[freeside-commits] freeside/bin move-customers,NONE,1.1
ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sun Aug 23 23:40:00 PDT 2009
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/bin
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv4092/bin
Added Files:
Log Message:
(start of) customer move script, RT#5351
--- NEW FILE: move-customers ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#script to move customers from one installation to another
# script is kinda-specific to a somewhat old source installation (1.7? older?)
# target installation has to be 1.9 (after 9/2009)
use strict;
use vars qw( $sdbh );
use DBI;
use FS::UID qw( adminsuidsetup dbh );
use FS::Schema qw( dbdef );
use FS::Record qw( qsearchs );
use FS::agent;
use FS::cust_main;
use FS::part_pkg;
use FS::part_svc;
use FS::cust_bill_ApplicationCommon;
my $DANGEROUS = 1;
#ssh -p 2222 -L 1080: -L 5454:localhost:5432
#my $source_datasrc = 'DBI:Pg:host=;dbname=freeside;sslmode=require';
my $source_datasrc = 'DBI:Pg:host=localhost;port=5454;dbname=freeside';
my $source_user = 'readonly';
my $source_pw = '';
my @source_agents = ( 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 1 );
my $dest_agent_typenum = 1; #?
my $dest_refnum = 1; #XXX
my $dest_legacy_credit_reasontype = 4;
my $dest_pkg_classnum = 1;
my $user = shift
or die "Usage:\n (edit variables at top of script and then)\n".
" move-customers user\n";
adminsuidsetup $user;
$sdbh = DBI->connect($source_datasrc, $source_user, $source_pw)
or die $DBI::errstr;
import_table('pkg_class', 'nomap' => 1);
my $agent_sth = $sdbh->prepare(
'SELECT * FROM agent WHERE agentnum IN ( '. join(',', @source_agents ). ')'
) or die $sdbh->errstr;
$agent_sth->execute or die $agent_sth->errstr;
my %map = ();
$FS::cust_main::ignore_expired_card = 1;
$FS::cust_main::ignore_expired_card = 1;
$FS::part_pkg::skip_pkg_svc_hack = 1;
$FS::part_pkg::skip_pkg_svc_hack = 1;
$FS::cust_bill_ApplicationCommon::skip_apply_to_lineitems_hack = 1;
$FS::cust_bill_ApplicationCommon::skip_apply_to_lineitems_hack = 1;
while ( my $agentrow = $agent_sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $src_agent = $agentrow->{'agent'};
warn "importing customers for $src_agent\n";
my $agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agent' => $src_agent } );
if ( $agent ) {
warn " using existing agentnum ". $agent->agentnum. "\n";
if ( $DANGEROUS ) {
warn "DELETING ALL CUSTOMERS OF $src_agent locally \n";
foreach my $statement (
'DELETE FROM cust_main WHERE agentnum = '. $agent->agentnum,
( map { "DELETE FROM $_
WHERE 0 = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main
WHERE cust_main.custnum = $_.custnum )
#part_pkg, pkg_svc, part_svc, part_svc_column
) {
#warn $statement;
my $sth = dbh->prepare($statement) or die dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
dbh->commit or die dbh->errstr;
} else {
warn " creating new agent...\n";
$agent = new FS::agent { 'agent' => $src_agent,
'typenum' => $dest_agent_typenum };
my $error = $agent->insert;
die $error if $error;
warn " agentnum ". $agent->agentnum. "\n";
my $customer_sth = $sdbh->prepare(
'SELECT * FROM cust_main WHERE agentnum = '. $agentrow->{'agentnum'}
) or die $sdbh->errstr;
$customer_sth->execute or die $customer_sth->errstr;
while ( my $customerrow = $customer_sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
#use Data::Dumper;
# warn Dumper($customerrow);
my $src_custnum = $customerrow->{'custnum'};
warn " $src_custnum has referral_custnum ". $customerrow->{'referral_custnum'}
if $customerrow->{'referral_custnum'};
my $cust_main = new FS::cust_main {
%{ $customerrow },
'custnum' => '',
'referral_custnum' => '', #restore afterwords?
'refnum' => $dest_refnum,
'agentnum' => $agent->agentnum,
'agent_custid' => $src_custnum,
$cust_main->ship_country('') if $cust_main->ship_country eq ' ';
my $error = $cust_main->insert;
if ( $error ) {
warn "*** WARNING: error importing customer src custnum $src_custnum: $error";
use Data::Dumper;
warn Dumper($cust_main) if $src_custnum == 6854;
warn "inserting dest customer ". $cust_main->custnum. " for $src_custnum\n";
$map{'cust_main'}->{$src_custnum} = $cust_main->custnum;
#easy direct cust_main relations:
#XXX ivan showing up as cust_pay otaker? just deal?
