[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/elements checkboxes-table.html, NONE, 1.1 cssexpr.js, NONE, 1.1 footer.html, 1.1, 1.2 header.html, 1.3, 1.4 menubar.html, 1.1, 1.2 select-access_group.html, NONE, 1.1 tr-select-access_group.html, NONE, 1.1 xmenu.css, NONE, 1.1 xmenu.js, NONE, 1.1

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Sun May 14 09:47:32 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv14201/httemplate/elements

Modified Files:
	footer.html header.html menubar.html 
Added Files:
	checkboxes-table.html cssexpr.js select-access_group.html 
	tr-select-access_group.html xmenu.css xmenu.js 
Log Message:
first part of ACL and re-skinning work and some other small stuff

--- NEW FILE: xmenu.js ---
 * This script was created by Erik Arvidsson (erik at eae.net)
 * for WebFX (http://webfx.eae.net)
 * Copyright 2001
 * For usage see license at http://webfx.eae.net/license.html	
 * Created:		2001-01-12
 * Updates:		2001-11-20	Added hover mode support and removed Opera focus hacks
 *				2001-12-20	Added auto positioning and some properties to support this
 *				2002-08-13	toString used ' for attributes. Changed to " to allow in args
// check browsers
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var opera = /opera [56789]|opera\/[56789]/i.test(ua);
var ie = !opera && /MSIE/.test(ua);
var ie50 = ie && /MSIE 5\.[01234]/.test(ua);
var ie6 = ie && /MSIE [6789]/.test(ua);
var ieBox = ie && (document.compatMode == null || document.compatMode != "CSS1Compat");
var moz = !opera && /gecko/i.test(ua);
var nn6 = !opera && /netscape.*6\./i.test(ua);
var khtml = /KHTML/i.test(ua);

// define the default values

webfxMenuDefaultWidth			= 154;

webfxMenuDefaultBorderLeft		= 1;
webfxMenuDefaultBorderRight		= 1;
webfxMenuDefaultBorderTop		= 1;
webfxMenuDefaultBorderBottom	= 1;

webfxMenuDefaultPaddingLeft		= 1;
webfxMenuDefaultPaddingRight	= 1;
webfxMenuDefaultPaddingTop		= 1;
webfxMenuDefaultPaddingBottom	= 1;

webfxMenuDefaultShadowLeft		= 0;
webfxMenuDefaultShadowRight		= ie && !ie50 && /win32/i.test(navigator.platform) ? 4 :0;
webfxMenuDefaultShadowTop		= 0;
webfxMenuDefaultShadowBottom	= ie && !ie50 && /win32/i.test(navigator.platform) ? 4 : 0;

webfxMenuItemDefaultHeight		= 18;
webfxMenuItemDefaultText		= "Untitled";
webfxMenuItemDefaultHref		= "javascript:void(0)";

webfxMenuSeparatorDefaultHeight	= 6;

webfxMenuDefaultEmptyText		= "Empty";

webfxMenuDefaultUseAutoPosition	= nn6 ? false : true;

// other global constants

webfxMenuImagePath				= "";

webfxMenuUseHover				= opera ? true : false;
webfxMenuHideTime				= 500;
webfxMenuShowTime				= 200;

var webFXMenuHandler = {
	idCounter		:	0,
	idPrefix		:	"webfx-menu-object-",
	all				:	{},
	getId			:	function () { return this.idPrefix + this.idCounter++; },
	overMenuItem	:	function (oItem) {
		if (this.showTimeout != null)
		if (this.hideTimeout != null)
		var jsItem = this.all[oItem.id];
		if (webfxMenuShowTime <= 0)
		else if ( jsItem )
			//this.showTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { webFXMenuHandler._over(jsItem) ; }, webfxMenuShowTime);
			// I hate IE5.0 because the piece of shit crashes when using setTimeout with a function object
			this.showTimeout = window.setTimeout("webFXMenuHandler._over(webFXMenuHandler.all['" + jsItem.id + "'])", webfxMenuShowTime);
	outMenuItem	:	function (oItem) {
		if (this.showTimeout != null)
		if (this.hideTimeout != null)
		var jsItem = this.all[oItem.id];
		if (webfxMenuHideTime <= 0)
		else if ( jsItem ) 
			//this.hideTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { webFXMenuHandler._out(jsItem) ; }, webfxMenuHideTime);
			this.hideTimeout = window.setTimeout("webFXMenuHandler._out(webFXMenuHandler.all['" + jsItem.id + "'])", webfxMenuHideTime);
	blurMenu		:	function (oMenuItem) {
		window.setTimeout("webFXMenuHandler.all[\"" + oMenuItem.id + "\"].subMenu.hide();", webfxMenuHideTime);
	_over	:	function (jsItem) {
		if (jsItem.subMenu) {
	_out	:	function (jsItem) {
		// find top most menu
		var root = jsItem;
		var m;
		if (root instanceof WebFXMenuButton)
			m = root.subMenu;
		else {
			m = jsItem.parentMenu;
			while (m.parentMenu != null && !(m.parentMenu instanceof WebFXMenuBar))
				m = m.parentMenu;
		if (m != null)	
	hideMenu	:	function (menu) {
		if (this.showTimeout != null)
		if (this.hideTimeout != null)

		this.hideTimeout = window.setTimeout("webFXMenuHandler.all['" + menu.id + "'].hide()", webfxMenuHideTime);
	showMenu	:	function (menu, src, dir) {
		if (this.showTimeout != null)
		if (this.hideTimeout != null)

		if (arguments.length < 3)
			dir = "vertical";
		menu.show(src, dir);

function WebFXMenu() {
	this._menuItems	= [];
	this._subMenus	= [];
	this.id			= webFXMenuHandler.getId();
	this.top		= 0;
	this.left		= 0;
	this.shown		= false;
	this.parentMenu	= null;
	webFXMenuHandler.all[this.id] = this;

