[freeside-commits] freeside/bin import-optigold.pl,NONE,1.1
ivan at wavetail.420.am
Wed May 14 09:52:12 PDT 2008
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/bin
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv11165
Added Files:
Log Message:
--- NEW FILE: import-optigold.pl ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use strict;
use DBI;
use HTML::TableParser;
use Date::Parse;
use Data::Dumper;
use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
use FS::cust_credit;
use FS::cust_main;
use FS::cust_pkg;
use FS::cust_svc;
use FS::svc_acct;
use FS::part_referral;
use FS::part_pkg;
use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs);
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $dry_run = '0';
my $s_dbname = 'DBI:Pg:dbname=optigoldimport';
my $s_dbuser = 'freeside';
my $s_dbpass = '';
my $extension = '.htm';
#my $d_dbuser = 'freeside';
my $d_dbuser = 'enet';
#my $d_dbuser = 'ivan';
#my $agentnum = 1;
my $agentnum = 13;
my $legacy_domain_svcnum = 1;
my $legacy_ppp_svcnum = 2;
my $legacy_email_svcnum = 3;
#my $legacy_broadband_svcnum = 4;
my $legacy_broadband_svcnum = 14;
#my $previous_credit_reasonnum = 1;
my $previous_credit_reasonnum = 1220;
my $state = ''; #statemachine-ish
my $sourcefile;
my $s_dbh;
my $columncount;
my $rowcount;
my @args = (
id => 1,
hdr => \&header,
row => \&row,
start => \&start,
end => \&end,
$s_dbh = DBI->connect($s_dbname, $s_dbuser, $s_dbpass,
{ 'AutoCommit' => 0,
'ChopBlanks' => 1,
'ShowErrorStatement' => 1
foreach ( qw ( billcycle cust email product ) ) {
$sourcefile = $_;
print "parsing $sourcefile\n";
die "bad file name" unless $sourcefile =~ /^\w+$/;
$columncount = 0;
$rowcount = 0;
my $c_sth = '';
if ( $c_sth = $s_dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sourcefile") ) {
if ( $c_sth->execute ) {
if ( $c_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] ) {
warn "already have data in $sourcefile table; skipping";
my $tp = new HTML::TableParser( \@args, { Decode => 1, Trim => 1, Chomp => 1 });
$tp->parse_file($sourcefile.$extension) or die "failed";
$s_dbh->commit or die $s_dbh->errstr;
# $s_dbh->disconnect;
sub start {
warn "start\n" if $DEBUG;
my $table_id = shift;
die "unexpected state change" unless $state eq '';
die "unexpected table" unless $table_id eq '1';
$state = 'table';
sub end {
warn "end\n" if $DEBUG;
my ($tbl_id, $line, $udata) = @_;
die "unexpected state change in header" unless $state eq 'rows';
die "unexpected table" unless $tbl_id eq '1';
$state = '';
sub header {
warn "header\n" if $DEBUG;
my ($tbl_id, $line, $cols, $udata) = @_;
die "unexpected state change in header" unless $state eq 'table';
die "unexpected table" unless $tbl_id eq '1';
$state = 'rows';
die "invalid column ". join (', ', grep { !/^[ \w\r]+$/ } @$cols)
if scalar(grep { !/^[ \w\r]+$/ } @$cols);
my $sql = "CREATE TABLE $sourcefile ( ".
join(', ', map { s/[ \r]/_/g; "$_ varchar NULL" } @$cols). " )";
$s_dbh->do($sql) or die "create table failed: ". $s_dbh->errstr;
$columncount = scalar( @$cols );
sub row {
warn "row\n" if $DEBUG;
my ($tbl_id, $line, $cols, $udata) = @_;
die "unexpected state change in row" unless $state eq 'rows';
die "unexpected table" unless $tbl_id eq '1';
die "invalid number of columns: ". join(', ', @$cols)
unless (scalar(@$cols) == $columncount);
my $sql = "INSERT INTO $sourcefile VALUES(".
