[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/search cust_pay_batch.cgi,
NONE, 1.1 pay_batch.cgi, NONE, 1.1 pay_batch.html, NONE,
1.1 report_cust_pay_batch.html, NONE, 1.1
Jeff Finucane,420,,
jeff at wavetail.420.am
Sat Aug 26 16:15:16 PDT 2006
Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/search
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv28724/httemplate/search
Added Files:
cust_pay_batch.cgi pay_batch.cgi pay_batch.html
Log Message:
batch refactor continued
--- NEW FILE: report_cust_pay_batch.html ---
<% include('/elements/header.html', 'Batch payment report' ) %>
<FORM ACTION="cust_pay_batch.cgi" METHOD="GET">
<TD ALIGN="right">Payments of type: </TD>
<SELECT NAME="payby">
<OPTION VALUE="CHEK">electronic check / ACH</OPTION>
<% include( '/elements/tr-select-agent.html',
'label' => 'for agent: ',
<% include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html' ) %>
<TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="dcln" VALUE="1" CHECKED></TD>
<TD>Include approved items</TD>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Report">
<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
--- NEW FILE: pay_batch.html ---
<% include('/elements/header.html', 'Batch criteria' ) %>
<FORM ACTION="pay_batch.cgi" METHOD="GET">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="magic" VALUE="_date">
<% include( '/elements/tr-input-beginning_ending.html' ) %>
<TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="open" VALUE="1" CHECKED></TD>
<TD>Show open batches</TD>
<TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="intransit" VALUE="1" CHECKED></TD>
<TD>Show in-transit batches</TD>
<TD ALIGN="right"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="resolved" VALUE="1" CHECKED></TD>
<TD>Show resolved batches</TD>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Batches">
<% include('/elements/footer.html') %>
--- NEW FILE: cust_pay_batch.cgi ---
%my ($count_query, $sql_query, $batchnum);
%my $hashref = {};
%my @search = ();
%my $orderby = 'paybatchnum';
%if ( $cgi->param('batchnum') && $cgi->param('batchnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
% push @search, "batchnum = $1";
% my $pay_batch = qsearchs('pay_batch', { 'batchnum' => $1 } );
% die "Batch $1 not found!" unless $pay_batch;
% $batchnum = $pay_batch->batchnum;
%if ( $cgi->param('payby') ) {
% $cgi->param('payby') =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/
% or die "illegal payby " . $cgi->param('payby');
% push @search, "cust_pay_batch.payby = '$1'";
%if ( not $cgi->param('dcln') ) {
% push @search, "cpb.status IS DISTINCT FROM 'Approved'";
%my ($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi);
%unless ($batchnum){
% push @search, "pay_batch.upload >= $beginning" if ($beginning);
% push @search, "pay_batch.upload <= $ending" if ($ending < 4294967295);#2^32-1
% $orderby = "pay_batch.download,paybatchnum";
%push @search, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql;
%my $search = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', @search);
%$count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pay_batch AS cpb ' .
% 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ' .
% 'LEFT JOIN pay_batch USING ( batchnum )' .
% $search;
%$sql_query = "SELECT paybatchnum,invnum,custnum,cpb.last,cpb.first," .
% "cpb.payname,cpb.payinfo,cpb.exp,amount,cpb.status " .
% "FROM cust_pay_batch AS cpb " .
% 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ' .
% 'LEFT JOIN pay_batch USING ( batchnum ) ' .
% "$search ORDER BY $orderby";
%my $html_init = <<EOF;
%<FORM ACTION="$p/misc/download-batch.cgi" METHOD="POST">
%Download batch in format <SELECT NAME="format">
%<OPTION VALUE="">Default batch mode</OPTION>
%<OPTION VALUE="csv-td_canada_trust-merchant_pc_batch">CSV file for TD Canada Trust Merchant PC Batch</OPTION>
%<OPTION VALUE="PAP">80 byte file for TD Canada Trust PAP Batch</OPTION>
%<OPTION VALUE="BoM">Bank of Montreal ECA batch</OPTION>
%</SELECT><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="batchnum" VALUE="$batchnum"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Download"></FORM>
%<FORM ACTION="$p/misc/upload-batch.cgi" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
%Upload results<BR>
%Filename <INPUT TYPE="file" NAME="batch_results"><BR>
%Format <SELECT NAME="format">
%<OPTION VALUE="">Default batch mode</OPTION>
%<OPTION VALUE="csv-td_canada_trust-merchant_pc_batch">CSV results from TD Canada Trust Merchant PC Batch</OPTION>
%<OPTION VALUE="PAP">264 byte results for TD Canada Trust PAP Batch</OPTION>
%<OPTION VALUE="BoM">Bank of Montreal ECA results</OPTION>
%<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Upload"></FORM>
%if ($batchnum) {
% my $sth = dbh->prepare($count_query) or die dbh->errstr. "doing $count_query";
% $sth->execute or die "Error executing \"$count_query\": ". $sth->errstr;
% my $cards = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
% my $st = "SELECT SUM(amount) from cust_pay_batch WHERE batchnum=". $batchnum;
% $sth = dbh->prepare($st) or die dbh->errstr. "doing $st";
% $sth->execute or die "Error executing \"$st\": ". $sth->errstr;
% my $total = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
% $html_init .= "$cards credit card payments batched<BR>\$" .
