[freeside-commits] freeside/conf welcome_letter,NONE,

Jeff Finucane,420,, jeff at wavetail.420.am
Wed Jun 20 21:02:41 PDT 2007

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/conf
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv1428/conf

Added Files:
      Tag: FREESIDE_1_7_BRANCH
Log Message:
latex welcome letters (1677)

--- NEW FILE: welcome_letter ---
%% file: random_latex
%% Purpose: Multipage template for welcome letters
%% Based on work by
%% Mark Asplen-Taylor
%% Asplen Management Ltd
%% www.asplen.co.uk
%% Kristian Hoffman
%% Changes
%% 	0.1	6/19/07	Created


\usepackage{graphicx}			% required for logo graphic

\addtolength{\voffset}{-0.0cm}		% top margin to top of header
\addtolength{\hoffset}{-0.6cm}		% left margin on page
\addtolength{\topmargin}{-1.25cm}	% top margin to top of header
\setlength{\headheight}{2.0cm} 		% height of header
\setlength{\headsep}{1.0cm}		% between header and text
\setlength{\footskip}{1.0cm}		% bottom of footer from bottom of text

%\addtolength{\textwidth}{2.1in}    	% width of text
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.9cm} 	% odd page left margin
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.9cm} 	% even page left margin


% Adjust the inset of the mailing address

% Adjust the inset of the return address and logo

% New command for address lines i.e. skip them if blank

% Remove plain style header/footer

% Define fancy header/footer for first and subsequent pages

  { % First page
  { % ... pages
    \small{\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}

  { % First page
        \includegraphics{[@-- $conf_dir --@]/logo.eps} &
[@-- $returnaddress --@]
  { % ... pages
    %\includegraphics{[@-- $conf_dir --@]/logo.eps}	% Uncomment if you want the logo on all pages.


%% Font options are:
%%	bch	Bitsream Charter
%% 	put	Utopia
%%	phv	Adobe Helvetica
%%	pnc	New Century Schoolbook
%%	ptm	Times
%%	pcr	Courier


\addressinset \rule{0cm}{0cm} &
\textbf{[@-- $payname --@]}\\
\addressline{[@-- $company --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $address1 --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $address2 --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $city --@], [@-- $state --@]~~[@-- $zip --@]}
\addressline{[@-- $country --@]}
%  Your content goes here
Dear [@-- $first --@] [@-- $last --@]:\\
  Thank you for choosing Freeside.  We aim to meet all the billing needs of
  [@-- $company --@].  Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional
  service or features you require.\\


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