[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_event Action.pm, NONE, 1.1 Condition.pm, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Wed Aug 1 15:24:40 PDT 2007

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_event
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv23435/FS/FS/part_event

Added Files:
	Action.pm Condition.pm 
Log Message:
event refactor, landing on HEAD!

--- NEW FILE: Action.pm ---
package FS::part_event::Action;

use strict;
use base qw( FS::part_event );
use Tie::IxHash;

=head1 NAME

FS::part_event::Action - Base class for event actions


package FS::part_event::Action::myaction;

use base FS::part_event::Action;


FS::part_event::Action is a base class for event action classes.

=head1 METHODS

These methods are implemented in each action class.

=over 4

=item description

Action classes must define a description method.  This method should return a
scalar description of the action.

=item eventtable_hashref

Action classes must define a eventtable_hashref method if they can only be
triggered against some kinds of tables.  This method should return a hash
reference of eventtables (values set true indicate the action can be performed):

  sub eventtable_hashref {
    { 'cust_main'      => 1,
      'cust_bill'      => 1,
      'cust_pkg'       => 0,
      'cust_pay_batch' => 0,


sub eventtable_hashref {
    { 'cust_main'      => 1,
      'cust_bill'      => 1,
      'cust_pkg'       => 1,
      'cust_pay_batch' => 1,

=item option_fields

Action classes may define an option_fields method to indicate that they
accept one or more options.

This method should return a list of option names and option descriptions.
Each option description can be a scalar description, for simple options, or a
hashref with the following values:

=item label - Description

=item type - Currently text, money, checkbox, checkbox-multiple, select, select-agent, select-pkg_class, select-part_referral, select-table, fixed, hidden, (others can be implemented as httemplate/elements/tr-TYPE.html mason components).  Defaults to text.

=item size - Size for text fields

=item options - For checkbox-multiple and select, a list reference of available option values.

=item option_labels - For select, a hash reference of availble option values and labels.

=item value - for checkbox, fixed, hidden

=item table - for select-table

=item name_col - for select-table

=item NOTE: See httemplate/elements/select-table.html for a full list of the optinal options for the select-table type


NOTE: A database connection is B<not> yet available when this subroutine is


  sub option_fields {
      'field'         => 'description',

      'another_field' => { 'label'=>'Amount', 'type'=>'money', },

      'third_field'   => { 'label'         => 'Types',
                           'type'          => 'select',
                           'options'       => [ 'h', 's' ],
                           'option_labels' => { 'h' => 'Happy',
                                                's' => 'Sad',


sub option_fields {

=item default_weight

Action classes may define a default weighting.  Weights control execution order
relative to other actions (that are triggered at the same time).


sub default_weight {

=item deprecated

Action classes may define a deprecated method that returns true, indicating
that this action is deprecated.


sub deprecated {


Action classes must define an action method.  This method is triggered if
all conditions have been met.

The object which triggered the event (an FS::cust_main, FS::cust_bill or
FS::cust_pkg object) is passed as an argument.

To retreive option values, call the option method on the desired option, i.e.:

  my( $self, $cust_object ) = @_;
  $value_of_field = $self->option('field');

To indicate sucessful completion, simply return.  Optionally, you can return a
string of information status information about the sucessful completion, or
simply return the empty string.

To indicate a failure and that this event should retry, die with the desired
error message.



These methods are defined in the base class for use in action classes.

=over 4

=item cust_main CUST_OBJECT

Return the customer object (see L<FS::cust_main>) associated with the provided
object (the object itself if it is already a customer object).


sub cust_main {
  my( $self, $cust_object ) = @_;

  $cust_object->isa('FS::cust_main') ? $cust_object : $cust_object->cust_main;


=item option_label OPTIONNAME

Returns the label for the specified option name.


sub option_label {
  my( $self, $optionname ) = @_;

  my %option_fields = $self->option_fields;

  ref( $option_fields{$optionname} )
    ? $option_fields{$optionname}->{'label'}
    : $option_fields{$optionname}
  or $optionname;

=item option_fields_hashref

Returns the option fields as an (ordered) hash reference.


sub option_fields_hashref {
  my $self = shift;
  tie my %hash, 'Tie::IxHash', $self->option_fields;

=item option_fields_listref

Returns just the option field names as a list reference.


sub option_fields_listref {
  my $self = shift;
  my $hashref = $self->option_fields_hashref;
  [ keys %$hashref ];




--- NEW FILE: Condition.pm ---
package FS::part_event::Condition;

use strict;
use base qw( FS::part_event_condition );

=head1 NAME

FS::part_event::Condition - Base class for event conditions


package FS::part_event::Condition::mycondition;

use base FS::part_event::Condition;


FS::part_event::Condition is a base class for event conditions classes.

=head1 METHODS

These methods are implemented in each condition class.

=over 4

=item description

Condition classes must define a description method.  This method should return
a scalar description of the condition.

