[freeside-commits] freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main billing.html, 1.8, 1.9 contact.html, 1.4, 1.5 select-country.html, 1.3, 1.4 select-county.html, 1.2, 1.3 select-state.html, 1.2, 1.3

Ivan,,, ivan at wavetail.420.am
Wed Aug 23 15:25:39 PDT 2006

Update of /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main
In directory wavetail:/tmp/cvs-serv18630/httemplate/edit/cust_main

Modified Files:
	billing.html contact.html select-country.html 
	select-county.html select-state.html 
Log Message:
Will things ever be the same again?
It's the final masonize

Index: select-country.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main/select-country.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- select-country.html	3 Apr 2006 09:46:57 -0000	1.3
+++ select-country.html	23 Aug 2006 22:25:37 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-  my %opt = @_;
-  foreach my $opt (qw( county state country prefix onchange disabled )) {
-    $opt{$_} = '' unless exists($opt{$_}) && defined($opt{$_});
-  }
-  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-  my $countrydefault = $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US';
+%  my %opt = @_;
+%  foreach my $opt (qw( county state country prefix onchange disabled )) {
+%    $opt{$_} = '' unless exists($opt{$_}) && defined($opt{$_});
+%  }
+%  my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+%  my $countrydefault = $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US';
-<%= include('/elements/xmlhttp.html',
+<% include('/elements/xmlhttp.html',
               'url'  => $p.'misc/states.cgi',
               'subs' => [ $opt{'prefix'}. 'get_states' ],
@@ -24,15 +25,15 @@
     what.options[length] = optionName;
-  function <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>country_changed(what, callback) {
+  function <% $opt{'prefix'} %>country_changed(what, callback) {
     country = what.options[what.selectedIndex].value;
-    function <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>update_states(states) {
+    function <% $opt{'prefix'} %>update_states(states) {
       // blank the current state list
-      for ( var i = what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state.length; i >= 0; i-- )
-          what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state.options[i] = null;
+      for ( var i = what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>state.length; i >= 0; i-- )
+          what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>state.options[i] = null;
       // add the new states
       var statesArray = eval('(' + states + ')' );
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
           var stateLabel = statesArray[s+1];
           if ( stateLabel == "" )
               stateLabel = '(n/a)';
-          opt(what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state, statesArray[s], stateLabel);
+          opt(what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>state, statesArray[s], stateLabel);
       //run the callback
@@ -49,25 +50,25 @@
     // go get the new states
-    <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>get_states( country, <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>update_states );
+    <% $opt{'prefix'} %>get_states( country, <% $opt{'prefix'} %>update_states );
-<SELECT NAME="<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>country" onChange="<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>country_changed(this); <%= $opt{'onchange'} %>" <%= $opt{'disabled'} %>>
+<SELECT NAME="<% $opt{'prefix'} %>country" onChange="<% $opt{'prefix'} %>country_changed(this); <% $opt{'onchange'} %>" <% $opt{'disabled'} %>>
+% foreach my $country (
+%     sort {    ($b eq $countrydefault) <=> ($a eq $countrydefault)
+%            or code2country($a) cmp code2country($b) }
+%     map { $_->country }
+%     qsearch( 'cust_main_county',{}, 'DISTINCT ON ( country ) *', )
+%   ) {
-<% foreach my $country (
-     sort {    ($b eq $countrydefault) <=> ($a eq $countrydefault)
-            or code2country($a) cmp code2country($b) }
-     map { $_->country }
-     qsearch( 'cust_main_county',{}, 'DISTINCT ON ( country ) *', )
-   ) {
-  <OPTION VALUE="<%= $country %>"<%= $country eq $opt{'country'} ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><%= code2country($country). " ($country)" %>
+  <OPTION VALUE="<% $country %>"<% $country eq $opt{'country'} ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% code2country($country). " ($country)" %>
+% } 
-<% } %>

Index: billing.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main/billing.html,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- billing.html	20 Mar 2006 19:13:27 -0000	1.8
+++ billing.html	23 Aug 2006 22:25:37 -0000	1.9
@@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
-my( $cust_main, %options ) = @_;
-my @invoicing_list = @{ $options{'invoicing_list'} };
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-my $payby_default = $conf->config('payby-default');
