[freeside-commits] freeside/rt/lib RT.pm,1.6,1.7

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Thu Dec 31 06:00:30 PST 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/lib
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv560/lib

Modified Files:
Log Message:
merging 3.8.7!!!

Index: RT.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/lib/RT.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- RT.pm	31 Dec 2009 12:56:36 -0000	1.6
+++ RT.pm	31 Dec 2009 14:00:28 -0000	1.7
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC 
+# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
 #                                          <jesse at bestpractical.com>
 # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
@@ -45,61 +45,79 @@
 # those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-package RT;
 use strict;
-use RT::I18N;
-use RT::CurrentUser;
-use RT::System;
+use warnings;
-use vars qw($VERSION $System $SystemUser $Nobody $Handle $Logger
-        $BasePath
-        $EtcPath
-        $VarPath
-        $LocalPath
-        $LocalEtcPath
-        $LocalLexiconPath
-        $LogDir
-        $BinPath
-        $MasonComponentRoot
-        $MasonLocalComponentRoot
-        $MasonDataDir
-        $MasonSessionDir
+package RT;
-$VERSION = '3.6.10';
-$CORE_CONFIG_FILE = "/opt/rt3/etc/RT_Config.pm";
-$SITE_CONFIG_FILE = "/opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm";
+use File::Spec ();
+use Cwd ();
+use vars qw($Config $System $SystemUser $Nobody $Handle $Logger $_INSTALL_MODE);
-$BasePath = '/opt/rt3';
+our $VERSION = '3.8.7';
+our $BasePath = '/opt/rt3';
+our $EtcPath = 'etc';
+our $BinPath = 'bin';
+our $SbinPath = 'sbin';
+our $VarPath = 'var';
+our $PluginPath = 'plugins';
+our $LocalPath = 'local';
+our $LocalEtcPath = 'local/etc';
+our $LocalLibPath        =    'local/lib';
+our $LocalLexiconPath = 'local/po';
+our $LocalPluginPath = $LocalPath."/plugins";
-$EtcPath = '/opt/rt3/etc';
-$BinPath = '/opt/rt3/bin';
-$VarPath = '/opt/rt3/var';
-$LocalPath = '/opt/rt3/local';
-$LocalEtcPath = '/opt/rt3/local/etc';
-$LocalLexiconPath = '/opt/rt3/local/po';
 # $MasonComponentRoot is where your rt instance keeps its mason html files
-$MasonComponentRoot = '/var/www/freeside/rt';
+our $MasonComponentRoot = '/var/www/freeside/rt';
 # $MasonLocalComponentRoot is where your rt instance keeps its site-local
 # mason html files.
-$MasonLocalComponentRoot = '/opt/rt3/local/html';
+our $MasonLocalComponentRoot = 'local/html';
 # $MasonDataDir Where mason keeps its datafiles
-$MasonDataDir = '/usr/local/etc/freeside/masondata';
+our $MasonDataDir = '/usr/local/etc/freeside/masondata';
 # RT needs to put session data (for preserving state between connections
 # via the web interface)
-$MasonSessionDir = '/opt/rt3/var/session_data';
+our $MasonSessionDir = 'var/session_data';
+unless (  File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($EtcPath) ) {
+# if BasePath exists and is absolute, we won't infer it from $INC{'RT.pm'}.
