[freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg voip_cdr.pm,1.1,1.2
ivan at wavetail.420.am
Mon Mar 20 11:13:28 PST 2006
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Daemon.pm,1.1,1.2
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1.14 svc_acct.pm, 1.191, 1.192 cdr_upstream_rate.pm, NONE,
1.1 cust_svc.pm, 1.62, 1.63 rate_detail.pm, 1.4,
1.5 cust_main.pm, 1.208, 1.209 Conf.pm, 1.149, 1.150
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Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv20016/FS/FS/part_pkg
Modified Files:
Log Message:
add price plan to bill on internal or external CDRs directly, add option to export CDRs to a per-customer downstream file
Index: voip_cdr.pm
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/FS/FS/part_pkg/voip_cdr.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- voip_cdr.pm 15 Mar 2006 07:34:58 -0000 1.1
+++ voip_cdr.pm 20 Mar 2006 19:13:26 -0000 1.2
@@ -4,18 +4,19 @@
use vars qw(@ISA $DEBUG %info);
use Date::Format;
use Tie::IxHash;
+use FS::Conf;
use FS::Record qw(qsearchs qsearch);
use FS::part_pkg::flat;
#use FS::rate;
-use FS::rate_prefix;
+#use FS::rate_prefix;
@ISA = qw(FS::part_pkg::flat);
$DEBUG = 1;
-tie my %region_method, 'Tie::IxHash',
+tie my %rating_method, 'Tie::IxHash',
'prefix' => 'Rate calls by using destination prefix to look up a region and rate according to the internal prefix and rate tables',
- 'upstream_rateid' => 'Rate calls by mapping the upstream rate ID (# rate plan ID?) directly to an internal rate (rate_detail)', #upstream_rateplanid
+ 'upstream' => 'Rate calls based on upstream data: If the call type is "1", map the upstream rate ID directly to an internal rate (rate_detail), otherwise, pass the upstream price through directly.',
#tie my %cdr_location, 'Tie::IxHash',
@@ -43,11 +44,15 @@
'select_key' => 'ratenum',
'select_label' => 'ratename',
- 'region_method' => { 'name' => 'Region rating method',
+ 'rating_method' => { 'name' => 'Region rating method',
'type' => 'select',
- 'select_options' => \%region_method,
+ 'select_options' => \%rating_method,
+ 'default_prefix' => { 'name' => 'Default prefix optionally prepended to customer DID numbers when searching for CDR records',
+ 'default' => '+1',
+ },
#XXX also have option for an external db??
# 'cdr_location' => { 'name' => 'CDR database location'
# 'type' => 'select',
@@ -72,7 +77,7 @@
# },
- 'fieldorder' => [qw( setup_fee recur_flat unused_credit ratenum ignore_unrateable )],
+ 'fieldorder' => [qw( setup_fee recur_flat unused_credit ratenum rating_method default_prefix )],
'weight' => 40,
@@ -83,164 +88,248 @@
#false laziness w/voip_sqlradacct... resolve it if that one ever gets used again
sub calc_recur {
- my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details ) = @_;
+ my($self, $cust_pkg, $sdate, $details, $param ) = @_;
my $last_bill = $cust_pkg->last_bill;
my $ratenum = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->option('ratenum');
+ my $spool_cdr = $cust_pkg->cust_main->spool_cdr;
my %included_min = ();
my $charges = 0;
+ my $downstream_cdr = '';
# also look for a specific domain??? (username at telephonedomain)
foreach my $cust_svc (
grep { $_->part_svc->svcdb eq 'svc_acct' } $cust_pkg->cust_svc
) {
foreach my $cdr (
- $cust_svc->get_cdrs( $last_bill, $$sdate )
+ $cust_svc->get_cdrs_for_update() # $last_bill, $$sdate )
) {
if ( $DEBUG > 1 ) {
warn "rating CDR $cdr\n".