-my @payby = grep /\w/, $conf->config('payby');
-  unless @payby;
-if ( $payby_default eq 'HIDE' ) {
-  $cust_main->payby('BILL') unless $cust_main->payby;
+%my( $cust_main, %options ) = @_;
+%my @invoicing_list = @{ $options{'invoicing_list'} };
+%my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+%my $payby_default = $conf->config('payby-default');
+%my @payby = grep /\w/, $conf->config('payby');
+%  unless @payby;
+%if ( $payby_default eq 'HIDE' ) {
+%  $cust_main->payby('BILL') unless $cust_main->payby;
-  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="select" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->payby %>">
+  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="select" VALUE="<% $cust_main->payby %>">
-  <FORM NAME="<%= $cust_main->payby %>" STYLE="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> <% # XXX key %>
-  <% foreach my $field (qw( payinfo payname paycvv paystart_month paystart_year payissue payip )) { %>
+  <FORM NAME="<% $cust_main->payby %>" STYLE="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"> 
+% # XXX key 
+% foreach my $field (qw( payinfo payname paycvv paystart_month paystart_year payissue payip )) { 
-    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<%= $field %>" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->getfield($field) %>">
-  <% } %>
+    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<% $field %>" VALUE="<% $cust_main->getfield($field) %>">
+% } 
+%  #false laziness w/elements/select-month_year.html & view/cust_main/billing.html
+%  my( $mon, $year );
+%  my $date = $cust_main->paydate || '12-2037';
+%  if ( $date  =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-\d{1,2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
+%    ( $mon, $year ) = ( $2, $1 );
+%  } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
+%    ( $mon, $year ) = ( $1, $3 );
+%  } else {
+%    die "unrecognized expiration date format: $date";
+%  }
-  <%
-  #false laziness w/elements/select-month_year.html & view/cust_main/billing.html
-  my( $mon, $year );
-  my $date = $cust_main->paydate || '12-2037';
-  if ( $date  =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-\d{1,2}$/ ) { #PostgreSQL date format
-    ( $mon, $year ) = ( $2, $1 );
-  } elsif ( $date =~ /^(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}-)?(\d{4}$)/ ) {
-    ( $mon, $year ) = ( $1, $3 );
-  } else {
-    die "unrecognized expiration date format: $date";
-  }
-  %>
-  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="<%= $mon %>">
-  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year"  VALUE="<%= $year %>">
+  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="<% $mon %>">
+  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year"  VALUE="<% $year %>">
   <FORM NAME="billing_bottomform" STYLE="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
-  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="tax" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->tax %>">
+  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="tax" VALUE="<% $cust_main->tax %>">
-  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', @invoicing_list) %>">
+  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<% join(', ', @invoicing_list) %>">
+% } else {
+%  my $r = qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;
-<% } else {
-  my $r = qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;
   <BR>Billing information
-  <%= &ntable("#cccccc") %>
+  <% &ntable("#cccccc") %>
-      <TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200"><%=$r%>Billing type</TD>
+      <TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200"><%$r%>Billing type</TD>
@@ -133,274 +134,274 @@
      +'<div>[iframe not supported]</div></iframe>');
+%  my($payby, $payinfo, $payname)=(
+%    $cust_main->payby,
+%    $cust_main->payinfo,
+%    $cust_main->payname,
+%  );
+%  my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
+%  my $disabled = 'DISABLED style="background-color: #dddddd"';
+%  my $text_disabled = 'style="color: #999999"';
+%  if ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ && cardtype($payinfo) =~ /^(Switch|Solo)$/ ) {
+%    $disabled = 'style="background-color: #ffffff"';
+%    $text_disabled = 'style="color: #000000";'
+%  }
+%  my %payby = (
+%    'CARD' =>
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Card number </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $payinfo : '' ). qq!" MAXLENGTH=19 onChange="card_changed(this)" onKeyUp="card_changed(this)"></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Expiration </TD>!.
+%          '<TD WIDTH="408">'.
+%          include('/elements/select-month_year.html',
+%                    'prefix' => 'exp',
+%                    'selected_date' =>
+%                      ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->paydate : '' ),
+%                 ).
+%          '</TD></TR>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">CVV2&nbsp;!.