WebFXMenu.prototype.width			= webfxMenuDefaultWidth;
WebFXMenu.prototype.emptyText		= webfxMenuDefaultEmptyText;
WebFXMenu.prototype.useAutoPosition	= webfxMenuDefaultUseAutoPosition;

WebFXMenu.prototype.borderLeft		= webfxMenuDefaultBorderLeft;
WebFXMenu.prototype.borderRight		= webfxMenuDefaultBorderRight;
WebFXMenu.prototype.borderTop		= webfxMenuDefaultBorderTop;
WebFXMenu.prototype.borderBottom	= webfxMenuDefaultBorderBottom;

WebFXMenu.prototype.paddingLeft		= webfxMenuDefaultPaddingLeft;
WebFXMenu.prototype.paddingRight	= webfxMenuDefaultPaddingRight;
WebFXMenu.prototype.paddingTop		= webfxMenuDefaultPaddingTop;
WebFXMenu.prototype.paddingBottom	= webfxMenuDefaultPaddingBottom;

WebFXMenu.prototype.shadowLeft		= webfxMenuDefaultShadowLeft;
WebFXMenu.prototype.shadowRight		= webfxMenuDefaultShadowRight;
WebFXMenu.prototype.shadowTop		= webfxMenuDefaultShadowTop;
WebFXMenu.prototype.shadowBottom	= webfxMenuDefaultShadowBottom;

WebFXMenu.prototype.add = function (menuItem) {
	this._menuItems[this._menuItems.length] = menuItem;
	if (menuItem.subMenu) {
		this._subMenus[this._subMenus.length] = menuItem.subMenu;
		menuItem.subMenu.parentMenu = this;
	menuItem.parentMenu = this;

WebFXMenu.prototype.show = function (relObj, sDir) {
	if (this.useAutoPosition)
		this.position(relObj, sDir);

	var divElement = document.getElementById(this.id);
	if ( divElement ) {

	  divElement.style.left = opera ? this.left : this.left + "px";
	  divElement.style.top = opera ? this.top : this.top + "px";
	  divElement.style.visibility = "visible";

	  if ( ie ) {
	    var shimElement = document.getElementById(this.id + "Shim");
	    if ( shimElement ) {
	      shimElement.style.width = divElement.offsetWidth;
	      shimElement.style.height = divElement.offsetHeight;
	      shimElement.style.top = divElement.style.top;
	      shimElement.style.left = divElement.style.left;
	      /*shimElement.style.zIndex = divElement.style.zIndex - 1; */
	      shimElement.style.display = "block";


	this.shown = true;

	if (this.parentMenu)

WebFXMenu.prototype.hide = function () {
	var divElement = document.getElementById(this.id);
	if ( divElement ) {
	  divElement.style.visibility = "hidden";
	  if ( ie ) {
	    var shimElement = document.getElementById(this.id + "Shim");
	    if ( shimElement ) {
	      shimElement.style.display = "none";

	this.shown = false;

WebFXMenu.prototype.hideAllSubs = function () {
	for (var i = 0; i < this._subMenus.length; i++) {
		if (this._subMenus[i].shown)

WebFXMenu.prototype.toString = function () {
	var top = this.top + this.borderTop + this.paddingTop;
	var str = "<div id='" + this.id + "' class='webfx-menu' style='" + 
	"width:" + (!ieBox  ?
		this.width - this.borderLeft - this.paddingLeft - this.borderRight - this.paddingRight  : 
		this.width) + "px;" +
	(this.useAutoPosition ?
		"left:" + this.left + "px;" + "top:" + this.top + "px;" :
		"") +
	(ie50 ? "filter: none;" : "") +

	if (this._menuItems.length == 0) {
		str +=	"<span class='webfx-menu-empty'>" + this.emptyText + "</span>";
	else {	
		str += '<span class="webfx-menu-title" onmouseover="webFXMenuHandler.overMenuItem(this)"' +
			(webfxMenuUseHover ? " onmouseout='webFXMenuHandler.outMenuItem(this)'" : "") +
			 '>' + this.emptyText + '</span>';
        	// str += '<div id="' + this.id + '-title">' + this.emptyText + '</div>';
		// loop through all menuItems
		for (var i = 0; i < this._menuItems.length; i++) {
			var mi = this._menuItems[i];
			str += mi;
			if (!this.useAutoPosition) {
				if (mi.subMenu && !mi.subMenu.useAutoPosition)
					mi.subMenu.top = top - mi.subMenu.borderTop - mi.subMenu.paddingTop;
				top += mi.height;

	str += "</div>";

	if ( ie ) {
          str += "<iframe id='" + this.id + "Shim' src='javascript:false;' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' style='position:absolute; top:0px; left: 0px; display:none;'></iframe>";
	for (var i = 0; i < this._subMenus.length; i++) {
		this._subMenus[i].left = this.left + this.width - this._subMenus[i].borderLeft;
		str += this._subMenus[i];
	return str;
// WebFXMenu.prototype.position defined later

