[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS cdr.pm,1.8,1.9

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Fri Apr 11 02:20:52 PDT 2008

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS
In directory wavetail.420.am:/tmp/cvs-serv32524/FS/FS

Modified Files:
Log Message:
taqua cdrs!

Index: cdr.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/cdr.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- cdr.pm	11 Apr 2008 01:50:17 -0000	1.8
+++ cdr.pm	11 Apr 2008 09:20:50 -0000	1.9
@@ -462,7 +462,9 @@
   my $field = shift;
   return sub {
     my( $cdr, $date ) = @_;
-    $cdr->$field( _cdr_date_parse($date) );
+    #$cdr->$field( _cdr_date_parse($date) );
+    eval { $cdr->$field( _cdr_date_parse($date) ); };
+    die "error parsing date for $field from $date: $@\n" if $@;
@@ -472,13 +474,18 @@
   return '' unless length($date); #that's okay, it becomes NULL
   #$date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})[\-\/]\(\d{1,2})[\-\/](\d{1,2})\s+(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*$/
-  $date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\s+(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\s*$/
+  $date =~ /^\s*(\d{4})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\s+(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})\D(\d{1,2})(\D|$)/
     or die "unparsable date: $date"; #maybe we shouldn't die...
   my($year, $mon, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
+  return '' if $year == 1900 && $mon == 1 && $day == 1
+            && $hour == 0    && $min == 0 && $sec == 0;
   timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon-1, $year);
+#taqua  #2007-10-31 08:57:24.113000000
 my %amaflags = (
   DEFAULT       => 0,
@@ -511,97 +518,126 @@
-  'taqua' => [
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #RecordType
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #all10#RecordVersion
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigShelfNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigCardNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigCircuit
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigCircuitType
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #SequenceNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #SessionNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #CallingPartyNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #CalledPartyNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #CallArrivalTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #CallCompletionTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #Disposition
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #DispositionTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TCAP
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OutboundCarrierConnectTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OutboundCarrierDisconnectTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TermTrunkGroup
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TermShelfNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TermCardNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TermCircuit
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TermCircuitType
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OutboundCarrierId
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #BillingNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #SubscriberNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #ServiceName
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #ChargeTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #ServiceInformation
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #FacilityInfo
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #CallTraceTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #all-1#UniqueIndicator
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #all-1#PresentationIndicator
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #empty#Pin
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #CallType
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigRateCenter
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #TermRateCenter
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigTrunkGroup
-    'userfield',                            #empty#UserDefined
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #empty#PseudoDestinationNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #all-1#PseudoCarrierCode
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #empty#PseudoANI
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #all-1#PseudoFacilityInfo
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigDialedDigits
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #all-1#OrigOutboundCarrier
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #IncomingCarrierID
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #JurisdictionInfo
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OrigDestDigits
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #InsertTime
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #key
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #empty#AMALineNumber
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #empty#AMAslpID
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },         #empty#AMADigitsDialedWC
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OpxOffHook
-    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; }, #OpxOnHook
+  'taqua' => [ #some of these are kind arbitrary...
-#acctid - primary key
-#calldate - Call timestamp (SQL timestamp)
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #XXX interesting RecordType
+             # easy to fix: Can't find cdr.cdrtypenum 1 in cdr_type.cdrtypenum
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all10#RecordVersion
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OrigShelfNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OrigCardNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OrigCircuit
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OrigCircuitType
+    'uniqueid',                           #SequenceNumber
+    'accountcode',                        #SessionNumber
+    'src',                                #CallingPartyNumber
+    'dst',                                #CalledPartyNumber
+    _cdr_date_parser_maker('startdate'),  #CallArrivalTime
+    _cdr_date_parser_maker('enddate'),    #CallCompletionTime
+    #Disposition
+    #sub { my($cdr, $d ) = @_; $cdr->disposition( $disposition{$d}): },
+    'disposition',
+                                          #  -1 => '',
+                                          #   0 => '',
+                                          # 100 => '',
+                                          # 101 => '',
+                                          # 102 => '',
+                                          # 103 => '',
+                                          # 104 => '',
+                                          # 105 => '',
+                                          # 201 => '',
+                                          # 203 => '',
