[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/misc phone_avail-import.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon Sep 15 00:18:59 PDT 2008

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/misc
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv22778/httemplate/misc

Added Files:
Log Message:
add internal did database & ability to query for availability, plus upload tool

--- NEW FILE: phone_avail-import.html ---
<% include('/elements/header.html', 'Phone number (DID) import') %>

Import a file containing phone numbers (DIDs).

<% include( '/elements/form-file_upload.html',
              'name'      => 'PhonenumImportForm',
              'action'    => 'process/phone_avail-import.html',
              'num_files' => 1,
              'fields'    => [ 'format', 'availbatch', 'exportnum', 'countrycode' ],
              'message'   => 'DID import successful',
              'url'       => $p."search/phone_avail.html?availbatch=$availbatch",

<% &ntable("#cccccc", 2) %>

  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="format" VALUE="default">

  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="availbatch" VALUE="<% $availbatch %>">

  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="countrycode" VALUE="1">

  <% include( '/elements/tr-select-table.html',
                'table'       => 'part_export',
                'name_col'    => 'machine',
                'label'       => 'Export',
                'empty_label' => 'Select export',
                'hashref'     => { 'exporttype' => 'internal_diddb', },
                #'label_callback' => 

  <% include( '/elements/file-upload.html',
                'field' => 'file',
                'label' => 'Filename',

    <TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN="center" STYLE="padding-top:6px">
      <INPUT TYPE    = "submit"
             ID      = "submit"
             VALUE   = "Import file"
             onClick = "document.PhonenumImportForm.submit.disabled=true;"




Uploaded files can be CSV (comma-separated value) files or Excel spreadsheets.  The file should have a .CSV or .XLS extension.

<b>Default</b> format has the following field order: <i>state, number<i></i>

Field information:
  <li><i>state</i>: Two-letter state code, i.e. "CA"
  <li><i>number</i>: Phone number

<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>


die "access denied"
  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Import');

my $availbatch = time2str('webimport-%Y/%m/%d-%T'. "-$$-". rand() * 2**32, time);


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