foreach my $table ( qw(
) ) {
import_table( $table, 'custnum' => $src_custnum );
# crap, cust_credit.reason is text in old db
#*** WARNING: error importing cust_credit src crednum 2200: failed to set reason for [ FS::cust_credit ]: at ./move-customers line 232.
import_table( 'cust_credit', 'custnum' => $src_custnum,
'insert_opts' => [ 'reason_type' => $dest_legacy_credit_reasontype ],
'preinsert_callback' => sub {
my($row, $object) = @_;
$object->reason('(none)') if $object->get('reason') =~ /^\s*$/;
import_table( 'cust_refund', 'custnum' => $src_custnum,
'post_callback' => sub {
#my( $src_refundnum, $dst_refundnum ) = @_;
my $src_refundnum = shift;
# cust_credit_refund (map refundnum and crednum...)
import_table( 'cust_credit_refund',
'refundnum' => $src_refundnum,
'search' => 'refundum',
'map' => 'cust_refund',
'map2' => 'cust_credit',
'map2key' => 'crednum',
# cust_pay_refund (map refundnum and paynum...)
import_table( 'cust_pay_refund',
'refundnum' => $src_refundnum,
'search' => 'refundum',
'map' => 'cust_refund',
'map2' => 'cust_pay',
'map2key' => 'paynum',
# dunno what's up with this (ship_country ' ', fixed)
#*** WARNING: error importing customer src custnum 6854: Illegal (name) (error code illegal_name) ship_last: at ./move-customers line 129.
# XXX cust_pay_void (something w/ paynum??? huh) or just deal? there's only 110
# (not in old db: cust_attachment, cust_statement, cust_location,
# cust_main_exemption, cust_pay_pending )
# (not used in old db: cust_pay_batch, cust_tax_exempt)
# (not useful to migrate: queue)
#werid direct cust_main relations:
# cust_pkg (part_pkg, part_svc, etc.)
import_table( 'cust_pkg', 'custnum' => $src_custnum,
'preinsert_callback' => sub {
my($row, $object) = @_;
my $src_pkgpart = $row->{'pkgpart'} or die "wtf";
my $dest_pkgpart = $map{'part_pkg'}->{$src_pkgpart};
if ( $dest_pkgpart ) {
my $sth = $sdbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM part_pkg WHERE pkgpart = $src_pkgpart"
) or die $sdbh->errstr;
$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
my $part_pkg_row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref
or die "cust_pkg.pkgpart missing in part_pkg?!";
my $hashref = {
%{ $part_pkg_row },
'pkgpart' => '',
my $src_classnum = $part_pkg_row->{'classnum'};
$hashref->{'classnum'} = $map{'pkg_class'}->{ $src_classnum }
if $src_classnum;
my $part_pkg = new FS::part_pkg $hashref;
my $error = $part_pkg->insert( 'options' => {} );
die "*** FATAL: error importing part_pkg src pkgpart $src_pkgpart ".
": $error"
if $error;
$map{ 'part_pkg' }->{ $part_pkg_row->{'pkgpart'} } = $part_pkg->pkgpart;
# part_pkg_option
import_table( 'part_pkg_option',
'pkgpart' => $src_pkgpart,
'search' => 'pkgpart',
'map' => 'part_pkg',
my $osth = $sdbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM part_pkg_option WHERE pkgpart = $src_pkgpart"
) or die $sdbh->errstr;
# pkg_svc, part_svc, part_svc_column
import_table( 'pkg_svc',
'pkgpart' => $src_pkgpart,
'search' => 'pkgpart',
'map' => 'part_pkg',
'preinsert_callback' => sub {
my($row, $object) = @_;
my $src_svcpart = $row->{'svcpart'} or die "wtf2";
my $dest_svcpart = $map{'part_svc'}->{$src_svcpart};
if ( $dest_svcpart ) {
my $sth = $sdbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM part_svc WHERE svcpart = $src_svcpart"
) or die $sdbh->errstr;
$sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
my $part_svc_row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref
or die "svcpart missing in part_svc?!";
my $hashref = {
%{ $part_svc_row },
'svcpart' => '',
my $part_svc = new FS::part_svc $hashref;
$part_svc->disabled('') if $part_svc->disabled =~ /^\s+$/;
my $error = $part_svc->insert;
die "*** FATAL: error importing part_svc src svcpart $src_svcpart ".