+%          qq!(<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('../docs/cvv2.html', 480, 352, 'cvv2_popup' ), CAPTION, 'CVV2 Help', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, CLOSECLICK, DRAGGABLE ); return false;">help</A>)!.
+%          qq!</TD>!.
+%          '<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paycvv" VALUE="'. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->paycvv : '' ). '" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200"><SPAN ID="paystart_label" $text_disabled>Start date </SPAN></TD>!.
+%          '<TD WIDTH="408">'.
+%          include('/elements/select-month_year.html',
+%                    'prefix' => 'paystart',
+%                    'disabled' => $disabled,
+%                    'empty_option' => 1,
+%                    'start_year' => 2000,
+%                    'end_year'   => (localtime())[5] + 1900,
+%                    'selected_date' => (
+%                      ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/
+%                        && cardtype($payinfo) =~ /^(Switch|Solo)$/ )
+%                          ? $cust_main->paystart_month. '-'.
+%                            $cust_main->paystart_year 
+%                          : ''
+%                    )
+%                 ).
+%        qq!<SPAN ID="payissue_label" $text_disabled> or Issue number </SPAN>!.
+%          '<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payissue" VALUE="'. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->payissue : '' ). qq!" SIZE=3 MAXLENGTH=2 $disabled></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Exact name on card </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payname" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->payname : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 WIDTH="608"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="payauto" !. ( $payby eq 'DCRD' ? '' : 'CHECKED' ). '> Charge future payments to this card automatically</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'CHEK' => 
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Account number </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=10 NAME="payinfo1" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ? $account : '' ). '"></TD></TR>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}ABA/Routing number </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9 NAME="payinfo2" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ? $aba : '' ). qq!" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9> !.
+%          qq!(<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('../docs/ach.html', 380, 240, 'ach_popup' ), CAPTION, 'ACH Help', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, CLOSECLICK, DRAGGABLE ); return false;">help</A>)!.
+%          qq!</TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="12">!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year" VALUE="2037">!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Bank name </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payname" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ? $cust_main->payname : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 WIDTH="608"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="payauto" !. ( $payby eq 'DCHK' ? '' : 'CHECKED' ). '> Charge future payments to this electronic check automatically</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'LECB' =>  
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Phone number </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'LECB' ? $cust_main->payinfo : '' ). qq!" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="12">!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year" VALUE="2037">!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payname" VALUE="">!.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'BILL' =>  
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">P.O. </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'BILL' ? $cust_main->payinfo : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="12">!.
+%        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year" VALUE="2037">!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">Attention </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payname" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'BILL' ? $cust_main->payname : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'COMP' =>   
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Approved by </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE=""></TD></TR>!.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Expiration </TD>!.
+%          '<TD WIDTH="408">'.
+%          include('/elements/select-month_year.html',
+%                    'prefix' => 'exp',
+%                    'selected_date' =>
+%                      ( $payby eq 'COMP' ? $cust_main->paydate : '' ),
+%                 ).
+%          '</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'CASH' =>
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Amount </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'CASH' ? $cust_main->paid : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'WEST' =>
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Amount </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'WEST' ? $cust_main->paid : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%    'MCRD' =>
+%      '<TABLE BGCOLOR="#cccccc" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT=192>'.
+%        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Amount </TD>!.