+# otherwise RT.pm will make src dir(where we configure RT) be the BasePath 
+# instead of the --prefix one
+    unless ( -d $BasePath && File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($BasePath) ) {
+        my $pm_path = ( File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{'RT.pm'} ) )[1];
+       # need rel2abs here is to make sure path is absolute, since $INC{'RT.pm'}
+       # is not always absolute
+        $BasePath =
+          File::Spec->rel2abs(
+            File::Spec->catdir( $pm_path, File::Spec->updir ) );
+    }
+    $BasePath = Cwd::realpath( $BasePath );
+    for my $path ( qw/EtcPath BinPath SbinPath VarPath LocalPath LocalEtcPath
+            LocalLibPath LocalLexiconPath PluginPath LocalPluginPath 
+            MasonComponentRoot MasonLocalComponentRoot MasonDataDir 
+            MasonSessionDir/ ) {
+        no strict 'refs';
+        # just change relative ones
+        $$path = File::Spec->catfile( $BasePath, $$path )
+          unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $$path );
+    }
 =head1 NAME
@@ -112,12 +130,14 @@
 =head2 LoadConfig
 Load RT's config file.  First, the site configuration file
-(C<RT_SiteConfig.pm>) is loaded, in order to establish overall site
+(F<RT_SiteConfig.pm>) is loaded, in order to establish overall site
 settings like hostname and name of RT instance.  Then, the core
-configuration file (C<RT_Config.pm>) is loaded to set fallback values
+configuration file (F<RT_Config.pm>) is loaded to set fallback values
 for all settings; it bases some values on settings from the site
 configuration file.
@@ -128,59 +148,33 @@
 sub LoadConfig {
-     local *Set = sub { $_[0] = $_[1] unless defined $_[0] }; 
-    my $username = getpwuid($>);
-    my $group = getgrgid($();
-    my $message = <<EOF;
-RT couldn't load RT config file %s as:
-    user: $username 
-    group: $group
-The file is owned by user %s and group %s.  
-This usually means that the user/group your webserver is running
-as cannot read the file.  Be careful not to make the permissions
-on this file too liberal, because it contains database passwords.
-You may need to put the webserver user in the appropriate group
-(%s) or change permissions be able to run succesfully.
-    if ( -f "$SITE_CONFIG_FILE" ) {
-        eval { require $SITE_CONFIG_FILE };
-        if ($@) {
-            my ($fileuid,$filegid) = (stat($SITE_CONFIG_FILE))[4,5];
-            my $fileusername = getpwuid($fileuid);
-            my $filegroup = getgrgid($filegid);
-            my $errormessage = sprintf($message, $SITE_CONFIG_FILE,
-                                       $fileusername, $filegroup, $filegroup);
-            die ("$errormessage\n$@");
-        }
-    }
-    eval { require $CORE_CONFIG_FILE };
-    if ($@) {
-        my ($fileuid,$filegid) = (stat($CORE_CONFIG_FILE))[4,5];
-        my $fileusername = getpwuid($fileuid);
-        my $filegroup = getgrgid($filegid);
-        my $errormessage = sprintf($message, $CORE_CONFIG_FILE,
-                                   $fileusername, $filegroup, $filegroup);
-        die ("$errormessage\n$@") 
-    }
+    require RT::Config;
+    $Config = new RT::Config;
+    $Config->LoadConfigs;
+    require RT::I18N;
     # RT::Essentials mistakenly recommends that WebPath be set to '/'.
     # If the user does that, do what they mean.
     $RT::WebPath = '' if ($RT::WebPath eq '/');
-    $ENV{'TZ'} = $RT::Timezone if ($RT::Timezone);
+    # fix relative LogDir and GnuPG homedir
+    unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $Config->Get('LogDir') ) ) {
+        $Config->Set( LogDir =>
+              File::Spec->catfile( $BasePath, $Config->Get('LogDir') ) );
+    }
+    my $gpgopts = $Config->Get('GnuPGOptions');
+    unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $gpgopts->{homedir} ) ) {
+        $gpgopts->{homedir} = File::Spec->catfile( $BasePath, $gpgopts->{homedir} );
+    }
 =head2 Init
-Conenct to the database, set up logging.
+L<Connect to the database /ConnectToDatabase>, L<initilizes system objects /InitSystemObjects>,
+L<preloads classes /InitClasses> and L<set up logging /InitLogging>.
