[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/view prospect_main.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon Dec 28 11:18:22 PST 2009

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/view
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv11618/httemplate/view

Added Files:
Log Message:
beginning of prospect/CRM/contact work

--- NEW FILE: prospect_main.html ---
<% include('/elements/header.html',
             'Prospect View: '. $prospect_main->company

% if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit prospect') ) { 
  <A HREF="<% $p %>edit/prospect_main.html?<% $prospectnum %>">Edit this prospect</A>
% } 

<% ntable("#cccccc",2) %>

  <TD ALIGN="right">Prospect #</TD>
  <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $prospectnum %></B></TD>

%unless ( scalar(@agentnums) == 1 ) {
%  my $agent = qsearchs('agent',{ 'agentnum' => $prospect_main->agentnum } );
     <TD ALIGN="right">Agent</TD>
     <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><% $agent->agentnum %>: <% $agent->agent %></TD>

  <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
  <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><B><% $prospect_main->company |h %></B></TD>

% foreach my $contact ( $prospect_main->contact ) {
      <TD ALIGN="right">Contact</TD>
      <TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><% $contact->line %></TD>

% my @cust_location =
%   qsearch('cust_location', { 'prospectnum' => $prospectnum } );
% #but only one, for now
% foreach my $cust_location (@cust_location) {
      <TD ALIGN="right">Address</TD>
        <% $cust_location->location_label(
             'join_string'     => '<BR>',
             'double_space'    => ' &nbsp; ',
             'escape_function' => \&encode_entities,
% }



<% ntable("#cccccc") %>

  <TH BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8" COLSPAN=2 ALIGN="left"><FONT SIZE="+1">Tickets</FONT></TH>



my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;

die "access denied"
  unless $curuser->access_right('View prospect');

my $prospectnum;
if ( $cgi->param('prospectnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
  $prospectnum = $1;
} else {
  die "No prospect specified (bad URL)!" unless $cgi->keywords;
  my($query) = $cgi->keywords; # needs parens with my, ->keywords returns array
  $query =~ /^(\d+)$/;
  $prospectnum = $1;

my $prospect_main = qsearchs( {
  'table'     => 'prospect_main',
  'hashref'   => { 'prospectnum' => $prospectnum },
  'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $curuser->agentnums_sql,
die "Prospect not found!" unless $prospect_main;

my @agentnums = $curuser->agentnums;


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