function WebFXMenuItem(sText, sHref, sToolTip, oSubMenu) {
	this.text = sText || webfxMenuItemDefaultText;
	this.href = (sHref == null || sHref == "") ? webfxMenuItemDefaultHref : sHref;
	this.subMenu = oSubMenu;
	if (oSubMenu)
		oSubMenu.parentMenuItem = this;
	this.toolTip = sToolTip;
	this.id = webFXMenuHandler.getId();
	webFXMenuHandler.all[this.id] = this;
WebFXMenuItem.prototype.height = webfxMenuItemDefaultHeight;
WebFXMenuItem.prototype.toString = function () {
	return	"<a" +
			" id='" + this.id + "'" +
			" href=\"" + this.href + "\"" +
			(this.toolTip ? " title=\"" + this.toolTip + "\"" : "") +
			" onmouseover='webFXMenuHandler.overMenuItem(this)'" +
			(webfxMenuUseHover ? " onmouseout='webFXMenuHandler.outMenuItem(this)'" : "") +
			(this.subMenu ? " unselectable='on' tabindex='-1'" : "") +
			">" +
			(this.subMenu ? "<img class='arrow' src=\"" + webfxMenuImagePath + "arrow.right.black.png\">" : "") +
			this.text + 

function WebFXMenuSeparator() {
	this.id = webFXMenuHandler.getId();
	webFXMenuHandler.all[this.id] = this;
WebFXMenuSeparator.prototype.height = webfxMenuSeparatorDefaultHeight;
WebFXMenuSeparator.prototype.toString = function () {
	return	"<div" +
			" id='" + this.id + "'" +
			(webfxMenuUseHover ? 
			" onmouseover='webFXMenuHandler.overMenuItem(this)'" +
			" onmouseout='webFXMenuHandler.outMenuItem(this)'"
			"") +

function WebFXMenuBar() {
	this._parentConstructor = WebFXMenu;
WebFXMenuBar.prototype = new WebFXMenu;
WebFXMenuBar.prototype.toString = function () {
	var str = "<div id='" + this.id + "' class='webfx-menu-bar'>";
	// loop through all menuButtons
	for (var i = 0; i < this._menuItems.length; i++)
		str += this._menuItems[i];
	str += "</div>";

	for (var i = 0; i < this._subMenus.length; i++)
		str += this._subMenus[i];
	return str;

function WebFXMenuButton(sText, sHref, sToolTip, oSubMenu) {
	this._parentConstructor = WebFXMenuItem;
	this._parentConstructor(sText, sHref, sToolTip, oSubMenu);
WebFXMenuButton.prototype = new WebFXMenuItem;
WebFXMenuButton.prototype.toString = function () {
	return	"<a" +
			" id='" + this.id + "'" +
			" href='" + this.href + "'" +
			(this.toolTip ? " title='" + this.toolTip + "'" : "") +
			(webfxMenuUseHover ?
				(" onmouseover='webFXMenuHandler.overMenuItem(this)'" +
				" onmouseout='webFXMenuHandler.outMenuItem(this)'") :
					" onfocus='webFXMenuHandler.overMenuItem(this)'" +
					(this.subMenu ?
						" onblur='webFXMenuHandler.blurMenu(this)'" :
				)) +
			">" +
			(this.subMenu ? "<img class='arrow' src='" + webfxMenuImagePath + "arrow.right.png'>" : "") +				
			this.text + 

/* Position functions */

function getInnerLeft(el) {

	if (el == null) return 0;

	if (ieBox && el == document.body || !ieBox && el == document.documentElement) return 0;

	return parseInt( getLeft(el) + parseInt(getBorderLeft(el)) );


function getLeft(el, debug) {

	if (el == null) return 0;

        //if ( debug )
	//  alert ( el.offsetLeft + ' - ' + getInnerLeft(el.offsetParent) );

	return parseInt( el.offsetLeft + parseInt(getInnerLeft(el.offsetParent)) );


function getInnerTop(el) {

	if (el == null) return 0;

	if (ieBox && el == document.body || !ieBox && el == document.documentElement) return 0;

	return parseInt( getTop(el) + parseInt(getBorderTop(el)) );


function getTop(el) {

	if (el == null) return 0;

	return parseInt( el.offsetTop + parseInt(getInnerTop(el.offsetParent)) );


function getBorderLeft(el) {

	return ie ?

		el.clientLeft :

		( khtml 
		    ? parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("border-left-width"))
		    : parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("border-left-width")) 


function getBorderTop(el) {

	return ie ?

		el.clientTop :

		( khtml 
		    ? parseInt(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("border-left-width"))
		    : parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue("border-top-width"))


function opera_getLeft(el) {

	if (el == null) return 0;

	return el.offsetLeft + opera_getLeft(el.offsetParent);


function opera_getTop(el) {

	if (el == null) return 0;

	return el.offsetTop + opera_getTop(el.offsetParent);


function getOuterRect(el, debug) {

	return {

		left:	(opera ? opera_getLeft(el) : getLeft(el, debug)),

		top:	(opera ? opera_getTop(el) : getTop(el)),

		width:	el.offsetWidth,

		height:	el.offsetHeight



// mozilla bug! scrollbars not included in innerWidth/height

function getDocumentRect(el) {

	return {

		left:	0,

		top:	0,

		width:	(ie ?

					(ieBox ? document.body.clientWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth) :



		height:	(ie ?

					(ieBox ? document.body.clientHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight) :





function getScrollPos(el) {

	return {

		left:	(ie ?

					(ieBox ? document.body.scrollLeft : document.documentElement.scrollLeft) :



		top:	(ie ?

