[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/view/cust_main change_history.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Tue Jul 28 14:17:47 PDT 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/view/cust_main
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv18538/httemplate/view/cust_main

Added Files:
Log Message:
adding a basic change history using history tables, RT#1005, RT#4357

--- NEW FILE: change_history.html ---
% if ( int( time - (keys %years)[0] * 31556736 ) > $start ) {
%   my $chy = $cgi->param('change_history-years');
%   foreach my $y (keys %years) {
%     if ( $y == $years ) {
        <FONT SIZE="+1"><% $years{$y} %></FONT>
%     } else {
%       $cgi->param('change_history-years', $y);
        <A HREF="<% $cgi->self_url %>"><% $years{$y} %></A>
%     }
%     last if int( time - $y * 31556736 ) < $start;
%   }
%   $cgi->param('change_history-years', $chy);
% }

<% include("/elements/table-grid.html") %>
% my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee';
%   my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff';
%   my $bgcolor = '';

  <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">User</TH>
  <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Date</TH>
  <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Time</TH>
  <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Item</TH>
  <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Action</TH>
  <TH CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="#cccccc">Description</TH>

% foreach my $item ( sort { $a->history_date <=> $b->history_date
%                           #|| table order
%                           || $a->historynum <=> $b->historynum
%                         }
%                         @history
%                  )
% {
%   my $history_other = '';
%   my $act  = $item->history_action;
%   if ( $act =~ /^replace/ ) {
%     my $pkey = $item->primary_key;
%     my $date = $item->history_date;
%     $history_other = qsearchs({
%       'table'     => $item->table,
%       'hashref'   => { $pkey            => $item->$pkey(),
%                        'history_action' => $replace_other{$act},
%                        'historynum'     => { 'op'    => $replace_dir{$act},
%                                              'value' => $item->historynum
%                                            },
%                      },
%       'extra_sql' => "
%         AND history_date $replace_direq{$act} $date
%         AND ($date $replace_op{$act} $fuzz) $replace_direq{$act} history_date
%         ORDER BY historynum $replace_ord{$act} LIMIT 1
%       ",
%     });
%   }
%   if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) {
%     $bgcolor = $bgcolor2;
%   } else {
%     $bgcolor = $bgcolor1;
%   }

    <TD ALIGN="left" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
%     my $otaker = $item->history_user;
%     $otaker = '<i>auto billing</i>'          if $otaker eq 'fs_daily';
%     $otaker = '<i>customer self-service</i>' if $otaker eq 'fs_selfservice';
%     $otaker = '<i>job queue</i>'             if $otaker eq 'fs_queue';
      <% $otaker %>
    <TD ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
%     my $d = time2str('%b %o, %Y', $item->history_date );
%     $d =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
      <% $d %>
    <TD ALIGN="right" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
%     my $t = time2str('%r', $item->history_date );
%     $t =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
      <% $t %>
    <TD ALIGN="center" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
%     my $label = $h_tables{$item->table};
%     $label = &{ $h_table_labelsub{$item->table} }( $item, $label )
%       if $h_table_labelsub{$item->table};
      <% $label %>
    <TD ALIGN="left" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
      <% $action{$item->history_action} %>
    <TD ALIGN="left" CLASS="grid" BGCOLOR="<% $bgcolor %>">
      <% join(', ',
           map  { my $value = ( $_ =~ /(^pay(info|cvv)|^ss|_password)$/ ) 
                                ? 'N/A'
                                : $item->get($_);
                  $value = substr($value, 0, 77).'...' if length($value) > 80;
                  $value = encode_entities($value);
           grep { $history_other
                    ? ( $item->get($_) ne $history_other->get($_) )
                    : ( $item->get($_) =~ /\S/ )
           grep { ! /^(history|custnum$)/i }

% }


# length-switching 

tie my %years, 'Tie::IxHash',
    .5 => '6 months',
   1  => '1 year',
   2  => '2 years',
   5  => '5 years',
  39  => 'all history',

# labeling history rows

my %action = (
  'insert'      => 'Insert', #'Create',
  'replace_old' => 'Change&nbsp;from',
  'replace_new' => 'Change&nbsp;to',
  'delete'      => 'Remove',