+%          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'MCRD' ? $cust_main->paid : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
+%      '</TABLE>',
+%  );
+%  #this should use FS::payby
+%  my %allopt = (
+%    'CARD' => 'Credit card',
+%    'CHEK' => 'Electronic check',
+%    'LECB' => 'Phone bill billing',
+%    'BILL' => 'Billing',
+%    'CASH' => 'Cash', # initial payment, then billing',
+%    'WEST' => 'Western Union', # initial payment, then billing',
+%    'MCRD' => 'Manual credit card', # initial payment, then billing',
+%    'COMP' => 'Complimentary',
+%  );
+%  if ( $cust_main->custnum ) { #don't offer CASH/WEST/MCRD initial payment types
+%                               # when editing customer
+%    delete $allopt{$_} for qw(CASH WEST MCRD);
+%  }
+%  tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
+%    map  { $_ => $allopt{$_} }
+%    grep { exists $allopt{$_} }
+%         @payby;
+%  my %payby2option = (
+%    ( map { $_ => $_ } keys %options ),
+%    'DCRD' => 'CARD',
+%    'DCHK' => 'CHEK',
+%  );
+%  my $widget = new HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers(
+%    'options'        => \%options,
+%    #'form_name'      => 'dummy',
+%    #'form_action'    => 'nothingyet',
+%    #chops bottom of page in IE# 'under_position' => 'absolute',
+%    'html_between'   => '</TD></TR></TABLE>',
+%    'selected_layer' => $payby2option{$payby || $payby_default || $payby[0] },
+%    'layer_callback' => sub { my $layer = shift; $payby{$layer}; },
+%  );
-  <%
-  my($payby, $payinfo, $payname)=(
-    $cust_main->payby,
-    $cust_main->payinfo,
-    $cust_main->payname,
-  );
-  my( $account, $aba ) = split('@', $payinfo);
-  my $disabled = 'DISABLED style="background-color: #dddddd"';
-  my $text_disabled = 'style="color: #999999"';
-  if ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ && cardtype($payinfo) =~ /^(Switch|Solo)$/ ) {
-    $disabled = 'style="background-color: #ffffff"';
-    $text_disabled = 'style="color: #000000";'
-  }
-  my %payby = (
-    'CARD' =>
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Card number </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $payinfo : '' ). qq!" MAXLENGTH=19 onChange="card_changed(this)" onKeyUp="card_changed(this)"></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Expiration </TD>!.
-          '<TD WIDTH="408">'.
-          include('/elements/select-month_year.html',
-                    'prefix' => 'exp',
-                    'selected_date' =>
-                      ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->paydate : '' ),
-                 ).
-          '</TD></TR>'.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">CVV2&nbsp;!.
-          qq!(<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('../docs/cvv2.html', 480, 352, 'cvv2_popup' ), CAPTION, 'CVV2 Help', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, CLOSECLICK, DRAGGABLE ); return false;">help</A>)!.
-          qq!</TD>!.
-          '<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paycvv" VALUE="'. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->paycvv : '' ). '" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4>'.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200"><SPAN ID="paystart_label" $text_disabled>Start date </SPAN></TD>!.
-          '<TD WIDTH="408">'.
-          include('/elements/select-month_year.html',
-                    'prefix' => 'paystart',
-                    'disabled' => $disabled,
-                    'empty_option' => 1,
-                    'start_year' => 2000,
-                    'end_year'   => (localtime())[5] + 1900,
-                    'selected_date' => (
-                      ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/
-                        && cardtype($payinfo) =~ /^(Switch|Solo)$/ )
-                          ? $cust_main->paystart_month. '-'.
-                            $cust_main->paystart_year 
-                          : ''
-                    )
-                 ).
-        qq!<SPAN ID="payissue_label" $text_disabled> or Issue number </SPAN>!.
-          '<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payissue" VALUE="'. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->payissue : '' ). qq!" SIZE=3 MAXLENGTH=2 $disabled></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Exact name on card </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payname" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CARD|DCRD)$/ ? $cust_main->payname : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 WIDTH="608"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="payauto" !. ( $payby eq 'DCRD' ? '' : 'CHECKED' ). '> Charge future payments to this card automatically</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'CHEK' => 
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Account number </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=10 NAME="payinfo1" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ? $account : '' ). '"></TD></TR>'.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}ABA/Routing number </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9 NAME="payinfo2" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ? $aba : '' ). qq!" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=9> !.
-          qq!(<A HREF="javascript:void(0);" onClick="overlib( OLiframeContent('../docs/ach.html', 380, 240, 'ach_popup' ), CAPTION, 'ACH Help', STICKY, AUTOSTATUSCAP, CLOSECLICK, DRAGGABLE ); return false;">help</A>)!.
-          qq!</TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="12">!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year" VALUE="2037">!.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Bank name </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payname" VALUE="!. ( $payby =~ /^(CHEK|DCHK)$/ ? $cust_main->payname : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<TR><TD COLSPAN=2 WIDTH="608"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="payauto" !. ( $payby eq 'DCHK' ? '' : 'CHECKED' ). '> Charge future payments to this electronic check automatically</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'LECB' =>  
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Phone number </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'LECB' ? $cust_main->payinfo : '' ). qq!" MAXLENGTH=15 SIZE=16></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="12">!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year" VALUE="2037">!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="payname" VALUE="">!.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'BILL' =>  
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">P.O. </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'BILL' ? $cust_main->payinfo : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_month" VALUE="12">!.
