[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements ajaxcontentmws.js, NONE, 1.1
Jeff Finucane,420,,
jeff at wavetail.420.am
Tue Dec 2 17:42:27 PST 2008
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv27042/httemplate/elements
Added Files:
Log Message:
support zip5 tax lookups, correct errors with fixed format cch import, inital import performance improvements, noise reduction on imports, tool for inital import
--- NEW FILE: ajaxcontentmws.js ---
ajaxcontentmws.js - Foteos Macrides (author and Copyright holder)
Initial: June 22, 2006 - Last Revised: March 24, 2008
Wrapper function set for getting and using the responseText and / or
responseXML from a GET or POST XMLHttpRequest, which can be used to
generate dynamic content for overlib or overlib2 calls, or to modify
the content of a displayed STICKY popup dynamically.
For GET Use:
onmouseover="return OLgetAJAX(url, command, delay, css);"
onmouseout="OLclearAJAX();" (if delay > 0)
onclick="OLgetAJAX(url, command, 0, css); return false;"
onload="OLgetAJAX(url, command, 0, css);
url (required)
is a quoted string, or unquoted string variable name or array entry, with
the full, relative, or partial URL for a file or a server-side script (php,
asp, or cgi, e.g. perl), and may have a query string appended (e.g.,
command (required)
is the function reference (unquoted name without parens) of a function to
be called when the server's response has been received (it could instead be
an inline function, i.e., defined within the 2nd argument, or a quoted string
for a function with parens and any args)
delay (may be omitted unless css is included)
is an unquoted number indicating the number of millisecs to wait before
initiating an XMLHttpRequest GET request. It should be 0 when using onclick
or onload, but may be a modest value such as 300 for onmouseover to avoid
any chatter of requests. When used with onmouseover, include:
to clear the request if the user does not hover for at least that long. If
the popup is not STICKY, include an nd or nd2 call, e.g.,
onmouseout="OLclearAJAX(); nd();"
css (may be omitted)
is a quoted string with the CSS class (e.g. 'ovfl510' for
.ovfl510 {width:510px; height:145px; overflow:auto; ...} ) for a div to
encase the responseText and set the width, height and scrollbars in the
main text area of the popup, or the unquoted number 0 if no encasing div
is to be used.
For POST substitute OLpostAJAX(url, qry, command, delay, css);
qry (required)
is the string to be posted, typically a query string (without a lead ?)
and the other arguments are as above.
See http://www.macridesweb.com/oltest/AJAX.html for more information.
// Initialize our global variables for this function set.
var OLhttp=false,OLcommandAJAX=null,OLdelayidAJAX=0,OLclassAJAX='',
// Create a series of wrapper functions (e.g. OLcmdT#() for ones which
// use OLhttp.responseText via the OLresponseAJAX global, and OLcmdX#()
// for ones which use OLhttp.responseXML) whose reference (unquoted name
// without parens) is the 2nd argument in OLgetAJAX(url,command,delay,css)
// calls. This one is for the first example in the AJAX.html support
// document, to use the OLresponseAJAX global as the lead argument for an
// overlib popup. Put your functions in the head, or in another imported
// .js file, so that they will not be affected by updates of this .js file.
function OLcmdExT1() {
return overlib(OLresponseAJAX, TEXTPADDING,0, CAPTIONPADDING,4,
CAPTION,'Example with AJAX content via <span '
+'class="yellow">responseText</span>. Popup scrolls with the window.',
MIDX,0, RELY,100,
STATUS,'Example with AJAX content via responseText of XMLHttpResponse');
// Alert for old browsers which lack XMLHttpRequest support.
function OLsorryAJAX() {
alert('Sorry, AJAX is not supported by your browser.');
return false;
// Check 2nd arg for function
function OLchkFuncAJAX(ar){
var t=typeof ar;return (((t=='function'))||((t=='string')&&(/.+\(.*\)/.test(ar))));
// Alert for bad 2nd argument
function OLnotFuncAJAX(m) {
alert('The 2nd arg of OL'+m+'AJAX is not a function reference, nor an inline function, '
+'nor a quoted string with a function indicated.');
return OLclearAJAX();
// Alert for indicating an XMLHttpRequest network error.
function OLerrorAJAX() {
if(OLhttp.status&&OLhttp.status!=2147746065)alert('Network error '+OLhttp.status+'. Try again later.');
return false;
// Returns a new XMLHttpRequest object, or false for older browsers
// which did not yet support it. Called as OLhttp=OLnewXMLHttp() via
// the OLgetAJAX(url,command,delay,css) wrapper function.
function OLnewXMLHttp() {
var f=false,req=f;
if(window.XMLHttpRequest)eval(new Array('try{',
'req=new XMLHttpRequest();','}catch(e){','req=f;','}').join('\n'));
/*@cc_on @if(@_jscript_version>=5)if(!req)
eval(new Array('try{','req=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");',
'}catch(e){','try{','req=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");',
'}catch(e){','req=f;','}}').join('\n')); @end @*/
return req;
// Handle the OLhttp.responseText string from the XMLHttpRequest object.
function OLdoAJAX() {
'OLhttp.status = '+OLhttp.status+'\n'
+'OLhttp.statusText = '+OLhttp.statusText+'\n'
+'OLhttp.getAllResponseHeaders() = \n'
+'OLhttp.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") = '
OLresponseAJAX=OLclassAJAX?'<div class="'+OLclassAJAX+'">':'';
OLresponseAJAX += OLhttp.responseText;
OLresponseAJAX += OLclassAJAX?'</div>':'';
if(OLdebugAJAX)alert('OLresponseAJAX = \n'+OLresponseAJAX);
return (typeof OLcommandAJAX=='string')?eval(OLcommandAJAX):OLcommandAJAX();
return OLerrorAJAX();
// Actually make the request initiated via OLgetAJAX or OLpostAJAX, or
// invoke a "permission denied" alert if a cross-domain URL was used.
function OLsetAJAX(url,qry) {
alert('[object Error]\n(Cross-domain access not permitted)');return false;}
qry=(qry||null);var s='',m=(qry)?'POST':'GET';OLabortAJAX=0;
OLdelayidAJAX=0;eval(new Array('try{','OLhttp.open(m,url,true);',
alert(s+'\n(Cross-domain access not permitted)');return false;}if(qry)
// Clear or abort any delayed OLsetAJAX call or pending request.
function OLclearAJAX() {
return false;
// Load a new XMLHttpRequest object into the OLhttp global, load the
// OLcommandAJAX and OLclassAJAX globals, and initiate a GET request
// via OLsetAJAX(url) to populate OLhttp.
function OLgetAJAX(url,command,delay,css) {
if(!OLchkFuncAJAX(command))return OLnotFuncAJAX('get');
OLclearAJAX();OLhttp=OLnewXMLHttp();if(!OLhttp)return OLsorryAJAX();
else OLsetAJAX(url);
// Load a new XMLHttpRequest object into the OLhttp global, load the
// OLcommandAJAX and OLclassAJAX globals, and initiate a POST request
// via OLsetAJAX(url,qry) to populate OLhttp.
function OLpostAJAX(url,qry,command,delay,css) {
if(!OLchkFuncAJAX(command))return OLnotFuncAJAX('post');
OLclearAJAX();OLhttp=OLnewXMLHttp();if(!OLhttp)return OLsorryAJAX();
else OLsetAJAX(url,qry);
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