[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Conf.pm,,

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sun Jul 26 11:39:10 PDT 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv25780

Modified Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_7_BRANCH
Log Message:
some whitespace changes to make it easier to keep in sync with 1.9 Conf_compat17.pm, RT#2873

Index: Conf.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/Conf.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.180.2.48 -r1.180.2.49
--- Conf.pm	24 Jul 2009 09:38:22 -0000
+++ Conf.pm	26 Jul 2009 18:39:07 -0000
@@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@
     'type'        => 'select',
     'select_hash' => [
                        'actual_oncard' => 'Default/classic behavior: set the flag if a customer has actual previous charges on the card.',
-		       'transaction_is_recur' => 'Set the flag if the transaction itself is recurring, irregardless of previous charges on the card.',
+                       'transaction_is_recur' => 'Set the flag if the transaction itself is recurring, irregardless of previous charges on the card.',
@@ -2063,16 +2063,16 @@
     'type'        => 'select-sub',
     'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::part_pkg;
-			   map { $_->pkgpart => $_->pkg }
+                           map { $_->pkgpart => $_->pkg }
                                FS::Record::qsearch('part_pkg', { disabled=>'' } );
-			 },
+                         },
     'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::part_pkg;
-			   my $part_pkg = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'part_pkg', { 'pkgpart'=>shift }
-			   );
+                           my $part_pkg = FS::Record::qsearchs(
+                             'part_pkg', { 'pkgpart'=>shift }
+                           );
                            $part_pkg ? $part_pkg->pkg : '';
-			 },
+                         },
@@ -2308,8 +2308,6 @@
     'type'        => 'checkbox',
     'key'         => 'cust_main-require_phone',
     'section'     => '',
@@ -2331,16 +2329,16 @@
     'type'        => 'select-sub',
     'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::reason_type;
-			   map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
+                           map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
                                FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-			 },
+                         },
     'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::reason_type;
-			   my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-			   );
+                           my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
+                             'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
+                           );
                            $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
-			 },
+                         },
@@ -2350,16 +2348,16 @@
     'type'        => 'select-sub',
     'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::reason_type;
-			   map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
+                           map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
                                FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-			 },
+                         },
     'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::reason_type;
-			   my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-			   );
+                           my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
+                             'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
+                           );
                            $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
-			 },
+                         },
@@ -2369,16 +2367,16 @@
     'type'        => 'select-sub',
     'options_sub' => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::reason_type;
-			   map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
+                           map { $_->typenum => $_->type }
                                FS::Record::qsearch('reason_type', { class=>'R' } );
-			 },
+                         },
     'option_sub'  => sub { require FS::Record;
                            require FS::reason_type;
-			   my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
-			     'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
-			   );
+                           my $reason_type = FS::Record::qsearchs(
+                             'reason_type', { 'typenum' => shift }
+                           );
                            $reason_type ? $reason_type->type : '';
-			 },
+                         },

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