-        qq!<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exp_year" VALUE="2037">!.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">Attention </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payname" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'BILL' ? $cust_main->payname : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'COMP' =>   
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Approved by </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="payinfo" VALUE=""></TD></TR>!.
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Expiration </TD>!.
-          '<TD WIDTH="408">'.
-          include('/elements/select-month_year.html',
-                    'prefix' => 'exp',
-                    'selected_date' =>
-                      ( $payby eq 'COMP' ? $cust_main->paydate : '' ),
-                 ).
-          '</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'CASH' =>
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Amount </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'CASH' ? $cust_main->paid : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'WEST' =>
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Amount </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'WEST' ? $cust_main->paid : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-    'MCRD' =>
-        qq!<TR><TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">${r}Amount </TD>!.
-          qq!<TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="paid" VALUE="!. ( $payby eq 'MCRD' ? $cust_main->paid : '' ). qq!"></TD></TR>!.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-        '<TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>'.
-      '</TABLE>',
-  );
-  #this should use FS::payby
-  my %allopt = (
-    'CARD' => 'Credit card',
-    'CHEK' => 'Electronic check',
-    'LECB' => 'Phone bill billing',
-    'BILL' => 'Billing',
-    'CASH' => 'Cash', # initial payment, then billing',
-    'WEST' => 'Western Union', # initial payment, then billing',
-    'MCRD' => 'Manual credit card', # initial payment, then billing',
-    'COMP' => 'Complimentary',
-  );
-  if ( $cust_main->custnum ) { #don't offer CASH/WEST/MCRD initial payment types
-                               # when editing customer
-    delete $allopt{$_} for qw(CASH WEST MCRD);
-  }
-  tie my %options, 'Tie::IxHash',
-    map  { $_ => $allopt{$_} }
-    grep { exists $allopt{$_} }
-         @payby;
-  my %payby2option = (
-    ( map { $_ => $_ } keys %options ),
-    'DCRD' => 'CARD',
-    'DCHK' => 'CHEK',
-  );
-  my $widget = new HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers(
-    'options'        => \%options,
-    #'form_name'      => 'dummy',
-    #'form_action'    => 'nothingyet',
-    #chops bottom of page in IE# 'under_position' => 'absolute',
-    'html_between'   => '</TD></TR></TABLE>',
-    'selected_layer' => $payby2option{$payby || $payby_default || $payby[0] },
-    'layer_callback' => sub { my $layer = shift; $payby{$layer}; },
-  );
-  %>
-  <TD WIDTH="408"><%= $widget->html %>
+  <TD WIDTH="408"><% $widget->html %>
   <FORM NAME="billing_bottomform" STYLE="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0">
-  <%= &ntable("#cccccc") %>
+  <% &ntable("#cccccc") %>
-      <TD WIDTH="608" COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="tax" VALUE="Y" <%= $cust_main->tax eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> Tax Exempt</TD>
+      <TD WIDTH="608" COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="tax" VALUE="Y" <% $cust_main->tax eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> Tax Exempt</TD>
-      <TD WIDTH="608" COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST" <%=
+      <TD WIDTH="608" COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_POST" VALUE="POST" <%
         ( (    ! @invoicing_list
             && ! $conf->exists('disablepostalinvoicedefault')
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@
-      <TD WIDTH="608" COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_FAX" VALUE="FAX" <%=
+      <TD WIDTH="608" COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="invoicing_list_FAX" VALUE="FAX" <%
         ( grep { $_ eq 'FAX' } @invoicing_list )
           ? 'CHECKED'
@@ -430,22 +431,24 @@
       <TD ALIGN="right" WIDTH="200">Email invoice </TD>
-      <TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<%= join(', ', grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } @invoicing_list ) %>"></TD>
+      <TD WIDTH="408"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="invoicing_list" VALUE="<% join(', ', grep { $_ !~ /^(POST|FAX)$/ } @invoicing_list ) %>"></TD>
+% if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_cdr_spools') ) { 
-    <% if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_cdr_spools') ) { %>
-       <TD COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="spool_cdr" VALUE="Y" <%= $cust_main->spool_cdr eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> Spool CDRs</TD>
+       <TD COLSPAN="2"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="spool_cdr" VALUE="Y" <% $cust_main->spool_cdr eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> Spool CDRs</TD>
-    <% } else { %>
-      <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="spool_cdr" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->spool_cdr %>">
-    <% } %>
