[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search cust_pay.cgi, 1.28, 1.29

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Tue Dec 19 02:02:08 PST 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv18716/httemplate/search

Modified Files:
Log Message:
clean up payinfo_Mixin to use payby.pm for payby info and have card masking full 6-digit BIN prefix for card identification.  have cust_pay_batch use payinfo_Mixin.  require B:CC 0.30 for mask-aware cardtype().  fix payment reports to use mask too if available, so credit card type selection still works with encryption.

Index: cust_pay.cgi
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search/cust_pay.cgi,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -d -r1.28 -r1.29
--- cust_pay.cgi	14 Dec 2006 06:00:45 -0000	1.28
+++ cust_pay.cgi	19 Dec 2006 10:02:06 -0000	1.29
@@ -21,9 +21,13 @@
 %             or die "illegal payby ". $cgi->param('payby');
 %         push @search, "cust_pay.payby = '$1'";
 %         if ( $3 ) {
-%           if ( $3 eq 'VisaMC' ) {
+%           my $cardtype = $3;
+%           my $search;
+%           if ( $cardtype eq 'VisaMC' ) {
 %             #avoid posix regexes for portability
-%             push @search,
+%             $search =
 %               " ( (     substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 1) = '4'     ".
 %               "     AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4) != '4936' ".
 %               "     AND substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6)           ".
@@ -43,19 +47,21 @@
 %               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
 %               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '54' ".
 %               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '55' ".
+%               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2) = '36' ". #Diner's int'l processed as Visa/MC inside US
 %               " ) ";
-%           } elsif ( $3 eq 'Amex' ) {
-%             push @search,
+%           } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Amex' ) {
+%             $search =
 %               " (    substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '34' ".
 %               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '37' ".
 %               " ) ";
-%           } elsif ( $3 eq 'Discover' ) {
-%             push @search,
+%           } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Discover' ) {
+%             $search =
 %               " (    substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 4 ) = '6011'  ".
-%               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 3 ) = '650'   ".
+%               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '65'    ".
+%               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 3 ) = '622'   ". #China Union Pay processed as Discover outside CN
 %               " ) ";
-%           } elsif ( $3 eq 'Maestro' ) { 
-%             push @search,
+%           } elsif ( $cardtype eq 'Maestro' ) { 
+%             $search =
 %               " (    substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '63'     ".
 %               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 2 ) = '67'     ".
 %               "   OR substring(cust_pay.payinfo from 1 for 6 ) = '564182' ".
@@ -72,8 +78,15 @@
 %               "      SIMILAR TO '49118[1-2]'                             ".
 %               " ) ";
 %           } else {
-%             die "unknown card type $3";
+%             die "unknown card type $cardtype";
 %           }
+%           my $masksearch = $search;
+%           $masksearch =~ s/cust_pay\.payinfo/cust_pay.paymask/gi;
+%           push @search,
+%             "( $search OR ( cust_pay.paymask IS NOT NULL AND $masksearch ) )";
 %         }
 %       }

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