


$workbook->close();# or die "Error creating .xls file: $!";

http_header('Content-Length' => length($data) );

--- NEW FILE: search-html.html ---
%   if ( exists($opt{'redirect'}) && scalar(@$rows) == 1 && $total == 1
%        && $type ne 'html-print'
%      ) {
%     my $redirect = $opt{'redirect'};
%     $redirect = &{$redirect}($rows->[0], $cgi) if ref($redirect) eq 'CODE';
%     my( $url, $method ) = @$redirect;
%     redirect( $url. $rows->[0]->$method() );
%   } elsif ( exists($opt{'redirect_empty'}) && ! scalar(@$rows) && $total == 0
%             && $type ne 'html-print'
%             && $opt{'redirect_empty'}
%             && ( ref($opt{'redirect_empty'}) ne 'CODE'
%                  || &{$opt{'redirect_empty'}}($cgi)    )
%      ) {
%     my $redirect = $opt{'redirect_empty'};
%     $redirect = &{$redirect}($cgi) if ref($redirect) eq 'CODE';
%     redirect( $redirect );
%   } else {
%     if ( $opt{'name_singular'} ) {
%       $opt{'name'} = PL($opt{'name_singular'});
%     }
%     ( my $xlsname = $opt{'name'} ) =~ s/\W//g;
%     if ( $total == 1 ) {
%       if ( $opt{'name_singular'} ) {
%         $opt{'name'} = $opt{'name_singular'}
%       } else {
%         #$opt{'name'} =~ s/s$// if $total == 1;
%         $opt{'name'} =~ s/((s)e)?s$/$2/ if $total == 1;
%       }
%     }
%     if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {

        <% include( '/elements/header-popup.html', $opt{'title'} ) %>

%     } elsif ( $type eq 'select' ) {

        <% include( '/elements/header-popup.html', $opt{'title'} ) %>
        <% defined($opt{'html_init'}) 
              ? ( ref($opt{'html_init'})
                    ? &{$opt{'html_init'}}()
                    : $opt{'html_init'}
              : ''

%     } else {
%       my @menubar = ();
%       if ( $opt{'menubar'} ) {
%         @menubar = @{ $opt{'menubar'} };
%       #} else {
%       #  @menubar = ( 'Main menu' => $p );
%       }

        <% include( '/elements/header.html', $opt{'title'},
                      include( '/elements/menubar.html', @menubar )

        <% defined($opt{'html_init'}) 
              ? ( ref($opt{'html_init'})
                    ? &{$opt{'html_init'}}()
                    : $opt{'html_init'}
              : ''

%     }

%     unless ( $total ) { 
%       unless ( $opt{'disable_nonefound'} ) { 
          No matching <% $opt{'name'} %> found.<BR>
%       } 
%     }
%     if ( $total || $opt{'disableable'} ) { #hmm... and there *are* ones to show??


            <TD VALIGN="bottom">


%               if (! $opt{'disable_total'}) {
                  <% $total %> total <% $opt{'name'} %>
%               }

%               if ( $confmax && $total > $confmax
%                    && ! $opt{'disable_maxselect'}
%                    && $type ne 'html-print' )
%               {
%                 $cgi->delete('maxrecords');
%                 $cgi->param('_dummy', 1);

                  ( show <SELECT NAME="maxrecords" onChange="window.location = '<% $cgi->self_url %>;maxrecords=' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

%                   foreach my $max ( map { $_ * $confmax } qw( 1 5 10 25 ) ) {
                  <OPTION VALUE="<% $max %>" <% ( $maxrecords == $max ) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $max %></OPTION>
%                   }

	          </SELECT> per page )

%                 $cgi->param('maxrecords', $maxrecords);
%               }

%               if ( defined($opt{'html_posttotal'}) && $type ne 'html-print' ) {
                    <% ref($opt{'html_posttotal'})
                         ? &{$opt{'html_posttotal'}}()
                         : $opt{'html_posttotal'}
%               }

%               if ( $opt{'count_addl'} ) { 
%                 my $n=0;
%                 foreach my $count ( @{$opt{'count_addl'}} ) { 
%                   my $data = $count_arrayref->[++$n];
%                   if ( ref($count) ) {
                      <% &{ $count }( $data ) %>
%                   } else {
                      <% sprintf( $count, $data ) %><BR>
%                   }
%                 } 
%               } 