+% } else { 
+      <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="spool_cdr" VALUE="<% $cust_main->spool_cdr %>">
+% } 
-  <%= $r %> required fields
+  <% $r %> required fields
+% } 
-<% } %>

Index: select-state.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main/select-state.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- select-state.html	3 Apr 2006 09:46:57 -0000	1.2
+++ select-state.html	23 Aug 2006 22:25:37 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
-  my %opt = @_;
-  foreach my $opt (qw( county state country prefix onchange disabled )) {
-    $opt{$_} = '' unless exists($opt{$_}) && defined($opt{$_});
-  }
+%  my %opt = @_;
+%  foreach my $opt (qw( county state country prefix onchange disabled )) {
+%    $opt{$_} = '' unless exists($opt{$_}) && defined($opt{$_});
+%  }
-<SELECT NAME="<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state" onChange="<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state_changed(this); <%= $opt{'onchange'} %>" <%= $opt{'disabled'} %>>
+<SELECT NAME="<% $opt{'prefix'} %>state" onChange="<% $opt{'prefix'} %>state_changed(this); <% $opt{'onchange'} %>" <% $opt{'disabled'} %>>
+% tie my %states, 'Tie::IxHash', states_hash( $opt{'country'} ); 
+% foreach my $state ( keys %states ) { 
-<% tie my %states, 'Tie::IxHash', states_hash( $opt{'country'} ); %>
-<% foreach my $state ( keys %states ) { %>
-  <OPTION VALUE="<%= $state %>"<%= $state eq $opt{'state'} ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><%= $states{$state} || '(n/a)' %>
+  <OPTION VALUE="<% $state %>"<% $state eq $opt{'state'} ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $states{$state} || '(n/a)' %>
+% } 
-<% } %>

Index: contact.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main/contact.html,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- contact.html	3 Apr 2006 09:46:57 -0000	1.4
+++ contact.html	23 Aug 2006 22:25:37 -0000	1.5
@@ -1,125 +1,128 @@
-my( $cust_main, $pre, $onchange, $disabled ) = @_;
-my $conf = new FS::Conf;
-#false laziness with ship state
-my $countrydefault = $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US';
-$cust_main->set($pre.'country', $countrydefault )
-  unless $cust_main->get($pre.'country');
-my $statedefault = $conf->config('statedefault')
-                   || ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '');
-$cust_main->set($pre.'state', $statedefault )
-  unless $cust_main->get($pre.'state')
-         || $cust_main->get($pre.'country') ne $countrydefault;
-#my($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
-#  FS::cust_main_county::regionselector( $cust_main->get($pre.'county'),
-#                                        $cust_main->get($pre.'state'),
-#                                        $cust_main->get($pre.'country'),
-#                                        $pre,
-#                                        $onchange,
-#                                        $disabled,
-#                                      );
-my %select_hash = (
-  'county'   => $cust_main->get($pre.'county'),
-  'state'    => $cust_main->get($pre.'state'),
-  'country'  => $cust_main->get($pre.'country'),
-  'prefix'   => $pre,
-  'onchange' => $onchange,
-  'disabled' => $disabled,
-my $daytime_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime') || 'Day Phone';
-my $night_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night') || 'Night Phone';
-my $r = qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;
+%my( $cust_main, $pre, $onchange, $disabled ) = @_;
+%my $conf = new FS::Conf;
+%#false laziness with ship state
+%my $countrydefault = $conf->config('countrydefault') || 'US';
+%$cust_main->set($pre.'country', $countrydefault )
+%  unless $cust_main->get($pre.'country');
+%my $statedefault = $conf->config('statedefault')
+%                   || ($countrydefault eq 'US' ? 'CA' : '');
+%$cust_main->set($pre.'state', $statedefault )
+%  unless $cust_main->get($pre.'state')
+%         || $cust_main->get($pre.'country') ne $countrydefault;
+%#my($county_html, $state_html, $country_html) =
+%#  FS::cust_main_county::regionselector( $cust_main->get($pre.'county'),
+%#                                        $cust_main->get($pre.'state'),
+%#                                        $cust_main->get($pre.'country'),
+%#                                        $pre,
+%#                                        $onchange,
+%#                                        $disabled,
+%#                                      );
+%my %select_hash = (
+%  'county'   => $cust_main->get($pre.'county'),
+%  'state'    => $cust_main->get($pre.'state'),
+%  'country'  => $cust_main->get($pre.'country'),
+%  'prefix'   => $pre,
+%  'onchange' => $onchange,
+%  'disabled' => $disabled,
+%my $daytime_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('daytime') || 'Day Phone';
+%my $night_label = FS::Msgcat::_gettext('night') || 'Night Phone';
+%my $r = qq!<font color="#ff0000">*</font>&nbsp;!;
-<%= &ntable("#cccccc") %>
+<% &ntable("#cccccc") %>
-  <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>Contact&nbsp;name<BR>(last,&nbsp;first)</TH>
+  <TH ALIGN="right"><%$r%>Contact&nbsp;name<BR>(last,&nbsp;first)</TH>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>last" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'last') %>" onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>> , 