join(', ', map { $s_dbh->quote($_) } @$cols). ")";
$s_dbh->do($sql) or die "insert failed: ". $s_dbh->errstr;
warn "row $rowcount\n" unless ($rowcount % 1000);
$FS::cust_pkg::disable_agentcheck = 1;
my (%part_pkg_map) = ();
my (%referrals) = ();
my (%custid) = ();
my (%cancel) = ();
my (%susp) = ();
my (%adjo) = ();
my (%bill) = ();
my (%cust_pkg_map) = ();
my (%object_map) = ();
my (%package_cache) = ();
my $count;
sub pkg_freq {
my ( $href ) = ( shift );
? 0
: int(eval "$href->{'months_credit'} + 0");
sub b_or {
my ( $field, $hash ) = ( shift, shift );
$field = 'bill_'. $field
if $hash->{'billing_use'} eq 'Billing Address';
sub p_or {
my ( $field, $hash ) = ( shift, shift );
$field = 'bill_'. $field
if $hash->{'billing_use'} eq 'Billing Address';
my $ac = ( $hash->{$field. '_area_code'}
&& $hash->{$field. '_area_code'} =~ /^\d{3}$/ )
? $hash->{$field. '_area_code'}. '-'
: '903-' # wtf?
( $hash->{$field} && $hash->{$field} =~ /^\d{3}-\d{4}$/)
? $ac. $hash->{$field}
: '';
sub or_b {
my ( $field, $hash ) = ( shift, shift );
$hash->{'billing_use'} eq 'Billing Address' ? $hash->{$field} : '';
sub or_p {
my ( $field, $hash ) = ( shift, shift );
$hash->{'billing_use'} eq 'Billing Address' && $hash->{$field} =~ /^\d{3}-\d{4}$/
? ( $hash->{$field. '_area_code'} =~ /^\d{3}$/
? $hash->{$field. '_area_code'}. '-'
: '903-' # wtf?
). $hash->{$field}
: '';
my %payby_map = ( '' => 'BILL',
'None' => 'BILL',
'Credit Card' => 'CARD',
'Bank Debit' => 'CHEK',
'Virtual Check' => 'CHEK',
sub payby {
$payby_map{ shift->{billing_type} };
sub ut_name_fixup {
my ($object, $field) = (shift, shift);
my $value = $object->getfield($field);
$value =~ s/[^\w \,\.\-\']/ /g;
$object->setfield($field, $value);
sub ut_text_fixup {
my ($object, $field) = (shift, shift);
my $value = $object->getfield($field);
$value =~ s/[^\w \!\@\#\$\%\&\(\)\-\+\;\:\'\"\,\.\?\/\=\[\]]/ /g;
$object->setfield($field, $value);
sub ut_state_fixup {
my ($object, $field) = (shift, shift);
my $value = $object->getfield($field);
$value = 'TX' if $value eq 'TTX';
$object->setfield($field, $value);
sub ut_zip_fixup {
my ($object, $field) = (shift, shift);
my $value = $object->getfield($field);
$value =~ s/[^-\d]//g;
$object->setfield($field, $value);
my @tables = (
part_pkg => { 'stable' => 'product',
'mapping' =>
{ 'pkg' => sub { my $href = shift;
? $href->{'description'}
: $href->{'product_id'};
'comment' => 'product_id',
'freq' => sub { pkg_freq(shift) },
'recur' => sub { my $href = shift;
my $price = ( pkg_freq($href)
? $href->{'unit_price'}
: 0
$price =~ s/[^\d.]//g;
$price = 0 unless $price;
sprintf("%.2f", $price);
'setuptax' => sub { my $href = shift;
$href->{'taxable'} ? '' : 'Y';
'recurtax' => sub { my $href = shift;
$href->{'taxable'} ? '' : 'Y';
'plan' => sub { 'flat' },
'disabled' => sub { 'Y' },
'pkg_svc' => sub { my $href = shift;
my $result = {};
if (pkg_freq($href)){
$result->{$legacy_ppp_svcnum} = 1;
$result->{$legacy_email_svcnum} =
if $href->{emails_allowed};
'primary_svc'=> sub { pkg_freq(shift)
? $legacy_ppp_svcnum
: ''
'fixup' => sub { my $part_pkg = shift;
my $row = shift;
return 1 unless $part_pkg->comment;
$package_cache{$part_pkg->comment} = $part_pkg;
'wrapup' => sub { foreach (keys %package_cache) {
my $part_pkg = $package_cache{$_};
my $options =
{ map { my $v = $part_pkg->$_;
($_ => $v);