					(ieBox ? document.body.scrollTop : document.documentElement.scrollTop) :





/* end position functions */

WebFXMenu.prototype.position = function (relEl, sDir) {
	var dir = sDir;
	// find parent item rectangle, piRect
	var piRect;
	if (!relEl) {
		var pi = this.parentMenuItem;
		if (!this.parentMenuItem)
		relEl = document.getElementById(pi.id);
		if (dir == null)
			dir = pi instanceof WebFXMenuButton ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
		//alert('created RelEl from parent: ' + pi.id);
		piRect = getOuterRect(relEl, 1);
	else if (relEl.left != null && relEl.top != null && relEl.width != null && relEl.height != null) {	// got a rect
		//alert('passed a Rect as RelEl: ' + typeof(relEl));

		piRect = relEl;
	else {
		//alert('passed an element as RelEl: ' + typeof(relEl));
		piRect = getOuterRect(relEl);

	var menuEl = document.getElementById(this.id);
	var menuRect = getOuterRect(menuEl);
	var docRect = getDocumentRect();
	var scrollPos = getScrollPos();
	var pMenu = this.parentMenu;
	if (dir == "vertical") {
		if (piRect.left + menuRect.width - scrollPos.left <= docRect.width) {
			//alert('piRect.left: ' + piRect.left);
			this.left = piRect.left;
			if ( ! ie )
			  this.left = this.left + 138;
		} else if (docRect.width >= menuRect.width) {
			//konq (not safari though) winds up here by accident and positions the menus all weird
			//alert('docRect.width + scrollPos.left - menuRect.width');

			this.left = docRect.width + scrollPos.left - menuRect.width;
		} else {
			//alert('scrollPos.left: ' + scrollPos.left);
			this.left = scrollPos.left;
		if (piRect.top + piRect.height + menuRect.height <= docRect.height + scrollPos.top)

			this.top = piRect.top + piRect.height;

		else if (piRect.top - menuRect.height >= scrollPos.top)

			this.top = piRect.top - menuRect.height;

		else if (docRect.height >= menuRect.height)

			this.top = docRect.height + scrollPos.top - menuRect.height;


			this.top = scrollPos.top;
	else {
		if (piRect.top + menuRect.height - this.borderTop - this.paddingTop <= docRect.height + scrollPos.top)

			this.top = piRect.top - this.borderTop - this.paddingTop;

		else if (piRect.top + piRect.height - menuRect.height + this.borderTop + this.paddingTop >= 0)

			this.top = piRect.top + piRect.height - menuRect.height + this.borderBottom + this.paddingBottom + this.shadowBottom;

		else if (docRect.height >= menuRect.height)

			this.top = docRect.height + scrollPos.top - menuRect.height;


			this.top = scrollPos.top;

		var pMenuPaddingLeft = pMenu ? pMenu.paddingLeft : 0;

		var pMenuBorderLeft = pMenu ? pMenu.borderLeft : 0;

		var pMenuPaddingRight = pMenu ? pMenu.paddingRight : 0;

		var pMenuBorderRight = pMenu ? pMenu.borderRight : 0;


		if (piRect.left + piRect.width + menuRect.width + pMenuPaddingRight +

			pMenuBorderRight - this.borderLeft + this.shadowRight <= docRect.width + scrollPos.left)

			this.left = piRect.left + piRect.width + pMenuPaddingRight + pMenuBorderRight - this.borderLeft;

		else if (piRect.left - menuRect.width - pMenuPaddingLeft - pMenuBorderLeft + this.borderRight + this.shadowRight >= 0)

			this.left = piRect.left - menuRect.width - pMenuPaddingLeft - pMenuBorderLeft + this.borderRight + this.shadowRight;

		else if (docRect.width >= menuRect.width)

			this.left = docRect.width  + scrollPos.left - menuRect.width;


			this.left = scrollPos.left;

--- NEW FILE: xmenu.css ---

.webfx-menu, .webfx-menu * {
	Set the box sizing to content box
	in the future when IE6 supports box-sizing
	there will be an issue to fix the sizes

	There is probably an issue with IE5 mac now
	because IE5 uses content-box but the script
	assumes all versions of IE uses border-box.

	At the time of this writing mozilla did not support
	box-sizing for absolute positioned element.

	Opera only supports content-box
	box-sizing:			content-box;
	-moz-box-sizing:	content-box;

.webfx-menu {
	position:		absolute;
	z-index:		100;
	visibility:		hidden;
	width:			154px;
	border:			1px solid black;
	padding:		1px;
	background:		white;
	filter:			progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color="#777777", Direction=135, Strength=4)
	-moz-opacity:		0.95;
	/* a drop shadow would be nice in moz/others too... */

.webfx-menu-empty {
	display:		block;
	border:			1px solid white;
	padding:		2px 5px 2px 5px;
	font-size:		11px;
	/* font-family:		Tahoma, Verdan, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; */
	color:			black;

.webfx-menu a {
	display:		block;
	width:			expression(constExpression(ieBox ? "100%": "auto"));	/* should be ignored by mz and op */
	height:			expression(constExpression("1px"));
	overflow:		visible;	
	padding:		2px 0px 2px 5px;
	font-size:		11px;
	font-family:		Tahoma, Verdan, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
	text-decoration:	none;
	vertical-align:		center;
	color:			black;
	border:			1px solid white;

.webfx-menu a:visited,
.webfx-menu a:visited:hover {
	color:			black;

.webfx-menu a:hover {
	color:			black;
	/* background:		#faf7fa; #f5ebf4; #efdfef; white; #BC79B8; */
	/* background:		#ffe6fe; */
	/* background:		#ffc2fe; */
	background:		#fff2fe;
	border:			1px solid #7e0079; /*rgb(120,172,255);#ff8800;*/

.webfx-menu a .arrow {
	float:			right;
	border:			0;
	width:			3px;
	margin-right:	3px;
	margin-top:		4px;