@@ -188,41 +182,34 @@
+    InitPluginPaths();
     #Get a database connection
-    #RT's system user is a genuine database user. its id lives here
-    $SystemUser = new RT::CurrentUser();
-    $SystemUser->LoadByName('RT_System');
-    #RT's "nobody user" is a genuine database user. its ID lives here.
-    $Nobody = new RT::CurrentUser();
-    $Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody');
-    $System = RT::System->new();
+    InitSystemObjects();
+    InitPlugins();
+    RT->Config->PostLoadCheck;
 =head2 ConnectToDatabase
-Get a database connection
+Get a database connection. See also </Handle>.
 sub ConnectToDatabase {
     require RT::Handle;
-    unless ($Handle && $Handle->dbh && $Handle->dbh->ping) {
-        $Handle = RT::Handle->new();
-    } 
-    $Handle->Connect();
+    $Handle = new RT::Handle unless $Handle;
+    $Handle->Connect;
+    return $Handle;
 =head2 InitLogging
-Create the RT::Logger object. 
+Create the Logger object and set up signal handlers.
@@ -231,112 +218,141 @@
     # We have to set the record separator ($, man perlvar)
     # or Log::Dispatch starts getting
     # really pissy, as some other module we use unsets it.
     $, = '';
     use Log::Dispatch 1.6;
-    unless ($RT::Logger) {
+    my %level_to_num = (
+        map( { $_ => } 0..7 ),
+        debug     => 0,
+        info      => 1,
+        notice    => 2,
+        warning   => 3,
+        error     => 4, 'err' => 4,
+        critical  => 5, crit  => 5,
+        alert     => 6, 
+        emergency => 7, emerg => 7,
+    );
-    $RT::Logger = Log::Dispatch->new();
+    unless ( $RT::Logger ) {
-    my $simple_cb = sub {
-        # if this code throw any warning we can get segfault
-        no warnings;
+        $RT::Logger = Log::Dispatch->new;
-        my %p = @_;
+        my $stack_from_level;
+        if ( $stack_from_level = RT->Config->Get('LogStackTraces') ) {
+            # if option has old style '\d'(true) value
+            $stack_from_level = 0 if $stack_from_level =~ /^\d+$/;
+            $stack_from_level = $level_to_num{ $stack_from_level } || 0;
+        } else {
+            $stack_from_level = 99; # don't log
+        }
-        my $frame = 0; # stack frame index
-        # skip Log::* stack frames
-        $frame++ while( caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/ );
+        my $simple_cb = sub {
+            # if this code throw any warning we can get segfault
+            no warnings;
+            my %p = @_;
-        my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller($frame);
-        $p{message} =~ s/(?:\r*\n)+$//;
-        my $str = "[".gmtime(time)."] [".$p{level}."]: $p{message} ($filename:$line)\n";
+            # skip Log::* stack frames
+            my $frame = 0;
+            $frame++ while caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/;
+            my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller($frame);
+            $p{'message'} =~ s/(?:\r*\n)+$//;
+            return "[". gmtime(time) ."] [". $p{'level'} ."]: "
+                . $p{'message'} ." ($filename:$line)\n";
+        };
+        my $syslog_cb = sub {
+            # if this code throw any warning we can get segfault
+            no warnings;
+            my %p = @_;
+            my $frame = 0; # stack frame index
+            # skip Log::* stack frames
+            $frame++ while caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/;
+            my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller($frame);
+            # syswrite() cannot take utf8; turn it off here.
