[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements iframecontentmws.js, 1.2, 1.3

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon Mar 31 14:52:41 PDT 2008

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv14461

Modified Files:
Log Message:
update overlibmws to current code

Index: iframecontentmws.js
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/iframecontentmws.js,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- iframecontentmws.js	21 Jun 2006 13:00:43 -0000	1.2
+++ iframecontentmws.js	31 Mar 2008 21:52:38 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,20 +1,53 @@
- iframecontentmws.js - Foteos Macrides
-   Initial: October 10, 2004 - Last Revised: May 9, 2005
- Simple script for using an HTML file as iframe content in overlibmws popups.
- Include WRAP and TEXTPADDING,0 in the overlib call to ensure that the width
- arg is respected (unless the CAPTION plus CLOSETEXT widths add up to more than
- the width arg, in which case you should increase the width arg).  The name arg
- should be a unique string for each popup with iframe content in the document.
- The frameborder arg should be 1 (browser default if omitted) or 0.
+ iframecontentmws.js - Foteos Macrides (author and copyright holder)
+   Initial: October 10, 2004 - Last Revised: January 26, 2008
+ Scripts for using HTML documents as iframe content in overlibmws popups.
- See http://www.macridesweb.com/oltest/IFRAME.html for demonstration.
+ See http://www.macridesweb.com/oltest/IFRAME.html
+ and http://www.macridesweb.com/oltest/AJAX.html#ajaxex3
+ for more information.
-function OLiframeContent(src, width, height, name, frameborder) {
+ Use as lead argument in overlib or overlb2 calls.  Include WRAP and
+ TEXTPADDING,0 in the call to ensure that the width arg is respected (unless
+ the CAPTION plus CLOSETEXT widths add up to more than the width arg, in which
+ case you should increase the width arg).  The name arg should be a unique
+ string for each popup with iframe content in the document.  The frameborder
+ arg should be 1 (browser default if omitted) or 0.  The scrolling arg should
+ be 'auto' (default if omitted), 'yes' or 'no'.
+function OLiframeContent(src, width, height, name, frameborder, scrolling) {
  return ('<iframe src="'+src+'" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'"'
  +(name!=null?' name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'"':'')
  +(frameborder!=null?' frameborder="'+frameborder+'"':'')
- +' scrolling="auto">'
- +'<div>[iframe not supported]</div></iframe>');
+ +' scrolling="'+(scrolling!=null?scrolling:'auto')
+ +'"><div>[iframe not supported]</div></iframe>');
+ Swap the src if we are iframe content.  The name arg should be the same
+ string as in the OLiframeContent function for the popup.  The src arg is
+ a partial, relative, or complete URL for the document to be swapped in.
+function OLswapIframeSrc(name, src){
+ if(parent==self){
+  alert(src+'\n\n is only for iframe content');
+  return;
+ }
+ var o=parent.OLgetRef(name);
+ if(o)o.src=src;
+ else alert(src+'\n\n is not available');
+ Emulate the Back button if we are iframe content.  Use only in documents
+ which are swapped in by using the OLswapIframeSrc function.
+function OLiframeBack(){
+ if(parent==self){
+  alert('This feature is only for iframe content');
+  return;
+ }
+ history.back();

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