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>first" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'first') %>" onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>last" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'last') %>" onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>> , 
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>first" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'first') %>" onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
+% if ( $conf->exists('show_ss') && !$pre ) { 
-<% if ( $conf->exists('show_ss') && !$pre ) { %>
   <TD ALIGN="right">SS#</TD>
-  <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ss" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->ss %>" SIZE=11></TD>
-<% } elsif ( !$pre ) { %>
-  <TD><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->ss %>"></TD>
-<% } %>
+  <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ss" VALUE="<% $cust_main->ss %>" SIZE=11></TD>
+% } elsif ( !$pre ) { 
+  <TD><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ss" VALUE="<% $cust_main->ss %>"></TD>
+% } 
   <TD ALIGN="right">Company</TD>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>company" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'company') %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>company" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'company') %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
-  <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>Address</TH>
+  <TH ALIGN="right"><%$r%>Address</TH>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>address1" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'address1') %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>address1" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'address1') %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
   <TD ALIGN="right">&nbsp;</TD>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>address2" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'address2') %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>address2" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'address2') %>" SIZE=70 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
-  <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>City</TH>
+  <TH ALIGN="right"><%$r%>City</TH>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>city" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'city') %>" onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>city" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'city') %>" onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
-  <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>State</TH>
+  <TH ALIGN="right"><%$r%>State</TH>
-    <%= include('select-county.html', %select_hash ) %>
-    <%= include('select-state.html', %select_hash ) %>
+    <% include('select-county.html', %select_hash ) %>
+    <% include('select-state.html', %select_hash ) %>
-  <TH><%=$r%>Zip</TH>
+  <TH><%$r%>Zip</TH>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>zip" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'zip') %>" SIZE=10 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>zip" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'zip') %>" SIZE=10 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
-  <TH ALIGN="right"><%=$r%>Country</TH>
-  <TD COLSPAN=5><%= include('select-country.html', %select_hash ) %></TD>
+  <TH ALIGN="right"><%$r%>Country</TH>
+  <TD COLSPAN=5><% include('select-country.html', %select_hash ) %></TD>
-  <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $daytime_label %></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN="right"><% $daytime_label %></TD>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>daytime" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'daytime') %>" SIZE=18 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>daytime" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'daytime') %>" SIZE=18 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
-  <TD ALIGN="right"><%= $night_label %></TD>
+  <TD ALIGN="right"><% $night_label %></TD>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>night" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'night') %>" SIZE=18 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>night" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'night') %>" SIZE=18 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
   <TD ALIGN="right">Fax</TD>
-    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%=$pre%>fax" VALUE="<%= $cust_main->get($pre.'fax') %>" SIZE=12 onChange="<%= $onchange %>" <%=$disabled%>>
+    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%$pre%>fax" VALUE="<% $cust_main->get($pre.'fax') %>" SIZE=12 onChange="<% $onchange %>" <%$disabled%>>
-<%=$r%>required fields<BR>
+<%$r%>required fields<BR>

Index: select-county.html
RCS file: /home/cvs/cvsroot/freeside/httemplate/edit/cust_main/select-county.html,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- select-county.html	25 Sep 2005 08:13:35 -0000	1.2
+++ select-county.html	23 Aug 2006 22:25:37 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-  my %opt = @_;
-  foreach my $opt (qw( county state country prefix onchange disabled )) {
-    $opt{$_} = '' unless exists($opt{$_}) && defined($opt{$_});
-  }
-  my $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county".