%           unless ( $opt{'disable_download'} || $type eq 'html-print' ) { 

              <TD ALIGN="right">

                Download full results<BR>

%               $cgi->param('_type', "$xlsname.xls" ); 
                as <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>">Excel spreadsheet</A><BR>

%               $cgi->param('_type', 'csv'); 
                as <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>">CSV file</A><BR>

%               $cgi->param('_type', 'html-print'); 
                as <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>">printable copy</A>

              <% $opt{'extra_choices_callback'}
                 ? &{$opt{'extra_choices_callback'}}($cgi->query_string)
                 : ''

%             $cgi->param('_type', "html" ); 
%           } 

            <TD COLSPAN=2>

%             my $pager = '';
%             unless ( $type eq 'html_print' ) {

                <% $pager = include( '/elements/pager.html',
                                       'offset'     => $offset,
                                       'num_rows'   => scalar(@$rows),
                                       'total'      => $total,
                                       'maxrecords' => $maxrecords,

                <% defined($opt{'html_form'}) 
                     ? ( ref($opt{'html_form'})
                           ? &{$opt{'html_form'}}()
                           : $opt{'html_form'}
                     : ''

%             }

              <% include('/elements/table-grid.html') %>

%                 my $h2 = 0;
%                 foreach my $header ( @{ $opt{header} } ) { 
%                   my $label = ref($header) ? $header->{label} : $header;
%                   my $rowspan = 1;
%                   my $style = '';
%                   if ( $opt{header2} ) {
%                     if ( !length($opt{header2}->[$h2]) ) {
%                       $rowspan = 2;
%                       splice @{ $opt{header2} }, $h2, 1;
%                     } else {
%                       $h2++;
%                       $style = 'STYLE="border-bottom: none"'
%                     }
%                   }
                    <TH CLASS   = "grid"
                        BGCOLOR = "#cccccc"
                        ROWSPAN = "<% $rowspan %>"
                        <% $style %>

                      <% $label %>
%                 } 

%               if ( $opt{header2} ) {
%                   foreach my $header ( @{ $opt{header2} } ) { 
%                     my $label = ref($header) ? $header->{label} : $header;
                      <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
                        <FONT SIZE="-1"><% $label %></FONT>
%                   } 
%               }

%               my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
%               my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
%               my $bgcolor;
%               foreach my $row ( @$rows ) {
%                 if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
%                   $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
%                 } else {
%                   $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
%                 }