% sprintf("%.2f", $total) ." total in batch<BR>";
<% include('elements/search.html',
'title' => 'Batch payment details',
'name' => 'batch details',
'menubar' => ['Main Menu' => $p,],
'query' => $sql_query,
'count_query' => $count_query,
'html_init' => $batchnum ? $html_init : '',
'header' => [ '#',
'Inv #',
'Card Name',
'fields' => [ sub {
sub {
sub {
sub {
my $cpb = shift;
$cpb->[3] . ', ' . $cpb->[4];
sub {
sub {
my $cardnum = shift->[6];
'x'x(length($cardnum)-4). substr($cardnum,(length($cardnum)-4));
sub {
shift->[7] =~ /^\d{2}(\d{2})[\/\-](\d+)[\/\-]\d+$/;
my( $mon, $year ) = ( $2, $1 );
$mon = "0$mon" if $mon < 10;
sub {
sub {
'align' => 'lllllllrl',
'links' => [ ['', sub{'#';}],
["${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?", sub{shift->[1];},],
["${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", sub{shift->[2];},],
["${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", sub{shift->[2];},],
--- NEW FILE: pay_batch.cgi ---
%my %statusmap = ('I'=>'In Transit', 'O'=>'Open', 'R'=>'Resolved');
%my $hashref = {};
%my $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pay_batch';
%my($begin, $end) = ( '', '' );
%my @where;
%if ( $cgi->param('beginning')
% && $cgi->param('beginning') =~ /^([ 0-9\-\/]{0,10})$/ ) {
% $begin = str2time($1);
% push @where, "download >= $begin";
%if ( $cgi->param('ending')
% && $cgi->param('ending') =~ /^([ 0-9\-\/]{0,10})$/ ) {
% $end = str2time($1) + 86399;
% push @where, "download < $end";
%my @status;
%if ( $cgi->param('open') ) {
% push @status, "O";
%if ( $cgi->param('intransit') ) {
% push @status, "I";
%if ( $cgi->param('resolved') ) {
% push @status, "R";
%push @where,
% scalar(@status) ? q!(status='! . join(q!' OR status='!, @status) . q!')!
% : q!status='X'!; # kludgy, X is unused at present
%my $extra_sql = scalar(@where) ? 'WHERE ' . join(' AND ', @where) : '';
<% include( 'elements/search.html',
'title' => 'Credit Card Batches',
'menubar' => [ 'Main Menu' => $p, ],
'name' => 'batches',
'query' => { 'table' => 'pay_batch',
'hashref' => $hashref,
'extra_sql' => "$extra_sql ORDER BY batchnum DESC",
'count_query' => "$count_query $extra_sql",
'header' => [ 'Batch',
'First Download',
'Last Upload',
'Item Count',
'align' => 'lllrrl',
'fields' => [ 'batchnum',
sub {
my $_date = shift->download;
$_date ? time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y", $_date) : ''
sub {
my $_date = shift->upload;
$_date ? time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y", $_date) : ''
sub {
my $st = "SELECT COUNT(*) from cust_pay_batch WHERE batchnum=" . shift->batchnum;
my $sth = dbh->prepare($st)
or die dbh->errstr. "doing $st";
or die "Error executing \"$st\": ". $sth->errstr;
sub {
my $st = "SELECT SUM(amount) from cust_pay_batch WHERE batchnum=" . shift->batchnum;
my $sth = dbh->prepare($st)
or die dbh->errstr. "doing $st";
or die "Error executing \"$st\": ". $sth->errstr;
sub {
'links' => [ [ "${p}search/cust_pay_batch.cgi?batchnum=", 'batchnum',],
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