[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements tr-select-payby.html, NONE, 1.1 select-payby.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sat Mar 1 14:23:22 PST 2008

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv5122

Added Files:
	tr-select-payby.html select-payby.html 
Log Message:
add payby selection to adv. customer search

--- NEW FILE: select-payby.html ---
<SELECT NAME="<% $opt{'field'} || 'payby' %>"
        <% $opt{'multiple'} ? 'MULTIPLE' : '' %>
        <% $onchange %>

% unless ( $opt{'multiple'} ) {
    <OPTION VALUE="" <% '' eq $value ? 'SELECTED' : '' %> >all
% }

% foreach my $option ( keys %{ $opt{'paybys'} } ) { 
%   my $sel = ( ref($value) && $value->{$option} ) || $option eq $value;

    <OPTION VALUE="<% $option %>"
            <% $sel ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>
    ><% $opt{'paybys'}->{$option} %>

% } 



my %opt = @_;

my $method = 'payby';
$method = 'cust_payby'  if $opt{'payby_type'} eq 'cust';
#$method = 'event_payby' if $opt{'payby_type'} eq 'event';
#$method = 'pay_payby'   if $opt{'payby_type'} eq 'pay';

unless ( $opt{'paybys'} ) {
  tie %{ $opt{'paybys'} }, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::payby->$method();

my $onchange = $opt{'onchange'}
                 ? 'onChange="'. $opt{'onchange'}. '(this)"'
                 : '';

my $value = $opt{'curr_value'} || $opt{'value'};


--- NEW FILE: tr-select-payby.html ---
<% include ('tr-td-label.html', 'label' => 'Payment type', @_ ) %>

  <TD <% $style %>>

    <% include( '/elements/select-payby.html', 
                  'curr_value'  => $curr_value,




my %opt = @_;

#my $onchange = $opt{'onchange'}
#                 ? 'onChange="'. $opt{'onchange'}. '(this)"'
#                 : '';

my $style = $opt{'cell_style'} ? 'STYLE="'. $opt{'cell_style'}. '"' : '';

my $method = 'payby2longname';
$method = 'cust_payby2longname'  if $opt{'payby_type'} eq 'cust';
#$method = 'event_payby2longname' if $opt{'payby_type'} eq 'event';
#$method = 'pay_payby2longname'   if $opt{'payby_type'} eq 'pay';

unless ( $opt{'paybys'} ) {
  tie %{ $opt{'paybys'} }, 'Tie::IxHash', FS::payby->$method();

my $curr_value = $opt{'curr_value'} || $opt{'value'};


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