-            " WHERE county IS NOT NULL AND county != ''";
-  my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
-  $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
-  my $countyflag = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+%  my %opt = @_;
+%  foreach my $opt (qw( county state country prefix onchange disabled )) {
+%    $opt{$_} = '' unless exists($opt{$_}) && defined($opt{$_});
+%  }
+%  my $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main_county".
+%            " WHERE county IS NOT NULL AND county != ''";
+%  my $sth = dbh->prepare($sql) or die dbh->errstr;
+%  $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+%  my $countyflag = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0];
+% if ( $countyflag ) { 
-<% if ( $countyflag ) { %>
-  <%= include('/elements/xmlhttp.html',
+  <% include('/elements/xmlhttp.html',
                 'url'  => $p.'misc/counties.cgi',
                 'subs' => [ $opt{'prefix'}. 'get_counties' ],
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@
       what.options[length] = optionName;
-    function <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state_changed(what, callback) {
+    function <% $opt{'prefix'} %>state_changed(what, callback) {
       state = what.options[what.selectedIndex].text;
-      country = what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>country.options[what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>country.selectedIndex].text;
+      country = what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>country.options[what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>country.selectedIndex].text;
-      function <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>update_counties(counties) {
+      function <% $opt{'prefix'} %>update_counties(counties) {
         // blank the current county list
-        for ( var i = what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>county.length; i >= 0; i-- )
-            what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>county.options[i] = null;
+        for ( var i = what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>county.length; i >= 0; i-- )
+            what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>county.options[i] = null;
         // add the new counties
         var countiesArray = eval('(' + counties + ')' );
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
             var countyLabel = countiesArray[s];
             if ( countyLabel == "" )
                 countyLabel = '(n/a)';
-            opt(what.form.<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>county, countiesArray[s], countyLabel);
+            opt(what.form.<% $opt{'prefix'} %>county, countiesArray[s], countyLabel);
         //run the callback
@@ -55,37 +55,37 @@
       // go get the new counties
-      <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>get_counties( state, country, <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>update_counties );
+      <% $opt{'prefix'} %>get_counties( state, country, <% $opt{'prefix'} %>update_counties );
-  <SELECT NAME="<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>county" onChange="<%= $opt{'onchange'} %>" <%= $opt{'disabled'} %>>
+  <SELECT NAME="<% $opt{'prefix'} %>county" onChange="<% $opt{'onchange'} %>" <% $opt{'disabled'} %>>
+% foreach my $county (
+%       sort
+%       map { $_->county }
+%       qsearch('cust_main_county', { 'state'   => $opt{'state'},
+%                                     'country' => $opt{'country'},
+%                                   }
+%              )
+%     ) {
-  <% foreach my $county (
-       sort
-       map { $_->county }
-       qsearch('cust_main_county', { 'state'   => $opt{'state'},
-                                     'country' => $opt{'country'},
-                                   }
-              )
-     ) {
-  %>
-    <OPTION VALUE="<%= $county %>"<%= $county eq $opt{'county'} ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><%= $county %>
+    <OPTION VALUE="<% $county %>"<% $county eq $opt{'county'} ? ' SELECTED' : '' %>><% $county %>
+% } 
-  <% } %>
+% } else { 
-<% } else { %>
   <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
-    function <%= $opt{'prefix'} %>state_changed(what) {
+    function <% $opt{'prefix'} %>state_changed(what) {
-  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<%= $opt{'prefix'} %>county" VALUE="<%= $opt{'county'} %>">
+  <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="<% $opt{'prefix'} %>county" VALUE="<% $opt{'county'} %>">
+% } 
-<% } %>

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