join('', map { " $_ => ". $cdr->{$_}. "\n" } keys %$cdr );
- my( $regionnum, $rate_detail );
- if ( $self->option('region_method') eq 'prefix'
- || ! $self->option('region_method')
+ my $rate_detail;
+ my( $rate_region, $regionnum );
+ my $pretty_destnum;
+ my $charge = 0;
+ my @call_details = ();
+ if ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'prefix'
+ || ! $self->option('rating_method')
- ###
- # look up rate details based on called station id
- ###
- my $dest = $cdr->{'calledstationid'}; # XXX
- #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
- $dest =~ s/\s//g;
- my $proto = '';
- $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
- my $siphost = '';
- $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @, @sip.example.com
- #determine the country code
- my $countrycode;
- if ( $dest =~ /^011(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
- || $dest =~ /^\+(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
- )
- {
- my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 );
- #first look for 1 digit country code
- if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
- $countrycode = $one;
- $dest = $u1.$u2.$rest;
- } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
- $countrycode = $two;
- $dest = $u2.$rest;
- } else { #3 digit country code
- $countrycode = $three;
- $dest = $rest;
- }
- } else {
- $countrycode = '1';
- $dest =~ s/^1//;# if length($dest) > 10;
- }
- warn "rating call to +$countrycode $dest\n" if $DEBUG;
- #find a rate prefix, first look at most specific (4 digits) then 3, etc.,
- # finally trying the country code only
- my $rate_prefix = '';
- for my $len ( reverse(1..6) ) {
- $rate_prefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
- 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
- #'npa' => { op=> 'LIKE', value=> substr($dest, 0, $len) }
- 'npa' => substr($dest, 0, $len),
- } ) and last;
- }
- $rate_prefix ||= qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
- 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
- 'npa' => '',
- });
- die "Can't find rate for call to +$countrycode $dest\n"
- unless $rate_prefix;
- $regionnum = $rate_prefix->regionnum;
- $rate_detail = qsearchs('rate_detail', {
- 'ratenum' => $ratenum,
- 'dest_regionnum' => $regionnum,
- } );
- warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
- "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
- if $DEBUG;
+ die "rating_method 'prefix' not yet supported";
- } elsif ( $self->option('region_method') eq 'upstream_rateid' ) { #upstream_rateplanid
+# ###
+# # look up rate details based on called station id
+# ###
+# my $dest = $cdr->dst;
+# #remove non-phone# stuff and whitespace
+# $dest =~ s/\s//g;
+# my $proto = '';
+# $dest =~ s/^(\w+):// and $proto = $1; #sip:
+# my $siphost = '';
+# $dest =~ s/\@(.*)$// and $siphost = $1; # @, @sip.example.com
+# #determine the country code
+# my $countrycode;
+# if ( $dest =~ /^011(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
+# || $dest =~ /^\+(((\d)(\d))(\d))(\d+)$/
+# )
+# {
+# my( $three, $two, $one, $u1, $u2, $rest ) = ( $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6 );
+# #first look for 1 digit country code
+# if ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $one } ) ) {
+# $countrycode = $one;
+# $dest = $u1.$u2.$rest;
+# } elsif ( qsearch('rate_prefix', { 'countrycode' => $two } ) ) { #or 2
+# $countrycode = $two;
+# $dest = $u2.$rest;
+# } else { #3 digit country code
+# $countrycode = $three;
+# $dest = $rest;
+# }
+# } else {
+# $countrycode = '1';
+# $dest =~ s/^1//;# if length($dest) > 10;
+# }
+# warn "rating call to +$countrycode $dest\n" if $DEBUG;
+# $pretty_destnum = "+$countrycode $dest";
+# #find a rate prefix, first look at most specific (4 digits) then 3, etc.,
+# # finally trying the country code only
+# my $rate_prefix = '';
+# for my $len ( reverse(1..6) ) {
+# $rate_prefix = qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
+# 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
+# #'npa' => { op=> 'LIKE', value=> substr($dest, 0, $len) }
+# 'npa' => substr($dest, 0, $len),
+# } ) and last;
+# }
+# $rate_prefix ||= qsearchs('rate_prefix', {
+# 'countrycode' => $countrycode,
+# 'npa' => '',
+# });
+# die "Can't find rate for call to +$countrycode $dest\n"
+# unless $rate_prefix;
+# $regionnum = $rate_prefix->regionnum;
+# $rate_detail = qsearchs('rate_detail', {
+# 'ratenum' => $ratenum,
+# 'dest_regionnum' => $regionnum,
+# } );
+# $rate_region = $rate_prefix->rate_region;
+# warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum ".
+# "and rate detail $rate_detail\n"
+# if $DEBUG;
- $regionnum = ''; #XXXXX regionnum should be something
+ } elsif ( $self->option('rating_method') eq 'upstream' ) {
- $rate_detail = $cdr->cdr_upstream_rate->rate_detail;
+ if ( $cdr->cdrtypenum == 1 ) { #rate based on upstream rateid
- warn " found rate for ". #regionnum $regionnum and ".
- "rate detail $rate_detail\n"
- if $DEBUG;
+ $rate_detail = $cdr->cdr_upstream_rate->rate_detail;
+ $regionnum = $rate_detail->dest_regionnum;
+ $rate_region = $rate_detail->dest_region;
+ $pretty_destnum = $cdr->dst;
+ warn " found rate for regionnum $regionnum and ".
+ "rate detail $rate_detail\n"
+ if $DEBUG;
+ } else { #pass upstream price through
+ $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $cdr->upstream_price);
+ @call_details = (
+ #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $cdr->calldate_unix ),
+ time2str("%c", $cdr->calldate_unix), #XXX this should probably be a config option dropdown so they can select US vs- rest of world dates or whatnot
+ 'N/A', #minutes...
+ '$'.$charge,
+ #$pretty_destnum,
+ $cdr->description, #$rate_region->regionname,
+ );
+ }
} else {
die "don't know how to rate CDRs using method: ".
- $self->option('region_method'). "\n";
+ $self->option('rating_method'). "\n";
# find the price and add detail to the invoice
- $included_min{$regionnum} = $rate_detail->min_included
- unless exists $included_min{$regionnum};
+ # if $rate_detail is not found, skip this CDR... i.e.