/* separtor */
.webfx-menu div {
	height:			0;
	height:			expression(constExpression(ieBox ? "2px" : "0"));
	border-top:		1px solid #7e0079; /* rgb(120,172,255); */
	border-bottom:	1px solid rgb(234,242,255);
	overflow:		hidden;
	margin:			2px 0px 2px 0px;
	font-size:		0mm;

.webfx-menu-bar {
        /* i want a vertical bar */
        display:                        block;

	/* background:		rgb(120,172,255);/*rgb(255,128,0);*/
	/* background:		 #a097ed; */
	background:		 #000000;
	/* border:			1px solid #7E0079; */
	/* border:			1px solid #000000; */
	/* border: none */

	padding:		2px;
	font-family:	Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
	font-size:		11px;
	/* IE5.0 has the wierdest box model for inline elements */
	padding:		expression(constExpression(ie50 ? "0px" : "2px"));

.webfx-menu-bar a,
.webfx-menu-bar a:visited {
        /* i want a vertical bar */
        display:                        block;

	/* border:				1px solid black; /*rgb(0,0,0);/*rgb(255,128,0);*/
	/* border: 1px solid black; /* #ffffff; */
	/* border-bottom: 1px solid black; */
	border-bottom: 1px solid white;
	/* border-bottom:	1px solid rgb(0,66,174);
	/* border-bottom: 1px solid black;
	border-bottom: 1px solid black;
	border-bottom: 1px solid black; */

	padding:			1px 5px 1px 5px;

	/* color:				black; */
	color:				white;
	text-decoration:	none;

	/* IE5.0 Does not paint borders and padding on inline elements without a height/width */
	height:		expression(constExpression(ie50 ? "17px" : "auto"));

.webfx-menu-bar a:hover {
	/* color:			black; */
	color:			white;
	/* background:		rgb(120,172,255);	 */
	/* background:		#BC79B8; */
	background:		#7E0079;
	/* border-left:	1px solid rgb(234,242,255);
	border-right:	1px solid rgb(0,66,174);
	border-top:		1px solid rgb(234,242,255);
	border-bottom:	1px solid rgb(0,66,174); */

.webfx-menu-bar a .arrow {
	border:			0;
	float:			right;
/*	vertical-align:		top; */
	width:			3px;
	margin-right:	3px;
	margin-top:		4px;

.webfx-menu-bar a:active, .webfx-menu-bar a:focus {
	-moz-outline:	none;
	outline:		none;
		ie does not support outline but ie55 can hide the outline using
		a proprietary property on HTMLElement. Did I say that IE sucks at CSS?
	ie-dummy:		expression(this.hideFocus=true);

	border-left:	1px solid rgb(0,66,174);
	border-right:	1px solid rgb(234,242,255);
	border-top:		1px solid rgb(0,66,174);
	border-bottom:	1px solid rgb(234,242,255);

.webfx-menu-title  {
	color:			black;
	/* background:		#faf7fa; #f5ebf4; #efdfef; white; #BC79B8; */
	background:		#7e0079;
/*	border:			1px solid #7e0079; /*rgb(120,172,255);#ff8800;*/
	padding:		3px 1px 3px 6px;
	display:		block;
	font-size:		13px;
	font-family:		Tahoma, Verdan, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
	text-decoration:	none;
	color:			white;
/*	border:			1px solid white; */
	border-bottom:		1px solid white;

