[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg voip_cdr.pm,,

Jeff Finucane,420,, jeff at wavetail.420.am
Sun May 18 21:07:45 PDT 2008

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv6860/FS/FS/part_pkg

Modified Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_7_BRANCH
Log Message:
backport voip_cdr's upstream_simple, and the columnization features

Index: voip_cdr.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg/voip_cdr.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.3.2.6 -r1.3.2.7
--- voip_cdr.pm	26 Mar 2008 03:04:34 -0000
+++ voip_cdr.pm	19 May 2008 04:07:43 -0000
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 tie my %rating_method, 'Tie::IxHash',
   'prefix' => 'Rate calls by using destination prefix to look up a region and rate according to the internal prefix and rate tables',
   'upstream' => 'Rate calls based on upstream data: If the call type is "1", map the upstream rate ID directly to an internal rate (rate_detail), otherwise, pass the upstream price through directly.',
+  'upstream_simple' => 'Simply pass through and charge the "upstream_price" amount.',
 #tie my %cdr_location, 'Tie::IxHash',
@@ -69,6 +70,14 @@
                                 'default' => '011',
+    'use_amaflags' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the amaflags field is not set to "2" ("BILL"/"BILLING").',
+                        'type' => 'checkbox',
+                      },
+    'use_disposition' => { 'name' => 'Do not charge for CDRs where the disposition flag is not set to "ANSWERED".',
+                           'type' => 'checkbox',
+                         },
     #XXX also have option for an external db
 #    'cdr_location' => { 'name' => 'CDR database location'
 #                        'type' => 'select',
@@ -93,7 +102,15 @@
 #                  },
-  'fieldorder' => [qw( setup_fee recur_flat unused_credit ratenum rating_method default_prefix disable_src domestic_prefix international_prefix )],
+  'fieldorder' => [qw(
+                       setup_fee recur_flat unused_credit
+                       rating_method ratenum 
+                       default_prefix
+                       disable_src
+                       domestic_prefix international_prefix
+                       use_amaflags use_disposition
+                     )
+                  ],
   'weight' => 40,
@@ -133,94 +150,109 @@
       my $rate_detail;
       my( $rate_region, $regionnum );
       my $pretty_destnum;
-      my $charge = 0;
+      my $charge = '';
       my @call_details = ();
       if ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'prefix'
            || ! $self->option('rating_method')
-        ###
-        # look up rate details based on called station id
-        # (or calling station id for toll free calls)
-        ###
+        if ( $self->option('use_amaflags') && $cdr->amaflags != 2 ) {
-        my( $to_or_from, $number );
-        if ( $cdr->dst =~ /^(\+?1)?8([02-8])\1/ ) { #tollfree call
-          $to_or_from = 'from';
-          $number = $cdr->src;
-        } else { #regular call
-          $to_or_from = 'to';
-          $number = $cdr->dst;
-        }
-        #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
-        $number =~ s/\s//g;
-#        my $proto = '';
-#        $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
-#        my $siphost = '';
-#        $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @, @sip.example.com
+          warn "not charging for CDR (amaflags != 2)\n" if $DEBUG;
+          $charge = 0;
+        } elsif ( $self->option('use_disposition')
+                  && $cdr->disposition ne 'ANSWERED' ) {
+          warn "not charging for CDR (disposition != ANSWERED)\n" if $DEBUG;
+          $charge = 0;
-        my $intl = $self->option('international_prefix') || '011';
-        #determine the country code
-        my $countrycode;
-        if (    $number =~ /^$intl(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
-             || $number =~ /^\+(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
-           )
-        {
-          my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 );
-          #first look for 1 digit country code
-          if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
-            $countrycode = $one;
-            $number = $u1.$u2.$rest;
-          } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
-            $countrycode = $two;
-            $number = $u2.$rest;
-          } else { #3 digit country code
-            $countrycode = $three;
-            $number = $rest;
-          }
         } else {
-          $countrycode = $self->option('domestic_prefix') || '1';
-          $number =~ s/^$countrycode//;# if length($number) > 10;
-        }
-        warn "rating call $to_or_from +$countrycode $number\n" if $DEBUG;
-        $pretty_destnum = "+$countrycode $number";
-        #find a rate prefix, first look at most specific (4 digits) then 3, etc.,
-        # finally trying the country code only
-        my $rate_prefix = '';
-        for my $len ( reverse(1..6) ) {
-          $rate_prefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
+          ###
+          # look up rate details based on called station id
+          # (or calling station id for toll free calls)
+          ###
+          my( $to_or_from, $number );
+          if ( $cdr->dst =~ /^(\+?1)?8([02-8])\1/ ) { #tollfree call
+            $to_or_from = 'from';
+            $number = $cdr->src;
+          } else { #regular call
+            $to_or_from = 'to';
+            $number = $cdr->dst;
+          }
+          #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
+          $number =~ s/\s//g;
+#          my $proto = '';
+#          $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
+#          my $siphost = '';
+#          $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @, @sip.example.com
+          my $intl = $self->option('international_prefix') || '011';
+          #determine the country code
+          my $countrycode;
+          if (    $number =~ /^$intl(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
+               || $number =~ /^\+(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
+             )
+          {
+            my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 );
+            #first look for 1 digit country code
+            if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
+              $countrycode = $one;
+              $number = $u1.$u2.$rest;
+            } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
+              $countrycode = $two;
+              $number = $u2.$rest;
+            } else { #3 digit country code
+              $countrycode = $three;
