[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements tr-select-reason.html, NONE, 1.1

Jeff Finucane,420,, jeff at wavetail.420.am
Thu Oct 19 07:26:29 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv24269/httemplate/elements

Added Files:
Log Message:
suspension and cancellation reasons

--- NEW FILE: tr-select-reason.html ---

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
  function sh_add<% $name %>()

%if ($curuser->access_right($access_right)){

    if (document.getElementById('<% $name %>').selectedIndex == 
         (document.getElementById('<% $name %>').length - 1)) {
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>').disabled = false;
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>').style.display = 'inline';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>Label').style.display = 'inline';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>T').disabled = false;
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>T').style.display = 'inline';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>TLabel').style.display = 'inline';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>').disabled = true;
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>').style.display = 'none';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>Label').style.display = 'none';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>T').disabled = true;
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>T').style.display = 'none';
      document.getElementById('new<% $name %>TLabel').style.display = 'none';



  <TD ALIGN="right">Reason</TD>
    <SELECT id="<% $name %>" name="<% $name %>" onFocus="sh_add<% $name %>()" onChange="sh_add<% $name %>()">
%    my @reasons = qsearch( { table =>'reason', 
%                             hashref => {},
%                             extra_sql => $extra_sql,
%                             addl_from => 'LEFT JOIN reason_type ON reason_type.typenum = reason.reason_type',
%			     });
%    foreach my $reason (@reasons) {
      <OPTION VALUE="<% $reason->reasonnum %>" <% ($init_reason == $reason->reasonnum) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $reason->reason %></OPTION>
%    }
%    if ($curuser->access_right($access_right)) {
      <OPTION VALUE="-1" <% ($init_reason == -1) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>>Add new reason</OPTION>
%    }

  <TD ALIGN="right">
    <P id="new<% $name %>TLabel" style="display:<% $display %>">Reason Type</P>
    <SELECT id="new<% $name %>T" name="new<% $name %>T" disabled="<% $disabled %>" style="display:<% $display %>">
%     for my $type (qsearch( 'reason_type', { 'class' => $class } )){
        <OPTION VALUE="<% $type->typenum %>" <% ($init_type == $type->typenum) ? 'SELECTED' : '' %>><% $type->type %></OPTION>
%     }

  <TD ALIGN="right">
    <P id="new<% $name %>Label" style="display:<% $display %>">New Reason</P>
  <TD><INPUT id="new<% $name %>" name="new<% $name %>" type="text" value="<% $init_newreason %>" disabled="<% $disabled %>" style="display:<% $display %>"></TD>

my($name, $class, $init_reason, $init_type, $init_newreason) = @_;
my($extra_sql, $curuser, $access_right, $display, $disabled); 

if ($class eq 'C') {
  $access_right='Add on-the-fly cancel reason';
}elsif ($class eq 'S') {
  $access_right='Add on-the-fly suspend reason';
  print "illegal class: $class";

if ($init_reason == -1){
  $display = 'inline';
  $disabled = 'false';
  $display = 'none';
  $disabled = 'true';

$extra_sql = "WHERE class = '$class' ORDER BY reason_type";
$curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;


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