[freeside-commits] freeside/rt/lib/RTx Statistics.pm,NONE,
ivan at wavetail.420.am
Wed Jun 20 15:28:52 PDT 2007
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/rt/lib/RTx
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv10375/rt/lib/RTx
Added Files:
Log Message:
integrate RTx::Statistics, RT::Extension::ActivityReports package, and RTx::WebCronTool packages, as part of merging spiritone RT changes (#1661)
--- NEW FILE: Statistics.pm ---
package Statistics;
use vars qw(
$MultiQueueStatus $MultiQueueDateFormat @MultiQueueQueueList $MultiQueueMaxRows $MultiQueueWeekends $MultiQueueLabelDateFormat
$PerDayStatus $PerDayDateFormat $PerDayQueue $PerDayMaxRows $PerDayWeekends $PerDayLabelDateFormat $PerDayPeriod
@OpenStalledQueueList $OpenStalledWeekends
$TimeToResolveDateFormat $TimeToResolveQueue $TimeToResolveMaxRows $TimeToResolveWeekends $TimeToResolveLabelDateFormat
@years @months %monthsMaxDay
$GraphWidth $GraphHeight
use Time::Local;
# I couldn't figure out a way to override these in RT_SiteConfig, which would be
# preferable.
# Width and Height of all graphics
# Initial settings for the CallsMultiQueue stat page
$MultiQueueStatus = "resolved";
$MultiQueueDateFormat = "%a %b %d %Y"; # format for dates on Multi Queue report, see "man strftime" for options
@MultiQueueQueueList = ("General"); # list of queues to start Multi Queue per day reports
$MultiQueueMaxRows = 10;
$MultiQueueWeekends = 1;
$MultiQueueLabelDateFormat = "%a";
# Initial settings for the CallsQueueDay stat page
$PerDayStatus = "resolved";
$PerDayDateFormat = "%a %b %d %Y";
$PerDayQueue = "General";
$PerDayMaxRows = 10;
$PerDayWeekends = 1;
$PerDayLabelDateFormat = "%a";
$PerDayPeriod = 10;
# Initial settings for the DayOfWeek stat page
$DayOfWeekQueue = "General";
# Initial settings for the OpenStalled stat page
@OpenStalledQueueList = ("General");
$OpenStalledWeekends = 1;
# Initial settings for the TimeToResolve stat page
$TimeToResolveDateFormat = "%a %b %d";
$TimeToResolveQueue = "General";
$TimeToResolveMaxRows = 10;
$TimeToResolveWeekends = 1;
$TimeToResolveLabelDateFormat = "%a";
# Initial settings for the TimeToResolve Graph page
$TimeToResolveGraphQueue = "General";
$secsPerDay = 86400;
# List of years and months to populate drop down lists
@years =('2010', '2009', '2008', '2007', '2006', '2005', '2004', '2003' ,'2003' ,'2002');
@months=qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/;
%monthsMaxDay = (
0 => 31, # January
1 => 29, # February, allow for leap year
2 => 31, # March
3 => 30, # April
4 => 31, # May
5 => 30, # June
6 => 31, # July
7 => 31, # August
8 => 30, # September
9 => 31, # October
10=> 30, # November
11=> 31 # December
# Set to one to prevent users without the ShowConfigTab right from seeing Statistics
$RestrictAccess = 0;
# Variables to control debugging
my $debugging=0; # set to 1 to enable debugging
my $debugtext="";
=head2 FormatDate
Returns a string representing the specified date formatted by the specified string
sub FormatDate {
my $fmt = shift;
my $self = shift;
return POSIX::strftime($fmt, localtime($self->Unix));
=head2 RTDateSetToLocalMidnight
Sets the date to midnight (at the beginning of the day) local time
Returns the unixtime at midnight.
sub RTDateSetToLocalMidnight {
my $self = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = localtime($self->Unix);
$self->Unix(timelocal (0,0,0,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday));
return ($self->Unix);
=head2 RTDateIsWeekend
Returns 1 if the date is on saturday or sunday
sub RTDateIsWeekend {
my $self = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = localtime($self->Unix);
return 1 if (($wday==6) || ($wday==0));
=head2 RTDateGetDateWeekday
Returns the localized name of the day specified by date
sub RTDateGetDateWeekday {
my $self = shift;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = localtime($self->Unix);
return $self->GetWeekday($wday);
=head2 RTDateSubDay
Subtracts 24 hours from the current time
sub RTDateSubDay {
my $self = shift;
$self->AddSeconds(0 - $DAY);
=head2 RTDateSubDays $DAYS
Subtracts 24 hours * $DAYS from the current time
sub RTDateSubDays {
my $self = shift;
my $days = shift;
$self->AddSeconds(0 - ($days * $DAY));
=head2 DebugInit
Creates a text area on the page if debugging is on.
sub DebugInit {
if($debugging) {
my $m = shift;
$m->print("<TEXTAREA NAME=debugarea COLS=120 ROWS=50>$debugtext</TEXTAREA>\n");
=head2 DebugLog $logmsg
Adds a message to the debug area
sub DebugLog {
if($debugging) {
my $line = shift;
$debugtext .= $line;
=head2 DebugClear
Clears the current debug string, otherwise it builds from page to page
sub DebugClear {
if($debugging) {
$debugtext = undef;
=head2 DurationAsString
Returns a string representing the specified duration
sub DurationAsString {
my $Duration = shift;
my $MINUTE = 60;
my $HOUR = $MINUTE*60;
my $DAY = $HOUR * 24;
my $WEEK = $DAY * 7;
my $days = int($Duration / $DAY);
$Duration = $Duration % $DAY;
my $hours = int($Duration / $HOUR);
$hours = sprintf("%02d", $hours);
$Duration = $Duration % $HOUR;
my $minutes = int($Duration/$MINUTE);
$minutes = sprintf("%02d", $minutes);
$Duration = $Duration % $MINUTE;
my $secs = sprintf("%02d", $Duration);
if(!$days) {
$days = "00";
if(!$hours) {
$hours = "00";
if(!$minutes) {
$minutes = "00";
if(!$secs) {
$secs = "00";
return "$days days $hours:$minutes:$secs";
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