=item eventtable_hashref

Condition classes must define an eventtable_hashref method if they can only be
tested against some kinds of tables. This method should return a hash reference
of eventtables (values set true indicate the condition can be tested):

  sub eventtable_hashref {
    { 'cust_main'      => 1,
      'cust_bill'      => 1,
      'cust_pkg'       => 0,
      'cust_pay_batch' => 0,


sub eventtable_hashref {
    { 'cust_main'      => 1,
      'cust_bill'      => 1,
      'cust_pkg'       => 1,
      'cust_pay_batch' => 1,

=item option_fields

Condition classes may define an option_fields method to indicate that they
accept one or more options.

This method should return a list of option names and option descriptions.
Each option description can be a scalar description, for simple options, or a
hashref with the following values:

=over 4

=item label - Description

=item type - Currently text, money, checkbox, checkbox-multiple, select, select-agent, select-pkg_class, select-part_referral, select-table, fixed, hidden, (others can be implemented as httemplate/elements/tr-TYPE.html mason components).  Defaults to text.

=item options - For checkbox-multiple and select, a list reference of available option values.

=item option_labels - For checkbox-multiple (and select?), a hash reference of availble option values and labels.

=item value - for checkbox, fixed, hidden (also a default for text, money, more?)

=item table - for select-table

=item name_col - for select-table

=item NOTE: See httemplate/elements/select-table.html for a full list of the optinal options for the select-table type


NOTE: A database connection is B<not> yet available when this subroutine is


  sub option_fields {
      'field'         => 'description',

      'another_field' => { 'label'=>'Amount', 'type'=>'money', },

      'third_field'   => { 'label'         => 'Types',
                           'type'          => 'checkbox-multiple',
                           'options'       => [ 'h', 's' ],
                           'option_labels' => { 'h' => 'Happy',
                                                's' => 'Sad',


sub option_fields {


Condition classes must define a condition method.  This method is evaluated
to determine if the condition has been met.  The object which triggered the
event (an FS::cust_main, FS::cust_bill or FS::cust_pkg object) is passed as
the first argument.  Additional arguments are list of key-value pairs.

To retreive option values, call the option method on the desired option, i.e.:

  my( $self, $cust_object, %opts ) = @_;
  $value_of_field = $self->option('field');

Available additional arguments:

  $time = $opt{'time'}; #use this instead of time or $^T

Return a true value if the condition has been met, and a false value if it has

=item condition_sql EVENTTABLE

Condition classes may optionally define a condition_sql method.  This B<class>
method should return an SQL fragment that tests for this condition.  The
fragment is evaluated and a true value of this expression indicates that the
condition has been met.  The event table (cust_main, cust_bill or cust_pkg) is
passed as an argument.

This method is used for optimizing event queries.  You may want to add indices
for any columns referenced.  It is acceptable to return an SQL fragment which
partially tests the condition; doing so will still reduce the number of
records which much be returned and tested with the B<condition> method.


# fallback.
sub condition_sql {
  my( $class, $eventtable ) = @_;

=item implicit_flag

This is used internally by the I<once> and I<balance> conditions.  You probably
do B<not> want to define this method for new custom conditions, unless you're
sure you want B<every> new action to start with your condition.

Condition classes may define an implicit_flag method that returns true to
indicate that all new events should start with this condition.  (Currently,
condition classes which do so should be applicable to all kinds of
I<eventtable>s.)  The numeric value of the flag also defines the ordering of
implicit conditions.


sub implicit_flag { 0; }

=item remove_warning

Again, used internally by the I<once> and I<balance> conditions; probably not
a good idea for new custom conditions.

Condition classes may define a remove_warning method containing a string
warning message to enable a confirmation dialog triggered when the condition
is removed from an event.


sub remove_warning { ''; }

=item order_sql

This is used internally by the I<balance_age> and I<cust_bill_age> conditions
to declare ordering; probably not of general use for new custom conditions.

=item order_sql_weight

In conjunction with order_sql, this defines which order the ordering fragments
supplied by different B<order_sql> should be used.


sub order_sql_weight { ''; }



These methods are defined in the base class for use in condition classes.

=over 4 

=item cust_main CUST_OBJECT

Return the customer object (see L<FS::cust_main>) associated with the provided
object (the object itself if it is already a customer object).


sub cust_main {
  my( $self, $cust_object ) = @_;

  $cust_object->isa('FS::cust_main') ? $cust_object : $cust_object->cust_main;


=item option_label OPTIONNAME

Returns the label for the specified option name.


sub option_label {
  my( $self, $optionname ) = @_;

  my %option_fields = $self->option_fields;

  ref( $option_fields{$optionname} )
    ? $option_fields{$optionname}->{'label'}
    : $option_fields{$optionname}
  or $optionname;


=item condition_sql_option

This is a class method that returns an SQL fragment for retreiving a condition
option.  It is primarily intended for use in B<condition_sql>.

sub condition_sql_option {
  my( $class, $option ) = @_;

  ( my $condname = $class ) =~ s/^.*:://;

  "( SELECT optionvalue FROM part_event_condition_option
      WHERE part_event_condition_option.eventconditionnum =
        AND part_event_condition_option.optionname = '$option'


A module should be added in FS/FS/part_event/Condition/ which implements the
methods desribed above in L</METHODS>.  An example may be found in the
eg/part_event-Condition-template.pm file.



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