+            Encode::_utf8_off($p{message});
+            $p{message} =~ s/(?:\r*\n)+$//;
+            if ($p{level} eq 'debug') {
+                return "$p{message}\n";
+            } else {
+                return "$p{message} ($filename:$line)\n";
+            }
+        };
+        my $stack_cb = sub {
+            no warnings;
+            my %p = @_;
+            return $p{'message'} unless $level_to_num{ $p{'level'} } >= $stack_from_level;
+            require Devel::StackTrace;
+            my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new( ignore_class => [ 'Log::Dispatch', 'Log::Dispatch::Base' ] );
+            return $p{'message'} . $trace->as_string;
-        if( $RT::LogStackTraces ) {
-            $str .= "\nStack trace:\n";
             # skip calling of the Log::* subroutins
-            $frame++ while( caller($frame) && (caller($frame))[3] =~ /^Log::/ );
+            my $frame = 0;
+            $frame++ while caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/;
+            $frame++ while caller($frame) && (caller($frame))[3] =~ /^Log::/;
+            $p{'message'} .= "\nStack trace:\n";
             while( my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller($frame++) ) {
-                $str .= "\t". $sub ."() called at $filename:$line\n";
+                $p{'message'} .= "\t$sub(...) called at $filename:$line\n";
-        }
-        return $str;
-    };
-    my $syslog_cb = sub {
-        my %p = @_;
+            return $p{'message'};
+        };
-        my $frame = 0; # stack frame index
-        # skip Log::* stack frames
-        $frame++ while( caller($frame) && caller($frame) =~ /^Log::/ );
-        my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller($frame);
+        if ( $Config->Get('LogToFile') ) {
+            my ($filename, $logdir) = (
+                $Config->Get('LogToFileNamed') || 'rt.log',
+                $Config->Get('LogDir') || File::Spec->catdir( $VarPath, 'log' ),
+            );
+            if ( $filename =~ m![/\\]! ) { # looks like an absolute path.
+                ($logdir) = $filename =~ m{^(.*[/\\])};
+            }
+            else {
+                $filename = File::Spec->catfile( $logdir, $filename );
+            }
-        # syswrite() cannot take utf8; turn it off here.
-        Encode::_utf8_off($p{message});
+            unless ( -d $logdir && ( ( -f $filename && -w $filename ) || -w $logdir ) ) {
+                # localizing here would be hard when we don't have a current user yet
+                die "Log file '$filename' couldn't be written or created.\n RT can't run.";
+            }
-        $p{message} =~ s/(?:\r*\n)+$//;
-        if ($p{level} eq 'debug') {
-            return "$p{message}\n"
-        } else {
-            return "$p{message} ($filename:$line)\n"
-        }
-    };
-    if ($RT::LogToFile) {
-        my ($filename, $logdir);
-        if ($RT::LogToFileNamed =~ m![/\\]!) {
-            # looks like an absolute path.
-            $filename = $RT::LogToFileNamed;
-            ($logdir) = $RT::LogToFileNamed =~ m!^(.*[/\\])!;
+            require Log::Dispatch::File;
+            $RT::Logger->add( Log::Dispatch::File->new
+                           ( name=>'file',
+                             min_level=> $Config->Get('LogToFile'),
+                             filename=> $filename,
+                             mode=>'append',
+                             callbacks => [ $simple_cb, $stack_cb ],
+                           ));
-        else {
-            $filename = "$RT::LogDir/$RT::LogToFileNamed";
-            $logdir = $RT::LogDir;
+        if ( $Config->Get('LogToScreen') ) {
+            require Log::Dispatch::Screen;
+            $RT::Logger->add( Log::Dispatch::Screen->new
+                         ( name => 'screen',
+                           min_level => $Config->Get('LogToScreen'),
+                           callbacks => [ $simple_cb, $stack_cb ],
+                           stderr => 1,
+                         ));
-        unless ( -d $logdir && ( ( -f $filename && -w $filename ) || -w $logdir ) ) {
-            # localizing here would be hard when we don't have a current user yet
-            die "Log file $filename couldn't be written or created.\n RT can't run.";