Index: header.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/header.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- header.html	5 Oct 2004 16:28:28 -0000	1.3
+++ header.html	14 May 2006 16:47:30 -0000	1.4
@@ -2,20 +2,285 @@
   my($title, $menubar) = ( shift, shift );
   my $etc = @_ ? shift : ''; #$etc is for things like onLoad= etc.
   my $head = @_ ? shift : ''; #$head is for things that go in the <HEAD> section
+  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-    <HTML>
-      <HEAD>
-        <TITLE>
-          <%= $title %>
-        </TITLE>
-        <META HTTP-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">
-        <META HTTP-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">
-        <META HTTP-Equiv="Expires" Content="0"> 
-        <%= $head %>
-      </HEAD>
-      <BODY BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8"<%= $etc %>>
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+  <HEAD>
+    <TITLE>
+      <%= $title %>
+    </TITLE>
+    <META HTTP-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">
+    <META HTTP-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">
+    <META HTTP-Equiv="Expires" Content="0"> 
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=$fsurl%>elements/cssexpr.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=$fsurl%>elements/xmenu.js"></script>
+    <link href="<%=$fsurl%>elements/xmenu.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
+    <%
+      tie my %report_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'Report one' => [ 'there', 'theretip' ],
+        'Report too' => [ 'here',  'heretip'  ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_employees, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit employees' => [ $fsurl.'browse/access_user.html', 'Setup internal users' ],
+        'View/Edit employee groups' => [ $fsurl.'browse/access_group.html', 'Employee groups allow you to control access to the backend' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_export_svc_pkg, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit exports'             => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_export.cgi', 'Provisioning services to external machines, databases and APIs' ],
+        'View/Edit service definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_svc.cgi', 'Services are items you offer to your customers' ],
+        'View/Edit package definitions' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_pkg.cgi', 'One or more services are grouped together into a package and given pricing information. Customers purchase packages, not services' ],
+        'View/Edit package classes'     => [ $fsurl.'browse/pkg_class.html', 'Package classes define groups of packages, for reporting and convenience purposes.' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_agent, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit agent types' => [ $fsurl.'browse/agent_type.cgi', 'Agent types define groups of package definitions that you can then assign to particular agents' ],
+        'View/Edit agents'      => [ $fsurl.'browse/agent.cgi', 'Agents are resellers of your service. Agents may be limited to a subset of your full offerings (via their type)' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_billing, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit payment gateways'         => [ $fsurl.'browse/payment_gateway.html', 'Credit card and electronic check processors' ],
+        'View/Edit invoice events'           => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_bill_event.cgi', 'Actions for overdue invoices' ],
+        'View/Edit prepaid cards'            => [ $fsurl.'browse/prepay_credit.html', 'View outstanding cards, generate new cards' ],
+        'View/Edit call rates and regions'   => [ $fsurl.'browse/rate.cgi', 'Manage rate plans, regions and prefixes for VoIP and call billing' ],
+        'View/Edit locales and tax rates'    => [ $fsurl.'browse/cust_main_county.cgi', 'Change tax rates, or break down a country into states, or a state into counties and assign different tax rates to each' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_dialup, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit access numbers' => [ $fsurl.'browse/svc_acct_pop.cgi', 'Points of Presence' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_broadband, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit routers'        => [ $fsurl.'browse/router.cgi', 'Broadband access routers' ],
+        'View/Edit address blocks' => [ $fsurl.'browse/addr_block.cgi', 'Manage address blocks and block assignments to broadband routers' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_misc, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'View/Edit advertising sources' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_referral.cgi', 'Where a customer heard about your service.  Tracked for informational purposes' ],
+        'View/Edit virtual fields' => [ $fsurl.'browse/part_virtual_field.cgi', 'Locally defined fields', ],
+        'View/Edit message catalog' => [ $fsurl.'browse/msgcat.cgi', 'Change error messages and other customizable labels' ],
+        'View/Edit inventory classes and inventory' => [ $fsurl.'browse/inventory_class.html', 'Setup inventory classes and stock inventory' ],
+      ;
+      tie my %config_menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'Settings'      => [ $fsurl.'config/config-view.cgi', 'XXXconfigittip' ],
+        'separator'     => '', #its a separator!
+        'Employees'     => [ \%config_employees, 'XXXtooltip' ],
+        'Provisioning, services and packages'
+                        => [ \%config_export_svc_pkg, 'XXXtootip'    ],
+        'Resellers'     => [ \%config_agent, 'XXXtootip'    ],
+        'Billing'       => [ \%config_billing, 'XXXtootip'    ],
+        'Dialup'        => [ \%config_dialup, 'XXXtootip'    ],
+        'Fixed (username-less) broadband'
+                        => [ \%config_broadband, 'XXXtootip'    ],
+        'Miscellaneous' => [ \%config_misc, 'XXXtootip'    ],
+      ;
+      tie my %menu, 'Tie::IxHash',
+        'Home'          => [ $fsurl, 'hometip', ],
+        'Top item one'  => [ 'nowhere_yet', 'nowheretip', ],
+        'Top item too'  => [ 'nowhere_yet_either', 'eithertip', ],
+        'Reports'       => [ \%report_menu, 'reportmenutip' ],
+        'Configuration' => [ \%config_menu, 'configmenutip' ],
+      ;
+      use vars qw($gmenunum);
+      $gmenunum = 0;
+      sub submenu {
+        my($submenu, $title) = @_;
+        my $menunum = $gmenunum++;
+        #return two args: html, menuname
+        "var myMenu$menunum = new WebFXMenu;\n".
+        #"myMenu$menunum.useAutoPosition = true;\n".
+        "myMenu$menunum.emptyText = '$title';\n".
+        (
+          join("\n", map {
+            if ( !ref( $submenu->{$_} ) ) {
+              "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuSeparator());";
+            } else {
+              my($url_or_submenu, $tooltip ) = @{ $submenu->{$_} };
