[freeside-commits] freeside/rt/html/Elements PageLayout,1.16,1.17

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sun Jul 12 19:33:57 PDT 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/html/Elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv2430

Modified Files:
Log Message:
style RT's menubars like ours

Index: PageLayout
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/html/Elements/PageLayout,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- PageLayout	8 Jul 2009 11:12:46 -0000	1.16
+++ PageLayout	13 Jul 2009 02:33:55 -0000	1.17
@@ -45,9 +45,91 @@
 %# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+%  #false laziness w/menubar.html... shouldn't these just go in freeside.css?
+<style type="text/css">
+a.fsblackbutton {
+         background-color:#333333;
+         color: #ffffff;
+         border:1px solid;
+         border-top-color:#cccccc;
+         border-left-color:#cccccc;
+         border-right-color:#aaaaaa;
+         border-bottom-color:#aaaaaa;
+         /*font-weight:bold;*/
+         /*padding-left:12px;
+         padding-right:12px;*/
+         padding-left:4px;
+         padding-right:4px;
+         font-size:16px;
+         text-decoration:none;
+         overflow:visible;
+         filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr='#ff333333',EndColorStr='#ff666666')
+a:visited:hover.fsblackbutton {
+         background-color:#7e0079;
+         color: #ffffff;
+         border:1px solid;
+         border-top-color:#cccccc;
+         border-left-color:#cccccc;
+         border-right-color:#aaaaaa;
+         border-bottom-color:#aaaaaa;
+         /*font-weight:bold;*/
+         /*padding-left:12px;
+         padding-right:12px;*/
+         padding-left:4px;
+         padding-right:4px;
+         font-size:16px;
+         text-decoration:none;
+         overflow:visible;
+         filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr='#ff330033',EndColorStr='#ff7e0079')
+a.fsdarkbutton {
+         background-color:#555555;
+         color: #ffffff;
+         border:1px solid;
+         border-top-color:#cccccc;
+         border-left-color:#cccccc;
+         border-right-color:#aaaaaa;
+         border-bottom-color:#aaaaaa;
+         /*font-weight:bold;*/
+         /*padding-left:12px;
+         padding-right:12px;*/
+         padding-left:4px;
+         padding-right:4px;
+         font-size:16px;
+         text-decoration:none;
+         overflow:visible;
+         filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr='#ff555555',EndColorStr='#ff666666')
+a:visited:hover.fsdarkbutton {
+         background-color:#7e0079;
+         color: #ffffff;
+         border:1px solid;
+         border-top-color:#cccccc;
+         border-left-color:#cccccc;
+         border-right-color:#aaaaaa;
+         border-bottom-color:#aaaaaa;
+         /*font-weight:bold;*/
+         /*padding-left:12px;
+         padding-right:12px;*/
+         padding-left:4px;
+         padding-right:4px;
+         font-size:16px;
+         text-decoration:none;
+         overflow:visible;
+         filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0,StartColorStr='#ff330033',EndColorStr='#ff7e0079')
 <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" height="100%">
     <TR HEIGHT="100%">
-      <TD>
+      <TD valign="top">
 % if (0) { ##FREESIDE MENUS INSTEAD## if ( $show_menu ) {
 %# if ( $show_menu ) {
@@ -56,7 +138,6 @@
 % }
-<div id="header">
 %#already shown  <h1><%$title%></h1>
 % my $sep       = 0;
@@ -64,8 +145,14 @@
 % my $count     = 0;
 % my $class     = { };
-  <ul id="page-menu"<% (($actions && %$actions) || ($subactions && %$subactions)) && q[ class="actions-present"] | n %>>
-    <div><div><div>
+     <TR>
+       <TD><IMG SRC="<%$fsurl%>images/gray-black-side.png" WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=25></TD>
+       <TD>
+%#  <ul id="page-menu"<% (($actions && %$actions) || ($subactions && %$subactions)) && q[ class="actions-present"] | n %>>
 % if ($page_tabs) {
 %     foreach my $tab (sort keys %{$page_tabs}) {
 %         next if $tab =~ /^(?:current_toptab|this)$/;
@@ -94,22 +181,22 @@
 %         $class->{li} = join ' ', @li;
-    <li<% $class->{li} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && "&#183; "|n%><a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/<%$page_tabs->{$tab}->{'path'}%>"<%$class->{a}|n%><% $class->{a} ? ' name="focus"' : ''|n %>><% $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'title'} %></a></li>
-%         if ($sep) {
-    <li class="separator">&#183;&#183;&#183;</li>
-%         }
-%         $postsep = $sep;
+%#    <li<% $class->{li} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && "&#183; "|n%><a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/<%$page_tabs->{$tab}->{'path'}%>"<%$class->{a}|n%><% $class->{a} ? ' name="focus"' : ''|n %>><% $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'title'} %></a></li>
+%         $class->{a} = $path eq $current ? ' class="fsblackbuttonselected"' : ' class="fsblackbutton"';
+    <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/<%$page_tabs->{$tab}->{'path'}%>"<%$class->{a}|n%><% $class->{a} =~ 'selected' ? ' name="focus"' : ''|n %>><% $page_tabs->{$tab}->{'title'} %></a>
 %     }
 % } else {
 % }
-    </div></div></div>
-  </ul>
 % if (($actions && %$actions) || ($subactions && %$subactions)) {
-  <ul id="actions-menu">
-    <div><div><div>
+  </TD>
+  <TD><IMG SRC="<%$fsurl%>images/black-gray-side.png" WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=25></TD>
+  <TD BGCOLOR="#333333">&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
+  <TD BGCOLOR="#333333">
 % $sep       = 0;
 % $postsep   = 0;
 % $count     = 0;
@@ -135,24 +222,28 @@
 %         $class->{li} = join ' ', @li;
-    <li<% $class->{li} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && qq[<span class="bullet">&#183; </span>]|n%>
+%#    <li<% $class->{li} ? qq[ class="$class->{li}"] : ''|n %>><% $count > 1 && !$postsep && qq[<span class="bullet">&#183; </span>]|n%>
+%         #$class->{a} = $path eq $current ? ' class="fsblackbuttonselected"' : ' class="fsblackbutton"';
+%         $type->{$action}->{class} ||= 'fsdarkbutton';
 %         if ($type->{"$action"}->{'html'}) {
       <% $type->{"$action"}->{'html'} | n %>
 %         } else {
       <a href="<%$RT::WebPath%>/<%$type->{$action}->{'path'}%>"<% $type->{$action}->{class} && ' class="'.$type->{$action}->{class}.'"' |n %><% $type->{$action}->{id} && ' id="'.$type->{$action}->{id}.'"' |n %>><%$type->{$action}->{'title'}%></a>
 %         }
-    </li>
-%         if ($sep) {
-    <li class="separator">&#183;&#183;&#183;</li>
-%         }
-%         $postsep = $sep;
 %     }
 % }
 % }
-    </div></div></div>
-  </ul>
 % }
+    </TD>
+    <TD><IMG SRC="<%$fsurl%>images/black-gray-side.png" WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=25></TD>
+  </TR>
 <div id="body">
 <& /Elements/Callback, _CallbackName => 'BeforeBody',  %ARGS &>

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