+ # don't add it to invoice, don't set its status to NULL,
+ # don't call downstream_csv or something on it...
+ # but DO emit a warning...
+ if ( ! $rate_detail && ! scalar(@call_details) ) {
+ warn "no rate_detail found for CDR.acctid: ". $cdr->acctid.
+ "; skipping\n"
- my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
- my $seconds = $cdr->{'acctsessiontime'}; # XXX
- $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity );
- my $minutes = sprintf("%.1f", $seconds / 60);
- $minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $granularity == 60;
+ } else { # there *is* a rate_detail (or call_details), proceed...
- $included_min{$regionnum} -= $minutes;
+ unless ( @call_details ) {
+ $included_min{$regionnum} = $rate_detail->min_included
+ unless exists $included_min{$regionnum};
+ my $granularity = $rate_detail->sec_granularity;
+ my $seconds = $cdr->billsec; # |ength($cdr->billsec) ? $cdr->billsec : $cdr->duration;
+ $seconds += $granularity - ( $seconds % $granularity );
+ my $minutes = sprintf("%.1f", $seconds / 60);
+ $minutes =~ s/\.0$// if $granularity == 60;
+ $included_min{$regionnum} -= $minutes;
+ if ( $included_min{$regionnum} < 0 ) {
+ my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min{$regionnum};
+ $included_min{$regionnum} = 0;
+ $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min );
+ $charges += $charge;
+ }
+ # this is why we need regionnum/rate_region....
+ warn " (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
+ @call_details = (
+ #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $cdr->calldate_unix ),
+ time2str("%c", $cdr->calldate_unix), #XXX this should probably be a config option dropdown so they can select US vs- rest of world dates or whatnot
+ $minutes.'m',
+ '$'.$charge,
+ $pretty_destnum,
+ $rate_region->regionname,
+ );
- my $charge = 0;
- if ( $included_min{$regionnum} < 0 ) {
- my $charge_min = 0 - $included_min{$regionnum};
- $included_min{$regionnum} = 0;
- $charge = sprintf('%.2f', $rate_detail->min_charge * $charge_min );
- $charges += $charge;
+ }
+ warn " adding details on charge to invoice: ".
+ join(' - ', @call_details )
+ if $DEBUG;
+ push @$details, join(' - ', @call_details); #\@call_details,
+ # if the customer flag is on, call "downstream_csv" or something
+ # like it to export the call downstream!
+ # XXX price plan option to pick format, or something...
+ $downstream_cdr .= $cdr->downstream_csv( 'format' => 'convergent' )
+ if $spool_cdr;
+ my $error = $cdr->set_status_and_rated_price('done', $charge);
+ die $error if $error;
-# my $rate_region = $rate_prefix->rate_region;
-# warn " (rate region $rate_region)\n" if $DEBUG;
-# my @call_details = (
-# #time2str("%Y %b %d - %r", $session->{'acctstarttime'}),
-# time2str("%c", $cdr->{'acctstarttime'}), #XXX
-# $minutes.'m',
-# '$'.$charge,
-# "+$countrycode $dest",
-# $rate_region->regionname,
-# );
-# warn " adding details on charge to invoice: ".
-# join(' - ', @call_details )
-# if $DEBUG;
-# push @$details, join(' - ', @call_details); #\@call_details,
} # $cdr
} # $cust_svc
+ if ( $spool_cdr && length($downstream_cdr) ) {
+ use FS::UID qw(datasrc);
+ my $dir = '/usr/local/etc/freeside/export.'. datasrc. '/cdr';
+ mkdir $dir, 0700 unless -d $dir;
+ $dir .= '/'. $cust_pkg->custnum.
+ mkdir $dir, 0700 unless -d $dir;
+ my $filename = time2str("$dir/CDR%Y%m%d-spool.CSV", time); #XXX invoice date instead? would require changing the order things are generated in cust_main::bill insert cust_bill first - with transactions it could be done though
+ push @{ $param->{'precommit_hooks'} },
+ sub {
+ #lock the downstream spool file and append the records
+ use Fcntl qw(:flock);
+ use IO::File;
+ my $spool = new IO::File ">>$filename"
+ or die "can't open $filename: $!\n";
+ flock( $spool, LOCK_EX)
+ or die "can't lock $filename: $!\n";
+ seek($spool, 0, 2)
+ or die "can't seek to end of $filename: $!\n";
+ print $spool $downstream_cdr;
+ flock( $spool, LOCK_UN );
+ close $spool;
+ };
+ } #if ( $spool_cdr && length($downstream_cdr) )
$self->option('recur_flat') + $charges;
- Previous message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS Daemon.pm,1.1,1.2
- Next message: [freeside-commits] freeside/FS/FS cdr.pm, 1.1, 1.2 Schema.pm, 1.13,
1.14 svc_acct.pm, 1.191, 1.192 cdr_upstream_rate.pm, NONE,
1.1 cust_svc.pm, 1.62, 1.63 rate_detail.pm, 1.4,
1.5 cust_main.pm, 1.208, 1.209 Conf.pm, 1.149, 1.150
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