+        if ( $Config->Get('LogToSyslog') ) {
+            require Log::Dispatch::Syslog;
+            $RT::Logger->add(Log::Dispatch::Syslog->new
+                         ( name => 'syslog',
+                           ident => 'RT',
+                           min_level => $Config->Get('LogToSyslog'),
+                           callbacks => [ $syslog_cb, $stack_cb ],
+                           stderr => 1,
+                           $Config->Get('LogToSyslogConf'),
+                         ));
-        package Log::Dispatch::File;
-        require Log::Dispatch::File;
-        $RT::Logger->add(Log::Dispatch::File->new
-                       ( name=>'rtlog',
-                         min_level=> $RT::LogToFile,
-                         filename=> $filename,
-                         mode=>'append',
-                         callbacks => $simple_cb,
-                       ));
-    }
-    if ($RT::LogToScreen) {
-        package Log::Dispatch::Screen;
-        require Log::Dispatch::Screen;
-        $RT::Logger->add(Log::Dispatch::Screen->new
-                     ( name => 'screen',
-                       min_level => $RT::LogToScreen,
-                       callbacks => $simple_cb,
-                       stderr => 1,
-                     ));
-    }
-    if ($RT::LogToSyslog) {
-        package Log::Dispatch::Syslog;
-        require Log::Dispatch::Syslog;
-        $RT::Logger->add(Log::Dispatch::Syslog->new
-                     ( name => 'syslog',
-                       ident => 'RT',
-                       min_level => $RT::LogToSyslog,
-                       callbacks => $syslog_cb,
-                       stderr => 1,
-                       @RT::LogToSyslogConf
-                     ));
-    }
-# {{{ Signal handlers
+# Signal handlers
 ## This is the default handling of warnings and die'ings in the code
 ## (including other used modules - maybe except for errors catched by
 ## Mason).  It will log all problems through the standard logging
@@ -355,16 +371,15 @@
 #When we call die, trap it and log->crit with the value of the die.
-$SIG{__DIE__}  = sub {
-    unless ($^S || !defined $^S ) {
-        $RT::Handle->Rollback();
-        $RT::Logger->crit("$_[0]");
-    }
-    die $_[0];
-# }}}
+    $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub {
+        # if we are not in eval and perl is not parsing code
+        # then rollback transactions and log RT error
+        unless ($^S || !defined $^S ) {
+            $RT::Handle->Rollback(1) if $RT::Handle;
+            $RT::Logger->crit("$_[0]") if $RT::Logger;
+        }
+        die $_[0];
+    };
@@ -400,10 +415,9 @@
 =head2 InitClasses
-Load all modules that define base classes
+Load all modules that define base classes.
@@ -426,6 +440,8 @@
     require RT::ObjectCustomFields;
     require RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues;
     require RT::Attributes;
+    require RT::Dashboard;
+    require RT::Approval;
     # on a cold server (just after restart) people could have an object
     # in the session, as we deserialize it so we never call constructor
@@ -452,21 +468,196 @@
-# }}}
+=head2 InitSystemObjects
+Initializes system objects: C<$RT::System>, C<$RT::SystemUser>
+and C<$RT::Nobody>.
-sub SystemUser {
-    return($SystemUser);
-sub Nobody {
-    return ($Nobody);
+sub InitSystemObjects {
+    #RT's system user is a genuine database user. its id lives here
+    require RT::CurrentUser;
+    $SystemUser = new RT::CurrentUser;
+    $SystemUser->LoadByName('RT_System');
+    #RT's "nobody user" is a genuine database user. its ID lives here.
+    $Nobody = new RT::CurrentUser;
+    $Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody');
+    require RT::System;
+    $System = RT::System->new( $SystemUser );
+=head2 Config
+Returns the current L<config object RT::Config>, but note that
+you must L<load config /LoadConfig> first otherwise this method
+returns undef.
+Method can be called as class method.
+sub Config { return $Config }
+=head2 DatabaseHandle
+Returns the current L<database handle object RT::Handle>.
+See also L</ConnectToDatabase>.
+sub DatabaseHandle { return $Handle }
+=head2 Logger
+Returns the logger. See also L</InitLogging>.