+              if ( ref($url_or_submenu) ) {
+                my($subhtml, $submenuname ) = submenu($url_or_submenu, $_); #mmm, recursion
+                "$subhtml\n".
+                "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuItem(\"$_\", null, \"$tooltip\", $submenuname ));";
+              } else {
+                "myMenu$menunum.add(new WebFXMenuItem(\"$_\", \"$url_or_submenu\", \"$tooltip\" ));";
+              }
+            }
+          } keys %$submenu )
+        ). "\n".
+        "myMenu$menunum.width = 224\n",
+        "myMenu$menunum";
+      }
+    %>
+    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+      webfxMenuImagePath      = "<%=$fsurl%>images/";
+      webfxMenuUseHover       = 1;
+      webfxMenuShowTime       = 300;
+      webfxMenuHideTime       = 500;
+      var myBar = new WebFXMenuBar;
+      <% foreach my $item ( keys %menu ) {
+           my( $url_or_submenu, $tooltip ) = @{ $menu{$item} };
+           if ( ref($url_or_submenu) ) {
+             warn $item;
+             my( $subhtml, $submenuname ) = submenu($url_or_submenu, $item);
+      %>
+             <%= $subhtml %>
+             myBar.add(new WebFXMenuButton("<%= $item %>", null, "<%= $tooltip %>", <%= $submenuname %> ));
+      <%   } else { %>
+             myBar.add(new WebFXMenuButton("<%= $item %>", "<%= $url_or_submenu %>", "<%= $tooltip %>" ));
+      <%   }
+        }
+      %>
+      myBar.show( null, 'vertical' );
+      //myBar.show( null, 'horizontal' );
+      //var myMenu = new WebFXMenu;
+      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 1", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
+      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuSeparator());
+      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 2", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
+      //var mySubMenu = new WebFXMenu;
+      //mySubMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 3", "http://www.domain.com", "Tool tip to show"));
+      //myMenu.add(new WebFXMenuItem("Menu Item 4 with sub menu", null, "Tool tip to show", mySubMenu));
+      myBar.width = 154;
+    </SCRIPT>
+    <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+      function clearhint_search_cust () {
+        alert(this);
+        if ( this.value='(cust #, name or company)' )
+          this.value = '';
+      }
+    </SCRIPT>
+    <%= $head %>
+  </HEAD>
+  <BODY BACKGROUND="<%=$fsurl%>images/background-cheat.png" <%= $etc %> STYLE="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; margin-left:0; margin-right:0">
+    <table width="100%" CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 STYLE="padding-left:0; padding-right:4">
+      <tr>
+        <td rowspan=2 BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+          <IMG BORDER=0 ALT="freeside" SRC="<%=$fsurl%>images/small-logo.png">
+        </td>
+        <td align=left rowspan=2 BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <!-- valign="top" -->
+          <font size=6><%= $conf->config('company_name') %> Billing</font>
+        </td>
+        <td align=right valign=top BGCOLOR="#ffffff">Logged in as <b><%= getotaker %>&nbsp</b><br><FONT SIZE="-2"><a href="<%=$fsurl%>pref/XXXwritethis">Preferences</a>&nbsp;<BR><BR></FONT>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td align=right valign=bottom BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+          <table>
+            <tr>
+              <td align=right BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+                <FONT SIZE="-2">
+                 <A HREF="http://www.sisd.com/freeside">Freeside</A>&nbsp;v<%= $FS::VERSION %><BR>
+                 <A HREF="<%= $fsurl %>docs/">Documentation</A><BR>
+                </FONT>
+              </td>
+              <% if ( $conf->config('ticket_system') eq 'RT_Internal' ) { %>
+              <% eval "use RT;"; %>
+                <td bgcolor=#000000></td>
+                <td align=left>
+                  <FONT SIZE="-2">
+                   <A HREF="http://www.bestpractical.com/rt">RT<A>&nbsp;v<%= $RT::VERSION %><BR>
+                   <A HREF="http://wiki.bestpractical.com/">Documentation</A><BR>
+                  </FONT>
+                </td>
+              <% } %>
+            </tr>
+          </table>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+      <TR>
+        <TD COLSPAN=4 WIDTH="100%" STYLE="padding:0"><IMG BORDER=0 ALT="" SRC="<%=$fsurl%>images/black-gradient.png" HEIGHT="13" WIDTH="100%"></TD>
+      </TR>
+      <TR>
+        <TD COLSPAN=1 BGCOLOR="#000000" WIDTH="154">
+        </TD>
+        <TD COLSPAN=1 BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right">
+          <FORM ACTION="<%=$fsurl%>edit/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="GET" STYLE="margin:0">
+            <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="New customer">
+          </FORM>
+        </TD>
+        <TD COLSPAN=1 BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right">
+          <FORM ACTION="<%=$fsurl%>search/cust_main.cgi" METHOD="GET" STYLE="margin:0">
+            <INPUT NAME="search_cust" TYPE="text" VALUE="(cust #, name or company)" SIZE="23" onFocus="clearhint_search_cust" onClick="clearhint_search_cust">
+            <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search customers">
+          </FORM>
+        </TD>
+        <TD COLSPAN=1 BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="right">
+          <FORM ACTION="<%=$fsurl%>rt/index.html" METHOD="GET" STYLE="margin:0">
+            <INPUT NAME="q" TYPE="text" VALUE="" onFocus="clearhint_search_ticket" onClick="clearhint_search_ticket">
+            <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search tickets">
+          </FORM>
+        </TD>
+      </TR>
+    </TABLE>
+      <TR>
+        <TD BGCOLOR="#000000" STYLE="padding:0" WIDTH="154"></TD>
+        <TD STYLE="padding:0" WIDTH="13"><IMG BORDER=0 ALT="" SRC="<%=$fsurl%>images/black-gray-corner.png"></TD>
+        <TD STYLE="padding:0"><IMG BORDER=0 ALT="" SRC="<%=$fsurl%>images/black-gray-top.png" HEIGHT="13" WIDTH="100%"></TD>
+      </TR>
+      <TR HEIGHT="100%">
+        <TD BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="left" HEIGHT="100%" WIDTH="154" VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right">
+          <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
+            document.write(myBar);
+          </SCRIPT>
+          <BR>
+          <IMG SRC="<%=$fsurl%>images/32clear.gif" HEIGHT="1" WIDTH="154">
+        </TD>
+        <TD STYLE="padding:0" HEIGHT="100%" WIDTH=13 VALIGN="top"><IMG WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER=0 ALT="" SRC="<%=$fsurl%>images/black-gray-side.png"></TD>
+        <TD BGCOLOR="#e8e8e8" HEIGHT="100%"> <!-- WIDTH="100%"> -->
           <FONT SIZE=6>
             <%= $title %>
-          <%= $menubar ? "$menubar<BR><BR>" : '' %>
+          <%= $menubar !~ /^\s*$/ ? "$menubar<BR><BR>" : '' %>