": $error"
if $error;
$map{ 'part_svc' }->{ $part_svc_row->{'svcpart'} } = $part_svc->svcpart;
# part_svc_column
import_table( 'part_svc_column',
'svcpart' => $src_svcpart,
'search' => 'svcpart',
'map' => 'part_svc',
#what we came here for in the first place
$object->svcpart( $part_svc->svcpart );
#what we came here for in the first place
$object->pkgpart( $part_pkg->pkgpart );
# end of cust_pkg (part_pkg, part_svc, etc.)
# cust_bill (invnum move)
import_table( 'cust_bill', 'custnum' => $src_custnum,
'preinsert_callback' => sub {
my($row, $object) = @_;
$object->agent_invid( $row->{'invnum'} );
'post_callback' => sub {
#my( $src_invnum, $dst_invnum ) = @_;
my $src_invnum = shift;
# cust_bill_pkg ( map invnum and pkgnum... )
import_table( 'cust_bill_pkg',
'invnum' => $src_invnum,
'search' => 'invnum',
'map' => 'cust_bill',
'map2' => 'cust_pkg',
'map2key' => 'pkgnum',
'post_callback' => sub {
my $src_billpkgnum = shift;
import_table( 'cust_bill_pkg_detail',
'billpkgnum' => $src_billpkgnum,
'search' => 'billpkgnum',
'map' => 'cust_bill_pkg',
'addl_from' => 'left join cust_bill_pkg using ( invnum, pkgnum )',
# cust_credit_bill (map invnum and crednum... )
import_table( 'cust_credit_bill',
'invnum' => $src_invnum,
'search' => 'invnum',
'map' => 'cust_bill',
'map2' => 'cust_credit',
'map2key' => 'crednum',
'post_callback' => sub {
my $src_creditbillnum = shift;
#map creditbillnum and billpkgnum
import_table( 'cust_credit_bill_pkg',
'creditbillnum' => $src_creditbillnum,
'search' => 'creditbillnum',
'map' => 'cust_credit_bill',
'map2' => 'cust_bill_pkg',
'map2key' => 'billpkgnum',
# cust_bill_pay (map invnum and paynum...)
import_table( 'cust_bill_pay',
'invnum' => $src_invnum,
'search' => 'invnum',
'map' => 'cust_bill',
'map2' => 'cust_pay',
'map2key' => 'paynum',
'post_callback' => sub {
my $src_billpaynum = shift;
#map billpaynum and billpkgnum
import_table( 'cust_bill_pay_pkg',
'billpaynum' => $src_billpaynum,
'search' => 'billpaynum',
'map' => 'cust_bill_pay',
'map2' => 'cust_bill_pkg',
'map2key' => 'billpkgnum',
# ---
# XXX last of the stuff to import...
# &
# cust_pkg_reason (shit, and bring in/remap reasons)
# cust_svc
# then
# svc_acct
# radius_usergroup
# svc_domain
# (rest not in old db)
# svc_acct_pop??? looks like it
# (not in old db: cust_pkg_detail)
# (not used in old db: cust_bill_pay_batch, cust_pkg_option)
# ---
# (not in old db: cust_bill_pkg_display, cust_bill_pkg_tax_location,
# cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location, cust_tax_adjustment, cust_svc_option, )
# (not used in old db: cust_tax_exempt_pkg)
#XXX then:
#need to do something about events. mark initial stuff as done or something?
# what else? that's it?
#do this last, so no notices go out
import_table( 'cust_main_invoice', 'custnum' => $src_custnum );
#dbh->commit or die dbh->errstr;
warn "customer ". $cust_main->custnum. " inserted\n";
sub import_table {
my( $table, %opt ) = @_;
eval "use FS::$table;";
die $@ if $@;
my $map = $opt{'map'} || 'cust_main';
my $search = $opt{'search'} || 'custnum';
$opt{'insert_opts'} ||= [];
my $primary_key = dbdef->table($table)->primary_key;
my $addl_from = defined($opt{'addl_from'}) ? $opt{'addl_from'} : '';
my $sth = $sdbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM $table $addl_from ".
( $opt{'nomap'} ? '' : " WHERE $search = ". $opt{$search} )
) or die $sdbh->errstr;
$sth->execute or die "(searching $table): ". $sth->errstr;
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
#my $src_custnum = $customerrow->{'custnum'};
my $hashref = {
%{ $row },
$primary_key => '',
$hashref->{ $search } = $map{$map}->{ $row->{$search} }
unless $opt{'nomap'};
if ( $opt{'map2'} ) {
my $key2 = $opt{'map2key'};
$hashref->{$key2} = $map{ $opt{'map2'} }->{ $row->{$key2} }
unless $opt{map2key} eq 'pkgnum' && $row->{$key2} eq '0';
#warn "map $opt{map2}.$opt{map2key}: ". $row->{$key2}. " to ". $map{ $opt{'map2'} }->{ $row->{$key2} };
my $object = eval "new FS::$table \$hashref;";
die $@ if $@;
&{ $opt{preinsert_callback} }( $row, $object )
if $opt{preinsert_callback};
my $error = $object->insert( @{ $opt{'insert_opts'} } );
if ( $error ) {
warn "*** WARNING: error importing $table src $primary_key ". $row->{$primary_key}. ": $error";
$map{ $table }->{ $row->{$primary_key} } = $object->get($primary_key);
&{ $opt{post_callback} }( $row->{$primary_key}, $object->get($primary_key) )
if $opt{post_callback};
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