+    _cdr_date_parser_maker('answerdate'), #DispositionTime
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #TCAP
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OutboundCarrierConnectTime
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OutboundCarrierDisconnectTime
+    #TermTrunkGroup
+    #it appears channels are actually part of trunk groups, but this data
+    #is interesting and we need a source and destination place to put it
+    'dstchannel',                         #TermTrunkGroup
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #TermShelfNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #TermCardNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #TermCircuit
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #TermCircuitType
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OutboundCarrierId
+    'charged_party',                      #BillingNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #SubscriberNumber
+    'lastapp',                            #ServiceName
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #some weirdness #ChargeTime
+    'lastdata',                           #ServiceInformation
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #FacilityInfo
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all 1900-01-01 0#CallTraceTime
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all-1#UniqueIndicator
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all-1#PresentationIndicator
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #empty#Pin
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #CallType
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },           #Balt/empty #OrigRateCenter
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },           #Balt/empty #TermRateCenter
+    #OrigTrunkGroup
+    #it appears channels are actually part of trunk groups, but this data
+    #is interesting and we need a source and destination place to put it
+    'channel',                            #OrigTrunkGroup
+    'userfield',                                #empty#UserDefined
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #empty#PseudoDestinationNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all-1#PseudoCarrierCode
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #empty#PseudoANI
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all-1#PseudoFacilityInfo
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OrigDialedDigits
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #all-1#OrigOutboundCarrier
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #IncomingCarrierID
+    'dcontext',                           #JurisdictionInfo
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OrigDestDigits
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #huh?#InsertTime
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #key
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #empty#AMALineNumber
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #empty#AMAslpID
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },             #empty#AMADigitsDialedWC
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OpxOffHook
+    sub { my($cdr, $field) = @_; },       #OpxOnHook
+        #acctid - primary key
+  #AUTO #calldate - Call timestamp (SQL timestamp)
 #clid - Caller*ID with text
-#src - Caller*ID number / Source number
-#dst - Destination extension
-#dcontext - Destination context
-#channel - Channel used
-#dstchannel - Destination channel if appropriate
-#lastapp - Last application if appropriate
-#lastdata - Last application data
-#startdate - Start of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-#answerdate - Answer time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-#enddate - End time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
-#duration - Total time in system, in seconds
-#billsec - Total time call is up, in seconds
-#disposition - What happened to the call: ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
-#amaflags - What flags to use: BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on a per
-#channel basis like accountcode.
-#accountcode - CDR account number to use: account
-#uniqueid - Unique channel identifier (Unitel/RSLCOM Event ID)
+        #XXX src - Caller*ID number / Source number
+        #XXX dst - Destination extension
+        #dcontext - Destination context
+        #channel - Channel used
+        #dstchannel - Destination channel if appropriate
+        #lastapp - Last application if appropriate
+        #lastdata - Last application data
+        #startdate - Start of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
+        #answerdate - Answer time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
+        #enddate - End time of call (UNIX-style integer timestamp)
+  #HACK#duration - Total time in system, in seconds
+  #HACK#XXX billsec - Total time call is up, in seconds
+        #disposition - What happened to the call: ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
+#INT amaflags - What flags to use: BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on a per channel basis like accountcode.
+        #accountcode - CDR account number to use: account
+        #uniqueid - Unique channel identifier (Unitel/RSLCOM Event ID)
         #userfield - CDR user-defined field
-#cdr_type - CDR type - see FS::cdr_type (Usage = 1, S&E = 7, OC&C = 8)
-#charged_party - Service number to be billed
+        #X cdrtypenum - CDR type - see FS::cdr_type (Usage = 1, S&E = 7, OC&C = 8)
+        #XXX charged_party - Service number to be billed
 #upstream_currency - Wholesale currency from upstream
-#upstream_price - Wholesale price from upstream
+#X upstream_price - Wholesale price from upstream
 #upstream_rateplanid - Upstream rate plan ID
 #rated_price - Rated (or re-rated) price
 #distance - km (need units field?)
 #islocal - Local - 1, Non Local = 0
 #calltypenum - Type of call - see FS::cdr_calltype
-#description - Description (cdr_type 7&8 only) (used for
+#X description - Description (cdr_type 7&8 only) (used for cust_bill_pkg.itemdesc)
 #quantity - Number of items (cdr_type 7&8 only)
 #carrierid - Upstream Carrier ID (see FS::cdr_carrier)
 #upstream_rateid - Upstream Rate ID
         #svcnum - Link to customer service (see FS::cust_svc)
         #freesidestatus - NULL, done (or something)
@@ -719,7 +755,7 @@
   while ( defined($line=<$fh>) ) {
     #skip header...
-    if ( ! $body++ && $import_header{'format'} && $line =~ /^[\w\, ]+$/ ) {
+    if ( ! $body++ && $import_header{$format} ) { #&& $line =~ /^[\w, "]+$/ ) {
@@ -759,6 +795,15 @@
       &{$sub}($cdr, $data);  # $cdr->&{$sub}($data); 
+    if ( $format eq 'taqua' ) {
+      if ( $cdr->enddate && $cdr->startdate  ) { #a bit more?
+        $cdr->duration( $cdr->enddate - $cdr->startdate  );
+      }
+      if ( $cdr->enddate && $cdr->answerdate ) { #a bit more?
+        $cdr->billsec(  $cdr->enddate - $cdr->answerdate );
+      } 
+    }
     my $error = $cdr->insert;
     if ( $error ) {
       $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;

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