Index: menubar.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/menubar.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- menubar.html	8 Aug 2003 05:42:13 -0000	1.1
+++ menubar.html	14 May 2006 16:47:30 -0000	1.2
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   my($item, $url, @html);
   while (@_) {
     ($item, $url) = splice(@_,0,2);
+    next if $item =~ /^\s*Main\s+Menu\s*$/i;
     push @html, qq!<A HREF="$url">$item</A>!;

--- NEW FILE: checkboxes-table.html ---

  # required
  # 'target_table'    => 'table_name',
  # 'link_table'      => 'table_name',
  # 'name_col' => 'name_column',
  # #or
  # 'name_callback' => sub { },
  # recommended (required?)
  # 'source_obj'   => $obj,
  # #or?
  # #'source_table' => 'table_name',
  # #'sourcenum'    => '4', #current value of primary key in source_table
  # #                       # (none is okay, just pass it if you have it)
  # optional
  # 'disable-able' => 1,

  my( %opt ) = @_;

  my $target_pkey = dbdef->table($opt{'target_table'})->primary_key;

  my( $source_pkey, $sourcenum, $source_obj );
  if ( $opt{'source_obj'} ) {

    $source_obj = $opt{'source_obj'};
    #$source_table = $source_obj->dbdef_table->table;
    $source_pkey = $source_obj->dbdef_table->primary_key;
    $sourcenum = $source_obj->$source_pkey();

  } else {

    $source_pkey = $opt{'source_table'}
                     ? dbdef->table($opt{'source_table'})->primary_key
                     : '';
    $sourcenum = $opt{'sourcenum'};

  my $hashref = $opt{'hashref'} || {};

  my $extra_sql = '';

  if ( $opt{'disable-able'} ) {
    $hashref->{'disabled'} = '';

    $extra_sql .= ( $sourcenum && $source_pkey ) 
                    ? "OR $source_pkey = $sourcenum"
                    : '';


<% foreach my $target_obj (
     qsearch({ 'table'     => $opt{'target_table'},
               'hashref'   => $hashref,
               'select'    => $opt{'target_table'}. '.*',
               'addl_from' => "LEFT JOIN $opt{'link_table'} USING ( $target_pkey )",
               'extra_sql' => $extra_sql,
   ) {

     my $targetnum = $target_obj->$target_pkey();

  <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="<%= $target_pkey. $targetnum %>" <%=
        qsearchs( $opt{'link_table'}, {
          $source_pkey => $sourcenum,
          $target_pkey => $targetnum,
          ? 'CHECKED '
          : ''
  %> VALUE="ON">

  <% if ( $opt{'target_link'} ) { %>

    <A HREF="<%= $opt{'target_link'} %><%= $targetnum %>"><%

  %><%= $targetnum %>: 

  <% if ( $opt{'name_callback'} ) { %>

    <%= &{ $opt{'name_callback'} }( $target_obj ) %><%= $opt{'target_link'} ? '</A>' : '' %>

  <% } else {
       my $name_col = $opt{'name_col'};

    <%= $target_obj->$name_col() %><%= $opt{'target_link'} ? '</A>' : '' %>

  <% } %>

  <% if ( $opt{'disable-able'} ) { %>

    <%= $target_obj->disabled =~ /^Y/i ? ' (DISABLED)' : '' %>

  <% } %>


<% } %>

Index: footer.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/elements/footer.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- footer.html	11 Mar 2006 07:27:40 -0000	1.1
+++ footer.html	14 May 2006 16:47:30 -0000	1.2
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
+        </TD>
+      </TR>
+    </TABLE>

--- NEW FILE: select-access_group.html ---
  my( $groupnum, %opt ) = @_;

  %opt{'records'} = delete $opt{'access_group'}
    if $opt{'access_group'};

%><%= include( '/elements/select-table.html',
                 'table'       => 'access_group',
                 'name_col'    => 'groupname',
                 'value'       => $groupnum,
                 'empty_label' => '(none)',
                 #'hashref'     => { 'disabled' => '' },

--- NEW FILE: tr-select-access_group.html ---
  my( $groupnum, %opt ) = @_;

  $opt{'access_group'} ||= [ qsearch( 'access_group', {} ) ]; # { disabled=>'' } )

  #warn "***** tr-select-access_group: \n". Dumper(%opt);

<% if ( scalar(@{ $opt{'access_group'} }) == 0 ) { %>

  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="groupnum" VALUE="">

<% } else { %>

    <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $opt{'label'} || 'Access group' %></TD>
      <%= include( '/elements/select-access_group.html', $groupnum, %opt ) %>

<% } %>

--- NEW FILE: cssexpr.js ---
function constExpression(x) {
	return x;

function simplifyCSSExpression() {
	try {
		var ss,sl, rs, rl;
		ss = document.styleSheets;
		sl = ss.length
		for (var i = 0; i < sl; i++) {
	catch (exc) {
		//alert("Got an error while processing css. The page should still work but might be a bit slower");
		throw exc;

function simplifyCSSBlock(ss) {
	var rs, rl;
	for (var i = 0; i < ss.imports.length; i++)
	if (ss.cssText.indexOf("expression(constExpression(") == -1)

	rs = ss.rules;
	rl = rs.length;
	for (var j = 0; j < rl; j++)

function simplifyCSSRule(r) {
	var str = r.style.cssText;
	var str2 = str;
	var lastStr;
	do {
		lastStr = str2;
		str2 = simplifyCSSRuleHelper(lastStr);
	} while (str2 != lastStr)

	if (str2 != str)
		r.style.cssText = str2;

function simplifyCSSRuleHelper(str) {
	var i, i2;
	i = str.indexOf("expression(constExpression(");
	if (i == -1) return str;
	i2 = str.indexOf("))", i);
	var hd = str.substring(0, i);
	var tl = str.substring(i2 + 2);
	var exp = str.substring(i + 27, i2);
	var val = eval(exp)
	return hd + val + tl;

if (/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && window.attachEvent != null) {
	window.attachEvent("onload", function () {

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