qw (setup recur)
my $error =
die "Error inserting referral: $error"
if $error;
$count++ unless $error;
part_referral => { 'stable' => 'cust',
'mapping' =>
{ 'agentnum' => sub { $agentnum },
'referral' => sub { my $r = shift->{'referred_from'};
$referrals{$r} = 1;
'fixup' => sub { 1 },
'wrapup' => sub { foreach (keys %referrals) {
my $part_referral =
new FS::part_referral( {
'agentnum' => $agentnum,
'referral' => $referrals{$_},
} );
my $error = $part_referral->insert;
die "Error inserting referral: $error"
if $error;
$count++ unless $error;
$referrals{$_} = $part_referral->refnum;
svc_acct => { 'stable' => 'cust',
'mapping' =>
{ 'username' => 'login',
'_password' => 'password',
'svcpart' => sub{ $legacy_ppp_svcnum },
'domsvc' => sub{ $legacy_domain_svcnum },
'status' => 'status',
'fixup' => sub { my $svc_acct = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $id = $row->{'master_account'}
? 'slave:'. $row->{'customer_id'}
: $row->{'login'};
my $status = $svc_acct->status;
if ( $status ne 'Current'
&& $status ne 'On Hold' )
$cancel{$id} =
warn "not creating (cancelled) svc_acct for " .
$svc_acct->username. "\n";
return 1
$susp{$id} = str2time($row->{hold_date})
if $status eq 'On Hold';
$adjo{$id} = str2time($row->{hold_date})
if ( $status eq 'Current' &&
$row->{hold_date} );
$bill{$id} =
'skey' => sub { my $svc_acct = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $id = $row->{'master_account'}
? 'slave:'. $row->{'customer_id'}
: $row->{'login'};
cust_main => { 'stable' => 'cust',
'mapping' =>
{ 'agentnum' => sub { $agentnum },
'agent_custid' => sub { my $id = shift->{'customer_number'};
if (exists($custid{$id})) {
$id. chr(64 + $custid{$id});
$custid{$id} = 0;
'last' => sub { b_or('last_name', shift) || ' ' },
'first' => sub { b_or('first_name', shift) || ' ' },
'stateid' => 'drivers_license_number',
'signupdate' => sub { str2time(shift->{'creation_date'}) },
'company' => sub { b_or('company_name', shift) },
'address1' => sub { b_or('address', shift) || ' ' },
'city' => sub { b_or('city', shift) || 'Paris' },
'state' => sub { uc(b_or('state', shift)) || 'TX' },
'zip' => sub { b_or('zip_code', shift) || '75460' },
'country' => sub { 'US' },
'daytime' => sub { p_or('phone', shift) },
'night' => sub { p_or('phone_alternate_1', shift) },
'fax' => sub { p_or('fax', shift) },
'ship_last' => sub { or_b('last_name', shift) },
'ship_first' => sub { or_b('first_name', shift) },
'ship_company' => sub { or_b('company_name', shift) },
'ship_address1'=> sub { or_b('address', shift) },
'ship_city' => sub { or_b('city', shift) },
'ship_state' => sub { uc(or_b('state', shift)) },
'ship_zip' => sub { or_b('zip_code', shift) },
'ship_daytime' => sub { or_p('phone', shift) },
'ship_fax' => sub { or_p('fax', shift) },
'payby' => \&payby,
'payinfo' => sub { my $hash = shift;
my $payby = payby($hash);
if ($payby eq 'CARD') {
}elsif ($payby eq 'CHEK') {
}elsif ($payby eq 'BILL') {
die "unexpected payby";
'paycvv' => sub { my $hash = shift;
my $payby = payby($hash);
if ($payby eq 'CARD') {
'paydate' => sub { my $hash = shift;
my $payby = payby($hash);
if ($payby eq 'CARD') {
'payname' => sub { my $hash = shift;
my $payby = payby($hash);
if ($payby eq 'CARD') {
}elsif ($payby eq 'CHEK') {
'paytype' => sub { my $hash = shift;
my $payby = payby($hash);
if ($payby eq 'CHEK') {
? 'Personal '.