+sub Logger { return $Logger }
+=head2 System
+Returns the current L<system object RT::System>. See also
+sub System { return $System }
+=head2 SystemUser
+Returns the system user's object, it's object of
+L<RT::CurrentUser> class that represents the system. See also
+sub SystemUser { return $SystemUser }
+=head2 Nobody
+Returns object of Nobody. It's object of L<RT::CurrentUser> class
+that represents a user who can own ticket and nothing else. See
+also L</InitSystemObjects>.
+sub Nobody { return $Nobody }
+=head2 Plugins
+Returns a listref of all Plugins currently configured for this RT instance.
+You can define plugins by adding them to the @Plugins list in your RT_SiteConfig
+our @PLUGINS = ();
+sub Plugins {
+    my $self = shift;
+    unless (@PLUGINS) {
+        $self->InitPluginPaths;
+        @PLUGINS = $self->InitPlugins;
+    }
+    return \@PLUGINS;
+=head2 PluginDirs
+Takes optional subdir (e.g. po, lib, etc.) and return plugins' dirs that exist.
+This code chacke plugins names or anything else and required when main config
+is loaded to load plugins' configs.
+sub PluginDirs {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $subdir = shift;
+    require RT::Plugin;
+    my @res;
+    foreach my $plugin (grep $_, RT->Config->Get('Plugins')) {
+        my $path = RT::Plugin->new( name => $plugin )->Path( $subdir );
+        next unless -d $path;
+        push @res, $path;
+    }
+    return @res;
+=head2 InitPluginPaths
+Push plugins' lib paths into @INC right after F<local/lib>.
+In case F<local/lib> isn't in @INC, append them to @INC
+sub InitPluginPaths {
+    my $self = shift || __PACKAGE__;
+    my @lib_dirs = $self->PluginDirs('lib');
+    my @tmp_inc;
+    my $added;
+    for (@INC) {
+        if ( Cwd::realpath($_) eq $RT::LocalLibPath) {
+            push @tmp_inc, $_, @lib_dirs;
+            $added = 1;
+        } else {
+            push @tmp_inc, $_;
+        }
+    }
+    # append @lib_dirs in case $RT::LocalLibPath isn't in @INC
+    push @tmp_inc, @lib_dirs unless $added;
+    my %seen;
+    @INC = grep !$seen{$_}++, @tmp_inc;
+=head2 InitPlugins
+Initialze all Plugins found in the RT configuration file, setting up their lib and HTML::Mason component roots.
+sub InitPlugins {
+    my $self    = shift;
+    my @plugins;
+    require RT::Plugin;
+    foreach my $plugin (grep $_, RT->Config->Get('Plugins')) {
+        $plugin->require;
+        die $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR if ($UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR);
+        push @plugins, RT::Plugin->new(name =>$plugin);
+    }
+    return @plugins;
+sub InstallMode {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if (@_) {
+         $_INSTALL_MODE = shift;
+         if($_INSTALL_MODE) {
+             require RT::CurrentUser;
+            $SystemUser = RT::CurrentUser->new();
+         }
+    }
+    return $_INSTALL_MODE;
 =head1 BUGS
-Please report them to rt-bugs at fsck.com, if you know what's broken and have at least 
-some idea of what needs to be fixed.
+Please report them to rt-bugs at bestpractical.com, if you know what's
+broken and have at least some idea of what needs to be fixed.
 If you're not sure what's going on, report them rt-devel at lists.bestpractical.com.
@@ -475,14 +666,6 @@
-=begin testing
-ok ($RT::Nobody->Name() eq 'Nobody', "Nobody is nobody");
-ok ($RT::Nobody->Name() ne 'root', "Nobody isn't named root");
-ok ($RT::SystemUser->Name() eq 'RT_System', "The system user is RT_System");
-ok ($RT::SystemUser->Name() ne 'noname', "The system user isn't noname");
-=end testing

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