[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search report_cust_credit.html, 1.12, 1.13 report_rt_transaction.html, NONE, 1.1 rt_transaction.html, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Tue Dec 4 12:51:54 PST 2007

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv25475/httemplate/search

Modified Files:
Added Files:
	report_rt_transaction.html rt_transaction.html 
Log Message:
add some time-worked reporting

Index: report_cust_credit.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/report_cust_credit.html,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -d -r1.12 -r1.13
--- report_cust_credit.html	1 Aug 2007 22:26:45 -0000	1.12
+++ report_cust_credit.html	4 Dec 2007 20:51:51 -0000	1.13
@@ -4,18 +4,12 @@
 <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="_date">
-  <TR>
-    <TD ALIGN="right">Credits by employee: </TD>
-    <TD>
-      <SELECT NAME="otaker">
-        <OPTION VALUE="">all</OPTION>
-%       foreach my $otaker ( @otakers ) { 
-          <OPTION VALUE="<% $otaker %>"><% $otaker %></OPTION>
-%       } 
-      </SELECT>
-    </TD>
-  </TR>
+  <% include( '/elements/tr-select-otaker.html',
+                'label'   => 'Credits by employee: ',
+                'otakers' => \@otakers,
+            )
+  %>
   <% include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html',
                  'curr_value' => scalar( $cgi->param('agentnum') ),

--- NEW FILE: report_rt_transaction.html ---
<% include('/elements/header.html', 'Time worked report criteria' ) %>

<FORM ACTION="rt_transaction.html" METHOD="GET">


  <% include ( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html' ) %>

  <% include ( '/elements/tr-select-otaker.html' ) %>


<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">

<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>

die "access denied"
  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List rating data');


--- NEW FILE: rt_transaction.html ---
<% include('elements/search.html',
             'title'         => 'Time worked',
             'name_singular' => 'transaction',
             'query'         => $query,
             'count_query'   => $count_query,
             'count_addl'    => [ $format_seconds_sub, ],
             'header'        => [ 'Ticket #',
             'fields'        => [ 'ticketid',
                                  sub { encode_entities(shift->get('subject')) },
                                  sub { my $seconds = shift->get('transaction_time');
                                        &{ $format_seconds_sub }( $seconds );
             'links'         => [

my $format_seconds_sub = sub {
  my $seconds = shift;
  (($seconds < 0) ? '-' : '') . concise(duration($seconds));


die "access denied"
  unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List rating data');

#some amount of false laziness w/timeworked.html...

my $transactiontime = "
  CASE transactions.type when 'Set'
    THEN (to_number(newvalue,'999999')-to_number(oldvalue, '999999')) * 60
    ELSE timetaken*60

my $join = 'JOIN Tickets ON Transactions.ObjectId = Tickets.Id '.
           'JOIN Users   ON Transactions.Creator = Users.Id ';

my $where = "
  WHERE objecttype='RT::Ticket'
    AND (    ( Transactions.Type = 'Set'
               AND Transactions.Field = 'TimeWorked'
               AND Transactions.NewValue != Transactions.OldValue )
          OR ( ( Transactions.Type='Comment' OR Transactions.Type='Correspond' )
               AND Transactions.TimeTaken > 0
#AND transaction_time != 0
#AND $wheretimeleft

my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
# TIMESTAMP is Pg-specific... ?
if ( $beginning > 0 ) {
  $beginning = "TIMESTAMP '". time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', $beginning). "'";
  $where .= " AND Transactions.Created >= $beginning ";
if ( $ending < 4294967295 ) {
  $ending =    "TIMESTAMP '". time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', $ending).    "'";
  $where .= " AND Transactions.Created <= $ending    ";

if ( $cgi->param('otaker') && $cgi->param('otaker') =~ /^([\w\.\-]+)$/ ) {
  $where .= " AND Users.name = '$1' ";

my $query = {
  'select'    => "Transactions.*, Tickets.Id AS ticketid, Tickets.Subject, Users.name as otaker, $transactiontime AS transaction_time",
  #'table'     => 'Transactions',
  'table'     => 'transactions',
  'addl_from' => $join.
                 'LEFT JOIN acct_rt_transaction '.
                 '  ON Transactions.Id = acct_rt_transaction.transaction_id',
  'extra_sql' => $where,
  'order by'  => 'ORDER BY Created',

my $count_query =
  "SELECT COUNT(*), SUM($transactiontime) FROM Transactions $join $where";

my $link = [ "${p}rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=", sub { shift->get('id'); } ];


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