: '';
'tax' => sub { shift->{taxable} eq '' ? 'Y' : '' },
'refnum' => sub { $referrals{shift->{'referred_from'}}
|| 1
'fixup' => sub { my $cust_main = shift;
my $row = shift;
return 1 if $row->{master_account};
if $cust_main->has_ship_address;
ut_name_fixup($cust_main, 'first');
ut_name_fixup($cust_main, 'company');
ut_name_fixup($cust_main, 'last');
if ($cust_main->payby eq 'CHEK' &&
$cust_main->payinfo !~ /^\d+\@\d{9}$/);
if ($cust_main->payby eq 'CARD' &&
$cust_main->payinfo =~ /^\s*$/);
if ($cust_main->payby eq 'BILL');
ut_text_fixup($cust_main, 'address1');
ut_state_fixup($cust_main, 'state');
ut_zip_fixup($cust_main, 'zip');
'skey' => sub { my $object = shift;
my $href = shift;
my $balance = sprintf("%.2f",
if ($balance < 0) {
my $cust_credit = new FS::cust_credit({
'custnum' => $object->custnum,
'amount' => sprintf("%.2f", -$balance),
'reasonnum' => $previous_credit_reasonnum,
my $error = $cust_credit->insert;
warn "Error inserting credit for ",
$href->{'login'}, " : $error\n"
if $error;
}elsif($balance > 0) {
my $error = $object->charge(
$balance, "Prior balance",
warn "Error inserting balance charge for ",
$href->{'login'}, " : $error\n"
if $error;
#cust_main => { 'stable' => 'cust',
# 'mapping' =>
# { 'referred_by' => sub { my $href = shift;
# my $u = shift->{'login'};
# my $cn = $href->{'customer_number'};
# my $c = qsearch( 'cust_main',
# { 'custnum' => $cn }
# ) or die "can't fine customer $cn";
# my $s = qsearch( 'svc_acct',
# { 'username' => $u }
# ) or return '';
# my $n = $s->cust_svc
# ->cust_pkg
# ->cust_main
# ->custnum;
# $c->referral_custnum($n);
# my $error = $c->replace;
# die "error setting referral: $error"
# if $error;
# '';
# },
# };
# 'fixup' => sub { 1 },
# },
cust_pkg => { 'stable' => 'billcycle',
'mapping' =>
{ 'custnum' => sub { my $l = shift->{cbilling_cycle_login};
'pkgpart' => sub { my $p = shift->{product_id};
? $package_cache{$p}->pkgpart
: '';
'setup' => sub { str2time(shift->{creation_date}) },
'bill' => sub { my $href = shift;
my $id = $href->{'slave_account_id'}
? 'slave:'. $href->{'slave_account_id'}
: $href->{'cbilling_cycle_login'};
'susp' => sub { my $href = shift;
my $id = $href->{'slave_account_id'}
? 'slave:'. $href->{'slave_account_id'}
: $href->{'cbilling_cycle_login'};
'adjo' => sub { my $href = shift;
my $id = $href->{'slave_account_id'}
? 'slave:'. $href->{'slave_account_id'}
: $href->{'cbilling_cycle_login'};
'cancel' => sub { my $href = shift;
my $id = $href->{'slave_account_id'}
? 'slave:'. $href->{'slave_account_id'}
: $href->{'cbilling_cycle_login'};
'skey' => sub { my $object = shift;
my $href = shift;
if ($href->{'slave_account_id'}) {
'slave:'. $href->{'slave_account_id'};
my $id = $href->{'billing_cycle_item_id'};
$cust_pkg_map{$id} = $object->pkgnum;
'wrapup' => sub { for my $id (keys %{$object_map{'cust_pkg'}}){
my $cust_svc =
qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' =>