+              $number = $rest;
+            }
+          } else {
+            $countrycode = $self->option('domestic_prefix') || '1';
+            $number =~ s/^$countrycode//;# if length($number) > 10;
+          }
+          warn "rating call $to_or_from +$countrycode $number\n" if $DEBUG;
+          $pretty_destnum = "+$countrycode $number";
+          #find a rate prefix, first look at most specific (4 digits) then 3, etc.,
+          # finally trying the country code only
+          my $rate_prefix = '';
+          for my $len ( reverse(1..6) ) {
+            $rate_prefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
+              'countrycode' => $countrycode,
+              #'npa'         => { op=> 'LIKE', value=> substr($number, 0, $len) }
+              'npa'         => substr($number, 0, $len),
+            } ) and last;
+          }
+          $rate_prefix ||= qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
             'countrycode' => $countrycode,
-            #'npa'         => { op=> 'LIKE', value=> substr($number, 0, $len) }
-            'npa'         => substr($number, 0, $len),
-          } ) and last;
-        }
-        $rate_prefix ||= qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
-          'countrycode' => $countrycode,
-          'npa'         => '',
-        });
+            'npa'         => '',
+          });
-        #
-        die "Can't find rate for call $to_or_from +$countrycode $\numbern"
-          unless $rate_prefix;
-        $regionnum = $rate_prefix->regionnum;
-        $rate_detail = qsearchs('rate_detail', {
-          'ratenum'        => $ratenum,
-          'dest_regionnum' => $regionnum,
-        } );
-        $rate_region = $rate_prefix->rate_region;
+          #
+          die "Can't find rate for call $to_or_from +$countrycode $\numbern"
+            unless $rate_prefix;
-        warn "  found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
-             "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
-          if $DEBUG;
+          $regionnum = $rate_prefix->regionnum;
+          $rate_detail = qsearchs('rate_detail', {
+            'ratenum'        => $ratenum,
+            'dest_regionnum' => $regionnum,
+          } );
+          $rate_region = $rate_prefix->rate_region;
+          warn "  found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
+               "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
+            if $DEBUG;
+        }
       } elsif ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'upstream' ) {
@@ -240,7 +272,8 @@
         } else { #pass upstream price through
           $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $cdr->upstream_price);
+          $charges += $charge;
           @call_details = (
             #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $cdr->calldate_unix ),
             time2str("%c", $cdr->calldate_unix),  #XXX this should probably be a config option dropdown so they can select US vs- rest of world dates or whatnot
@@ -252,6 +285,14 @@
+      } elsif ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'upstream_simple' ) {
+        #XXX $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $cdr->upstream_price);
+        $charge = sprintf('%.3f', $cdr->upstream_price);
+        $charges += $charge;
+        @call_details = ( $cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => 'voxlinesystems' ));
       } else {
         die "don't know how to rate CDRs using method: ".
             $self->option('rating_method'). "\n";
@@ -265,18 +306,19 @@
       # don't add it to invoice, don't set its status to NULL,
       # don't call downstream_csv or something on it...
       # but DO emit a warning...
-      if ( ! $rate_detail && ! scalar(@call_details) ) {
+      #if ( ! $rate_detail && ! scalar(@call_details) ) {
+      if ( ! $rate_detail && $charge eq '' ) {
         warn "no rate_detail found for CDR.acctid:  ". $cdr->acctid.
              "; skipping\n"
       } else { # there *is* a rate_detail (or call_details), proceed...
-        unless ( @call_details ) {
+        unless ( @call_details || ( $charge ne '' && $charge == 0 ) ) {
           $included_min{$regionnum} = $rate_detail->min_included
             unless exists $included_min{$regionnum};
           my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
           my $seconds = $cdr->billsec; # length($cdr->billsec) ? $cdr->billsec : $cdr->duration;
           $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity )
@@ -287,19 +329,19 @@
           # per call rather than per minute
           $minutes = 1 unless $granularity;
           $included_min{$regionnum} -= $minutes;
           if ( $included_min{$regionnum} < 0 ) {
             my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min{$regionnum};
             $included_min{$regionnum} = 0;
             $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min );
             $charges += $charge;
           # this is why we need regionnum/rate_region....
           warn "  (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
           @call_details = (
             #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $cdr->calldate_unix ),
             time2str("%c", $cdr->calldate_unix),  #XXX this should probably be a config option dropdown so they can select US vs- rest of world dates or whatnot
@@ -310,26 +352,35 @@
-        warn "  adding details on charge to invoice: ".
-             join(' - ', @call_details )
-          if $DEBUG;
-        push @$details, join(' - ', @call_details); #\@call_details,
+        if ( $charge > 0 ) {
+          my $call_details;
+          if ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'upstream_simple' ) {
+            $call_details = [ 'C', $call_details[0] ];
+          }else{
+            $call_details = join(' - ', @call_details );
+          }
+          warn "  adding details on charge to invoice: $call_details"
+            if $DEBUG;
+          push @$details, $call_details; #\@call_details,
+        }
         # if the customer flag is on, call "downstream_csv" or something
         # like it to export the call downstream!
         # XXX price plan option to pick format, or something...
         $downstream_cdr .= $cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => 'convergent' )
           if $spool_cdr;
         my $error = $cdr->set_status_and_rated_price('done', $charge);
         die $error if $error;
     } # $cdr
+    unshift @$details, [ 'C', "Date,Time,Name,Destination,Duration,Price" ]
+      if (@$details && $self->option('rating_method') eq 'upstream_simple' );
   } # $cust_svc
   if ( $spool_cdr && length($downstream_cdr) ) {

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