# finding the other replace row

my %replace_other = (
  'replace_new' => 'replace_old',
  'replace_old' => 'replace_new',
my %replace_dir = (
  'replace_new' => '<',
  'replace_old' => '>',
my %replace_direq = (
  'replace_new' => '<=',
  'replace_old' => '>=',
my %replace_op = (
  'replace_new' => '-',
  'replace_old' => '+',
my %replace_ord = (
  'replace_new' => 'DESC',
  'replace_old' => 'ASC',

my $fuzz = 5; #seems like a lot

# which tables to search and what to call them

tie my %tables, 'Tie::IxHash',
  'cust_main'         => 'Customer',
  'cust_main_invoice' => 'Invoice destination',
  'cust_pkg'          => 'Package',
  #? or just svc_* ? 'cust_svc' => 
  'svc_acct'          => 'Account',
  'radius_usergroup'  => 'RADIUS group',
  'svc_domain'        => 'Domain',
  'svc_www'           => 'Hosting',
  'svc_forward'       => 'Mail forward',
  'svc_broadband'     => 'Broadband',
  'svc_external'      => 'External service',
  'svc_phone'         => 'Phone',
  'phone_device'      => 'Phone device',
  #? it gets provisioned anyway 'phone_avail'         => 'Phone',

my $svc_join = 'JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum )';

my %table_join = (
  'svc_acct'         => $svc_join,
  'radius_usergroup' => $svc_join,
  'svc_domain'       => $svc_join,
  'svc_www'          => $svc_join,
  'svc_forward'      => $svc_join,
  'svc_broadband'    => $svc_join,
  'svc_external'     => $svc_join,
  'svc_phone'        => $svc_join,
  'phone_device'     => $svc_join,

my %h_tables = map { ( "h_$_" => $tables{$_} ) } keys %tables;

my %pkgpart = ();
my $pkg_labelsub = sub {
  my($item, $label) = @_;
  $pkgpart{$item->pkgpart} ||= $item->part_pkg->pkg;
  $label. ': <b>'. encode_entities($pkgpart{$item->pkgpart}). '</b>';

my $svc_labelsub = sub {
  my($item, $label) = @_;
  $label. ': <b>'. encode_entities($item->label). '</b>';

my %h_table_labelsub = (
  'h_cust_pkg'      => $pkg_labelsub,
  'h_svc_acct'      => $svc_labelsub,
  #'h_radius_usergroup' =>
  'h_svc_domain'    => $svc_labelsub,
  'h_svc_www'       => $svc_labelsub,
  'h_svc_forward'   => $svc_labelsub,
  'h_svc_broadband' => $svc_labelsub,
  'h_svc_external'  => $svc_labelsub,
  'h_svc_phone'     => $svc_labelsub,

# cust_main
# cust_main_invoice

# cust_pkg
# cust_pkg_option?
# cust_pkg_detail
# cust_pkg_reason?  no

# svc_acct
#  radius_usergroup
#  acct_snarf?  is this even used?
# svc_domain
#  domain_record
#  registrar
# svc_forward
# svc_www
# svc_broadband
#  (virtual fields?  eh... maybe when they're real)
# svc_external
# svc_phone
#  phone_device
#  phone_avail

# future:

# inventory_item (from services)
# pkg_referral? (changed?)

#random others:

# cust_location?
# cust_main-exemption?? (295.ca named tax exemptions)


my( $cust_main ) = @_;

my $conf = new FS::Conf;

my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;

die "access deined"
  unless $curuser->access_right('View customer history');

# find out the beginning of this customer history, if possible
my $h_insert = qsearchs({
  'table'     => 'h_cust_main',
  'hashref'   => { 'custnum'        => $cust_main->custnum,
                   'history_action' => 'insert',
  'extra_sql' => 'ORDER BY historynum LIMIT 1',
my $start = $h_insert ? $h_insert->history_date : 0;

# retreive the history

my @history = ();

my $years = $conf->config('change_history-years') || .5;
if ( $cgi->param('change_history-years') =~ /^([\d\.]+)$/ ) {
  $years = $1;
my $newer_than = int( time - $years * 31556736 ); #60*60*24*365.24

local($FS::Record::nowarn_classload) = 1;

foreach my $table ( keys %tables ) {
  my @items = qsearch({
    'table'     => "h_$table",
    'addl_from' => $table_join{$table},
    'hashref'   => { 'history_date' =>  { op=>'>=', value=>$newer_than }, },
    'extra_sql' => ' AND custnum = '. $cust_main->custnum,
  push @history, @items;



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