[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/browse reason_type.html, NONE, 1.1

Jeff Finucane,420,, jeff at wavetail.420.am
Thu Oct 19 07:25:05 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/browse
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv23964/httemplate/browse

Added Files:
Log Message:
suspension and cancellation reasons

--- NEW FILE: reason_type.html ---
%$cgi->param('class') =~ /^(\w)$/ or die "illegal class";
%my $class=$1;
%my %classmap = ( 'C' => 'cancel',
%                 'S' => 'suspend',
%                );
%my $classname = $classmap{$class};
%my $html_init = ucfirst($classname) .
%  " reason types allow groups of $classname reasons for reporting purposes." .
%  qq!<BR><BR><A HREF="${p}edit/reason_type.html?class=$class"><I>Add a ! .
%  $classname . " reason type</I></A><BR><BR>";
%my $reasons_sub = sub {
%  my $reason_type = shift;
%  [ map {
%          [
%            {
%              'data'  => $_->reason,
%              'align' => 'left',
%              'link'  => $p. "edit/reason.html?class=$class&reasonnum=".
%                             $_->reasonnum,
%            },
%          ];
%        }
%    $reason_type->enabled_reasons,
%  ];
%my $where_clause = "WHERE class='$class'";
%my $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reason_type ';
%$count_query .= $where_clause;
%my $link = [ $p.'edit/reason_type.html?class='.$class.'&typenum=', 'typenum' ];
<% include( 'elements/browse.html',
                 'title'       => ucfirst($classname) . " Reason Types",
                 'menubar'     => [ ucfirst($classname) . " reasons" =>
		                     $p.'browse/reason.html?class=' .  $class,
                 'html_init'   => $html_init,
                 'name'        => $classname . " reason types",
                 'query'       => { 'table'     => 'reason_type',
                                    'hashref'   => {},
                                    'extra_sql' => $where_clause .
				                   'ORDER BY typenum',
                 'count_query' => $count_query,
                 'header'      => [ '#',
                                    ucfirst($classname) . ' Reason Type',
                                    ucfirst($classname) . ' Reasons',
                 'fields'      => [ 'typenum',
                 'links'       => [ $link,

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