%                   if ( $opt{'fields'} ) {
%                     my $links    = $opt{'links'} ? [ @{$opt{'links'}} ] : '';
%                     my $onclicks = $opt{'link_onclicks'} ? [ @{$opt{'link_onclicks'}} ] : [];
%                     my $aligns   = $opt{'align'} ? [ @{$opt{'align'}} ] : '';
%                     my $colors   = $opt{'color'} ? [ @{$opt{'color'}} ] : [];
%                     my $sizes    = $opt{'size'}  ? [ @{$opt{'size'}}  ] : [];
%                     my $styles   = $opt{'style'} ? [ @{$opt{'style'}} ] : [];
%                     my $cstyles  = $opt{'cell_style'} ? [ @{$opt{'cell_style'}} ] : [];
%                     foreach my $field (
%                       map {
%                             if ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
%                               my $tableref = $_;
%                               '<TABLE CLASS="inv" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH="100%">'.
%                               join('', map {
%                                 my $rowref = $_;
%                                 '<tr>'.
%                                 join('', map {
%                                   my $e = $_;
%                                   '<TD '.
%                                     join(' ', map {
%                                       uc($_).'="'. $e->{$_}. '"';
%                                     }
%                                     grep exists($e->{$_}),
%                                          qw( align bgcolor colspan rowspan
%                                              style valign width )
%                                     ).
%                                   '>'.
%                                   ( $e->{'link'}
%                                       ? '<A HREF="'. $e->{'link'}. '">'
%                                       : ''
%                                   ).
%                                   ( $e->{'size'}
%                                      ? '<FONT SIZE="'.uc($e->{'size'}).'">'
%                                      : ''
%                                   ).
%                                   ( $e->{'data_style'}
%                                       ? '<'. uc($e->{'data_style'}). '>'
%                                       : ''
%                                   ).
%                                   $e->{'data'}.
%                                   ( $e->{'data_style'}
%                                       ? '</'. uc($e->{'data_style'}). '>'
%                                       : ''
%                                   ).
%                                   ( $e->{'size'} ? '</FONT>' : '' ).
%                                   ( $e->{'link'} ? '</A>'    : '' ).
%                                   '</td>';
%                                 } @$rowref ).
%                                 '</tr>';
%                               } @$tableref ).
%                               '</table>';
%                             } else {
%                               $_;
%                             }
%                           }
%                       map {
%                             if ( ref($_) eq 'CODE' ) {
%                               &{$_}($row);
%                             } else {
%                               $row->$_();
%                             }
%                           }
%                       @{$opt{'fields'}}
%                     ) {
%                       my $class = ( $field =~ /^<TABLE/i ) ? 'inv' : 'grid';
%                       my $align = $aligns ? shift @$aligns : '';
%                       $align = " ALIGN=$align" if $align;
%                       my $a = '';
%                       if ( $links ) {
%                         my $link = shift @$links;
%                         my $onclick = shift @$onclicks;
%                         if (    ! $opt{'agent_virt'}
%                              || ( $null_link && ! $row->agentnum )
%                              || grep { $row->agentnum == $_ }
%                                      @link_agentnums
%                            ) {
%                           $link = &{$link}($row)
%                             if ref($link) eq 'CODE';
%                           $onclick = &{$onclick}($row)
%                             if ref($onclick) eq 'CODE';
%                           $onclick = qq( onClick="$onclick") if $onclick;
%                           if ( $link ) {
%                             my( $url, $method ) = @{$link};
%                             if ( ref($method) eq 'CODE' ) {
%                               $a = $url. &{$method}($row);
%                             } else {
%                               $a = $url. $row->$method();
%                             }
%                             $a = qq(<A HREF="$a"$onclick>);
%                           }
%                         }
%                       }
%                       my $font = '';
%                       my $color = shift @$colors;
%                       $color = &{$color}($row) if ref($color) eq 'CODE';
%                       my $size = shift @$sizes;
%                       $size = &{$size}($row) if ref($size) eq 'CODE';
%                       if ( $color || $size ) {
%                         $font = '<FONT '.
%                                 ( $color ? "COLOR=#$color "   : '' ).
%                                 ( $size  ? qq(SIZE="$size" )  : '' ).
%                                 '>';
%                       }
%                       my($s, $es) = ( '', '' );
%                       my $style = shift @$styles;
%                       $style = &{$style}($row) if ref($style) eq 'CODE';
%                       if ( $style ) {
%                         $s = join( '', map "<$_>", split('', $style) );
%                         $es = join( '', map "</$_>", split('', $style) );
%                       }
%                       my $cstyle = shift @$cstyles;
%                       $cstyle = &{$cstyle}($row) if ref($cstyle) eq 'CODE';
%                       $cstyle = qq(STYLE="$cstyle")
%                         if $cstyle;

                        <TD CLASS="<% $class %>" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>" <% $align %> <% $cstyle %>><% $font %><% $a %><% $s %><% $field %><% $es %><% $a ? '</A>' : '' %><% $font ? '</FONT>' : '' %></TD>

%                     } 
%                   } else { 
%                     foreach ( @$row ) { 
                        <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>"><% $_ %></TD>
%                     }
%                   }


%               } 

%               if ( $opt{'footer'} ) { 


%                   foreach my $footer ( @{ $opt{'footer'} } ) { 
                      <TD CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#dddddd" STYLE="border-top: dashed 1px black;"><i><% $footer %></i></TD>
%                   } 

%               } 

              <% $pager %>
%     }

%     if ( $type eq 'html-print' ) {

%     } else {

        <% defined($opt{'html_foot'}) 
              ? ( ref($opt{'html_foot'})
                    ? &{$opt{'html_foot'}}()
                    : $opt{'html_foot'}
              : ''

        <% include( '/elements/footer.html' ) %>

%     }

%   } 

my %args = @_;
my $type           = $args{'type'};
my $header         = $args{'header'};
my $rows           = $args{'rows'};
my @link_agentnums = @{ $args{'link_agentnums'} };
my $null_link      = $args{'null_link'};
my $confmax        = $args{'confmax'};
my $maxrecords     = $args{'maxrecords'};
my $offset         = $args{'offset'};
my %opt            = %{ $args{'opt'} };

my $count_sth = dbh->prepare($opt{'count_query'})
  or die "Error preparing $opt{'count_query'}: ". dbh->errstr;
  or die "Error executing $opt{'count_query'}: ". $count_sth->errstr;
my $count_arrayref = $count_sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $total = $count_arrayref->[0];


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