$object_map{'svc_acct'}{$id} }
unless ($cust_svc) {
warn "can't find legacy ppp $id\n";
my $error = $cust_svc->replace;
warn "error linking legacy ppp $id: $error\n";
svc_acct => { 'stable' => 'email',
'mapping' =>
{ 'username' => 'email_name',
'_password' => 'password',
'svcpart' => sub{ $legacy_email_svcnum },
'domsvc' => sub{ $legacy_domain_svcnum },
'fixup' => sub { my $object = shift;
my ($sd,$sm,$sy) = split '/',
if $object->{shut_off_date};
if ($sd && $sm && $sy) {
my ($cd, $cm, $cy) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
$cy += 1900; $cm++;
return 1 if $sy < $cy;
return 1 if ($sy == $cy && $sm < $cm);
return 1 if ($sy == $cy && $sm == $cm && $sd <= $cd);
return 1 if $object_map{'cust_main'}{$object->username};
'skey' => sub { my $object = shift;
my $href = shift;
'email:'. $href->{'email_customer_id'};
'wrapup' => sub { for my $id (keys %{$object_map{'cust_pkg'}}){
next unless $id =~ /^email:(\d+)/;
my $custid = $1;
my $cust_svc =
qsearchs( 'cust_svc', { 'svcnum' =>
$object_map{'svc_acct'}{$id} }
unless ($cust_svc) {
warn "can't find legacy ppp $id\n";
my $error = $cust_svc->replace;
warn "error linking legacy ppp $id: $error\n";
#my $s_dbh = DBI->connect($s_datasrc, $s_dbuser, $s_dbpass) or die $DBI::errstr;
my $d_dbh = adminsuidsetup $d_dbuser;
local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
while ( @tables ) {
my ($table, $href) = (shift @tables, shift @tables);
my $stable = $href->{'stable'} or die "No source table"; # good enough for now
my (%mapping) = %{$href->{'mapping'}};
my ($fixup) = $href->{'fixup'};
my ($wrapup) = $href->{'wrapup'};
my ($id) = $href->{'id'};
my ($skey) = $href->{'skey'};
$d_dbh->do("delete from $table"); #XXX FIXME!
my $s_sth = $s_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from $stable");
$s_sth->execute or die $s_sth->errstr;
my $rowcount = $s_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
$s_sth = $s_dbh->prepare("select * from $stable");
$s_sth->execute or die $s_sth->errstr;
my $row;
$count = 0;
while ( $row = $s_sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $class = "FS::$table";
warn sprintf("%.2f", 100*$count/$rowcount). "% of $table processed\n"
unless( !$count || $count % 100 );
my $object = new $class ( {
map { $_ => ( ref($mapping{$_}) eq 'CODE'
? &{$mapping{$_}}($row)
: $row->{$mapping{$_}}
} );
my $skip = &{$fixup}($object, $row)
if $fixup;
unless ($skip) {
my $error = $object->insert;
if ($error) {
warn "Error inserting $table ".
join(", ", map{"$_ => ". $object->get($_)} fields $object).
": $error\n";
if ($skey) {
my $key = (ref($skey) eq 'CODE') ? &{$skey}($object, $row)
: $row->{$skey};
$object_map{$table}{$key} = $object->get($object->primary_key)
if $wrapup;
print "$count/$rowcount of $table SUCCESSFULLY processed\n";
if ($dry_run) {
$d_dbh->commit or die $d_dbh->errstr;
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